Chapter 24

Chapter 24


How is she doing?” I sadly stare at my mate who has been unconscious for the last three days. Ana’s b*dy is pale from the poison. But the doctor keeps assuring us that she will be okay, despite her not revealing any positive change.

Our son has been sad throughout. He refuses to leave her bed and it’s shattering my heart. I detest looking at the slap marks on his face. I don’t understand how some people can pretend so much. How do you even harm an innocent baby?

We were in the middle of the fight when her tired voice linked me. The rogues were many but not trained. That was an advantage for us. Also, the Lycan king is so powerful than I imagined him to be. He didn’t take a second on killing the wolves and that made the work easier for us.

However, it was too late before we realized the attack was just a. distraction while that does what brought him here. Half of the men the king came with were all traitors, but they didn’t survive either. The remaining are already in the cells for questioning and judgement. When I reached the top floor, the mixed scents made me hasten my steps. and the sight I met in there was not something I was prepared for. Not in this life, no. It was the sadd e s t and most shocking scenery to ever have witnessed in my life.

The woman who gave birth to me was right there in front of my limp mate. Giving out orders to the culprits she came with. My son was slumped on the floor crying in pain, and I cried when I saw the marks on his face. Liam never hurt anyone, he is a harmless baby and that was the absurd thing she could do.

Unfortunately, she took my moment of shock to her advantage and flee. They left Leonardo behind and I wished my mate could have done more on him. I will finish him off when the king is done with him. That day, I was left with a dying mate and an injured son. Something I wish I will never experience again.

F u c k! I hadn’t registered the fact that they took Ana away from her family and now them being traitors? For my sake, I hope Dad is innocent.

I know one thing though, I will make her pay dearly. I won’t have mercy or any form of empathy when I get a hold of that bit c h..


“Daddy Small fingers caress my cheek and its now I’m realizing the tears on my face. The boy is wiping them. Stop crying” he whispers and that intensely clenches my heart. I can’t help but cry some more at his small innocent act. I hide my face in his hair and harshly bite on my lower l*p to hold in the pain.

“I’m sorry” I whisper with a k*ss on his head. I should have reached them on time. Now that I think about it, meeting Ana in that forest was not a coincidence. The woman knew she will be there, and she intentionally kept her away. Not because I got attached to her but because someone wanted her away from her family.

If she cared for me, she wouldn’t have done anything to hurt me. Let alone threaten me. The countless photos of Ana, even in her room at night, were all mothers doing. Does Dad know about this? Are they in this together?

Why is she working for the enemy? What is it in for her?

“Tell mummy to wake up” Liam whispers tugging at her hand.

I share glances with the King who has been silent, and I’m glad he understands my plea. He is coming around.

Come on sweetheart, do you want ice cream?” He walks to us with stretched arms and Liam quickly nods stretching out his to be picked. Looking at it now, I am glad my son arrived after we left her house. Thank you, goddess.

“Is there something I should do?” I whisper rubbing the back of her hand. “Yes son, there is one thing that will speed up the process’ I expectantly stare at the doctor.

What is it?” I quickly sit up at the glimmer of hope.

*If you mark her, it will activate her wolf and she will help her to recover at a quicker pace”

“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” I mumble in exasperation. We have been in this room for three days, and nights and he knew the possibility of waking her up. The boy doesn’t sleep, and if he does, the nightmares wake him up and he starts crying for his mum to wake up.

The king doesn’t sleep either, We stay in this room watching as the clock ticks without any sign of her recovery,

“Okay, give us space” The man silently nods and exits the room.

Baby, you have to wake up” I caress her cheek and sigh in frustration,

Nowly 1 Flose my eyes and summon my wolf who doesn’t waste time to


Lain surry I have to do this Ana” Marking her is the last stage of completing the mate bond, and I need her consent to do this. We never got the chance of talking about it. I can’t believe my mother caused all the pain we went through, and pretended to care all along. It hurts.


I slightly move her head to expose her n*eck, and gently nibble on the spot I am supposed to leave my mark. Without wasting time, I give my wolf full control and he sinks our canines into her tender flesh. Ana doesn’t move or make any kind of reaction.

I don’t know what else to do but wait. Time moves and soon, it’s evening without a change.

‘Come with me son, Her dad says from the doorway and I sigh letting go of her hand. I hope the goddess saves her for me, for our baby, and for her father.

1 follow the man outside the room and he leads me to the hallway that leads to the living room. After the attack, we immediately moved to the palace. As I had expected, he has his own separate house and no one apart from himself lives here. I haven’t seen any workers or guards around and i applaud him for that.

Someone else in his position would take advantage of the lavish lifestyle and not a simple life.

I’m sorry at how everything is turning out son” He gives my shoulder a slight squeeze and motions to one of the seats in the living room.

Before the attack, I had a conversation with my daughter The man tills the two glasses on the table with water and hands one to me

“There is no going back Jace, you are too far gone in this relationship to back out now” I stare at him in confusion, and wonder where he is going with this. I am not leaving Ana and my son if that is his implication.

“I am not leaving my mate” My voice sounds defensive but I ease down when he slightly smiles at me.

I know. You impressed me when you fought for them earlier. However, Ana said she is not into being a leader and she only wants to take care of Llam and you” I furrow my brows, not following anymore

What do you mean?” I ask gulping down the water in one go

lk in the last few days, you have seen a glimpse of what lengths

people will go to have the seat I’m currently occupying. You are my

sor’s mate and since she doesn’t want the title, that only leaves me with one option he mumbles, intently watching my reaction.

Cra p. I never thought about this.

I trained to be Alpha, not a king. The possibility has never crossed my mind.

*You are my successor Jace. After Ana recovers, the two of you will start training right away. Trust me, you need to be prepared for what is coming”

What about my pack My dad was about to stand down when Ana


“That reminds me, we brought your dad in. He is in the cells as we speak.”

What!’ I exclaim and quickly get on my feet. I have a feeling that he didn’t know what Mum was doing. But then again, I didn’t know what Mum was doing

I know he is innocent until proven guilty. Now, you have one job to do. As the next ruler, I need you to question the culprits, and pass your judgment accordingly. Regardless of who they are”

The man stands up too and I stare at him in shock. I know where this is going

As you know, the penalty for everyone in the cell is death. That is if they are guilty. The task starts tomorrow son. You can go back to your mate


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