Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Six.

The aliens had become uncomfortable with the invasion of an entire star system, yet no further threat had been made and all intelligence indicated there was no direct threat to their own solar system, as such they eventually relaxed and in time actively encouraged trade. The species of entertainers as Zivem described them were truly a peaceful race and were visited by the representatives exchanging culture and actively performing for the ruling elite, they, in turn, arranged likewise.

The life forms upon their planet were by far more tolerant of others and when the Harlequin Fool arrived on a normal interplanetary exchange flight, he was made well come and most enjoyed his efforts of basic entertainment, in playing the clown or fool, yet singing with an astonishingly beautiful voice that reached the perfect pitch. Also, its antics and acrobatic abilities were unmatched, soon he was gathering vast crowds who enjoyed his free performances, and rewarded him with coinage, food or even shelter.

He was introduced to one of the planetary leaders, whose wife had witnessed the fool’s performance while taking their children to the beach. He was astounded at the fool’s abilities yet could not understand its reluctance to join other groups, until one evening he witnessed a group of entertainers rejecting the fool and treating him badly.

He then understood, the fool was truly different, his head although humanoid in appearance was over large, his ears were almost pointed and set just out of place to that of others. He had only a small tuft of hair towards the forehead, and he could see why the fool painted its face and acted differently, almost in an act of taking other eyes away from his true distorted form.

The leader grimaced, this creature had been born deformed, he was different, and to protect himself he had become a clown, a fool and acted as such.

However, he had an incredible gift and the leader was determined to help him and spoke to those who truly ruled the planet. “Honestly, I have never heard one life form sing so beautifully and his skills as an entertainer are unmatched,” stated the leader.

It was decided to hold a private audience, and the Fool was invited to one such audience, he arrived with a child carrying a small basic plain wooden case, he gave his introductions and humbly thanked those before him for such an opportunity, also for their gentleness and love of culture.

He started with a basic routine of acrobatic skills which truly amazed them, then he sang and there was not a single member who was not moved to tears by the quality of his voice and the haunting melody he sang. Then before the clapping of applause finished his assistant handed him what could be best described as basic panpipes, and he played a melody that truly mesmerized them in sheer delight.

His performance was brief but enough to win over their hearts and minds, and they collectively agreed to make him the main attraction, and the highest feature in the upcoming national concert which entertainers were arriving to try and obtain a position within.

Every year the planets leaders offered an open concert, and once every ten years it took the very best of those performers and a selection of promising newcomers and entertained its citizens on a nationally broadcasted performance.

The fool was settled within their highest hotel and offered whatever he wanted. His requests were unexpected, “A visit to your museums, and to walk your beaches as a free citizen,” stated the fool.

He never requested money, nor new clothing and he ate minimally appearing content, yet even then his new friends ensured he had food, money and anything he required. He was unaccustomed to been treated in such a way, and openly stated such, even the staff within the hotel genuinely showed respect and civility to him.

It was only the other performers upon learning of his abilities showed genuine hatred and jealousy. The night finally arrived, and the performers gave

their best, and the nation was truly pleased, then after the break, it was time for the night’s final performance.

Word had already leaked out to expect something grand, and the fool did not disappoint, his acrobatic skills stunned the audience, and his singing brought true tears of joy.

However, when it came to his playing of a musical instrument there was stunned silence, as every soul listening upon the entire planet became mesmerized by the sound and harmonics, and upon completion never before had they had such a response of true admiration.

The fool was pleased, he liked these people and would have been sad to see such life wasted or killed by needless violence, and he was pleased they were safe from the actions of the military within the Cassiopeia Dwarf system.

Five days passed and word reached earth that yet another planet had been taken over and again there was no sign of violence, even the undercover agents who found mass killings within the Dwarf systems, could not find any reported deaths other than a handful of musicians who had rioted over the fool winning the coveted ten-year prize and honour of the best of the best.

What was incredible the televised show had been recorded and was now been played upon other planets, and no takeovers were seen there, so it became a puzzle as to what was the catalyst to start the process.

However, such was the surprise at the fool’s performance that he was in demand, and other planets started requesting his live performances upon their own planetary systems. Within a single year, seven worlds had undergone incredibly successful live performances, yet the fool remained humble and wanted no rewards, also the planets remained under the control of their original governmental leaders and no invading army took them over.

The cloned Gresteller looked in stunned amazement upon viewing one of the planetary recordings, she recognized the fool in been the very life form she had rescued and was truly stunned at his incredible skills, she also recognized the tune she first heard him singing when he walked away after she rescued him, the harmonics remained within her mind to this day, and upon hearing them, she cried, as if hearing a much loved long lost friends voice after years of separation.

Even in her sleep the music played within her mind and she felt relaxed, tension had left her, her reflexes were quicker, and her mind was sharp, so Gresteller listened to her inner voice and underwent a full genetic scan from within the main Atlantis itself.

To her surprise, they discovered her mind had been altered, not negatively, but positively, and in such a way as her synaptic nerves had become evolved, and they discovered that as Gresteller listened to the recordings, her nerves responded and evolved even further.

This was truly unexplained and certainly interesting, but it did not immediately explain how it could cause an entire race to allow itself to be taken over, without resistance or aggression, and so quickly.

Yes, Gresteller was truly affected by the music and something within it resonated in perfect harmony with her brain patterns, but it did not explain why others were not affected as such, it was almost as if it had targeted her brain and no other.

It was Lieutenant Susan Dents who brought the Cloned Gresteller upon a track of thinking which she openly realised she may never have considered had not Susan have mentioned her thoughts in passing. The two women were in the canteen drinking coffee and generally chatting over the recent developments and the loss of yet another planet, only this time there had been reported incidences of death and violence, admittedly not up on a huge scale, yet enough to note and cause concern.

As the two women sat talking it was Susan who explained her concerns. “What I can’t understand is this music, to my mind it haunts me in a bad way, and gives me nightmares, also I noticed every planet taken over has seen and had a concert by the fool, and admittedly not every planet has fallen, but of all those that have fallen victim to a takeover, each one of them held a full-blown concert and within five days the entire planet was under martial law by an invading force, the only exception to this, as I can see, was the penultimate planet where the life forms were themselves natural entertainers and shapeshifters. They for some strange reason were taken over, but no martial law was called and they still to this day remain unoccupied but are in full allegiance to a new ruler,” stated Susan.

Gresteller went quiet and then spoke. “Are you absolutely certain of those facts,” enquired Gresteller. Susan blinked not expecting this question, “Yes but the nightmares are giving me problems in my work as I am unable to sleep.” Gresteller smiled realising her friend had misunderstood her. “No sorry Susan I was referring to the facts about the invasions,” stated Gresteller.

Susan blushed, “Oh sorry Mam, it’s just I am so tired, and yes Stella from Intel gave me the research documents to pass onto Admiral Hughes and I sneaked a look..., I think someone is messing with the minds and kind of hypnotising them,” stated Susan.

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