Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Nine.

The attorney was good, very good and I sat in with the questioning just on the other side of the two-way mirror, as did DC Lewis, it was when the attorney handed the investigative officer a warrant and a claim for damages plus two separate copies of independent videos taken by customers at Starbucks.

My colleagues knew the shit had hit the fan, and by the evening news broadcasts from across the USA, they were showing copies of videos taken of an innocent victim, who was talking with two police detectives, and then been arrested, complying and then been shot at.

The state attorneys were in a very difficult situation, there was no criminal record on the individual and when his true identity was released by the church, in been a priest who covered unnatural investigations, it was realised he was some type of Holy Cop.

My Captain was furious and to be truthful I honestly could understand why…, as this person was innocent and we can’t have cops taking it upon themselves to do other people’s clean up jobs, what we call trouble shooters, if there is trouble they shoot them, or the term cleaners…, been the other description.

Eventually the state was forced to drop any future charges against the stranger and paid an undisclosed sum of compensation, the dead cop’s partner was given desk duties which I thought was extremely unfair, yet for some reason regardless of my comments I was ignored.

I dreamed again the next night of my blood Father and of this stranger, and just before I awoke my Father blew me a kiss and this time mimed the words “Play the Violin,” and I think because he never actually spoke the words my unconscious mind put the mimed words together, and as I awoke, I rubbed my eyes and yawned…, I then stretched my tired body and lifted the coverings from my bed.

As I staggered from the bed and stretched and then rubbed my left calf as it went into cramp, I eventually made it to my shower and waited for the water to get hot, and then I stepped in and allowed the water to flow over my tired body. Suddenly the water turned ice cold and I screamed jumping out of the shower, only to hear one of my daughters singing loudly.

After I dressed myself and went to investigate Elsa was fully dressed and wearing headphones singing along to some music which she was listening to…, and I heard the washing machine working, and realised that was why the water had turned cold, as the washing machine drew away the hot water taking priority.

I could not say if it was by purpose, but my daughter looked different, she was still bald, but she had dressed smartly and was happy.

It was then Eliza staggered into the room, kissed me and said, “She has a new boyfriend from the Drama group young Yasmin joined, he is two years older and would you believe it, utterly a hunk…, if he was my kind I would go for him myself,” and I laughed.

It was only then Elsa turned and saw us and jumped from fright. “Morning mum…, I could not sleep so I got up early and saw you needed the washing doing, so I put it on for you.” She said all proudly, and I had to blink thinking some magical creature had brought my real daughter back to me.

I looked at her as she lifted the headphones away, “Who are you,” I enquired, “You’re not the daughter I had a few days ago…, what have you done with her…, and more to the point if I pay you will you keep her in exchange for you.” Elsa laughed, honestly, she laughed and came over and kissed me…, my wayward hormonal deranged daughter kissed me.

Placing two fingers to form a cross, I said “Get away from me you evil creature.” And she laughed and hugged me again. “Sorry mum…, I guess I have been a bit of a bitch,” she said, and I actually sat down, and Eliza bless his heart brought me over a coffee waving his hand.

“Oh my…, here drink this it will help with the shock.” As I drank it I could taste the whiskey he had placed in it. He smiled…, “I thought you needed it,” he said laughing. I then noticed he had died his hair pink, honestly pink of all colours and it had five orange and white streaks highlighted, as I shook my head and blinked, “Has some magical fairy swapped your minds,” I enquired and they both laughed.

“I fancied a change do you like it?” he asked me…, “well…, it’s kind of different,” I replied, “I suppose given time I will get used to it,” I told him. Elsa just giggled and her sister came into the room.

“Wow…, I love your new look Eliza,” she said, and they hugged, and she then went to make herself breakfast. “Hi mum can Elsa and I stay for drama group tonight, it will run for almost three hours after school, and Eliza said he will bring us home as did Sister Elise and Brother Lewis.”

“This can’t be happening” I said, “I must still be in bed and this is just another dream.” They laughed as I pinched myself to see if I was awake. Then my front door bell rang, and we looked at each other. As I stood, I went over to the door and viewed through the new door monitor I had installed and saw the stranger outside. As I opened the door and yawned, he looked at me and smiled, “Not you as well,” he said, “Am I just boring or do I have that affect upon people.”

His humour pleased me, and I invited him into the room and introduced him to the others. “Girls this is a distant cousin…, that’s a point what is your name?” I enquired.

I noticed Eliza seemed pleased at been referred to as girls. I heard a grunt and a laugh, “You will not believe this, but it is Lewis”, I could see the expression of amusement upon the girls faces, heck even Eliza thought it was hilarious., after all how many Lewis’s could there be.

Lewis just laughed, “I told you would not believe me,” he said, and I must admit I had to smile. Well that was until he dropped the next bomb shell. “If you don’t mind Lass…, I need to stay a while as I have nowhere to live and you are going to need me close by, but I can pay well…,” He said.

Just then Father John appeared, and he went straight over to Lewis and hugged him. “Lewis, you are an old dog, how are you keeping,” he enquired, and the two men ignored us and talked.

Elsa and Yasmin put their hands to their mouths and laughed, Eliza looked at me…, “I have no objection he could share my room if you have nowhere to put him.”

And the girls laughed some more. “I mean he’s a hunk and I’d love to shower with him…, also we need the extra protection…, especially if the girls are going to become involved in the drama group.”

I blinked and hit the side of my head twice with an open hand, “This can’t be happening, I will soon need to take out a boarding house licence,” I said, and all laughed even John and Lewis.

“I don’t mind sharing with the fairy…,” he said, “After all I’m part fairy myself,” stated Lewis…, and I saw John’s eyes go wide. “Ah no…, John he means he is part Fay. “Ah no Lass…, I mean I am part fairy…, bisexual like…, in the Fay kingdom it is acceptable and not frowned upon like you humans do…,” he said, and the girls blushed and giggled some more.

“Dear Lord” I thought to myself, “What is happening in my life,” It was then Lewis lifted my spirits, “No offence to you Eliza…, but if I had a choice between you and this beautiful woman before me, you would lose every time…, I mean it’s rare if ever I come across a warrior as her…, and a beautiful one at that.”

I blinked and now I went red faced. “Please mum can he stay,” said both girls at the same time, and honestly, I was stunned.

Heck I had gone all these years without a husband, and one of my daughters could scare a vampire with her behaviour, only to awake and find my daughter back and now a hunk of a good looking guy wanting to live in my home…, and to pay me at that, and telling me I’m a warrior and bloody beautiful…, even if he was a bit gay.

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