Little Phoenix

Chapter VI

I woke up to the sound of Devika’s voice yelling.

“I won! I got them! I got the Daiemonium twins!”

I shoot forward, my brain quickly processing what I had just heard. She won? She won! I scramble out of my bed, Maewyn still peacefully sleeping. I exit my room and run down the stairs to the living room. At the sight of Devika, I reiterated, “Yeh won?” Devika turned around to face me, “I won!” Yes! I ran over to Devika, jumping over one of our couches to get to her.

I grabbed her hands and she wrapped her fingers around my hands. We jumped up and down, squealing in excitement. I grinned, “Yeh got them!” Devika barely nodded, her grin widening, “I got them!” We continued to celebrate for a few more minutes until Devika stopped, her face going pale. She let go of my hands and I released hers.

Devika began pacing back and forth, “Oh god, wot if they don’t like it here? Wot if they don’t like me or you? Wot if they hate us?!” I walked over to Devika, grabbing her shoulders. I forced her to look at me, “Devi, they’ll be fine. What time are yeh going to pick them up?” Devika answered, “Tonight at Quinctus.”

I nodded, “Alright, let’s start preparing their rooms. A boy and a girl, right?” Devika nodded, “Yes, but I wanted the rooms to be very gender neutral.” I nodded in acknowledgement and Devika added, “They also have horns, so take that into your planning.” I nodded once again, “Got it. What are their names?”

Devika answered, “They don’t have names, but they do have nicknames. The boy’s nickname is Rain because of his blue eyes and the girl’s nickname is Via because of her violet eyes.” I nodded to myself, looking at the floor, “Sounds good.” I looked at Devika and suggested, “I’ll take Via’s room?” Devika nodded in agreement, “I’ll take Rain’s room then.”

I asked, “Where is Via’s room?” Devika told me, “Via’s room is across the hall from your art studio.” I nodded, “Thank yeh.” Devika replied, “’Course!” The two of us walked upstairs and I went to Via’s room. I looked around the empty room before making a decision. This should be lightning themed. I grinned widely at the thought and I exited the room.

I entered my art studio and began looking around. I grabbed a paint-covered canvas sheet, painter’s tape, some paint, a couple paintbrushes, a pencil, and my paint palette. I went back to Via’s room and set the canvas on the carpet, making sure all the carpet was covered before I taped the canvas to the baseboards.

I grinned as I went to my room. I quickly got dressed in my paint clothes before I jogged back to Via’s room. I stood in the middle of the canvas, grinning widely as I began mapping out my idea in my head.

From the kitchen, I heard the front door open. It was followed by Devika speaking, “Okay, kinder. Das is where yae’re going tu wirst now. Faire warning, I wirst with ma best zuzammen.” I’m not that bad. I called out, “I can hear yeh, Devi!” Devika hissed, “Quiet down,” as she and the two kids walked into the kitchen.

The two Daiemonium kids cowered behind Devika. I looked at them numbly before closing my eyes and giving them a wide grin. After a second, I opened my eyes. The two kids looked at my large wings in amazement, the girl’s hand twitching to stretch it out. I stood up from my seat and I looked at Devika.

I assumed, “Only Diaboli?” Devika nodded in confirmation and I crouched down in front of the two kids. I had a soft smile on my face as I carefully outstretched my right wing towards the girl. I told her, “Yae cen berühren it. Just bae sehre voresichtig.” The girl grinned, outstretching her hand to my feathers.

Devika told me, “That’s Sytrmir, and the boy is Silas.” I nodded in acknowledgement as Devika tells the two, “Das is ma best zuzammen, Elias. Styrmir, shey dekorierte yer rome.” Styrimir nodded and the four of us continued to talk in Diaboli, getting to know the kids better and the kids getting to know the two of us better.

I stood on the top of the roof, at least 10 kilometres from Royce’s office. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and opened it, dialling my Boss’s number. I pressed the call button and lifted my phone to my ear. Within seconds, I heard a click. Boss asked, “Libitina? Why are you calling me?” I answered, “To update yeh.” Boss asked, “Have you killed your target?”

I shook my head as I began setting up the rifle. I told him, “No, I’m killing my employer instead. He lied about his reason and he tried to get me to assassinate an innocent person.” Boss assumed, “Would you like a press conference after this?” I shook my head, “No. If I’m caught by the press, then sure.”

Boss asked, “Is that all?” I nodded, “Yes sir.” Boss didn’t say anything else, ending the phone call instead. I laid down on the ground, looking through the rifle scope. Once I found Royce, I called his phone and put my phone to my ear as I waited for him to answer. After a few seconds, I saw Royce answer his phone and I heard, “Libitina? Have you killed Vesper?”

I answered, “No, not yet. However, did I ever tell yeh how much I hate liars?” I watched as Royce stiffened. He replied, “No, why?” I grinned devilishly as I loaded the gun. Royce flinched at the sound and he asked, “What was that?” I told him, “Yeh’ll see.” Royce stammered, “You’re a-a-a psychopath.” I told him, “I prefer creative.”

Royce yelled, “Wait! Wait!” I didn’t listen as I took aim. I told him, “I don’t wait, Mr. Collens. I am not merciful.” I pulled the trigger, the sound echoing as the bullet shot. I end the call and get off the ground, stuffing my phone in my back pocket. I left the rifle there as I outstretched my wings. I flap my wings once, forcing myself into the air.

I was caught by the breeze which allowed me to glide for a few feet every now and then. I flapped my wings a few times, bringing me higher in the air before I just glided through the nearly empty air, making my way back home.

Mission accomplished.

I stood on my balcony, the sun beginning to set. My violin was in its case, laying on the grass next to my feet. I just stood there, letting memories play out into my head.

- Flashback -

Mum and Dad walked into the principal’s office. Mum was wearing one of her usual outfits, while Dad was wearing his surgery scrubs. Devika and I were sitting in chairs that were in front of the principal’s desk as the dickhead guy was standing in the corner of the room, standing in between his parents.

Mum asked, “What the hell happened?” The principal started to explain, “Your daughter–” Mum held her hand up, “I wasn’t talking to you.” Oh, he’s screwed. Mum’s pissed. Mum looked at Devika and I, asking, “So?” Devika explained, “Eli beat that guy’s ass after he made a comment about a girl having a nice ass. Then he called her a little girl when she confronted him, which provoked her a bit more.”

Mum nodded, understanding, before looking at me. Mum asked, “Anything to add?” I grinned, “I don’t regret anything. He had it coming for him. Women aren’t pieces of meat for men to take pleasure in whenever they want.” Mum nodded before looking at the principal. She asked, “What have you been told?”

The principal explained, “Your daughter got in a fight, unprovoked, while your son cheered her on.” I rolled my eyes, “For the last time, I wasn’t bloody un–” I felt Dad set his hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. I felt understanding waves roll off of him and Mum.

Mum spoke, “Oh really? That’s very unusual for her. She doesn’t get in fights unprovoked or without a reason. And it’s even more unusual considering my other daughter, Essa, gave me a call saying that Elias got in a fight after some guy disrespected women.” The principal replied, “That may be true, bu–”

Mum cut him off, shouting, “There is no reason to punish my daughter for protecting her fellow women!” I grinned widely at the sight of my principal’s fearful face. Mum turned to the dickhead’s mom and shouted, “And you should not encourage this behaviour! You of all people should know better than that!” She flinched back and Mum turned back to the principal. Mum shouted and screamed at him, not giving any shits.

- Flashback Ends -

- Flashback -

“Are yeh kiddin’ me, Elias?!”

Dad continued to scream at me. He yelled, “Yeh became a bloody assassin?! What the hell is wrong with yeh?!” My hands were trembling at my sides as I looked my dad in the eyes, forcing myself not to give him any reaction. Essa tried, “Dad, leave it–” “No! I will not have my firstborn be a bloody assassin!” Dad cut off Essa.

I rolled my eyes and Dad pointed his index finger at me, “Don’t yeh roll your eyes at me–” “Or what?!” I cut him off. I steeled my eyes and glared at my dad, taking a step forward. I snarled, “What the hell are yeh goin’ to do, Dad? I am already a trained assassin and then I have my youthful strength on yeh.”

Dad scowled at me and I yelled, “Plus, it’s plenty legal!” Dad yelled, “It’s still frowned upon!” I added, “Because Alis are usually construction workers! And I am done with the stereotypes! I want my revenge and I don’t care how I get it! Besides, it’s not like I’m doin’ it illegally!” Dad yelled, “Yeh’ll have to kill people! Yeh’re a psychopath if yeh do that for money!” I threw my hands up in the air, “Fine!” Dad grins at my “giving up”. I let my hands drop back to my sides and I glared at me. I snarled, “Fine, make me your villain. But I can do very bad thin’s, and I can do them very well. I might as well make money doin’ so. I’m just a weapon at this point!” Mom yelled, “Okay, that’s enough!” stepping in between me and Dad.

That is enough,” Mom says, emphasising every word she spoke. Dad spat out, “Get out of my sight.” I snarled out, “Gladly,” glaring at my dad. My eyes softened as I looked at my mom and sister. I told them, “I love yeh guys.”

Essa nodded, whispering, “I love yeh, Ellie.” Mom set her hand on my cheek, “I love you too, kiddo.” I nodded and turned around on my heel. I exited the house and took off running. I flapped my wings and took to the skies, making my way back to my house in Caelum.

- Flashback Ends -

- Flashback -

Devika and I laid on the roof of the house, my phone playing quiet music. I point out the constellations, naming them as Devika just lays there in silence.

After a while, I fall into silence as I gaze up at the beautiful night sky that’s filled with stars. I have a wide grin across my face as I stare at the stars. Devika asks, “Why do you know all of these stars and constellations by heart?” I reply, “That doesn’t really matter.”

“Eli?” Devika spoke after a moment of silence. I told her, “It was a hobby I kinda kept up with after moving out of my parents house. Essa and I would go stargazing; it was our way of bondin’.” Devika nods, “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that with your dad.”

I don’t say anything in response as Devika wraps her arm around my shoulders, comforting me. I whisper, “Please don’t be scared of me when I fight, Devi. I only fight to protect those I care about and for women’s rights.” Devika replies, “I know, Eli.” I nod and don’t reply. The two of us fall back into silence as we continue to stargaze.

- Flashback Ends -

I fell to my knees, overwhelmed by all of my emotions. I can’t do this anymore. I’m done. I’m done with this. I’m done with life. I’m done with everything. I don’t want to live through this unwanted life anymore. A glimpse of Devika ran through my mind. But…I can’t leave her or the twins. I just can’t do this anymore!

I finally exploded.

I sucked in a breath, the fast inhale giving way to a horrifying, screeching exhale. My scream ripped itself from my throat, echoing loudly throughout my surroundings. It wasn’t like a Banshee’s scream, but all screams are powerful because all screams are full of emotion.

Once my scream stopped, I started to fall forward only to be caught. I saw Devika pull me towards her and she hugged me. I gasped for breath as tears slid down my face from my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. Devika softly patted my head, “There’s no reason for you to be. Emotions are normal.” I barely nodded, not saying anything in response.

“Do you want me to carry you to your bed?” Devika asked after a second. I nodded, “Yes please.” Devika nodded and shifted me around. She picked me up and I closed my eyes as she carried me.

I felt myself get laid down on my bed and I shifted onto my side. I pulled my knees up to my chest and I laid my face on my left arm. I covered my body with my wings instead of blankets. I heard Maewyn let out a quiet ‘scra’ sound as she flew into my bed. She laid under my wings, snuggling into my side as she used me as a heater.

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