Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Ceremony


After being smuthered in hugs by Conan, I’m now in Tiffany’s arms.

‘You can’t leave me again like that. Eventhough I’m going to be married, well wolf married I still need you. You are my person, the only person who has always been there and I will always need you even when I’m annoyingly in love, so don’t you for a second dare to ever leave me like that again or I will kill you.’ She has been going on like this for atleast twenty minutes now and it just makes me smile. I give her a kiss and stare at her with a huge grin on my face. I love this woman. I see she’s trying to hide a smile. I tab her gently on her nose. ‘Ah come on, you know you love me. Give me a littleeeee smile.’ I say playfully. Her grin shows through now and she rolls her eyes.

‘Damn you’re so annoying.’ she says. After everything I have been through, everything that has happend Tiff has always been there. She has always tried to protect me and if it failed then she was always there to cheer me up when I was down. I have to do everything to save her. I owe her that and much more. I look up at her once more and see her wiggling her eyebrows.

‘Why are you looking at me like that?’ I ask her in confusion. Usually when she does that there’s guys involved and a dirty story I’d rather not hear.

‘Conan has ordered.. uhm I mean asked Duncan to have me talk to you about something. Something huge, something major, something magical.’ she says. I’m even more confused now then I was before. ‘Conan wants to seal the Mate bond! He wants to be with you!’ Tiff says with a huge squeek. It leaves my left ear peeping. I don’t join in on her happiness though. Conan wants me.. I can’t be with him. I must do what Eadon says or Tiffany will be in danger. A tear rolls over my cheek. Damn, I’ve been too emotional this last week. Tiffany’s face transforms from happiness into concern when she sees the tears. ‘Hey, what’s wrong? Don’t you like him?’ I think about my words carefully. I know Tiff can see when I’m lying so I need to come up with something good. ‘I do like him, he’s very sweet and I feel awefully guilty about what happend with Avril. But I don’t think it’s my destiny to be with him. If I look at my future I don’t see him there.’ I say while looking at my hands. Tiff is quiet for a second and I’m almost afraid that she sees right through me. Thankfully she pulls me in for a hug again and whisper in my ear how she understands. I feel bad, really bad. But I have to do this. There is no other choice.

After having talked about it for several more minutes, we get up to get dressed. I do Tiff’s make-up and she does mine. When we’re ready we look absolutely beautiful. We stand in front of the mirrors, armes locked. The ceremony is at night when the moon is out, it won’t be a full moon tonight. But that won’t matter. I quickly take some pictures of Tiffany and she takes some of me. We end up giggling while making the weirdest selfies and then it’s time to head down. The ceremony will be held into Duncan’s back yard. When we walk through the doors we see everybody from the pack sitting in rows, just like at a wedding. Duncan stands on a small stage next to Conan. Since Conan is the Alpha, he needs to approve the mating. He looks sexy as ever in his suit and sadness creeps over me again. I quickly wave it away, this night is about Tiffany. When I see Duncan find Tiffany he stands absolutely still. A big grin is plastered over his face and he never for a second takes his eyes off of her. I smile as my eyes dart to Conan. He stands there with his mouth open staring at me. I’m sure that I can see drool hanging from his lips if I get a little closer. I walk Tiffany up the stage, handing her over to Duncan. I pull him in a quick hug.

‘You better be good to her or that slap on your nose wasn’t the last you’ve gotten from me. Congratulations.’ I whisper in his ear. He nods at me seriously never taking his eyes off Tiffany. I go stand next to Conan and he gives me a kiss on my cheek, telling me I look beautiful.

’We are here today as two Mates have found eachother. We stand under the moon at the sight of the Goddess and in front of our pack that will gain another member. I, Conan Emissos, Alpha of the Moon pack reconize and seal your bond.'

Conan shakes Duncan's hand and nods at Tiffany. I see Duncan move forward, whisper something in Tiffany's ear and then he bites her in her neck. A little blood drips down on her but she doesn't move a bit. Emotions flash over her face. 'I feel you' she whispers. Duncan picks her up and spins her around in his arms. He quickly puts her down to give her a deep kiss. The whole pack starts cheering and throwing roses towards the stage. Conan grabs my hand and I smile. Everything is forgotten for a moment. My best friend found her true love!

We're dancing and laughing. Duncan, Tiffany, Conan and I made a circle of four while the rest of the pack dances around us. All of us are laughing. Duncan can't keep his hands off of Tiffany and Conan can't keep his hands off of me. I don't mind tho. We dance and we dance. I feel vibration coming from my pocket. I look at it in confusion for a moment before I realise it's the phone Eadon gave me. I feel the blood drain from my face as I go grab it. I turn a little away from Conan so he can't see the screen. It's a text message.

Break the bond, now.

I stare at it before it's forcefully taken from my hand. Conan stands with the phone in his hand looking at the screen. He has an angry expression on his face and he growls. Then he takes the phone to his nose, before I can grab it back he's already screaming at me.

'YOU'VE BEEN TO HIM?!' His eyes get a brighter blue and I know his wolf is angry too. 'Please, let me explain..' I try but Conan is not done. 'AFTER ALL THAT HE HAS DONE TO US, TO ME! HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS?!' I try to reach for him but he steps back. Duncan and Tiffany look at us with open mouths. Conan drops the phone on the floor and jumps on it several times. A weak no escapes my mouth and I push him away. Looking at the phone in pieces on the floor my hope fades. I search my memory for Eadon's phone number, but the truth is I never payed attention to it. I had this phone. Conan's gaze hardens when he sees me scramble for the pieces, trying to find the SIM card. He kicks through the gras, pieces of the phone flying everywhere. He grabs me by the arm and drags me along. I see Tiffany coming at me from the corner of my eye but Duncan stops her. My heart beats in my throat as tears fall over my face. How am I supposed to contact him now? How am I supposed to save Tiffany?

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