Love Bites

Chapter 27

“Good morning you two,” the twin’s mom said.

“Morning mom.”

“Morning Mrs. Hudson.”

“Are you feeling better hon?” she asked Lily. “Kayla told me you fell asleep and stayed over with her last night.”

“I’m feeling much better today. The kids can watch over this, let’s go into the kitchen and talk a minute,” Lily said, taking Sophie’s hand and pulling her away into the kitchen.

While the twins watched the cleaners pick up the debris Dallas left, Lily told their mom what she had planned for the twins today, and for Kayla and most likely Abby in the weeks to come.

Sophie thought it was a fine idea and thought everyone would be happy.

Lily told her that she would also make arrangements at a local spa for her to pick a time to go in to treat herself to whatever she wanted. Sophie refused, saying it wasn’t necessary, to which Lily explained it wasn’t, it was a treat.

Sophie then rejected it over money and Lily had to remind her money really was no object, so her argument was moot. In the end, Sophie gave in and agreed, giving Lily a hug.

They went back out to the living room and found that it was almost done.

“This is going fast,” Lily said.

One of the cleaning ladies said, “It goes fast when all you’re doing it picking up trash. We keep an eye out for missed items and set them aside to ask about, but otherwise, it’s just trash removal really.”

“Why don’t you guys go grab some breakfast and then go do what you’re going to do. I’ll take one of this,” Sophie said. “Not much to do but stand around.”

The twins looked at Lily who just nodded. “Go grab what you need for the day,” Lily said.

The two went upstairs to get ready and Lily got a check for the cleaners and gave it to Sophie. “Just fill in what I owe when they are done. We’ll be back later. I’ll shop and pick up dinner on the way back.”

“Okay, have fun,” she said giving the girl a hug and kiss.

The twins came downstairs; both had changed to other clothes and were waiting. Lily said Cory had forgotten the bag, so she tossed him the keys and said, “Go out, I’ll be right there.”

They took the keys and went outside while she went upstairs. Remembering Cory’s pants from the day before, she added those to the bag and walked out and into Kayla’s room. Finding what she was looking for, she slipped it into her pocket and went back downstairs with the bag saying goodbye to everyone again and walking out.

Cory was a gentleman and let Kayla ride in the front seat. She hadn’t had the chance to experience the futuristic ride from there yet. Lily opened the drivers side door and got it. Closing the door, she reached for the ignition but realized the key was missing.

“Can’t leave with the key my love,” she said to Cory.

“Right pocket,” he replied.

She looked into the rearview mirror and arched an eyebrow. He was playing with her. Really? she thought.

“Or maybe the left,” he added.

“Try down the middle,” Kayla suggested.

“Don’t bother with her pockets, she put it as far as she could down her sweats. Wants you to try to find it using a finger or two,” Cory prompted.

Lily looked at Kayla, then over her shoulder at Cory. “What exactly have you two been discussing while I was gone?”

“We’ve decided that all three of us are teases. And no matter what, we all enjoy it. Cory and I will be seventeen in a few months, and we’ve decided to amend our agreement. We’ve both agreed it’s impractical in these times to wait until you’re married. So as long as we’re willing and the opportunity presents itself, then we’re both okay with seventeen. And that includes experimenting,” she added with a wink.

“And you discussed all this in the few minutes alone out here? Oh, catch Cory,” she said tossing him the bag of clothes.

“We talk fast, and both agreed on it all without discussion. Except for the experimenting part, which I don’t know what it means,” Cory said.

“That’s fine, you don’t need to,” Lily said. “So, keys?”

“You’re not gonna cop a feel with either of us?” Kayla said with a smirk.

Using her speed, Lily’s right hand was down the front of Kayla’s sweats to the second knuckle before Kayla let out a squeal, laughing. Lily stopped and began to tickle her with the fingertips inside.

Kayla tried to fight her off but had no luck until the car echoed with peals of laughter from Kayla and Cory until Kayla was laughing so hard, she was panting stop and gonna pee, tears falling down her face.

Lily stopped, waiting for the laughing to die down, warning Cory he’d get his later.

Taking deep breaths, Kayla finally got herself under control and Lily put her hand out for the keys. The girl fished then out of the side of her sweats.

“So, I guessed right,” Lily said.

“You would have felt quite a bit before you found them at the rate you were going,” Kayla said.

“That’s fine. I had all day and I have a lot more stamina than you mere mortal,” she said with an evil grin. “I give a new meaning to multiple orgasms.”

“Huh, wait a couple of months and I might hold you to that,” Kayla replied, sticking out her tongue.

“Careful or I’ll make you use that on places you hadn’t intended,” she said sticking her own tongue out.

Kayla laughed again.

“Enough, I think we’re turning Cory on, and we have places to go. Cory hon, close your mouth.”

Both girls heard the clack of teeth as his mouth closed.

“Poor guy,” Lily said, starting the car.

“So, where are we going?” Kayla asked.

“You’ll see,” she replied, the car taking off. Lily drove downtown into a small strip mall and parked in front of a salon. “Okay, everyone out,” Lily said.

The twins climbed out but stopped only going a few paces. Lily stopped, looking back. She picked up on the hesitation from both twins and walked back to them.

“Okay, look you two, here’s the deal. I understand the twin thing. It was cute when you were younger. I imagine and I know you’ve done the switch thing at school a few times for me… but to be honest, I see enough of Cory and you two don’t need to get in trouble for me.

“Now, Cory is handsome, but the long hair needs to go. I attempted to make out with your sister this morning because I thought it was him. That’s not good for either of you.”

Kayla turned red.

“Cory, look at your sister and tell me she deserves to look like you. She’s much prettier than you, she hides her figure for you and even wares contacts for you. Personally, I think she looks much prettier with her glasses on. And with a nice trim and style, just a touch of make-up and some girly clothes, you’re going to be the guy who has to remind himself it’s not polite to stare at his sister and then beat guys off her with a stick.

“She’s got boobs for goodness sakes, but you can’t tell unless she’s in a swimsuit. And even you were looking at her in that suit, Cory.”

Cory now turned red.

“So… I’m paying. Cory, you pick out a man’s haircut, from this decade please, and Kayla, you and I are going to get the works. Cut, style, nails, highlights if you want, whatever. I think we could use some eyebrow threading even.

“Once Cory is done, since he’ll be done long before us, there’s an arcade a few doors down, so he can lose himself there with unlimited money I’m sure, until we get done.”

Both twins started to object but Lilly interrupted them.

“I told you I’m not taking no for an answer. Your mom agreed that you both need this kind of separation. Well, more like individual identities. Please? You’ll see I’m right.”

The twins looked at each other and both saw the need for this and nodded. Lily smiled and grabbed a hand of each and walked them to the door, having Cory open it for them.

Walking in, one of the women inside, an Asian woman, greeted Lily in Chinese and they exchanged words. Lily explained briefly why they were here, and the lady set the twins down with the style books to find a look they liked.

Kayla was worried about getting her hair cut and having it look right with her glasses, which she had left at home.

“Then don’t worry,” Lily said pulling them from her purse. “I grabbed them for you. Here.”

Kayla looked at her, surprised, but Lily said, “I told you I planned this. If you decided on contacts instead, then it wouldn’t have mattered, but just in case, I brought them along.”

Kayla smiled and took them. Pulling out her contacts, she put on her glasses instead.

“Pretty,” said the Asian woman.

“Isn’t she though,” Lily said.

Cory found a trendy man’s haircut he liked – much shorter than his current hair – and went off with a man waiting for him.

“Good choice,” the man said. “Much less girlish. Or is that a skater look?”

Cory inwardly groaned but agreed to the skater look not wanting to look stupid.

Lily was just going to get a trim for her hair, so she was ready, but Kayla couldn’t decide.

The Asian lady, whose name was Aislinn, Kayla found out, said with her face she knew the perfect style.

Kayla looked at Lily, who said, “I trust her, but it’s up to you.”

Aislinn said, “Not much cut, more style. Easy to take care of,” so Kayla agreed.

The two girls went back and got their hair washed, then cut. While they were both getting their hair cut, Cory had finished and walked up, saying, “I guess I’m done. I’ll head to the arcade now and wait.”

The two ladies cutting hair stopped so they could look at Cory. Both gasped.

Kayla spoke first. “Oh wow bro. You look…”

“Retarded?” he interjected.

“No, quite handsome, actually. You look like a boy now. At least one that’s not a skater or stoner.”

Cory blushed and looked at Lily. For a change, her mouth was open. “Flies,” he said jokingly.

Her mouth started to close but then she said, “Crap, we might have to stop by my place for my third pair today. You suck.”

This caused Cory to laugh, while Kayla watched trying to figure out what was funny. Cory stopped laughing and saw the look on his sisters face and said, “She means she has to swap out what she borrowed from you earlier because those are now um, used.”

Lily turned red and Kayla laughed and said, “If you weren’t by brother, I might need to borrow one of hers.”

Cory went red again. Both girls told him he looked great, and Lily told him to get money out of her wallet.

They went back to getting their hair cut and Cory opened her wallet to get money. He paused when he saw it contained probably two or three hundred dollars in it. “Um, how much?” he asked.

“As much are you want, just leave me enough to pay here. I guess I can use my credit card here too if you’re that bad at video games,” she teased.

He started to take twenty but thought about how long they might be here and opted for forty, vowing not to spend It unless he was there for hours.

They lady cutting Lily’s hair paused long enough to allow him to give her a quick kiss before heading out.

Lily said to Kayla, “Yeah, might need to stop by my place and I owe you a new pair.”

Kayla laughed that and said, “He does look good, doesn’t he?” Lily agreed.

While Kayla was having more done, Lily just got a base trim, so she was done the hair first and the lady started on her eyebrows.

Aislinn finished cutting Kayla’s hair, then finished drying it. She had her put her glasses back on. “So, what do you think?” she asked.

Kayla looked into the mirror in front of her while Lily looked at her directly and in the mirror. Kayla now had straight bangs and her hair was the same basic length but was tapered and feathered slightly while going up her head. Longest at the front and back, it raised about a half inch as it reached her shoulders, then back down to its full length again. It curled slightly inwards towards her face at the bottom front almost framing her face.

Now, Lily was the first to respond. “Oh my. Hon you look gorgeous. Yep, definite trip to my house now. And when you’re seventeen, I’m holding you to your offer. I can overlook awkward for that.”

Kayla blushed. “You really think so?”

“Oh definitely… ruined. I owe you two for how ruined they are now. I might even need some A.T. at home as well.”

Kayla rolled her eyes at Lily. “Now you’re just making fun of me.”

“Only slightly. You really do look beautiful. And I do mean most of the things I just said. Except swap A.T. for Cory. He might not make it to seventeen.”

This got both of them laughing. The lady working on Lily’s eyebrows finished and did Kayla’s while another lady came and gave Lily a manicure and pedicure.

When the eyebrow lady finished with Kayla, another lady moved in to give her a manicure and pedicure. Both girls kept their nails short, so both opted for a French style manicure. Clear polish with white tips, on both fingers and toes.

After they were both done, Lily paid, talking to Aislinn in Chinese again and the woman said goodbye to both in English.

Outside, Kayla said, “How much did that cost? It looked like a small fortune.”

“Are you happy with how you look and feel?” Lily asked.

Kayla pushed her glasses up her nose with a new, manicured nail and shyly nodded.

“Then don’t worry about it, it was worth every penny. I’d pay ten times as much if it would have made a difference. Consider it a trade for your panties you aren’t getting back,” Lily said, taking her by the arm and leading both towards the arcade.

Kayla said, “I’ll keep my word on my birthday if that’s what you want.”

Lily pulled her to a stop. “Let’s get something straight,” she said forcing Kayla to look her in the eyes. “No matter what I say, I’ll NEVER force either of you to do anything you don’t want. If it’s your free will, fine, otherwise, forget it. And don’t for a minute think you owe me anything, especially like that. Do you understand?”

Kayla slowly nodded. Lily took her free hand and held the tip of Kayla’s chin, staring into her eyes. “I’m serious. Never. And I’ll protect you with my life if anyone else ever tries to force you. I think I’ve already proven that.

“Now, that being said,” she continued, letting go of Kayla’s chin, “If you, and I mean you only, ever decide to experiment, at seventeen, or forty, and you feel safe and secure enough to ask, or just want it to be someone you know and feel safe with, then no matter what, I’ll be honored. And that isn’t because I’d be the first, it’s because you feel enough trust in me to know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Physically or mentally. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you two know how much you mean to me. How much… how much I love the both of you. That clear? So, stop this if you want crap. What I want is irrelevant. It’s about what you want. Got it?”

“Got it,” Kayla said, quietly and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you. I-I love you too. I told you this morning that you’ve been the only one other than Cory who’s ever made me feel safe. I mean it. Cory trusts you, and so do I. Completely.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Let’s go get Cory and grab some lunch, call Abby, and drop Cory off somewhere. Your girl transformation is only half over,” she said, pulling Kayla along again.

At the arcade, Lily said, “Wait out here. I want to surprise him. With a twirl of her loose hair, she went inside the darkened arcade in search of Cory.

Finding him playing some game that reminded her of an older movie with Day-Glo Frisbees, she said, “We’re done when you are.”

He looked around for Kayla and Lily said, “Waiting outside.” Cory left his game and walked with her towards the exit.

He told her, “Can you believe two girls in here hit on me?”

Lily stopped suddenly. Cory stopped and turned, surprised. “Point them out and I’ll drain them of blood right now,” she hissed.

Cory’s eyes went wide with surprise and horror. Lily looked at Cory and laughed. “I’m joking, relax. Told you you looked much better,” she said taking his arm and walking once again. “Besides, I wouldn’t feed on the poor girls attracted to you. It would be you I neuter if you cheated.”

This caused him to stop. “Joking,” she said, pulling him again. “Or am I?” Cory kept walking but groaned.

Exiting the arcade, the bright light temporarily blinded Cory, who said, “Oh, sorry,” to the person standing in front of him, thinking he came out almost walking into someone.

His eyes finally adjusted enough for him to realize it was his sister. “My God, Kayla?”

She frowned.

“No sis. Wow, you’re a knockout. I’m sorry for forcing you to look like me all these years. Lily was right. You deserved much better. You’re so… wow, hot.”

“That’ll be enough of that, perv. Put your tongue back in your mouth,” Lily said, grabbing Kayla’s arm. “Lunch, just up ahead. Judging by Cory’s reaction, he might need to stop off at my house too. That would make all three of us.”

“Too?” Cory asked.

“Lily had the same reaction,” Kayla said. “To me and to you. She digs me and owes me new undies over it, she says. You might have to share.”

All three of them laughed as the walked to the small restaurant. As they ate, Kayla called Abby. “What’s going on girl?” Abby asked.

“I dunno, ask Lily,” said Kayla, handing her phone over to Lily.

“Girls outing,” Lily told her. Someone got a partial makeover and I want to keep going. You free?”

They made arrangements to pick her up and drop Cory off, so he could get in some tennis with Blaine.

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