
chapter 16- sorry

A couple days later- Reds POV

Jenny still wouldn't talk or look at anyone. She was pretty much just an empty shell of herself. Scar and I had no idea what to do. She would eat and drink when we gave her food and water, but she just had dead eyes and glaring out into the room never making eye contact with us.

At night it was a different story though, nightmares plagued her, would wake her up, causing her to scream, cry, shout out at Alex, telling him to stop, begging him to stop, but he wasn't there, they were just nightmares. We would both crawl into bed, hold her and comfort her until she fell back asleep.

We pretty much took turns sleeping on the chair we brought into her room to be near her when those happen. Made it easier and faster for us to get to her when she started screaming.

We sat down with the doctor and talked to him about having one of his colleagues, a therapist come talk to her. He agreed to it and we were just waiting for the phone call from him.

"How you holding up brother?" Scar asked

I slumped deeper into the chair I was sitting in, not sure how to honestly reply to his question. My mind was all over the place, I was starting to fall in love with her before this all occurred. I'm still falling for her every day.

"Honestly brother I'm hurting for her, I still want to take all the pain and the memories she has from that day away from her, but I know its not possible. I know she has to go through this and heal from this, but I still want to take it all away." I tell him truthfully

"You love her? Don't you?" Scar ask

"I do." I whisper

"I haven't known her that long but I'm right there with you. It started that day in the parking lot at Taco Bell, confirmed that night when y'all showed up and she straight punched Kelly in the face knocking her ass out cold." he tells me

I look up at him and I can see the hurt he's going through right along with her and me. I stand up and give him a 'brother hug'.

"It's going to be ok, she will come out of this. I don't know how long it will take but we have to trust she will." I tell him

The next day I go into her room to bring her some chili that one of the ole' ladies made, and while walking in she actually looked up at me, the look in her eyes pretty much said it all. She had ptsd from the rape.

I wanted so much to just kill Alex and take away her hurt. I know Scar wanted the same, we had already contemplated taking his life. And right now he's sitting downstairs in the basement being held and tortured for how he treated Jenny, this honestly should've never happened, Scar and I should have talked her out of it more than what we did, but we didn't, and we definitely didn't think he would rape her. He was a monster for doing this to her.

Being in an MC the one thing you don't do is hurt or rape women. And considering Alex was part of Scar' MC he knew this, but yet he did it anyways.

Being torn from my thoughts quickly to ask Jenny to repeat what she had just said.

"I'd like to talk to you and Scar, if that's ok." she asked her voice sounding so small like a child almost

"That's perfectly ok baby, I'll go get him." I tell her after I hand her the tray of food

I walk out of her room and go to Scar' office. I knock once then enter without an answer.

"What's going on? Is everything ok with Jenny? Did she have another nightmare?" He fired question after question

"She's ok, she wants to talk to both of us. So I came to get you." I tell him

He gets out of his chair and follows me back to Jenny's room.

"Hi." She says in a whisper to Scar

"Oh, baby. Are you ok?" He ask with worry

"I'm ok. I just. I just want to talk to both of you. And.. and I'll completely understand if.. if you don't.. don't want me anymore." She stutters out with a sob

"What? Why would you think we don't want you Jenny?" Scar ask

"Because of what happened. Because I'm tainted now." She lowers her head ashamed

We both go to her at the same time.

"You're not tainted baby, we promise." I lift her chin gently to let her see my truth

" I feel like I could have just done something different. I shouldn't have gone over there, I was so stupid. I dated him and trusted him, I never thought he would stoop so low to hurt me physically." she says

"Sweetheart no one knew that Alex was going to do that. However you know that Red and I are here for you. Always." Scar says

I nod in agreeance.

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