
Chapter 10-not even surprised anymore

Over the last couple weeks I've had a lot on my plate. With work, with bdsm, with Red when he comes to town.

When Red got into town Friday he told me he'd be staying at the same hotel, but he wanted to do something with me Saturday. Said it was a surprise.

We've gotten to know each other quit a bit, he knows I'm into bdsm and he is OK with it. He also knows I'm bisexual. He told me he'd love to see me in action while I tie someone up, I told him I'm not that experienced yet and probably won't be for a while.

I'm with Red on the back of his bike, Cassie is on Silvers, and we are headed to the surprise.

Nerves are all over the place but I'm having fun.

We pull off into the parking lot, Red shuts his bike off and then gets off, he helps me off and we wait for Cassie and Silver.

"Why are we here at the gun range?" I ask

"I want to see how good you are with guns. I still remember the first night we met when you told me you was very observate. So I want to see how you are with an actual gun." He says smiling

"Well your in for a surprise as well then." I say just as Cassie and Silver pull in.

We start walking to the door and he opens it I go through tell him thank you. We sign in and then Red sits down. I'm about to sit in the chair next to him when he pulls me into his lap.

We are waiting for someone to take us back into the actual range to shoot. Right now they only have one stall left and since it's Red, Cassie, Silver, and I we choose to wait for another stall.

We sit for about 10 minutes when a couple comes out and instantly I know who the guy is. Its Alex and some female. My whole body tenses up. I look at Red but he's staring right at Alex.

Alex is looking right at me.

"I didn't know you could shoot a gun." Alex says.

"Well there's a lot of things you didn't know about me. And you still won't." I growl out

Red is rubbing my back letting me know its OK.

"Who's the girl you brought with you Alex?" Cassie ask.

I look at Cassie and give her a look of 'really why would you ask that'

"This is Kelly." He says smiling

"Red, you ready to go back?" The manager ask

"Yes we are, aren't we babygirl." He looks at me smiling

"Yes baby, I'm ready to go back there." I say as I stand up.

We start to walk back but Alex grabs my wrist. I turn to look at my wrist then to him. And jerk my wrist out of his hand.

"You have no right to ever touch me again. And if you touch me I will knock the shit out of you." I growl out

"I'm surprised you'd say that. And what you need your man to kick my ass. I thought we could talk civially." Alex says

"I've got nothing to say to you. And I don't need my man to handle my trash." I say

I walk away. Red is still standing there looking at Alex and Kelly, Silver and Cassie are already in the back getting set up.

"My woman can handle her own, just like I can handle my own. Don't touch her and don't talk to her again." I hear Red say to Alex

"You coming baby?" Kelly says to Alex

We all head our own ways. I'm waiting for Red, considering he has the case with the gun I'll be using.

Red lays the case down and puts in the combo.

"Show me how you load it." He says

He grabs his phone out of his back pocket.

"Can I record this?" he ask

"Sure." I tell him

I go to the case, grab the gun, take the clip and push it in. I check the gun over pull the clip, pull the base and make sure its empty and put it back down. I set up the target, push the button to make the target go where it needs to in the back then I pick the gun back up and put the clip back in and pull the base, turn the safety off, and point the gun to the target and fire off one round. Hitting right in the bullseye. I put the safety back on the gun, pull the clip out, pull the base, and set the gun down on the table. Push the button so the target comes back up to us. And wait

"What the fuck?!" Red says

"What?" I say back

"One shot, straight into the eye of the target. God damn sweetheart my dick is hard as fuck." He says smiling

"Told you you'd be surprised." I smile

"You were precise on how you handled that gun. Knew to check every bit of it before you fired it. Who the hell taught you to do all that?" He questions

"Honest answer I grew up around guns, dad and grandpa, they taught me the safe way to handle a gun and everything and to be careful when handling one. I also know how to use a shotgun as well." I say

"Want to get out of here so I can devour every inch of you?" He says with a sexy grin

"Let's go!" I say grinning back

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