
Chapter 11- accused

We let Cassie and Silver know that we are about to leave, out of respect.

We get into the parking lot and I'm instantly on guard. I see that Alex is still here only Kelly isn't and he's talking to a couple men. I grip Red's hand tighter to let him know that I'm feeling uneasy about what I'm seeing. Red glances down at me and nods, acknowledge the situation that we may or may not be in.

Red and I continue to walk to his bike. He swings his leg over to straddle his bike, starts it up, then reaches for my hand to allow me to hop on, I get situated and then we start to leave.

I'm keeping my eyes on Alex as we're leaving and I see the scowl on his face. He looks completely pissed off at me. Honestly I don't care. Next thing I know is all the men that Alex was talking to jump on their bikes or in their cars and start racing towards us.

"Red we're gonna have some company here in a couple seconds by the looks of it." I tell him nervously.

"I already sent a text to Silver, and a few of the other guys baby girl. They're going to meet us at taco bell because that is where I planned on taking you to lunch after the range. Even though I had other plans to devour you, those plans are on hold at the moment. Till we know that the bastards that Alex was talking to aren't actually following us." Red growls

"Ok, sounds good." I say

We pull into taco bell and I noticed a couple of the guys sitting there on their bikes, waiting for us.

Red pulls up next to the guys, shuts his bike off, and turns to me as I'm getting off.

"Go inside, Cassie is in there ordering food. Get you something to eat and I will come get you when we are done. Ok baby girl." He tells me

I nod and start to walk to get inside, but before I take my second step Red has grabbed my wrist and pulled me in for a kiss. He starts to pull away and I grab his cut and the back of his neck at the same time and bring him back to my lips. As soon as our lips touch he growls, just as I whimper. I want to deepen the kiss but I know I need to get inside with Cassie, I let go of Red, and look up into his eyes, my face flush, and my lips look like they are bee stung. Reds staring down at me with a look in his eyes that is hungry and lust filled.

I turn, walk to the door to head inside. I get to the door just as the sound of motorcycles approach. Cassie grabs my hand and yanks me the rest of the way inside, I didn't even realize she was approaching, too worried about what was going on with the men who followed us. Red and his guys watch with smug facial expressions as the men hop off their bikes.

My anxiety is going through the roof and Cassie is holding my hand telling me everything will be ok. But I can't shake the feeling of dread that just decided to come over me.

"Cassie I've got a bad feeling about all of this. I know Red and the guys are ok, but I seriously can't shake this feeling." I tell her

"Jenny, its going to be ok, just let the men handle this, they protect what's theirs." Cassie tells me

I sigh and grip Cassie's hand, bringing it up to my chest.

We watch as all the men talk, I don't see Alex in the crowd. Red is talking with a tall man with a beard and shaved head with a big skull tattoo on the side closest to his ear.

"Cassie I don't see Alex, do you?" I question

"No, sweetie. I don't see him either. Makes me wonder if he just stayed behind." She says with worry lacing her voice

I pull my phone out of my pocket, scroll through till I see Silvers name and text him.

'Hey I don't see Alex, I know he was with those guys when we left, is he out there?' I say

'No, I don't see him either, but since you gals are in there be on alert.' Silver text back

"Silver said he hasn't seen him either. We should be on alert." I tell Cassie

"Lets go sit down at a table and wait. Hopefully this don't take to long." Cassie says

We see a table that's not close to anyone else but close to the window so we can see out, so we go over and sit. My stomach is in knots as we wait for our guys to come in.

Five minutes, fifteen minutes, thirty minutes all go by when our guys finally come in. I spot Red so I jump out of the chair and go to him, hugging his waist.

"They wanted to know what was going on, they wanted to talk to you about everything baby girl. I told them I knew what was going on and that they didn't need to talk to you personally." Red says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Apparently Alex told them that you stole from him, stole product that they had given him to sell and when Alex didn't give them money he told them that you took the product and flushed it." Red says

"What the actual fuck! Wait you mean to tell me Alex was a dealer?!" I yell frantically

"Yes, now Scar wants to talk to you in person, ask you if anything was suspicious with Alex. He owes them a lot of money." Red says

I look out the window and spot the only biker sitting on his bike waiting.

"Is that Scar?" I question

Red nods his head.

I rush to the door pull it open and race across the parking lot.

"You want every detail from me? About Alex? I'll tell you what I know but its not what I'm accused of. I didn't even know Alex was dealing anything or selling anything. I've been inside his house and nothing looked different or suspicious. And honestly if I knew he was any type of dealer I wouldn't have been with him. Hell I broke up with him because he was fucking another woman that I didn't even know about, until I caught his ass." I tell him honestly

Scar looks me in the eyes, he should know I'm telling the truth because I am. I have no reason to lie or hide anything.

"What else did he do to you? And do you know the woman's name by chance?" Scar ask

"Alex was a bit rough but never laid a hurtful hand on me if that's what your asking, the woman her name is Kelly at least that's what he called her." I sigh

"Ok, I want you to tell Red to bring you to our club house, I want my second there with me when you tell us, And Jenny was it, Alex has a vendetta, watch your back, he will get anyone he can to hurt you. But now I know the truth and yes he is part of our club, but if he is the one who stole from us then he will no longer be in our club and we will try to protect you. I know Red, and I know he's your man, but when he isn't here to protect you, we will be." Scars says honestly

I nod my head and turn around to see Red a few feet away, giving his nod to Scar. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Can we eat and then go to his club house. I want to get this done as quickly as possible." I say

"Yes babygirl." Red says then kisses the top of my head

We head inside and order.

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