Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Sixteen.

Holly loved James and was concerned by the way he had been previously treated, but when she learnt he sent his parents a bank transfer of over a hundred and fifty thousand, she realised his fortune had changed, and she set about to see who had befriended her sibling.

James sold the cottage he inherited and sent his brothers and sisters a portion of the sale, keeping only some fifty thousand only for himself.

He had all he wanted, and had talked the military…, into giving him royalties on his artefacts and books, and accommodation, such was his value that they accommodated his requests and needs, and after that, he was truly happy, having finally acquired the recognition he deserved and military students whom fed upon his knowledge and looking upon him with awe.

All had been quiet and other than an old homeless vagrant wondering the streets there was nothing out of the ordinary, but then this is when we usually became paranoid, as that was when danger was present. It had to happen…, and CCTV kept a close watch over Detroit as it was also fighting to recover from the industrial crash which we now understood had been brought about by the demons…, as they thrived on fear and emotions of stress and despair.

But since we had been fighting back Detroit was recovering, people were laughing and kids were playing again and not living in such fear, that was until kids started going missing, we tried to help the old vagrant but she refused, however, she did accept the occasional plastic cup of coffee or soup I left out for her along with beef sandwiches, but I accidently discovered she loved egg and cress, as after one day leaving both my lunch and hers by the small wall that surrounded the park where the kids played.

The next day the egg and cress and coffee was gone but rats had started eating the beef sandwiches. And then left most of it, and I wondered if the rats left it…, was it truly beef.

Lewis and I had ventured out to the play area from where the kids were vanishing, we had gone out for our lunch and to talk, I had brought extra coffee and egg and cress for the vagrant, plus a blanket as it was starting to get cold at night.

We had suspected an evil spirit or demonic involvement with the children, but all of our surveillance had not picked up anything unusual. It was then I saw it, a lynx or something similar was watching us from within a bush, and I instantly recognised what it was, as only three days past I had viewed descriptions of it from the Elvin books.

To look at it you would truly think it was just a lynx, until you saw it standing on two legs and eating say an apple, or a rat, cat dog or human child, it was a high end demon and old…, very old, and no easy pushover.

I learnt that day the importance of been prepared and why it was advisable to have the best possible Elvin weapon you could acquire with you and not just ordinary everyday artefacts.

Honestly it was fast…, and I mean fast, it charged me and if I had not tripped it would have impaled me, as I noticed even my protection bubble that usually kept me safe failed to deflect it away.

Lewis knew far more than I did and was much more proficient at defending himself. He raced in front of me and raised his hand shouting “Octavo” and the lynx was blown over doing a back somersault but like all cats it landed upon its feet and had more than one life.

It screeched a terrifying high-pitched noise and I shuddered, and then the fricking creature attacked us again, but even with Lewis’s skills it was so fast it simply swerved aside and lunched at us.

Lewis just caught it seconds before its huge claws ripped into our skin, and the blast lifted it and threw it some ten meters, but again it landed upon its feet. Then I saw the old vagrant pushing a shopping trolley which was holding her pathetic possession…, and which were usually obtained from rubbish bins and the like.

She had her head down and was wearing a dirty shabby coat with the hood up to keep her warm. I shouted a warning and tried running to help her placing my own life at great risk.

But the creature was faster and closer than I and as the demon leapt stretching out its front legs ready to impale its next victim…, there was a flash of light so blinding that for a second my eyes blurred from the glare.

Then I saw the lynx split in two and flying past me in different directions. As I looked at the dead creatures I could see the wounds were cauterised from the heat of whatever cut it in two.

Then as the tramp neared us she removed her vail and before us stood a night of the Holy Cross and wearing her warden’s cloak. It was Holly herself and she had come to visit her brother. After a time, we became great friends and she was pleased her brother had finally received the recognition he so rightly deserved, and her knowledge was amazing…, as was her skills, and I even tried recruiting her…, but she told me Chicago needed her and there were teams been assembled across the world to fight the attack which was to come.

That scared me…, and I kept trying to learn more, she simply looked at me smiled and said, “The little grasshopper wants to know so much…, but needs to learn to walk before she can run.”

She then smiled at her words, which must have held more meaning than I understood. She sighed…, “It never quite comes out the same when I try it,” she said, “But basically it’s another whom needs to tell you not I.”

She did teach me however to cross plains and enter another dimension, but gave me strict warnings, that the other side contained magical Fay, who were either wild or from the summer or winter courts…, and all were incredibly dangerous.

Lewis told me he would explain later, but for now, and after practice I learnt as much as possible in the little time we were together. I did however learn a little more about the groups been formed and Holly explained that in Chicago they had established a Were-net for defenders to help each other and it was growing with groups forming all over the world, and that an angel was coordinating the events.

She left her sword upon my desk, and went to talk with Lewis and James, and unknown to me it was a test. I looked at it and went to pick it up and to move away from some files I wanted, and the moment a finger touched the sword it grew brighter than a million light bulbs. I was startled and sat aback upon my chair stunned at what just happened.

Holly smiled “It would appear you are the chosen,” she said, and proceeded to tell me that if I accept, then I can be its new keeper.” I was gob smacked and in shock. I had heard of the blade from James, and realised it was a highly prized and valuable artefact, and knew it contained one of the nails coated in the blood of Christ from the cross which was forged into its blade and the hilt was partly made from the wood of the cross that Christs head had rested upon.

Even the fallen angels were scared from this blade and would not go near it less they fell victim to its force, before the hilt had been remade from the pope gifting the wood…, the sword had been stolen more than once and many lives were lost in its recovery.

So the Vatican refitted the hilt with a section of wood seeped in the life blood of Christ the very son of God and made the sword untouchable to all bar those it chose to wield it.

I was unsure I was the right person for the job…, let alone to be responsible for such an artefact, Lewis went to take it from me so he could view for himself and the moment his hand touched the hilt he was thrown backwards in a blinding thunderous blast that took him through the office wall and over two desks before gaining his senses and using his skills, he rolled and landed safely.

Incredibly it had wrapped him in some kind of cushioning bubble, and we later learnt had he had anything other than a true heart it would have almost destroyed him.

After that we all held a healthy respect, and I was even now more unsure if having kids of my own…, if it would be safe to have it in my home. It was then the old cleaner entered my room. “May I empty your waist bin he requested, he was a lovely old man who we had come to know over the last few weeks, and I often spoke to him listening to his many words of wisdom.

He had heard me say I was unsure about accepting the sword and over the time he had been in the station he became aware of the work we were doing, we had checked him out…, and he had no flags or warnings.

“Would you take the advice of an old warrior,” he said to me, and I looked at him, “From you my friend any time,” I told him. He walked over and picked up the sword before we knew what he was going to do, and nothing happened.

We looked on in stunned silence as he examined the blade, “A fine weapon and one which should be treasured…, I would say if from what I have heard you are facing such dangers and the artefacts you have acquired are untested…, then such a gift as this should not be refused, and I have a feeling if its chosen you,” he said handing me back the sword, “Then you should accept…, the good Lord knows what he is doing…, even if we do not.”

At that he bent down and filled the rubbish sack from the contents of my bin, just then there was yet another knock upon my door and we all turned to see who it was, and as Lewis opened the door a cleaner come janitor stood there, “Do you want your bin emptied,” he said, and we all turned to face the old man…, but he was gone and the rubbish was back in my bin.

“Later” …, said Lewis as he closed the door and Holly blinked grinned and then smiled. “I think that might have been the angel,” she said, he has appeared as a janitor before.” We looked at her stunned, and she spoke again…, “He was confirming the Lord has chosen you, and not Lewis as we just saw…, nor anyone else, and I was but a caretaker for the precious sword and it was awaiting its new keeper.”

I looked at her and then back to the sword…, I knew it was the right thing, I just…, well…, I just needed assurance, and after all it was not as if I was anyone special. “I accept,” I quietly said, and the others except Holly must not have heard me. My whole body shuddered in a vibrating glow of light, and then faded and before me stood an Arc Angel.

“Lisa Anna Louise Dunbar, I bless this sword to you and anoint you a member of the order of the Holy Cross,” and at that he vanished, and we all looked stunned…, and I had acquired my personal weapon to fight evil.

Holly actually cried with tears of joy, “My father would be so proud of you,” she said, and you need to meet him soon…, as now you are chosen I feel he will be returning home soon to Jesus his Lord,” she said.

“I think he was just waiting to meet you,” she told me and removed a ring and handed it to me. “If you ever get to meet my friend and old master Lowrance, then show him this and he will know you are OK and from me,” she said “Oh but tell him I am no longer the little bug but now a butterfly…, that is your identity now,” she said pointing at me, and then laughed.

James was pleased to have seen his sister again and after a time she simply vanished quietly, and I assume she had returned to her home where ever that was.

I do not know what it was…, but I had a strong feeling we were been prepared to face an evil far greater than what had come previously…, and it scared me. But as Chicago was Holly’s town…, Detroit was mine and I loved it here and wanted so much to bring happiness back to its civilians and give them security, hope and love and the dignity of work once more.

Hell, they deserved it, Detroit was special, and it had history and compassion and love, and it was as I said, my home. And as I said before many jobs had been lost here, but since we had been fighting back, unity had started to grow…, and hope and excitement was lifting people’s spirits.

As a result, things were changing for the better…, but what we had not expected was the phone call the Mayor received…, and it was from the Crime Lord of Detroit and all of America. He was the true King Pin of all known criminals and he employed the best available from humans to fay, and even had a lesser God who provided security at a cost, and also staff to keep him safe.

Incredibly he had fought alongside the Wizard Council and even Lowrance…, as much as he hated the man…, but they had united to fight a greater evil, and in time formed a healthy respect for each other.

As crazy as it was the citizens were actually safe under his control as he ruled his kingdom with a fist of iron and refused outright to allow evil to infringe upon his town. Only now his town extended across the entire United States, and he had not aged a day in all of that time.

He also knew what was coming and it scared him, and if he was scared I was wise enough to know to be scared myself…, and he had promised a truce and uniting of forces and resources, and it was known he had by far the greatest artefact collection in the world.

He also had the staff whom knew how to use them. He had also acquired his own wards and rune manuals long before we acquired ours, and his home staff and weapons were all protected.

If he knew something was coming and it truly scared him, then it must be very, very scary and not to be ignored or looked upon lightly.

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