Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Doubt


I slowely wake up. The headache I had before is nothing compared to the headache I have now. I hold my breath hoping it goes away. It doesn't. Then the memories come flowing back to me. I was kidnapped and I escaped. I almost escaped.. I want to cry but I can't. So I do the only thing that I can think of besides crying. I scream, I scream so loud my ears protest. My head is killing me but I don't care. Suddenly I'm up in the arm in a warm blanket. The shock makes me stop screaming.

'Are you hurt?' A raspy low voice asks.

I open my eyes and see that the guy I ran into has lifted me up in his arm. His face is covered in concern. When I look in his eyes I see that they are the most amazing blue colour. For a moment I forget everything and I get lost in them.

'Can you talk?' He shakes me out of my staring match with that question. I need to get out of here!

'Who. Are. You?' I ask with a demand in my voice.

He raises his eyebrow at me.

'If you don't want me to kick you in the face, you better answer my question now.' I say in the same tone.

A little smile plays at his lips. 'My name is Conan. You really should be nicer to people who rescue you.. Twice.'

Rescue me? Kidnapping me is rescuing me?

'Put me down, now.' I say removing my eyes from him. He puts me down gently. A shock goes through my head. Fucking headache..

I slowely look around. I'm in a livingroom this time. Most of the furniture is black, but everything around it is white. It feels unwelcoming. Suddenly I see two huge glass doors. I turn around to Conan, if that's his real name.

'My name is Stacia..' I pout before continuing 'Can I have some water, please? My throat hurts.'

He studies my face for a moment and then nods. He turns around to wherever the kitchen is. The moment he is out of the livingroom I dash forward to the big glass doors. I manage to get one of them open. I quickly glance behind me, he didn't hear. I look at the ground making sure I don't put my foot in the wrong place and see two more shoes coming into my vision. Dammit. I slowely look up into the face of a strange young man. He must be younger than "Conan".

'Where are you going?' He whispers.

His eyes are a beautiful shade of brown and look at me with curiousity and warmth. Unsure what to say I just stare at him. Okay, how can I ever escape when there is two of them? Two guys and a wolf?! I hear footsteps behind me and I know Conan has come back. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

'Stacia, don't leave.' Conan begs from behind me.

The sound of his voice I so beautiful I immediatly turn around and almost want to agree. The moment I see his face tho I remember I don't want to be here.

'Why would I stay when you've kidnapped me?! I'm sure you wouldn't even let me leave, so cut the crap will ya?' I spit at him.

He frowns his eyebrows for a second before he starts laughing. The guy behind me joins in. Each second they laugh my anger gets bigger. I turn back around to the guy laughing behind me and punch him on his nose, hard. The moment his hands go to his nose I sprint around him. Here I am, running towards the woods for the second time today. I hear Conan curse behind me and I sprint a little harder. I was always a good runner, I know I can make it. I hear someone's footprints following me but I don't take the risk to look behind me. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. yes! I made it into the woods. I zigzag around the trees for a minute or two. Hearing twigs break behind me, knowing he or they were still chasing me. Suddenly I take a right turn and pick up my pace even faster. I look behind me for a second, but see no one.

I run a little more untill I see a hole in the ground. I jump in it, landing on my hands and knees. I crouch together. Putting the black shirt over my very white legs and put my arms in it. I shake my hair in front of my face, hoping I'm covered enough not to be noticed. I sit there for minutes just listening to the sounds around me. I hear nothing. Still trying to calm my breath down I hear birds flying over my head. Birds fly away from danger, I hear my biology teacher say in my head. I hold my breath and try not to move. My heart is beating in my ears, making it impossible for me to make out a sound. Would they find me? If they did kidnap me, they are going to punish me so fucking bad for trying to escape. Again. I know Tiff will be worried, she would have called the cops the second she knows something is wrong. Would they be looking for me? Do they even have a clue where I am? My heartbeat has slown down and I listen. I hear the wind going through the bushes, I hear a bird whistle but no sounds of twigs breaking or people walking. I slowely get one arm out of the t-shirt and whipe my hair out of my face. When I look up I see him watching me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

'Are you done running and ready for me to explain?' He says with an annoyed voice.

I put my other arm out of my t-shirt and look around for a place to run.

'Don't even think about it. I am done chasing you, Stacia.' He says with a growl.

Slowely I stand up, freeing my legs from the t-shirt.

'What is there to explain exactually?' I spit.

'Oh for crying out loud. I did not kidnap you, woman.' Conan says back while rolling his eyes.

Isn't that what all kidnappers would say? Well actually, kidnappers would have tied me up in a basement or something. I slowely walk towards him, my eyes guarded as I watch him.

'Don't even think about punching me in the face, it will hurt you much more then it'll hurt me.'

For a minute I consider kicking him in the face just to prove him wrong but I hold back. I walk past him, to the direction I think his house is. When I see there is enough space between us I start running again.

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