Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Wolf


I wake up with the most painful headache I have ever had in my life. My stomach feels like something heavy is pressing on it. I move my hands from under my head to my stomach. It feels hairy.. hairy and soft. I realise I'm not touching my stomach but something that lies on it. It feels like a dog, very soft huge dog. Then the realisation hits me. Tiff and I don't have a dog. I sit up quickly and fall back down. The dog stirs and let's out a low soft howl.

'I'm sorry.' I whisper to this unknown dog.

Slowely I glance around to see that I'm in a dark room I have never seen before in my life. The walls of the room are black. There is a tv hanging on one of them in a cherry red frame. I look to my side and see that the nightstands are cherry red too, just like the 3 doors I can see.

The dog moves to his side. His nose now resting on my boob. I look at him and for a moment I stop breathing. This. Is. Not. A. Dog. This is a wolf, a gigantic wolf but a wolf nevertheless. The wolf is beautifully black with white ears. I breath again. I mean if he's sleeping on me he won't eat me right? Right?! I decide not to take the risk and slowely move my hands under the wolf's head. While holding his head up I move away from it. Slowely I lay his head down on the bed. I stand still, very still. I hold in a breath to make sure he isn't awake. The wolf doesn't move and from what I can see his breathing is even. I look down on myself to see I'm only wearing a black t-shirt. Where the hell are my clothes? I spot my shoes near one of the doors and tip-toe to get them. With my shoe in my hand I open the nearest door and find out that it's the bathroom. Wrong door. I walk over to another door in the corner of the room my eyes never leaving the wolf. He is still asleep. Gently I open the door and see it comes out in a huge hallway. I don't even bother to close the door when I walk into it.

A glass wall is giving a perfect view of the store below me. I walk pressed against the wall in the way that would be logical that would hold the stairs. I'd look further over the glass wall if I wasn't so damn afraid of heights. When I move around a corner I see the stairs. Slowely I walk down, admiring the space around me. My heart is beating fast, sweat is dripping from my head. What the hell happend last night? I know I don't drink and last night was not an exception. I almost miss a stair and the impact of me falling on it shoots to my head. Damn headache, what the hell happend to me? Brushing some hair out of my face I flinch. I feel the left side of my head swollen. When I'm at the bottom of the stairs I hold my breath in again. Where was the owner of this house? Did he kidnap me? What if he hears me? Would he kill me? I look around for a weapon, anything really. I see a small statue of an angel on a little table next to the stairs. Putting my shoes on the floor I put my feet in them and grab the statue. It'll do if I hit his head right. I look around to find the exit. In front of me is another big hall like the one upstairs but when I look both way I don't see a front door. Frustrated I walk further into the house making sure I don't make a sound on the hardwooden floor. I walk at the end of the hallway and turn another corner. The frontdoor! I almost run to it but then remember that the owner could still be anywhere. With a throbbing head and a heart that is trying to escape from my chest I slowely keep on walking. 10 more steps and I'm there.

Then the most aweful thing happens. Someone rings the doorbell. I freeze, not knowing what to do. What if that person can help? What if they drag me back? What do I do? The person on the other side of the frontdoor start slamming against it screaming

'Alpha are you here?! Wake up!!'

Quickly I make a decision. I run towards the first door I see and hide behind it. With my eyes shut and my breathing heavy I stand there listening to the person scream.

'Alpha, don't tell me you have female company now.' The man screams.

I open my eyes in a shock. Does he know? No, he doesn't know. Maybe the owner does this more often to girls. I quickly look around the room and see a window. It's small but I'd fit through. The room contains a pool table and a large couch. Next to the couch is the small window. I silently pray to all Gods and no God in particulair to fit through. I shuffle forward slowely, still afraid he'll hear I'm here. When I'm almost at the window I hear a loud howl. Upstairs I hear the wolf run around. For a moment I'm frozen but then I remember. I need to run! Wolves can't open doors, but the owner can. I drop the statue and get to the window. Out of distress I struggle getting the window open. I take a small second to take a deep breath and try again. Yes! Got it. I quickly open the window and try to get through. Feet first and then the rest. I hop down and quickly look around to see where I'm at. I don't reconize anything so I run towards the trees I see. In the woods it's harder to track me. Well, for the owner. Not the wolf. I hear a loud howl again and pick up my pace. Running over the field I'm almost at the trees. I see movement in the right corner of my eye but I don't stop running. I quicken my pace once more. I feel my head throbbing at a point where it is almost too much to bear now, my breaths come out uneasy. I have to keep running. For a minute I curse at Tiff and her damn bars in my head. Up ahead me I see no trees lined up so I glance over my shoulder. My face hit something and suddenly I fall on the ground, hard. I try to get up but I don't have the strength. I look up at a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes. I frown my eyebrows, before passing out.

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