
chapter 15-continue/ruined

Trigger warning this chapter involves a rape scene

The next day

After a long night of talking to Red and Scar, I'm headed over to Alex's place. My phone is already on call with Red and his end is muted so Alex can't hear them.

"Ugh.. I'm nervous right now. I know you can't talk and thats fine. But I've got a bad feeling about this now." I say looking down.

I go up to the door of Alex's place and knock, I wait for a few minutes and knock again. No answer. So with my last attempt I knock again and this time he answers the door.

"What the fuck do you want?" He yells

He doesn't see my face. I finally get the courage to look up.

"I'm sorry. I.. I.." I stumble my words to make this sound more believable

"What the hell happened to you?" Alex questions

"I went to the bar with Cassie the other night, we played pool and had a few drinks. When we were leaving she was getting us an Uber and next thing I know is I'm being pulled into a vehicle and there's a hood over my face, and I don't know why they took me. I didn't even do anything to deserve this." I point to my face

"Where's your new boy toy at? Why didn't you go to him?" He questions smugly

"He had some things to take care of. And I don't know where my phone is. I think they took it." I sob

"Did they.. did they hurt you anywhere else?" Alex' asks gently

"No, they just punched me and told me I better return their product to them or give them 50k by the end of the week. Or they will hurt me worst than this." I tell him still sobbing

"Come in and we can talk some more." He says as he moves out of the way

I hesitate for a beat, the gut feeling I have gets a bit stronger as I enter his house.

"I'm sorry I came to you with this. But I'm scared." I say as I go to sit on his couch but I don't make it

Alex has me by the throat and is walking me back wards towards his room. We enters his room and takes his knife out of his pocket. My bag drops by the door.

I shiver out of fear that now I really did make a huge mistake. He's going to hurt me. Oh God please no.

"W.. w... what are you going to do to me Alex?" I cough out as he squeezing tighter around my neck

He doesn't answer, he takes the knife and places it at my throat, I freeze, my breath held in my throat as I wait for whatever he decides to do. He slowly moves the knife away from my throat, dragging it along my neck. Tears prickle my eyes, my heart is pounding fast. The knife catches the collar of my shirt. He angels the knife, then in one quick move, slices down my shirt. And I flinch. My breath sounds like I'm panting, I'm honestly scared for my life right now.

"You see I don't believe you. I want to make sure your not wearing a wire." He growls

"I.. I'm not. I p-promise." I choke out stuttering

He puts the knife in my shorts that I'm wearing and does the same thing. I'm now left in my bra and thong.

"I miss the way your body looked, the way you smell, the way your voice hitches when I gave you pleasure." Alex says huskily but to me it sounds wrong

He takes the knife again placing it inside the front of my bra and rips it off. I yelp. He continues to do the same with my thong. Now I'm completely naked. He drags me over to one side of the bed, I see there's rope tied to the headboard. He shoves me down on the bed hard, gets on top of me, forcing my hands above my head and ties each arm tightly.

Shit! If I say something out of the blue he will know something is up. Fuck! This can't happen.

He grabs one of my ankles and places it in the rope at one side of the bed at the end, then the other ankle on the other side, tied up the same. I'm naked and spread eagle for him and I'm beginning to panic.

Alex takes his shirt at the hem and pulls it off, undoes his pants and hooks his thumbs into the waist and pulls them off in one move. I can see his arousal. He gets on the bed and gets between my legs. I'm shaking.

"P-p-please stop. P-p-please don't do this." I beg

I try to close my legs but it doesn't work. I hear Alex spit and see his hand move up and down his length. He places his cock next to my entrance and then slams into me. I go to scream but he covers my mouth fast.

"Don't try screaming, or else I will kill you. Do I make myself clear?" He growls out angrily

I nod my head with a whimper and tears come loose from my eyes. He licks my cheek clean from the tears as he forcibly fucks me.

"You use to love when we had sex. So why are you crying." Alex ask

Here is my opportunity to make sure they can here me loud and clear.

"It's one thing if I consented, it's another for you to force me!" I yell

Alex slaps me across the face, fast and hard and I didn't see it coming. I cry out in pain. He pounds into me harder and I can feel his cock starting to pulse inside me. He about to cum in me.

He starts to grunt, and I cry harder.

I hear the front door being kicked in and it sounds like a herd of animals are coming through the house.

Alex pulls out of me fast and I whimper.

All I see through the tears in my eyes are two huge men. I know who they are and they're here for me.

"Red. Scar." I whimper and sob

Alex doesn't see the punch coming from Scar but he feels it when he hits the ground. Scar knocked him the fuck out. Cold.

"Baby girl, are you ok?" Red whisper yells

Scar is untying my hands. They both see the marks the rope left and growl.

Red goes to pick me up from the bed but doesn't get very far.

I whimper.

Noticing that my ankles are tied as well he places me back on the bed, grabs his knife from his holster, and goes to cut the rope but I flinch in the process.

Scar notices the look on my face and the little bit of blood on my neck, the little slice from the knife when Alex held it at my throat.

"I'm not going to cut you baby, I promise. Can you stay still and let me do this?" Red ask softly pleading

I nod my head but look away from him and the knife.

After my ankles are free Scar grabs the blanket from the bed, wraps me in it and Red takes me to the van. On the way out I see Scar grabs my bag and we leave.

"I need you to keep a close eye on Alex' place. If he leaves follow him. Also get doc to come to the club house. Tell him we need him to do a check up and to bring some morning after pills." Scar says on the phone to one of his men

Red holds me tightly to his chest as I cry and shake.

"I'm so sorry baby. So so damn sorry." Red coos as he rocks me

The van comes to a stop at Scars club house a couple minutes later. Red cradles me in his arms bridal style and Scar opens the side door to the van. Red jogs me into the club house and we follow Scar to an empty bed room.

"Lay her down on the bed and tell me what happened." The doctor says

Red and Scar both look at me worried, and nod to let me know I need to tell the doctor what happened.

"He.. he.. he r-r-raped me!" I cry and stutter out

Reds face turns hard and cold, he goes straight to the wall and pushes right through it. I flinch and cry harder.

"Red leave! NOW!" Scar shouts

I start to have a panic attack. My breath catches and I can't breath any more air into my lungs. The doctor notices and yells to Scar

"Calm her down the best you know how. If her panic attack doesn't stop ill have to sedate her." He states

Scar rushes to my side, brings my shoulders up, leans back on the bed then pulls me against him. He strokes my hair and shush' me. My breathing starts to normalize. Still semi panting. But I've calmed down quite a bit.

"Did he.. did the guy.. use protection?" The doctor stumbles

"No." I answer

Scar cusses under his breath

"I'll take some samples now and in a few weeks take some more just to be on the safe side to make sure you don't get or have any stds. Is that ok?" He ask gently

I nod my head.

The doctor starts to remove the blanket thats covering the lower half of my body and I freeze briefly. Scar notices this and holds onto my hand.

"Its ok baby, he won't hurt you. I promise." Scar says

I nod and close my eyes.

After the doctor finishes he covers me back up. He tells Scar he left me some sleeping aides just in case I can't sleep. Tells Scar to make sure I get plenty of food and water.

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