Little Phoenix

Chapter VII

It’s been five months since Devika adopted the twins and I assassinated Royce. Not much has happened since then, but I was finally happy. Vesper and I have gotten much closer and with everything that’s happened, I can’t find a reason not to be. Life feels amazing and I feel…I feel like I’m actually alive.

I stood on my balcony with Styrmir and Silas, the three of us looking at the sky. Blue fades into purple and purple fades into dark pink. Dark pink fades into orange and the colour of the sky reflects over the land. Stars in the sky and the moon is looking over the castle from its spot in the sky. Birds fly through the air, making their way to their destination. But despite all the life, it was quiet.

Like most days here in the Caelum, it was quiet. It was peaceful and serene. Colourful mountains in the distance, memories plaguing minds as dreams slowly come true. The lake is filled with magic, just like everything else in Vita. Magic is in everything, even if it’s in some sort of inconspicuous way. It’s in the air, the ground, the water sources, the people...everything.

I looked at the flock of birds flying away. I wonder if I can still speak to birds. As if I had spoken my thought aloud, one of the peregrine falcons started to fly towards me. I grinned, outstretching my arm towards her, and she landed on my wrist, her claws digging into my soft skin. Black blood began to slowly flow out of my skin, the falcon’s claws having drawn blood.

Styrmir yelped at the sight of the falcon, hiding behind her twin brother. I smiled widely as I rubbed my index finger against her beak. I whispered, “Have a good day.” The falcon barely nodded her head before outstretching her wings. She readies herself to take off as I walk to my balcony railing. I lower my arm before throwing it up into the air.

The falcon released my arm and took off flying. I moved my bleeding arm to behind my back, bowing to the birds. In my head, I heard the falcon say, ’Thank you for the brief company.’ I straightened my back as I stood up straight, nodding my head.

Thank you for the reassurance.

I stand in the kitchen, looking at the still-closed envelope I had just gotten from the government of the Alis, the Daiemonium, and the Sphinxes. I hesitantly opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, revealing a letter of recruitment.

“Cara Elias Cyra Tempest,

Visus as ves are an potest homo trans illi aetas of veginta and ves are absque kids autvel a colloci, ves haev fuite lexa fer illi bellum kintrae Tellus.

Ves haev fuite assigned tu illi Valante Militia. Ves are tu report tu Capitolium per this letter this Lunae-day, V of Septima. When ves report tu Capitolium, ves need probatia that ves are actually Elias Cyra Tempest. Tu du so, ves need vestor certificate of navivitas, vestor idem, vestor patriame idem numerus and probatia of ves current opus as a testificas and exercitas sicaris of illi patriame.

Sincerely Vestor Mandaetum Praefectus,

Vulgarius Gladen”

Devika commented, “Your wings are falling out and the black’s coming back in. Do you want to colour them again?” as she entered the kitchen. I didn’t reply to her, causing Devika to question, “Eli? Wot’s wrong?” I whispered, “I’ve been drafted for war.” “Wot?” Devika questioned in disbelief, as if she thought she was hearing things.

“Wot war?”

“The war that just broke out between Tellus and us,” I answered. Devika sighed, “Come on, Eli. Let’s colour your wings before it’s too late,” clearly trying to get my mind off the fact that I had been drafted for war.

Devika sat on the counter with a hair cape on. I heard the kitchen door open, which was followed with Silas saying, “Wot are yeh guys goin’?” I answered, “I’m cuttin’ Devi’s hair.” Devika nodded in agreement and I asked, “Any colours?” Devika answered, “Yeah, sunset highlights.” I nodded in acknowledgement, “Alright, give me a couple of minutes.”

Devika didn’t reply as I walked out of the kitchen. I walked away, heading up to my room. With every step I took up the stairs, my large wings hit the bottom of the stairs, small shocks of pain going through my coloured feathers. I reached my room, grabbing the door handle and twisting it open. I pushed my door open and walked into my room.

I walked over to my bathroom, and walked inside. I went to my towel closet and opened it, looking through the closet to find my sunset orange hair dye. Finding the dye and everything I needed, I grabbed them and walked out of the bathroom. I walked out of my room and walked down the stairs, my wings dragging against the stairs as I walked.

I got back to the kitchen and set up everything. Both of the twins were now in the kitchen, talking with Devika. I grabbed my bleach and began bleaching highlights into Devika’s hair. I grinned, as the four of us talked—getting my mind off the war.

I walked over to my balcony doors. I grabbed the handles and twisted them, opening the doors. I walked onto my balcony, leaving the doors open. I closed my eyes as the wind twisted around me. It’s time to make my way to Capitolium so I get there in time. I sighed before backing up. I bunched my wings up so they were behind me and not in the way.

I ran forward and front-flipped off the balcony. I outstretched my wings and the wind caught me, allowing me to glide for a few feet. I flapped my wings a few times, bringing me higher in the air before I just glided through the nearly empty air, making my way towards Capitolium.

Just do what you’re told for now.

I flapped my wings, forcing myself further into the air before diving downwards. I outstretched my wings when I’m a few feet from the ground, forcing myself to come to a stop. My feet lightly hit the ground as I landed in front of the recruitment building. I heard Vesper’s familiar voice call out, “Eli?!” Vesper’s here? I spun around on my heel, coming face-to-face with Vesper.

“Are yeh here because of the war?” Vesper asked. I sighed and nodded. Vesper told me, “Yeah, me too.” I remarked, “That’s too bad.” Vesper nodded and the two of us entered the recruitment building. We were directed in separate areas since Vesper had enlisted and not been drafted like me. Why did Vesper enlist? He could’ve been free of this.


I walked forward and the person asked, “Name and certificate of birth?” I answered, “Elias Cyra Tempest,” setting my certificate of birth down on the desk. He checked it before saying, “ID and country ID number.” I set my ID with my country ID number on it down on the desk. He checked it before saying, “And proof of your current occupation.”

I set down my document of my assassin training and my certificate from graduating assassin training. He checked it before telling me, “Yeh’re good to go.” I grabbed everything and put it away. He told me, “Go through the door behind me.” I looked for the door behind him and once I found it, I walked over to it.

I walked through the door, and looked around the room for Vesper. Within seconds, I had found him. I walked over to him and I asked, “Why’d yeh enlist?” Vesper is not given the chance to answer before a woman walks into the room with two guys next to her, both guys holding a box in their hands.

“I am General Gladen. I’m extremely glad that everyone could make it today. When your name is called with the military group yeh’ve been assigned, go there and yeh’ll be given your identification tags then,” the woman announced. I nodded in acknowledgement and waited for my name to be called. I wonder what my dog tag number I’ll be assigned.

“Tempest, Elias. Valante Military.”

I straightened my slouched posture and held my head high as I walked over to the person holding up a sign that says, “Valante Military.” I was given a chain with my dog tags on them. I stood at the end of the line and I looked at my dog tags, reading it. It read “Tempest, Elias. Rh-null, black. VI-XIV-X. None,” a line break after every period.

My second one had the exact same thing on it. The backs of them were both blank, vacant of a quote that was yet to be put on the back of them. After a few more minutes, I heard, “Wyndelle, Vesper. Valante Military.” I looked up from my dog tags and saw Vesper walk over here. He was given his dog tags and he stood beside me.

Nothing is spoken, but it’s clear to both of us that we’re relieved to be in the same Military group. More names are called and we just have to stay there until we’re dismissed. I looked up at Vesper, one thought going through my mind.

Let’s hope we both come out of this alive.

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