Love Bites

Chapter 26

Lily opened one eye slowly, still in a fog of sleep. She saw a ceiling that looked familiar but couldn’t place it right away.

Feeling warmer than usual, even while healing, she realized she was covered by a comforter and in a bed not hers. Closing her eyes again, she recalled the events of the night before. Sitting on the porch swing with Cory, then falling asleep.

Moving slightly, her hand brushed her thigh and she realized she had no pants on. A grin made its way across her face. Maybe Cory finally showed some courage and got frisky.

She frowned at the thought of sleeping through it. Opening both eyes, she felt a body next to her left side. Turning her head slightly, she saw Cory laying on his side away from her, hair hanging across his next, t-shirt from school, comforter pulled down almost to the hip.

Lily rolled on her side, careful of her cast, and put her arm over his waist. She heard a mmm and his body moved back slightly, pressing against hers.

Warm feet came into contact with her colder ones, as she snuggled closer to him, putting her head to his hair and inhaling. It smelled different, like he used a different shampoo last night.

She ran her hand up under his shirt, feeling the taunt skin over muscle and thought he needed to eat more. He felt skinnier. As she moved upwards towards his chest, she touched something just as a hand grabbed hers.

Lily froze and said, “Please tell me you’re Cory.”

“Please tell me you’re not,” came the reply.

Lily wanted to be mortified and to laugh at the same time. She moved her hand down, after Kayla let go, until she felt stomach, then moved her hand around.

“I guess I was still sleepy, enough not to notice not to register the lack of hair, she said.

“Cory will snuggle with me and maybe put his arm around be to make me feel safe, but he’s never tried to feel me up. You had me worried for a second there,” Kayla said.

Lily tickled Kayla ad said, “For a minute there, I thought I might get lucky this morning, no pants and all.”

Kaya rolled over, then on top of Lily, pinning her arms to the bed. Both knew Lily could easily get away if she wanted to. “You wake up and rub on me, then try to cop a feel, not to mention hearing about my brother letting you down yesterday. I almost feel like I owe it to you. To make up for his, um, short comings,” Kayla said.

Lily studied her face, then said, “How much did he actually tell you?”

“Enough to know that you were not happy, nor, um, satisfied.”

“He tell you what happened to him?”

“Surprisingly, no. He told me to drop it. So, I did. We don’t tell each other everything, so I let him be. You gonna tell me?”

Lily thought about it, then shook her head no.

“Didn’t think so.” Kayla bent over with a look in her eye that made Lily wonder.

As she came closer, he lips pursed and Lily surprised, closed her eyes waiting. She didn’t want to hurt Kayla, nor reject her even though this would put her in a awkward position.

She could keep Kayla getting closer and closer, until Kayla kissed her… on the tip of her nose.

Lily let out the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding and opened her eyes, looking into Kayla’s, only inches away. Lily saw an amused look in them.

Kayla bent again, touching foreheads and noses, then raised slightly and gave her a sisterly kiss on the lips and sat back up, releasing Lily’s arms. “You would have let me, wouldn’t you?” she asked.

“It would have made this awkward, but yes. After our talk yesterday, I thought maybe you had changed your mind about experimenting, so…”

“So, you would have gone through with it anyways, even with your feelings for my brother,” Kayla said, more statement than question.

Lily nodded slightly. Kayla sighed saying, “God, I know exactly why he loves you. If only I could find you in guy form.” She bent over again and laid down on Lily, putting her head into the crook of Lily’s neck, her lower body scooting down until she lay totally on top of Lily.

Lily wrapped her arms around the girl and said, “You will someday sweetie, you will.”

Kayla resisted Lily’s hug slightly saying, “I’m hurting you, aren’t I?”

“No,” Lily said, shaking her head slightly. “I’m fine but thank you for your concern.”

“You know, it’s funny,” Kayla said pulling her head back slightly. “Cory’s the only one who’s ever made me feel safe… until now. Being right here… I was worried, but I feel safe with you.”

“I feel… knowing how close you two are… you don’t know how much that means to me.”

Kayla smiled at her but before she could reply, a light knock on the door interrupted them. “Cory,” Kayla said.

“Trust me?” Lily asked.

“Of course.”

“Good, time for revenge then.”

Since her arms were already around Kayla, using her speed she moved one up and under Kayla’s t-shirt and the other down the back of her shorts. She felt Kayla tense and said, Relax and go with it. Ultimate revenge on Cory, directly into the girl’s head.

To Cory’s mind, she said, Come in.

Kayla caught on quick and put her hand up to Lily’s face to cover what she was doing and started kissing Lily’s cheek just next to her lips. To Cory, it would look legit.

Lily was simply loving her hands back and forth, more like a friendly rub, but because of the shirt and shorts, it looked like more.

Cory opened the door and saw what he thought was his sister and girlfriend making out.

Kayla let out a moan of ecstasy and rocked her hips slightly, making exaggerated kissing noises.

To Kayla, Lily mentally asked her if she remember the restaurant scene from “When Harry Met Sally”.

Kayla let out a low, seductive Yesssssss.

Lily replied, Let’s see your acting skills, mentally and moved her hand inside Kayla’s shorts from her butt down the side where Cory couldn’t see where it went. Let his imagination figure it out.

Kayla had figured it out and started bucking her hips more, moaning, Oh, OH…yes, oh yes…OH.MY.GOD.I’M…” and she stiffened, then shuddered a bit.

Lily slid her hands out of Kayla’s clothes and slide her body slightly away from the door and Cory, so he could see her tan thigh clad only in panties, which had pulled down slightly on that side when Kayla had originally laid down on her, then more with Kayla’s act.

“I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did earlier,” Lily said to Kayla.

“More than you know,” Kayla said, rising slightly to kiss Lily on the lips, this time, lingering slightly while still acting.

Both girls heard a groan and looked over to see Cory dash away. “Oh no, not again,” Lily said.

“What?” Kayla asked.

Lily sighed and said, “I really shouldn’t say this. He didn’t tell you. A repeat performance of yesterday. Let’s just say he managed to, um, accomplish what you faked without my help. His imagination is very active.”

“Wow, really? Poor Cory,” Kayla said, concerned.

“Don’t tell him I told you. I actually think he’d be mad at me.”

“I won’t. Teasing only goes so far with us.”

“Good. That was very convincing by the way.”

Kayla smiled big. She leaned close to Lily again and said, “To be honest, if I ever did decide to, uh, experiment, awkward or not, I’m choosing you.”

Lily now kissed the tip of her nose and said, “If that would make you feel more comfortable, then I’d do it for you, but Cory could never know. Deal?”

“Deal. Not that I’m planning on doing it.”

“We’ll find you a good guy so you never have to contemplate it,” she said swatting Kayla on the butt. “Now, off me so I can go deal with Cory, who’s bound to be in a foul mood now, even though it serves him right. I owe you for this, and I have a perfect way to pay you back… but later.”

Kayla rolled off Lily, who jumped up tugging her panties back in place while looking for her jeans. Spotting them laying over a chair, she grabbed them and left the room, pulling Kayla’s door shut behind her.

Lily went to the bathroom first. The door was open, which meant Cory was in his room. She grabbed a washcloth and wet it, and went to Cory’s room, walking in without knocking.

Closing the door behind her, she looked at Cory who was sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands. Dropping the jeans still in her hand, she walked to Cory and knelt in front of him. “Cory, you okay?” she asked.

“I can’t manage to please my girlfriend, but my sister can. And then watching that… I should have but… oh God, what’s wrong with me?”

“First, just to put your mind at ease, your sister and I didn’t do anything. It was all an act to mess with you. Your sister needs to go into acting. She’s very convincing. Even I was turned on and I knew it was fake. A guy who can’t please her but who she wants him to think he did will never know.”

“But I, you know, watching you and my sister. That’s not right.”

“Let me ask you something. Standing there watching, were you thinking about your sister?”

He slowly shook his head.

“What were you thinking about?”


“So why are you acting like this?”

“Because I did it again.”

“In your position I might have too, geez,” Lily said putting her casted left hand on his leg and her right with the washcloth up his leg and under his shorts.

He looked up at her suddenly. “Relax,” she said pushing him back onto the bed. She stood, walked over to his dresser, and got out a change of clothes, making sure to shift her hips a few times while doing it since all she had on was a t-shirt and panties. Turning around, she walked back to him, standing at the bed in front of him.

“Now, you can help, you can just lay there, or you can resist. Your choice. I’m gonna win in all instances, you know. Now pick.”

“What are you going to do?’ he asked timidly.

She showed him her hands. “Clothes, no condoms. Not this time.”

“I won’t resist,” he said, capitulating.

“But you’re not going to help either, are you? Oh well, no biggie. Lay there and enjoy it.” She bent over, laid the clothes on the bed next to him, pulled the washcloth out of the leg of his shorts and set it on his stomach.

Hooking two fingers on both sides of his hips, she yanked both shorts and briefs smoothly down his thighs to his knees and simply let go, letting gravity take over.

Picking up the washcloth she said, “Tried to keep it warm, but this might be a little cold.”

Cory was red even though his eyes were closed. “Think of this like my top. I felt it through a layer or two of clothes, now, well, the genie is out of the bottle, like my boobs. No going back now.”

Taking the washcloth, she used it to gently clean him, making sure to get all around, but trying to be a little clinical so he would be more relaxed.

At the end, he started to get aroused, which frustrated her because she couldn’t do anything about it do to the time, so instead she used the tip of her finger and gave him a flick – not hard but hard enough to elicit an ow from him.

“Oh no you don’t,” she said. “Any other time but not and I’d have fun and to hell with the consequences. But we don’t have time for sex, or even, well, anything really. So, my flick. Later maybe… if you’re good.” She smiled at his since he looked up at her when she flicked him. Squeezing softly to tease him, she said, “Feet up.”

His feet went up, leaving his old clothes on the floor. She took his new clothes and put them on, pulling them up to his thighs where they met the bed. “You get the rest; it’ll be easier than me using my one hand.”

She stood up and waited. He raised his butt up and pulled them up to cover himself, then sat up. Cory was still embarrassed and not looking Lily in the eyes, so his vision was leveled at her bellybutton. Or, where it would have been had her shirt been up higher.

Instead of looking up, his eyes went down, just inches, only to realize he was a foot away from Lily’s panty-less crotch. “Oops, must have fallen when I stood,” she said to him.

He gawked for a few seconds more before looking up at her. “What?” she asked innocently. “Now I’ve seen yours and you’ve seen mine, so we’re even. Genie’s out of another bottle now so… get a good look now, but no touching. At least not until later. We’re late as it is. Any please keep your imagination in check. We don’t want another repeat, or I might just have to explain to Kayla why she needs to keep your mom occupied for an hour or so to see if we can do better than your imagination can.

“Now, eyes down. When you’ve had your fill for now, be so kind as to pull my panties up so I don’t have to bend. You’re closer.”

Cory held her eyes for a few seconds until she raised her eyebrow in a well? Gesture. He slowly looked down, following her t-shirt to the bottom that ended at her hips. He could see the bottom of her toned abs, and the vee that led along those and her lean, muscular thighs.

Starting about an inch below her bikini line, Cory saw the two-inch-wide strip of short, neatly trimmed black hair that continued down only to disappear between her slightly open thighs. The flesh looked soft and the hair at the bottom was glossy, like it was slightly damp.

He wanted to look more – no, he wanted to touch her – but as he was becoming aroused again, he instead bent to pull up the panties that were laying around her ankles. This brought his head closer to her and he smelled a slightly musky scent coming from her.

He concentrated on the job at hand. Trying to salvage all of this somehow, as he got her underwear to her knees, he rotated his hands, putting the side of her undies in the vee of his thumbs and slid his hands up along the outside of her legs, her thighs, then hips, as the material came to a stop.

She shivered slightly and said, “Look, goosebumps,” holding up her good arm. “That felt… good. I’m not complaining, but… not so far up next time.”

He looked down and saw he pulled up too much by using touch alone. Amused, he said, “Camel toe,” and laughed.

“Yeah, yeah. Not funny,” she said reaching down but he stopped her. She looked down at him questioningly.

Using both index fingers and thumbs, he pulled gently out and down, sliding down the soft material, fingers getting closer and closer together. As he neared the bottom, his fingers brushed her hair the last inch until they curved under her. She had to spread her thighs a little as his hands continued under and around until they brushed the curve of her glutes.

He gave a little tug at the material and slid his fingers out. Lily had put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself at his touch, not caring any longer who was waiting for them.

Cory looked up at her with a grin and asked, “Better? No more camel toe.”

“Yeah, but now you’ve caused another problem I can’t fix without going off by myself again, or your sister and mother coming to look for us.

She sighed and pushed him back onto the bed and them put her knees on either side of his thighs, leaning down over him. “I don’t know what do make of you Mr. Hudson. You can tease but you won’t do. You’ll get off on visuals and imagination but won’t let me actually do it.”

She took his hands and put them on her chest, nipples poking his hands and continued. “I’m horny and you’re hard.” Rocking her hips to make the point as his arousal was poking firmly up into her. “And you won’t let me take advantage of all this… even if I had time, which if my hearing is any good, and it is, your sister should be knocking on the door right… about… no-”

A knock on the door stopped her. Cory looked worried but Lily said, “Come in Kayla.”

The door opened and Kayla looked in and paused. “I think I interrupted something,” she said.

Cory’s hands were still on Lily’s chest and Lily was still moving back and forth slightly. “Nope. You’re exactly what was needed. He got me worked up and I was just about to force myself on him, but apparently watching us go at it turns him on, but you walking in on us has the opposite effect. He’s wilting even though I’m still rubbing,” Lily said rocking her hips in exaggeration.

“Sorry honey.”

Both twins turned red, and neither was sure who Lily was saying sorry to. Lily stopped rocking now that Cory was no longer poking at her, and he let his hands fall. “The cleaners are here. Do you want me to keep mom busy for you?” Kayla asked.

Lily considered and said, “Badly, but no. We’ll be down in a moment, but while you’re both here, after the cleaners are done, the three of us are going on a trip. I’m not going home this time damnit. Can I borrow a pair of panties Kayla?”

Cory tried not to look but did and saw the dark stain where he had been pressed up against her. He let his hand fall back to the bed.

Kayla giggled and said, “Sure. Cory will show you where they are. The perv goes through my underwear drawer.”

“Do not!” he exclaimed.

“Help yourself,” she told Lily and turned and walked out.

“I can see I’m gonna have to stash some extra clothes over here. Panties in particular.”

She stood once she was sure Kayla went downstairs and then looked down. “Look what you so easily did to me,” she said, then shucked her panties into a pool at her feet. “Where are Kayla’s?”

“Second drawer,” he said once again looking down at her.

“Eyes up. Find a bag while I’m gone. Put your mess and mine in it and I’ll take it to my place and wash it all. Don’t need your mom seeing that. Got it?” she asked as his eyes had wandered down again.

Covering herself with her casted hand, she repeated, “Got it?”

His eyes went back up. “Got it,” he responded.

Lily walked out, still naked from the waist down, swishing her hips to give Cory a good view as she left. Padding barefoot into Kayla’s room, she went to the dresser and pulled open the second drawer.

Examining the contents, she was disappointed.

I need to take her out and buy clothes, she thought as she picked out a pair of plain white cotton panties that Kayla had plenty of and wouldn’t miss.

Putting them on, she walked back to Cory’s room and saw he was sitting on the bed still. “Really? You haven’t moved?”

He pointed at a small bag near the door then curled his finger at her. She walked over to him and stood in front of him.

He reached out and took her by the hips and pulled her into him, hugging her around the waist. “Sorry,” he told her. “For everything. I just need time.”

“You have all the time it takes… or until you break my will power which you manage to come close to on every occasion. I’ll apologize right now for the very good possibility that I can’t stop myself at some point and well… don’t stop.”

“If it comes to that, I’ll understand,” he said lifting her t-shirt slightly. “Nice, but not you,” he said examining the underwear. “Not exactly Kayla either.”

“My thoughts exactly. I’m grabbing Abby soon and taking Kayla hopping. We’ll get her to look like a real girl.

Cory bent forward and kissed her just above her navel. “Forgive me?”

She looked down as he kissed her under the navel. He continued to kiss a circle around the small dip in her taunt body, then stick his tongue into it.

“Forgiven, now stop before I have to go get a third pair of panties in under a half hour.”

He let go of her and she grabbed up her jeans which were still laying on the floor and pulled them on. “Who undressed me last night?” she asked.

“Kayla. I just put you in her bed, clothes, and all. Well, except for your shoes. I took those off.”

“Come on,” she said taking his hand. “Let’s go supervise.” They walked downstairs holding hands and Lily paused at the foot of the stairs to put on her shoes.

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