Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Eight.

My Dreams continued, but always of my true blood Father, nothing romantic nor truly bad, but some were unsettling, and I saw him a few times fighting creatures with Father John by his side, and one unknown person whose face was always un-seen because of a hood, yet he fought stronger and more forcibly than all the others, and he carried some type of staff with twin ram’s horns upon the head of a small creature at the top of the staff.

I suppose for the Fay it looked acceptable but if I saw a human carrying such…, unless it was in some type of festival or play like Mid-Summer-Nights-Dream…, then I would think it most unusual.

On each dream my Father kept trying to tell me something about the violin, but every time he did, it was as if something or someone was turning the sound down, and I truly found it difficult to hear his words, and I could see it frustrated him, and he even mimic playing the violin but if he did this…, then for unknown reasons, I would awake.

Then one morning a stranger appeared at my door, claiming to be a distant cousin to my true blood father…, I shook my head thinking…, this has happened before.

I even asked him “Did we not have this same conversation recently,” and he grinned…, “No lass it must have been in a dream.” He said, and I blinked and saw he was grinning. As it was, I refused to allow him in, and explained I had company requesting he could come back another day.

“I understand your caution lass…, I would have been disappointed if you had just let me into your home without first checking me out,” he said. So, he gave a piece of paper with his photo attached and a list of personal information. “Have me checked out at your fancy police station, and when you see father John next just show him this paper and he will vouch for me.”

It was just then I heard a noise behind me, and as I started to turn my head to see who was there, in my peripheral vision I could have sworn I saw a staff resting against my wall by the front door.

But when I turned back the visitor had gone as had the staff. I know you are thinking this was yet another dream, and even I thought that…, but it wasn’t, and it was Eliza and my daughters returning from a shopping trip, they had entered via the kitchen…, having come from the lane at the back of my garden where I park my car.

Yasmin was carrying an armful of clothing, and even Elsa had some new items, also Eliza had been shopping for himself and the girls found it most entertaining helping him purchase makeup and clothing.

I waited for Brother Lewis and Sister Elise, and a few seconds later they followed…, dressed in civilian clothing and looking quite hip or fashionable considering they were clergy or whatever it is they are called.

I mean heck I can’t go around calling them knights of the cross or…, well you know what I mean. “Mum look at this,” said Yasmin rushing to thank me and all excited by her purchases, even Elsa tried to beat Eliza in showing me her purchases, and I could see they had a right girl’s day out shopping.

It was holiday time, and I was truly glad for the new help…, although my home was starting to become a bit crowded.

The next day I went to work and later along with my new partner called into Starbucks for a much needed coffee and vanilla cheese cake.., yum…, it was delicious and gave me a rush, and to me it was better than sex…, well possibly, as it had been so long since I last had sex, and I had forgotten what it was like, and to think about it…, if I was thinking my cheese cake as great as it is…, was better than sex, well it can’t say much for the sex I had…, even if to me…, it felt it was when the dinosaurs were last walking on the earth.

I laughed at my thought and then caught sight of the stranger walking into Starbucks and yes, he was carrying that freaky staff strung over his left shoulder by a leather strap, so his arms and hands could be free.

He ordered an expresso and a jam doughnut some peanuts and a bag of crisps. Then he paid and carried his tray over to our table, “Can I sit with you”, he said, and I looked at Thomas my partner..., he shrugged his shoulders leaving me to decide.

“OK it’s about time I became acquainted with you…, and I need to ask if it was you who helped save my daughter’s life the other day.”

He grinned “No lass it was that old lady, she bravely stood up to that beast as frail and small as she was…, but then I feel she knew what she was doing, as Were-wolves can’t handle a face full of salt in their eyes, and more so a nine-inch-long silver bread knife. Well…, that kind of kills them…, I just finished it off so it would not suffer like, as it was not its fault it attacked, as it had been possessed and could not prevent the force within controlling it.”

I blinked at his casual recollecting of the incident, and as if he fought such creatures all the time. Thomas enquired, “Are you,” but the visitor cut him short not giving him time to finish his sentence.

“Yes, sonny you fought alongside me in Louisiana…, he replied with his mouth still eating the doughnut and drinking his coffee. Thomas just stared at him…, and then he reached over to shake his hand. “We never got to thank you…, in all the confusion when we turned to find you…, you were no longer there”.

I then interjected…, “you also truly do know Father John and my blood Father…, just what are you,” I enquired of him. “If I told you Lass you would possibly try to arrest me for being mad, crazy or a danger to the community, or some other stuff like that.”

I looked and my eyes widened in shock. Thomas laughed, “You said the very same thing to Jim my old partner…, so do you care to explain.”

The stranger placed the empty coffee cup down and wiped his face, “Not really…, but I suppose I have to.” He grinned and then introduced himself. “I’m what is termed an outsider a wizard magical fay of sorts…, I know it sounds bloody stupid and that is why people take one look at me and try to have me locked up.”

Just as he finished saying that two beat cops walked in with their guns drawn and walked over to my guest. “Put your hands behind your head and stand up slowly,” stated one of the beat cops, it was then his partner recognised me.

“What the hell are you and this idiot doing,” I enquired, and just then the stranger complied and slowly placing his hands behind his head and stood up, but it had spooked the first beat cop, because of my outburst and he stepped backwards and discharged his gun.

Before I knew what was happening the stranger had vanished, and a bullet smashed through the table.

Then pandemonium broke out, the cop went flying backwards smashing into tables and the fall broke one of his legs, by then we had got out our ID and his partner tried calming the injured colleague down.

But the beat cop started shooting and Thomas and I were forced to shoot him dead. I just could not believe what had just happened, one moment I was having a coffee and a talk with my partner and a friend, and then all hell broke out.

Within minutes’ other cops arrived and for over an hour it was simply a bloody mess, eventually DC Lewis and I had to exert our authority and get them to view Starbucks surveillance video, and it eventually confirmed our description of events along with the dead cop’s partner.

The strange thing was…, when investigation looked into why the two cops entered with guns drawn and went over to my table, no one could explain what had caused their actions.

The dead cops partner tried saying his colleague received a radio call telling him an armed wanted criminal was at Starbucks and carrying a horned staff on his back.

But there was no record of any such call been given and the video clearly showed the victim complying exactly with what he had been told to do. It could not explain where he vanished to…, nor why the cop shot at and tried to kill an innocent unarmed man, and with a restaurant full of witnesses, who gave statements stating he complied, and had done nothing wrong…, or to warrant been shot at.

Both DC Lewis and I now understood what the stranger meant when he…, well what we thought was jokingly told us, that people tried to arrest him.

Heck if I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed him, even if I was shown a video, I would think it had been doctored and was false, as cops do not usually draw a gun and shoot an innocent person.

Note I said usually…, I agree it is not unheard of…, but is so rare that I think I stood more chance of winning the lottery. But what surprised me even more was when the stranger turned up at the police station with one very expensive and well-known attorney, to hand himself in for questioning.

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