Chapter 25

Chapter 25


“Daddy, look, it’s you and mummy. How did I do? My baby stares at me with a wide happy grin, and I can’t help but pinch his chubby checks. Thanks to mine and Ana’s strong genes, the slap marks are no longer on his face

I stare at the drawing and chuckle. He drew two sticks that are close to each other.

Wow! I act surprised and place my palms on my mouth for effect. “Baby, this is so amazing, how did you do it?” The proud look on his face is worth it. F u c k! I see myself in this boy. He is like the miniature version

of me.

I just know. Do you want me to teach you?” He eagerly asks and giggles when I frantically nod.

The king suggested that we should start doing stuff that would keep his mind away from his sick mother. So we have been doing different activities together, and I love that he is warming up to me after all.

He is adorable, and I still can’t believe I made him. Well, Ana and I did,. but if anyone saw him, they would comprehend he is mine without having to ask.

“I want to be as awesome as you” I chuckle when his eyes twin k l e with delight.

“Don’t worry, you will be awesome like me” He assures grubbing a drawing paper for me. I despise that I missed two years of his life. “Can I interrupt you guys?” The king peeks into the room, and my son quickly gets on his feet with his drawing paper.

Grandpa look, I am awesome. This is my mummy and daddy” He points at the contents of the paper, and the man chuckles acting shocked.


You are truly awesome sweetheart. I need your dad for a moment, can

But I want to teach him, he wants to be like me too” He complains his face scrunching in sadness.

“It won’t take long I promise, and you can teach me if you want” He bargains, and just like that, he is happy again. How can one hurt such innocence?

This is my beta. Fred. He will take you to the cells.” What about my mate? We were supposed to start the operation when she woke up.

We cant wait until she recovers son. Start questioning them now, don’t kill them just yet. I want you to get around the basics. I will start teaching you my way tomorrow” he answers my unasked question and I nod with a sigh. I wanted to be the first thing she saw when she woke.

The royal cells are located in the middle of the woods. The building is old and it’s surrounded by a silver fence. There are lycan wolves guarding every corner and miles away from the building.

There are also armed guards in human form patrolling the entrance. This place looks dangerous and I don’t want to believe my dad is here. It’s clear no one comes out of those buildings alive as the rumour says. Breaking out is also impossible. If by any chance the prisoner escapes the guards or the silver, there is no way they will pass through the Lycan wolves.

I heard that they are rabid. These wolves can no longer shift back to their human form and they attack, and kill even the werewolves. The dead prisoners are their daily treat and it makes my stomach churn when I think about my dad.

What amuses me though, is the fact they understand power. They still submit to ranks like the normal werewolves do.

“It will take time to get used to this place. Personally, I hate it.” The man leading the way tells me, and I can already feel my stomach swirl in discomfort at the foul smell emitting from the building.

“Now that the king has found his heir, I can’t wait to retire. Men! I wanna travel the world and have alone time with my mate” I still haven’t thought about the offer yet, I need to discuss this with Ana. This is not just ruling a pack, It’s ruling over werewolves. All the packs in the world. Also, half of the royal pack is occupied by Lycans. Will they bow to a mere wolf?

F u c k! I know when he announces it, there will be challenges from every corner. Now I see why he wants me to be prepared because if I don’t, I will easily lose my mate. Ana is my life.

“Don’t you have like a council that takes care of their punishment?” “They used to until they became corrupted too. The king has handled everything by himself since then. He doesn’t seek advice and his word is final. No one questions his authority and that’s why he is still the best to exist. You have a lot to learn son. You should meet my boy, I am sure you


will learn one or two from him”

Will they accept me?” I voler out my worry and he chuckles,

“I just told you his word is the law right, what you need to worry about are the challenges that come with that title. I heard you are a good fighter though. That will be beneficial to you”

“I will be in the next cell” I nod and proceed to the one holding my dad.

The guards wordlessly open the room and I cringe at the foul smell of the dried blood and urine. This place is dam n nasty, I can’t be here for long.

I remain in the doorway staring at the man in the electric chair. His hands and legs are tied with silver chains. I can only imagine what he is feeling.

F u c k! Prisoners in packs are not handled in this manner.

I pray for my sake that he is innocent. I can’t lose Mum and him too.

“Please tell me you didn’t do it” I whisper walking inside and he weakly lifts his head to look at me.

Son” He murmurs and i clench my fist. It hurts to see him in this position.

“I didn’t do it, Jace. I could have never thought my mate was hurting my kids all the while” He remorsefully whispers, and I crouch beside his chair. I believe him. I can see it in his eyes and this is just the assurance I needed.

“I trust you, Dad. Do you know anything that will lead me to her? He hurt Ana and my son”

“F u c k! Are they okay?” He is hurting. There is no worse betrayal than that from your mate. The person you have trusted the most in your life.

“The baby is okay, but Ana hasn’t woken up. I don’t know what to do, it’s the fourth day” When I marked her, her b*dy started spotting changes. She regained her normal tone and her breaths are normal. I want her awake.

“That b i t c h. When I met her, there was something unsettling about her. She used to appear sneaky and refused to tell me where she came from. The only thing I know about her is that her parents died and she has no other relatives”

“Goddess! Dad, why didn’t you do some research? Are you sure she is even your mate?” I can’t believe he just believed her lies.



“I was out of the pack grounds that day, and the first thing she asked me was my rank in the pack. When I told her I was alpha she gave me this weird smirk and accepted to come home with me” It’s obvious she followed him for his money, only. Now I understand why she likes a lavish lifestyle. If this man was anything lower than alpha, no doubt she would have rejected him instantly.

Yes, she is my mate. that was not a lie.”

Have you suspected anything about her, Like anything?”

“Now that I think about it, she has a safe in her closet that she never allowed me to go near. You should check it out. I ordered my beta not to allow her in the pack grounds when we heard the news”

“I should have known, did you know why she kept Ana from her family?” “I didn’t, her excuse was the same one we gave the king. I should have known. I regret being blinded by the mate bond” Father remorsefully whispers.

A lot has been happening for real. No, I hate myself for wasting my two years instead of being a man. Mother has been playing with us and we didn’t even know it.

I need to get Dad out of here.

“I have to go” I mumble walking out of the room

I need to see the contents in that safe.

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