Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Five.

The Orange alien looked stunned, “Merciful heavens what just happened,” it inquired. Gresteller explained. “First, we had a cloaked ship intercept and beam the occupants aboard only seconds before their ship exploded, second, they were agents working for me and had gathered vital intelligence about the military takeover of the Andromeda Dwarf Galaxy, including photos of the ruling race,” said Gresteller, Thirdly the Gresteller you know is a biogenetic clone of me, created to gather intelligence and assist in helping you drop your guard so you would speak more freely.

Immediately the barrier preventing the Orange alien from beaming aboard its ship was lifted. It realised it was free to leave, but chose to remain, “I feel we have underestimated some of your kind, for that we truly apologise,” stated the orange alien. “We scanned your planet and it would appear over thirty percent of you have above 50% Atlantean genetic protein markers and some 17% plus have under 50 %,” stated the alien.

It looked at Olga and then directly at Gresteller, our scan also told us that yourself, Miss Vinter and just over three thousands of your immediate staff within this facility have 70% or above, with you miss Asskins holding over 90%, you are as near to a true Atlantian as possible, would you mind explaining how we missed these results in our initial scan of your planet,” inquired the Alien.

Gresteller breathed in and then did something totally unexpected, she raised a hand to the back of the alien’s neck and touched the base of its skull, instantly the alien appeared to freeze still, unmoving and a notable sheen of blue light could be seen to engulf the alien. “Forgive please this intrusion, but this is the quickest way I can explain as time is of importance,” said Gresteller.

As the alien stood unable to move, volumes of data were dumped into its brain, then Gresteller released her grip and the alien momentarily went to fall but was held by an energy field. As the alien regained its control, it looked stunned as its mind processed the data it had just received. “Forgive us we truly had no way of knowing of your existence,” said the alien.

Gresteller smiled. “My old friend there is nothing upon your part to forgive, you acted honorably and never knew the events after your race left earth,” stated Gresteller.

The two creatures looked at each other, while an orange alien updated its mother ship. It was Gresteller who spoke first. “When your race vacated the planet, we lived in peace with the humans and observed their natural development. Indeed, some would have remained aggressive without your energy field, yet there was a race who evolved true intelligence and were by nature passive but intelligent enough to defend themselves and only offer violence as an utter last resort” stated Gresteller.

She then continued talking, “Basically we took them into our fold, some inter-married and we decided to genetically enhance their DNA, basically so they could defend themselves against other tribes and evolve into the species you see today, we have a base here still, in fact near to this facility and are fully aware of the events unfolding in the Andromeda system. We were however not expecting the discovery of the Everest Station, that was a factor unseen, and the detonation of five nuclear warheads caused considerable problems and took us the time we never had to adjust,” said Gresteller.

The alien nodded indicating it understood, the Atlantian race were here upon earth before the arrival of the Aliens and it was, they who were the true protectors of the planet and gave permission to the visiting alien race to mine the planet in exchange for trade.

After the aliens left earth the growing violence forced the Atlantians to give the appearance of leaving the planet when the great flood took place and vast areas of Europe including the bridge uniting Europe with what is now the UK was cut off from what was to become Europe, which was now in part flooded.

Vast areas of land simply vanished overnight, and millions lost their lives and homes, resulting in the Everest Stations field becoming fully blocked and vast starvation and wars. Atlantis was actually one huge interstellar craft, a city of vast size and thousands of smaller satellite crafts which became part of the vast mother ship.”

There was a moment of pause to allow the mind to assimilate this information. “As they made it into orbit they remained with the human hybrids while the planet below settled, thirty years later they returned settling upon the mountain range of Kanchenjunga, between Nepal and Sikkim in India. We are actually based slightly to the Nepalese side and below the five peaks, which mark the satellite side of the city, yes like the Everest Station we remained buried deeply beneath billions of tons of snow and rock, which is held in place by our force fields, and creating a blanket of security,” stated Gresteller.

Zivem blinked, he had not been aware of this information and had honestly thought he was working with true humans until the apparent human revealed the Atlantian side of her, now he just learnt there were actual true Atlantians still alive and running this base station unknown to the true human population. As he had been thinking an image appeared upon the display wall, to the cloned Gresteller’s eyes it looked genuinely like a rather handsome human.

The cloned Gresteller looked confused while the orange alien moved away in utter fear, “I do not understand, how can you be afraid of him, he appears to my eyes, an ordinary human,” commented Gresteller. The orange alien recomposed itself, “You fail to see through our minds, while you are only using your eyes when you look upon Gresteller do you see a true Atlantian, or do you see a human,” the alien enquired.

The cloned Gresteller looked at Gresteller and it dawned upon her what the alien was referring towards, Gresteller truly looked human and to her eyes, she was no different in basic makeup to that of her or any other human, only now she knew different. “I apologise, please explain what you see that I am so obviously missing,” stated the cloned Gresteller, while the Atlantean Gresteller nodded to the alien giving permission for it to elaborate more clearly.

Moving back to its comfortable position, it breathed in and started to explain. “Even to our eyes this species cannot be told apart from your human race or the Atlantians, however its mind and emotional empathic abilities, far extend to that of mere humans and distort our minds, and what our eyes see, is different to what our emotions feel, these creatures instill fear, panic and prevent our minds from functioning correctly, then they feed upon the actual fear, not our blood as your earths media portrays, they are emotional, empathic vampires and grow strong and feeding upon others fear” said the alien.

Gresteller nodded in agreement, “Yes these creatures could walk among the human race and they would be unaware of their presence, and they are stronger, faster, by far more intelligent, truly empathic and yes, they feed off fear, which we believe they alter the chemical structure of a target’s brain and create your worst ever nightmares, and from that the fear generated gives them sustenance and prolongs life,” Gresteller said.

Gresteller paused as she thought about her time upon one of the planets, been Atlantian she had used her mind to aid in the search, but other than the poor soul who had been humiliated and beaten, she had seen nothing out of the expected. “Our intelligence gathered by my operatives beamed us this image, this apparently is the leader of the new regime, he looks and acts normal, loves culture and is generally unaggressive, approachable, and loves sport, one of my operatives actually drew him while he had been relaxing and playing ball,” stated Gresteller, at that the image came upon the screen.

The cloned Gresteller blinked, “Cool he is a hunk and looks attractive, very attractive in fact,” she stated. The Atlantean Gresteller smiled, “Yes apparently with humans, it appears these life forms have a different approach, they attract their prey and extract feelings of pleasure, the more intimate the deeper they draw the life force they require, but they usually never kill, unless provoked and most victims are willing to go to them, not realising they are being manipulated,” said the Atlantean Gresteller.

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