Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-seven.

As I said…, how can life ever recover from what we had faced, but we did, and in time other than the occasional discovered creature, life started to return to a form of normality, and people as shocked or distraught as they were…, once again, started to rebuild. The schools eventually reopened, and the girls were once more starting the routine of been educated.

We were all trying to bring life as near back to normal as we could…, and the school decided to continue with the drama of a Mid-Summers-Night…, and other than placing the opening night back to a different day, they continued rehearsing and building stage props and costumes.

The head teacher had learnt of the huge model anatomical dogs… and requested if she could use them in the production…, and I rather red faced showed her a video recording of them interacting.

The look on her face was priceless with their scary behaviour and interacting…, and she coughed and politely withdrew the request. “Oh, my they are rather two realistic and as wonderful as they truly are…, I think there would be more than one complaint as disgruntled shocked parents saw their children witnessing such actions in front of them.” She embarrassingly told me.

We laughed but I saw she truly liked the creatures and understood my actions in trying to reinforce to my daughter to remember the danger they were in…, but to also remove the brutality and look upon the situation in a humorous way.

To my pleasant surprise my daughter Elsa continued with the relationship with Justin…, and he managed to take her mind from the constant reminders of the invasion and of the stressful life we led.

I also soon learnt that as a fay representative, my services were in high demand, and it was only when I was driven with some soldiers including medical staff to the White house that I came across the doctor whom had so rudely confronted and challenged me.

He kept his head lowered and tried to avoid me, but I refused to allow him to get away with it. He eventually raised his head and rather embarrassingly apologised. “I apologise Sir…, I never realised whom you were.” He said, and I fumed in anger.

“That still did not give you the right to abuse your authority or position, you tried to prevent me from leaving and to have me arrested.” I stated, and I could see he was furious.

He became aggressive and started to object…, when Susan withdrew a gun from a colleague and blew his brains out…, the look on his face as he realised what she was about to do, was one of sheer shock and disbelief…, as if a woman or anyone could treat him in such a way. I myself was stunned until I saw the demon move from within him and vacate the vehicle.

“Dear God how did you know…,” I enquired, and she looked at me, “Demons can’t take authority been exerted over them…, we gave him the benefit of the doubt at first…, but when I saw him interact towards you…, and it confirmed to me whom he truly was,” she said…, to have spoken to your President that way…, how do you think the secret services would have reacted?”

I realised they would have arrested him or killed him on the spot as she did…, as he was a threat to me…, as someone would have been a threat to our President. As the MPs carried the dead doctor away, I was escorted to the President and then it dawned upon me this had been a set up to draw the doctor out.

They had thought he was a demon possessed, and by his actions they knew he had been a lessor demon with not as much control inside of him…, and the stress and excitement of taking out the USA President…, had been too much for him…, and then to have me confront him like I did and threaten his mission had caused this reaction.

It was after I spoke with the President that Lewis and I were able to spend our first full night together since the end of the war…, and my rebirth.

He held me tightly after we had showered and went to a bed with clean silk sheets, and as he held me, we quietly talked, and I could see Lewis was upset as he told me. “The Mayor had me held physically back, and forbade any direct interaction,” he told me, and then started kissing me in the area of my neck, as he was doing this he quietly and softly spoke.

“The Mayor and some others including the President are scared of you…, and…, and have…, well I think we are under observation, and I am even now breaking a direct order been with you.” He stated to me.

Honestly, I was utterly stunned and physically felt my heart increase in my rage, and before I could control myself, I did something rather stupid and dangerous.

In absolute anger I summoned the Mayor, the President and Steve directly into my bedroom. I have no idea as to where they were or what they were doing but they now stood in shock before me…, and I used my newly gifted powers and prevented them from moving away or talking.

“We need to talk.” I said in anger…, and then I removed the silk sheet which until then had been covering me, it also did not even occur to me that I was dressed only in my night attire, and now standing before them.

I had not deserved to be treated in this way, and I served my country with honesty and honour and even died for my country and almost had my daughter killed in doing so.

I was so furious that I had not even realised, as I had just spoken those words audibly and not to myself, none the less they were said and those in my bedroom heard them. As I regained control of my mind, I controlled myself and spoke again. “How dare you treat me like this, I not only gave my life for my country and that of my daughter you treat me as if I am a spy,”

I allowed them to reply starting with the President, “Lisa what do you expect, your actions now show us that you cannot be trusted.” Those were truly unwise words to have spoken to me… “I am not your enemy nor am I the creatures you should fear…, I love my country.”

And then a thought occurred to me. “You need to face a real enemy and see what true fear is like,” I said…, and in an instant I teleported the President directly to the throne room of Queen Mabb.

I then released my hold upon the Mayer…, but his instant reaction was to physically attack me… and try to use his gifted abilities to charm me, another mistake…, so he joined the President. I next turned to Steve and released him. Instantly he humbled himself and knelt on one knee before me with his head lowered.

“Lisa, I love you as a true friend…, and I had it placed upon record my strongest objections, so much so at one point I was almost shot,” he said…, and I saw the truth from within him. “Also Lisa as much as I told them they were wrong to do this…, I was prevented physically from warning you…, but they did not order me not to tell Father John…, and he told Lewis, as we knew you needed to know and be aware.”

As I looked into his eyes I just knew he spoke the truth…, and we went to the kitchen Lewis Steve and I…, and we sat drinking coffee and talking over what I just did, then in an instant I had the President and the Mayor summoned back to my home…, but this time to my kitchen.

When they arrived, they were encased with a block of ice and the look of sheer terror was frozen upon their face.

Queen Mabb hated disrespect, and to suddenly turn up within her kingdom and unannounced and directly by her throne was sacrilege. Instantly I made the ice vanish and they stood shivering before me. Queen Mabb arrived seconds later, absolutely furious at the insulting way she had been treated…, and she came prepared to fight.

She demanded to know who deposited these two men into her throne room…, it was then she saw me and shuddered realizing her mistake…, and that it was unlawful for her to approach me without an invite…, and she knew better than to cross her father.

But I aided in saving her having to face down her father’s wrath. “I apologise my Queen…,” instantly I showed her respect, “I sent these two disrespectful servants to see for themselves…, one as great and dangerous as you…, and for them to learn true fear, as well as understand your true power…, and what a mighty Fay Queen would do to them if they continued in this vain course of action.”

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