Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-eight.

My humility and words appeased her anger and she smiled…, “I also thank you for personally having these servants delivered back to me…, and she bowed and placed a hand upon each of the two prisoners before me and she smiled at them. It was not a smile of love either and I saw them shudder in absolute fear. As Mabb started to vanish she spoke once more “Send my regards to my father,” and then she was gone.

“That gentlemen, are your enemy which should concern you, and the one in whom you need to fear…, not me.” They shook from the cold and shock…, and in been so helpless to defend themselves. “I give you until mid-day tomorrow to have every surveillance device spying negatively upon me or my family removed, and if you fail, you will learn the meaning of true fear.” At that I sent them directly back to their respective places and from where they were taken from.

Immediately I called Susan mentally and informed her of what just happened, and she was furious at their sheer stupidity and blind reactions…, also she informed me she had to let her boss know of what happened. Unknown to me he then summoned both men to answer to him for their actions…, and he was far less gentle than I had been.

When I returned to work the next day a Monday…, I walked into my office only to be instantly called to come before the Mayor, in his office. As I walked into his room, he immediately tried to kill me…, but found himself prevented from touching me, and then Susan appeared in his room.

“We feared he would try this, he has a high-ranking demon in him,” said Susan…, and I was stunned as I had not detected its presence. “He was called before my boss whom as you know is a demi god…, and he sensed the creature inside of him”, she stated and continued talking.

He could have killed it there and then…, but the Mayor is a true servant of God and a friend to him…, and it was for this he spared the evil life within, and waited to see if we could find a way of convincing the demon to release the mayor unharmed.”

She then turned to face the demon but kept him immobilised. An Elvin Lord appeared within the room, “I have come to your aid, stated the Lord to Susan…, and I have been instructed to allow the demon to live if he agrees to our terms.”

He looked at the demon, “We offer you your life in exchange for retuning the mayor unharmed to us.” He said…, and the demon looked at us within the room, he knew he was an ancient and a master of his kind, but so was the Elvin Lord and he was unsure of Susan or myself but realised if we genuinely were King Oberon’s representatives…, then even he could not take us on.

“How do I know you will keep your words,” he said…, and I could feel the fear coming from him. It was Susan who spoke next…, “As the king’s direct emissary…, I give my binding word.” Stated Susan…, and his eyes widened in shock as such a word was trusted.

He looked at me, “Do you witness this action…, “He asked. “Yes” I replied…, and at that the demon released his hold upon the Mayor and separated himself from him, leaving him collapse to the floor unconscious.

Quickly he tried to port away, but found he was again frozen out and unable to react other than talk. As he started to speak…, seven high Elvin Lords appeared…, and two took the mayor to safety, the remaining five carried nets, “But you promised” stated the demon…, “We did…, but we promised to allow you to live, as we shall…, but we did not promise not to take revenge for our five dead brothers, and nor not to harm you.” Said the Elvin Lord, and then they threw the nets over the demon…, but to my surprise he did not burst into flame or die, instead I could see him reducing in strength as the nets drained all of his abilities and gifts and counteracted the demonic wards.

James had told me of such nets…, but they belonged to Royalty and held immense powers. It turned out the demon had used its unique skills to have influenced the President and all in whom would listen to its hatred and manipulative lies.

There was a rather good point in all this, as I receive a special delivery and by the hand from a five-star general. Apparently, the President got to learning about the demon which had inhabited the Mayor, and of action taken to save his life.

I was given five dozen roses by the President and a card, which read as follows. “Please forgive me stupidly in failing to protect you and for ever doubting your sincerity or heart of love for your country. I of all people should have known better, as such I truly humbly apologise to you and pledge my service to your king.”

I blinked and read on…, “Please also accept these few roses as a sign of my humility and sincerity…, yours the President of the USA”.

“Oh Lord and to think he saw me in my night attire I said to Lewis, and then looked up at the messenger whom had brought me these beautiful flowers, knowing the joy within my heart that the President of the USA truly meant every single word…, and that he had sent me roses.

I focused my mind back to the messenger…, “Thank you…, please convey to the President your boss that I truly loved the flowers, and then in my mind something just informed me this person standing before…, had bitterly opposed my promotion and audibly voiced his opinion. I had to force myself to concentrate wondering how these new gifts I had been given from the demi gods actually worked.

Then my mouth spoke before my brain came into gear, “I hear you opposed my posting,” I said directly to the five-star general. Drat, I must try and learn to control my thoughts and mouth from spurting off like that.

But I must in truth give the general some credit…, as he never backed down. “I did not agree with you…, and it was nothing to do with the demon influencing others…, I just did trust you, and you’re kidnapping of the President explains why.”

I blinked and rather than shutting up…, he continued. “We in the military have been observing you. and some myself included, feel you cannot be trusted, and are unsuited for such a position of responsibility…, and…, apparently you died and assaulted a doctor and three MPs…, and I and others feel you are a security risk to the President and country.”

Those words cut deeply into my heart, and I listened to them and even tried to view it from his and the military’s perception…, but then realised if the President himself apologised and trusts me…, and then so should these pompous idiots who should follow the Presidents example.

I looked at him and spoke…, “For your thoughts I accept you have a right to think such things…, and if I am truthful I would have preferred to have not been chosen for this posting…, but when a demi God orders you, one has no choice other than to obey, that said I did give my life serving my country.”

He was angry I could feel it emanating in flows from him…, “So did thousands of fellow soldiers die…, but they were not resurrected and promoted by a so called demi god,” he disrespectfully replied.

Up to then I could have forgiven his thoughts, but he crossed the invisible line of respect…, and a soldier simply does not speak like that to a higher officer or representative of state.

“Soldier…, what would happen if a junior officer spoke to you in the manner you just spoke to me”? He looked at me realising whom I was and swallowed and apologised…, “I order you soldier to return directly to the President and report yourself for a disciplinary hearing…, you are dismissed”.

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