Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Seventeen.

For a time, life had settled and other than the occasional incident of minor proportions…, people were starting to forget about demonic attacks and demon dogs…, and were imagining the dogs were over stated, and were just some wild dogs gone crazy.

There was a reason, there had to be, for in their mind they wanted it to make sense…, and it made more sense than evil interdimensional creatures, or biblical demons.

But what they did not understand nor realise that this is exactly what the demons wanted…, for the humans to drop their guard and start to relax.

The school was preparing for its production of (A-MID-SUMMERS-NIGHTS-DREAM), and both of Lisa’s girls…, Yasmin and Elsa were involved, and Justin Elsa’s boyfriend played a major role, so rehearsals were a pain…, but vital for the production. It was also difficult for the girls to try and lead a near normal life, let alone keep remembering to stay safe.

Like all teenagers there were times of memory lapse and they forgot dropping their guards, and at those times fortunately, with no adverse effects. Or even murderous attempts upon their lives.

Lisa became scared as she understood what was happening…, but try explaining that to a teenager let alone two of them, and whom thought they were wiser and knew everything, when really they knew nothing of life yet, and were telling you frustratingly, that you were out of touch and trying to ruin their fun.

As such I was unhappy and needed help…, so taking Eliza aside I told her I needed her help. “The girls need a shock…, and I fear unless we do something quickly and enforce their memories…, they could soon face another attack.” I said…, and Elisa bless him agreed.

He thought for a time and then smiled…, “You could take photos of the YouTube video…, and paste pictures around the house,” he said, and I agreed that might well work…, yet I felt more was needed.

Eliza smiled “Leave it with me…, I have an idea which truly should work…,” he said, and I felt calmer now knowing he was as true to his word as could be.

Just before I left Eliza called me…, “Lisa love…, could I infringe upon you for a favour,” he asked…, “I have a new friend…, and could I ask you to check him out for me…, as I would like with your permission to allow him to stay over some nights…, and what with the girls taking all my time…,”

I smiled “No problem…, that’s the least I could do for you as you’ve been one hell of a good friend…, even better than a big sister,” I told him…, and his eyes smiled at the complement…, honestly I think there had been twins…, a boy and a girl inside his mother’s womb…, and he kind of took everything merging in with his brother, leaving him the men parts but everything else 100% woman.

That by the way in my mind was a complement, as I have met gays throughout my life and none were as effeminate as Eliza, he was a true gem. I had to shake my head to get my thoughts back on track. D C Lewis as he was now known, had left for work earlier in the morning…, as he had a training session with John and Steve, and later we were both to train a group of new recruits.

We had formed a relationship but at work we kept it strictly professional and at home we could relax. As I concentrated on the road ahead of me, I noticed a Ford Pickup truck overtaking me, so I slowed to allow it to pass…, but it slowed alongside me, suddenly Father John appeared in my passenger chair, “Keep calm they are trying to kill you…,” he said.

I mean dear God what is wrong with people…, they tell you someone is about to try and kill you and expect you to keep calm…, My bloody heart became a race horse trying to jump out of my chest and run as fast it could.

But John just smiled and vanished only to re-appear in the truck alongside me. As I slammed on my brakes the truck veered passed me and flipped somersaulting over as John yank the steering wheel and fought off the attackers.

As John re-appeared in my car…, and I was about to stop but he shouted keep driving…, so I did and arrived safely at the station. As I sat in the car…, he explained my entire team had been attacked but had survived.

It transpired I was not the only one to have been attacked as the team members had also faced such attempted murders…, and some had even been involved in heavy gun battles…, but the clever but crazy members of my team had been inventive. Well crude but ingenious…, as they had obtained gallons of military grade clear paint which they use for protecting their vehicles…, and hand painted wards and runes over their vehicles.

Like I said crude but it had worked, and to my surprise they even had been using warded munitions, as a result I looked towards my office and inside were stacked twelve dead bodies, “Steve requested them so they could examine them and see if they could gain intelligence” …, I was informed.

I realised in all of the excitement…, that I should have listened to my team, as I remembered they had been talking about wording their vehicles just before I acquired the sword.

“Ah shoot” …, I said to myself, “How stupid could I be,” I had left the sword in my car, as in all the rush…, I had vacated it quickly and ventured into the safety of the station.

I placed a hand up to indicate to the team to stop their incessant talking and went to fetch my sword. “Ah come on…, it had been a stressful time, and I was not use to carrying a near three-foot-long blade wherever I went…, come on its not if you my critics ever forgot anything”.

When I returned James bless him walked over and kissed me, “A late birthday gift,” he said…, and handed me a beautiful professional looking shoulder come back harness for my sword, and it had been engraved with runes and wards and was stunning…, even gob smacking beautiful.

“I hand made it myself,” he said, and then became embarrassed…, “Well it is truly rather a thank you for the job, I…, I even have students who kind of think I’m cool and some kind of star…, not that I am…, well just thanks Lisa.

I was taken aback by the gift, and as I tried it on it was comfortable and it worked freeing up my hands…, “I have one extra gift for you,” stated James, I realised you could not really travel around carrying a sword without getting arrested or been noticed…, so I researched my books until I found what I wanted as I remembered the Royal Prince wore his sword everywhere but kept it concealed”.

I looked at James genuinely interested in what he was saying, “I eventually found it and copied it…, so you can place an Elvin glamour upon it and make it vanish from sight.” He was pleased as I could see the excitement in his eyes. As I placed the sword onto my back…, I spoke the words James gave me, and feeling proud with myself for having learnt the Elvin tongue.

It vanished, mind you it did take some time to become accustomed to it upon my back…, and several attempts at readjusting its position before I was not knocking everything over that I passed, or hitting people in the face and the sword reacting throwing them some twenty or more feet away from it. But in time I placed it to the middle of my spine with a gentle and slight tilt towards my right hand, so I could reach it with no difficulty.

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