Logan (Blue Halo Book 1)

Logan: Chapter 27

Two days had passed. Two days of Grace sleeping in his bed. In his arms.

Logan almost groaned out loud at her small wriggle. Every little move she made caused her naked body to brush against his.

It was torture. Even the slow, sexy sighs she released in uneven intervals caused his body to harden to an unbearable degree. He nuzzled her hair with his face, breathing in the woman who had quickly become such an integral part of his life.

Since Beau’s arrest, everything had been quiet. The women had been moved to safe houses, including the new victim who had been found with Beau. And Grace had continued counseling them online.

Logan hated the quiet. Quiet meant unpredictability. It meant time for the enemy to strategize. Plan.

Yeah, it wasn’t ideal. He’d much prefer it if Kieran showed his face. Logan wanted to fight the guy head on, but right now, he was blind. He tightened the arm that curved around Grace’s body. Everything in him told him to keep her close.

At Grace’s deep inhale, Logan knew she was waking. Her ass ground against him again. Another deep, sexy sigh hummed through the room.

Damn, but the woman was killing him. “Grace, if you keep that up, I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”

She went still. He could almost hear the smile that was no doubt stretching her lips. “Hm. You mean…this?”

She wriggled again, but this time, the movement was more purposeful. Grinding against him in an attempt to cause maximum discomfort.

Growling deep in his throat, he rolled her, pressing against her front. Bracketing her body with his arms and legs.

He studied her face, not finding a single thing beyond love and trust. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Lowering his head, he feasted on her neck, rocking his hips against her. She rotated between bouts of laughter and moans, squirming beneath him.

When he lifted his head, he saw the smile on her lips. It was wide, and it was magnificent. Christ, but he wanted more of those.

She lifted a brow. “You think I’m the only one affected right now?”

The woman was onto him. Lowering his head, he pressed a softer kiss to her lips. She purred. “I have to get to the office,” he said between feather-light kisses. “I have a workout, then I’m speaking to Nicole.”

She tensed. He’d already told her about Nicole. About the ultimatum she’d given him. And she’d been just as annoyed as Logan.

“I’m sorry—”

“Not your fault.” At all. He slid a piece of hair off her forehead, gliding his thumb over her skin as he went. “I’m going to do the story and get rid of the woman. Sounds like a good deal to me.”

She nibbled on her bottom lip. “But if it wasn’t for me—”

“Then I would be one very unhappy man,” Logan finished, kissing her again.

She gave a small chuckle. “No, you wouldn’t, because you wouldn’t know what you were missing.”

He knew it was meant as a joke, but he couldn’t smile back. “And wouldn’t that be a damn tragedy.”

The smile slipped from her lips. “Just…be careful. I don’t trust her.”

Oh, Logan didn’t trust the woman in the least. But then, he didn’t trust many outside of his team. “She can ask whatever she wants. I’ll choose what I answer and how I answer it.”


She began to push on his chest to get out of bed, but Logan shook his head. “Rest. Jason will be here soon to stay with you while I’m gone. You can laze in bed all day.”

“Uh, even more reason to get up. I don’t need your friends thinking I’m a stay-in-bed-all-day kind of girl.”

“Hm, doesn’t sound terrible to me.”

She pushed again. This time he rolled to the side, watching as she headed to the bathroom completely naked.

Letting her go was hard. Leaving the house was even harder. Probably why, when he eventually got himself dressed and out of the house, he was running late.

He took the stairs up to Blue Halo two at a time, realizing he had less than half an hour before Nicole was due to arrive. Jeez, at this rate, his workout would consist of a couple of push-ups and that was it.

Entering the workout room, he saw Blake already there. The guy was pounding the bag like he was trying to destroy the thing. Clearly something was bothering him, but Logan remained silent. If Blake wanted to talk about it, he would.

Moving to the other side of the room, he started his workout. He was about twenty minutes in when his friend finally took a break. Even though Blake had gone damn hard on the bag, he was barely out of breath.

Logan shot him a glance. “You okay, buddy?”

Blake opened his water bottle, downing half before responding. “Nope.”

“Is this about Willow?”

Willow was his ex. Though, anyone who’d seen them together knew that Blake was still in love with her. They’d been together before Blake had been taken by Project Arma, and for some reason had been unable to recapture that relationship when he finally escaped.

Now, their only connection was their four-year-old daughter, Mila.

“Of course it is. Willow just…”

When Blake didn’t finish, Logan frowned. “What? She’s not keeping Mila from you, is she?” He didn’t think she’d do that. Heck, she’d moved across the country so Blake’s daughter could be close to him. But—

“No, she would never do that. She does everything she can to make sure we have a good relationship.”

“What is it then?”

He ran his hands through his hair. “I love her, man. But we just can’t seem to find our way back to each other.”

Blake sounded tortured. It damn near tore up Logan.

Walking over to his friend, he pressed a hand to his shoulder. “I’m sorry, buddy. Project Arma hurt a lot of relationships. It was probably a huge shock for both her and Mila to have you return two years after disappearing, and an even bigger shock to learn what was done to you.” He tightened his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “That would take anyone a long time to get over.”

He frowned. “It’s not just Project Arma. I made a lot of mistakes when we were together. I want to prove that I can do better. Be better. But she doesn’t seem willing to let me.”

Blake hadn’t shared that detail before. In fact, he’d shared very little about his relationship while they’d been held in the Project Arma compound together. “We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human.”

“Yeah.” Shaking his head, he glanced at his watch. “Don’t you have the meeting with that reporter soon?”

Fuck, what was the time? Shooting a quick look at his own watch, he realized he had five minutes to spare.

Squeezing Blake’s shoulder, Logan jogged to the bathroom and rushed through the quickest shower he’d ever taken before throwing on a T-shirt and shorts. Then he headed to the front. He passed his office, noticing it was empty. When he got to the foyer, he stopped. Also empty.

He was five minutes late. Had she already come and gone?

No. Not after the way she’d all but hunted him down and threatened him for this interview. She could just be running late, as well. But then again, she didn’t strike him as the kind of woman to be late for anything.

Sitting behind the front desk, he quickly scanned through their surveillance footage.

She’d never arrived.

Pulling out his phone, Logan noticed he had no missed calls or messages. Searching through his recent calls, he found her number and dialed. It went straight through to voicemail.

Blake stepped into the foyer, one brow raised. “She’s not here?”

“Nope. And no messages.”

“Odd. She chased us down for an interview like a mad woman. Maybe she’s just running late.”

“Maybe.” But maybe not. And for some reason, Logan’s stomach felt tight with dread.

A knock on the door had Grace momentarily leaving the sandwiches she’d been preparing. She took a couple steps but stopped when Jason stood.

“I’ve got it.”

When he looked through the peephole, she could have sworn she saw his lips quirk up just a little before he tugged open the door.

Courtney stood on the other side, two cups of coffee in one hand and a paper bag and envelope in the other. When her eyes met Jason’s, her mouth fell open.

He stepped back. “Hi, Courtney. Come in.”

“I didn’t know you’d be here.” She didn’t move. She barely looked like she was breathing. Grace almost laughed. “I mean, I don’t mind that you are. It’s Logan’s house, he can invite whoever he wants. But I didn’t bring you a coffee. Or a donut.”

When Courtney started mumbling about going back to the shop and bringing more coffee and food, her words ran together. As her speech sped up, Grace moved across the room. If there was ever a time her friend needed saving, it was now.

Stopping beside Jason, she noticed he had a bemused smile on his face. “Hey, Courtney. It’s so good to see you.”

“It is,” Jason confirmed quietly.

Courtney’s cheeks tinged pink before she stepped inside. “You can have my coffee, Jason.”

He shook his head as he closed the door. “I couldn’t do that.”

She pressed one into his chest, looking up to meet his gaze. “No, I insist. I’m ashamed to admit I’ve had two already.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.” Jason took the coffee, sending a wink her way before heading back to the couch.

If possible, the red on Courtney’s cheeks deepened. She headed to the kitchen, plonking onto one of the island stools. Grace heard Jason flipping channels on the TV as she went back to work on the sandwiches, not missing the way Courtney gave a quick look over her shoulder before flicking her gaze back to Grace.

“Want a sandwich?”

Courtney shook her head. “No thanks. I worked the morning crowd, so thought I’d pop in on my way home and share my exciting news.”

Grace could always use some of that. “Yes, please, share away.”

Courtney straightened, her eyes brimming with excitement. “Okay, so a couple months ago, I entered this competition. The Living in Idaho Today magazine was looking for Idaho’s ‘most unique coffee shop’. They’ve even partnered up with some radio stations and will endorse the winner. I thought, what the heck? I’m unique, The Grind is unique—let’s enter.”

“You most certainly are, in the best possible way.”

“I’d actually completely forgotten I’d entered, but then this morning, a guy from the magazine called to tell me I’d been shortlisted.” Courtney leaned forward, her eyes widening with excitement. “I’m one of the top ten contenders, Grace!”

That didn’t surprise Grace in the least. “That’s wonderful! And what you’ve created at The Grind is amazing. Your shop is as unique and quirky and fun as they get.” Moving around the island, she pulled Courtney into a hug.

Her friend sighed. “Thank you.”

“Congrats, Courtney,” Jason called from the living room.

“Thanks.” This time, she seemed too excited to be nervous.

Grace moved back to the sandwiches. “So, what’s next?”

“Well, he said someone will come to Cradle Mountain, check everything out, and then I’ll be placed. If I win, they do a big photo shoot and everything.”

Grace popped some cheese onto the bread. “I’d wish you good luck, but I don’t think you’ll need it.”

“Throw some this way anyway, though, would you?” They both chuckled. Courtney reached for the envelope she’d placed on the counter. “Oh, and before I forget, I found this on your driveway, beside the mailbox. I thought I’d grab it for you, seeing as the lazy fool didn’t actually put it in the box.”

Grace stilled, eyes on the unstamped envelope. “It’s addressed to me.”

“Yeah. Makes me think you’re here to stay.” Courtney waggled her brows suggestively, but all of Grace’s attention was on the handwritten name.

The knife she’d been about to use on her sandwich slipped from her suddenly clammy fingers, falling to the counter with a clatter.

“McKenna,” she whispered.

“I noticed that too. I assumed they made a mistake and meant to write Castle.”

She held out the envelope, but Grace just stood there, too terrified to take it.

Suddenly, Jason was beside her, taking the envelope from Courtney’s fingers. He gave Grace a questioning look, and she quickly nodded for him to open it. Honestly, all she wanted to do was throw the thing in the trash, but that wasn’t smart. There was something in there that she needed to see.

With steady fingers, Jason tore the envelope carefully and pulled out a note. She almost relaxed—until she noticed something else in the envelope. Something red.

Taking the envelope from his fingers, she glanced inside.

Suddenly, her stomach dropped, the envelope tumbling from her shaking fingers.

Hair. Red hair. The exact color that hers used to be.

Grace quickly took the note from Jason, not missing his tight jaw or the angry narrowing of his eyes.

“Grace…” he growled in warning, but she was already reading it.

Red. Like the color of the sky at sunset when light has the furthest to travel through the atmosphere. A shade so pretty, I could never forget. They all had your shading, Grace. She didn’t. So I dyed her hair. It was my gift to her before she took her final breath.

She dropped the note like it was fire in her hands. Jason took it back quickly.

“Grace? Are you okay?” Courtney’s voice sounded far away. “God, you’re so pale! Sit down.”

From her peripheral vision, she saw Jason pulling out his phone. Footsteps sounded, moving away from her. Courtney and Jason’s voices were soft background noises.

The panic tried to pull her under, but she breathed in a long, deep breath. Held it. Breathed out. Grace repeated the action, vaguely aware of Jason returning to her side, talking.

Closing her eyes, she let the feel of the cool island counter pull her back to reality. Back to safety.

When she opened her eyes again, it was to see Jason’s hands hovering, like he wanted to touch her, but they quickly fell again. “Are you okay?”

No. But she hadn’t spiraled into a panic attack, at least. “Who did he take?”

“I don’t know. But we’ll find out.”

His eyes shot to the front door seconds before it opened and Logan rushed in.

He went straight to her, taking her face in his hands. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, air whooshing out of her lungs. Just having him here took the edge off the panic. She heard Jason moving toward Courtney. A door opening and closing, leaving just her and Logan in the room. Several long minutes passed as Grace got her trembling under control.

It was even longer before either of them spoke, Logan continuing to study her.

Finally, her hands went to his forearms. “I need to know who the hair belongs to.”

He nodded. He was just opening his mouth when he stopped. It was Logan’s turn to shoot a glance toward the front door.

Oh, God, what now?

Reaching out, he took her hand, keeping her body firmly behind his as he moved forward. He looked through the peephole. “Stay back.”

That was the only warning she got before he pulled the door open, jerking whoever it was inside before slamming the door shut and pushing their body against the wall. “Who the hell are you?”

Grace gasped. He had to be sixteen, maybe seventeen. His complexion had turned almost white. Her hands went to Logan’s shoulder. “He’s only a kid.”

The teenager put his hands up in a defensive position. “I’m sorry! A guy paid me fifty bucks to drop the box off.”


Shifting her gaze to the floor, she spotted the small gift-wrapped box that had slipped from his fingers when he’d been tugged inside. It had pink wrapping and a big black bow.

“What did he look like?” Logan just about growled to the boy.

The description they received fit Kieran exactly.

Logan asked the kid a few more questions, but it was clear he knew nothing else. When they let him go, Logan pulled out his phone, messaging someone. His team, maybe. Although, she was pretty sure Jason would have done that when he left.

Lifting the box, Logan took her hand and headed toward his office.

“Where are we opening it?” she asked.

Logan shook his head. “I’m not opening it in front of you.”

What? “Yes, you are, Logan. I need to know what it is.”

“No, you don’t. I can open it and my team and I will deal with the contents.” He stopped at his desk, carefully placing the box on the surface.

“Logan. This involves me, and I need to know what he left. I’m strong enough to handle it.” She hadn’t fallen apart in the kitchen, and she wouldn’t fall apart now.


Stepping closer, Grace touched his shoulders, waiting for him to look at her. “Remember those times you asked me to trust you? Well…now, I’m asking you to trust me.”

His eyes closed. Brows tugging together. She knew the exact moment he gave in. His jaw clenched, eyes popping open. They were softer now. Like half of him had decided yes, and the other still insisted no.

Slowly, he tugged at the bow, then tore the paper off. He opened the box cautiously, almost seeming to expect a bomb or something.

Before he flipped it open, he looked her way. “Are you sure you want to see this?”

“Yes.” She was proud that her voice was steady.

He sighed, opening the box. A note sat on top.

She was fun, but she wasn’t you. Who do I need to take next while I wait?

Logan lifted the note, and that’s when she saw what sat below.

A thumb with red nail polish.

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