Logan (Blue Halo Book 1)

Logan: Chapter 26

Logan’s body turned molten at Grace’s limbs wrapped around him. At her breath against his ear.

Tightening his hold, he moved to the bedroom, his lips never leaving hers. He stopped beside the bed, cupping the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. Her lips on his, in combination with her sweet little moans, had his blood soaring in his ears, deafening him.

Carefully, he lay her on the mattress. When he hovered over her, he studied her face, searching. Complete trust. It was all he saw.

It cracked his heart wide open.

Rising to his knees, he removed his shirt, then his jeans. Crawling down her body, he grasped the top of her jeans. The sound of a button popping open was loud in the otherwise silent room. So too was the sound of the zipper sliding down.

As he pulled her jeans off, he lowered his head, pressing a soft kiss to the scar on her thigh. She stiffened below him, but when she didn’t pull away, he did it again. He kissed every inch of the scar.

Her body slowly relaxed, and Logan trailed the rest of the kisses down her legs to her feet. Reaching up, he slid both hands beneath her shirt, pushing the material up her torso. This time, he trailed kisses up her stomach. When he reached her chest, he quickly removed her silk bra before pressing a kiss to the scar there. Then another.

This time, she didn’t tense. But he heard the gentle acceleration of her heart rate. The quiet whoosh of air being sucked into her chest.

“You’re beautiful, Grace. All of you.”

A soft sigh escaped her lips.

“How did I get so lucky?” he asked quietly, more to himself than to her.

At first, her lips tilted up. Then the smile left her face as she said the four words that rocked his world. Shifted it and colored it a new shade.

“I love you, Logan.”

For a moment, words were lost to him. Emotions pummeled him, so intense they tied his tongue and stole his voice. But when uncertainty tinged her expression, he forced the words out of his mouth, needing her to hear his truth.

“I love you, too, Grace. I’ve loved you for a while.”

Her eyes misted, then shuttered. He caught a tear with his lips as he kissed her cheekbone. “Hearing those words is…it’s everything.”

You’re everything, sweetheart.”

Their lips fused together again, and he felt and absorbed the electricity that buzzed between them. Lowering his head, he trailed kisses down to her chest, taking one hard nipple between his lips. Back arched, she pushed herself farther into his mouth.

He licked and sucked her sensitive peak, loving the soft whimpers and cries she didn’t quieten or soften. Lowering a hand, he stroked her core. Her entire body trembled beneath his touch.

When he glanced up, his breath came out in a hiss at the sight of her. Her head was back, fire dancing in her eyes. The fire of need and lust and trust, all fused together.

He pressed a finger inside her. Watched as a carnal moan tore from her lips.

Fucking exquisite.

His thumb remained on her clit, his finger continuing to thrust as he moved up her body, his eyes never leaving hers. She began to writhe beneath him. Rocking uncontrollably.

He inserted a second finger, crooking it, pushing farther inside her. Her entire body jolted, her breath catching in her throat.

“Logan…” Her voice was almost a whisper that sizzled through the room.

Rolling to the side, he grabbed a foil wrapper, tearing it open and sheathing himself. He was back in seconds.

“Remember, if you want me to st—”

Her finger went to his lips, silencing him. “With you, that will never happen.” She tugged his head down until her lips were at his ear, her breath brushing across his skin, almost burning him. “Nothing in this world compares to the comfort, love, and security you bring me.”

Her confession caused a wild storm to rage inside him. God, he could live a hundred years with this woman and love her more each day.

Slowly, so slowly he was almost in physical pain, he slid inside her.

This was home. And it was also torture.

Grace wriggled her hips before leaning up. She latched onto his neck, nipping his skin with her teeth. Logan growled low in his chest before lifting up and thrusting back in.

His insides turned molten, lava pooling in his gut. He pulled out and thrust back in again. Every time he returned to her, he got the same overwhelming feeling that he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

He alternated between kissing her and watching her, loving the array of emotions that washed over her face. Pleasure. Need. Desperation.

For him, there was mostly one thought skittering inside his mind. Mine. The woman felt like she was made for him.

Grace tugged at his hair with one hand, her nails digging into his shoulder with the other. Her breasts bounced with every movement as he rocked faster, her long neck on display.

Rolling so that they both lay on their side, Logan continued to thrust, but he also reached between them, touching her clit, pressing his thumb against her and rubbing.

She whimpered and writhed, nails digging into him harder.

He moved his thumb in rapid circles, enjoying the sound of her breathing as it shifted, becoming more erratic.

Fuck, he was so close. But he needed her to get there first. He needed to feel her shatter around him.

Lowering his head, he latched onto her neck.

She let out a cry, so much louder than any he’d heard before, right as her entire body tensed and arched. She came apart, and it was the most beautiful and primal thing he’d ever seen.

Almost simultaneously, he broke, everything in him letting go.

His mouth found hers as his hips slowed, his body still throbbing inside her.

“God, I love you.” His words sounded guttural. She did that to him.

He felt her lips stretch into a smile. “I love you, too. And I’m going to tell you every single day until the day we die.”

And he’d live for those words. Every damn day.

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