Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Dealing With An Alpha


When I walk inside Duncan's house that's simulair to Kacey's just a little bigger I hear Tiff's laugh by the frontdoor. I follow the noise into the living room and see Tiff lying underneath Duncan while he's tickling her. I smile at the sight. Tiff always wanted to find true love, she never thought it was meant for her. But here she is, being Mated to a wolf! The thoughts of it still amaze me. Duncan must have smelled or heard me or whatever because he quickly turns around. A blush creeps over his face. He gets off of Tiff but keeps holding her hand, getting her up.

'Stacia! I didn't know it was this late yet.' she quickly straightens out her hair and dashes forward me to hug me, pulling Duncan with her who won't let go of her hand. I hug her back smiling widely for my best friends happiness. If there's anyone in this world to deserve this it's her. 'Okay, we need to go to the mall and get by the house because I want to grab a view things.' Duncan huffs from behind her and the sight of his pouting face makes me laugh. He isn't allowed to come since this is a girlsday out. Tiff gives him a close hug and a long kiss. 'You grumpy man, we'll be back before you know it.' she says with a smile. I look at them in admiration. Would Conan and I ever be like this?

After their very very long goodbye Tiff and I get in a car that I haven't see before. She shrugs at my puzzeled look. Well guess this is the benefit of dating a high ranked wolf.

'I need a dress for our Mate ceremony.' When I look at her in question she continues. 'It's pretty much a wedding among wolves. If they found their Mate they show them to the pack to let the pack know who I am and that Duncan is now mine. Then he'll mark me at sight and we'll be together forever. Isn't that weird? Like why don't we have that among humans? You smell something good on someone and BOOM! together forever.' Tiff rambles on. I stare at her with wide eyes.

'WEDDING?! You've know him for what a week?! How do you know he is your Mate?! You can't marry him this fast, Tiff. I'm happy for you but this is just too damn much.' I nearly scream at her. Tiff rolls her eyes at me. 'The Goddess has chosen us to be together. There isn't anything going wrong, this is faith, destiny or whatever you want to call it. Besides it's not a legal marriage, it's just a wolf marriage.' I stare at her in disbelief. I'm a little relieved that it's not a legal marriage, but a wolf marriage sounds scarier somehow. 'Okay, so how do wolves divorce? And wait, what do you mean he'll mark you?' The last question has Tiff move nervously in her chair. She bites her upper lip, which is what she always does when she's about to tell me something I don't like.

'Wolves don't divorce. You just die together. But I'm sure that I can just leave when I wouldn't want it, which will never happen. About the mark.. Duncan kinda uhm.. bites me? In my neck.. To seal our bond..' She keeps her eyes strictly on the road as my mouth falls open. For a few minutes I don't know what to say. I just stare at her in disbelief. What is going on here?! My thoughts are a maze, one thought leaping over the other. Tiff parks the car and turns to me. 'WHAT?! HE BITES YOU?! IN YOUR NECK?! THERE'S AN ARTERY THERE! WHAT IF HE KILLS YOU?!' I'm full out screaming in panic now and I don't care. Tiff's face turns from caution into anger at my words. 'He is not going to kill me! He loves me and it won't hurt me much. He will be in his wolf form and it'll be gently. Since it's my mates bite it will heal quickly and I'll be fine. I want this and you're not going to stop it! You could be happy for me.' she nearly begs the last sentence. I study her face for a bit and realise that I'm the only family she has. She is asking for my blessing. I struggle with the thought of it for a bit, but Tiff's sad face puts me over the edge. 'If you absolutely, greatly, giganticaly promise me that it's safe, I will be honour to be your maid of honor.' Tiff lets out a high pitched squeeking sound and pulls me into her roughly. 'YES YES YES, I PROMISE!' she screams in my ear. Oh god, what did I get myself into?

We have seen every damn store there is in the mall. And with every, I mean absolutely every. Except ofcourse the book store. Tiff has been in and out of dresses for the past two hours and I feel like my head is going to explode. We're at a bride shop now. Tiff doesn't want a big poofy weddingdress yet, thankfully. She wants to wait untill they get married for the law. So she picked out a few white dresses that don't look to much like princess dresses. For me she picked out some dresses to wear to be her maid of honor. I look at myself in the mirror. The dress is beautiful. It's a long golden dress with a low V line and an open back. I look beautiful. Tears fill my eyes and the thought of my best friend getting married. Actually married! Well not married married, but still someway of marriage. I hear the door open behind me and I turn around to smile at Tiff. My smile quickly fades tho when I see who is standing in front of me.

'Katherina? What are you doing here?' I whisper to her. I quickly look around her to see if Bella's is here too, but unfortunally she is alone. 'We don't have much time. Eadon is planning on coming to get you. He told me to tell you that you can either come to him willingly or he will come for you. A bloodbath will be inevitable.' I look at her in shock. I don't want anyone else to get hurt again. Absolutely not. I nod at her. 'Anastacia, please. There is a legend who says that a wolf with an insatiable hunger for power will lead the pack. He will do anything to let his pack grow to the biggest of them all. Eadon has killed many Alpha's to reunite the packs to get rid of the Moon Curse. But the Legend also says that a Luna will rise up, the Alpha's only weakness and she will defeat him. You are that Luna, you have to help us. I don't want anymore family members to die. Please.' Katherina rushes her words out in a whisper. I'm not a Luna, I mean I am mated to an Alpha but I'm not a wolf. How can a human defeat him. Katherina hands me a phone. 'Eadon will call you on this when he is coming to pick you up. Please, save us.' Before I can answer she is out of the locker room. I stand there in terror. Staring at the spot she disappeared. How did this all happen to me?

After I got over the shock I showed Tiff my dress and she bought it, along with her own. A beautifully white long dress who looks almost like a summer dress, just with a little more sparkle. We get in the car to get to our appartement for Tiff to collect her make-up and everything else she needs. I stare at the window thinking about Katherina's words. How do I get away by a bunch of wolfs to go join a big evil wolf? How in heaven's hell will I be able to stop him? Questions shoot through my head untill a sharp pain in my arm wakes me up from my thoughts. 'OUCH!' I grab my left arm and look at Tiff in a puzzled look. 'Jesus, woman. Where did you go to? I called out a million times!' When I look next to her I see we arrived at our appartment. I get a strange feeling that something's wrong but I ignore it.

I follow Tiff inside, still rubbing my arm. Damn, she is strong. Suddenly Tiff stops walking making me crash into her back. 'What the..?!' My gaze moves into the appartment to see it's completely empty. Where is all our stuff?! Tiff runs inside up to her bedroom and lets out a cry. 'THEY TOOK ALL MY STUFF!' I run up to my own bedroom and find out it's empty to. What is going here?! 'All my clothes and my make-up.. Omygod and my parents picture.' Tiff is full out sobbing now. I pull her in a hug and scan her room. This doesn't look like someone broke in. Everything is clean and neat, they literally took everything. From the posters on the wall, to her bed, her closets, everything. I pull back from Tiff and clean her tears. 'I know where our stuff is. Atleast I think so and if I'm right I'm going to kill him.'

I drove us back to Duncan's place. When we pull up onto the driveway there's a moving van in front of the house. If I didn't think so. I get out the car and take long angry strides towards Duncan. When he sees me coming he bows his head at stares at the ground. 'Did I give you permission to touch my stuff?! What the hell is going on here?! You better explain right freaking now.' I spit to him. Duncan shifts uncomfortably and continues to stare at the ground. Tiff stands in front of Duncan with a hand on her hip. By her posture I know she is mad too. 'You have too seconds to answer this question.' she on her turn spits to Duncan. 'I swear it wasn't me! I didn't know. The Alpha called them!' I let out a frustrated growl and stamp my feet on the ground. I turn around back to the car and drive up to Conan. How dare he?!

I run, literally run into the house screaming out for him. When I hear no responds I walk up to the bedroom first. It's completely empty, including the bathroom. I run back downstairs and into the livingroom. Conan is sitting on the couch comfortably. He looks at me like he didn't just steal all my things. 'What the hell did you do to my stuff?!' I scream at him pointing my finger in his face. 'I gave you a room upstairs, most of your stuff is there. Layed out like it was in your bedroom. However your clothes are in my closet.' he says calmly. 'You have some guts stealing my things like that! I did not give you permission to touch them or to move them. How the hell am I ever going to get them home now?!' Tears fill my eyes out of anger, the hair in the back of my neck is standing up straight. I'm furious! He had absolutely no right to do that. 'This is your home now. You don't have an appartment anymore.' he responds back. I take a step back as if he just hit me in the face. I don't have an appartment anymore? What the hell is he talking about?! 'I ended your contract with the landlord. I called the post office to change your address. Everything is taken care off.' Rage takes over me and before I know it my hand flies across his face. I hear the sound of skin hitting skin and Conan's head cocks to the side. I run upstairs to go find the room with my stuff. This is not over yet!

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