Leverage (Billionaire Romance)

: Chapter 7

“I still don’t understand…how did you make this happen?” Tom asked from the Skype screen, the quality of the feed a little glitchy due to the distance between California and New Zealand. “I mean, I’m not complaining, this place is off the chain but…it’s gotta be pretty expensive.”

Julianna bit back surprisingly happy tears for her brother. “The insurance came through,” she lied through her teeth. “I had to really go after it but when they realized I wasn’t going to give up, they gave in and approved the facility.”

“It’s funny, how did you even hear about this place? And why didn’t you mention it before? I could’ve at least helped with the paperwork. You shouldn’t have to take on the lion’s share of all the work.”

“It’s no trouble. I wanted to do it. And now it’s done so all’s well that ends well. Stop worrying and start focusing on healing that spinal injury. I want you back on those slopes as soon as possible so I can finally beat you fair and square.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure I’ll be strapping on skis anytime soon,” Tom said and Julianna’s heart nearly broke for his quiet pain. Tom had been such an athletic guy, that to be sidelined like this was a cruelty beyond words. “But hey, you never know. Maybe this place can work a miracle, right?” he added in an attempt to lighten the conversation. She nodded. Please God…grant us a miracle. Tom paused then said, “Thanks Sis…I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. Not many people would’ve put their life on hold for a broken brother.”

Julianna nearly choked as she said, “Well, most people don’t have an awesome brother like I do.” She wiped at her tears and smiled. “Okay, enough of this crybaby stuff. You do everything they tell you to do and no wimping out, okay? If I hear you’re not doing the PT, I’m going to find a way to fly to New Zealand and kick your ass, wheelchair or not.”

He pretended to be horrified. “You would hit a cripple?”

“No, but I would punch a brother if he deserved it.”

“Fair enough.” It was then Tom realized he didn’t recognize her surroundings and he frowned as he tried to peer past her. “Where are you?”

“Oh…um, a friend’s house.”


“You don’t know him.”

“Try me. I know a lot of people.”

She graced her big brother with an indulgent smile. “Trust me, you don’t know him.”

“Is this a boyfriend?”

“No,” she answered quickly but covered with an excuse to get off Skype. “I’m so glad you’re settled but I have to get going. I have to work tonight and I need to do laundry still.”

“Always pushing things to the last minute,” Tom said, shaking his head. “Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Same time?”

“Yeah,” she agreed, loving how Tom seemed back to his old self rather than the depressed young man he’d become after his diagnosis. “Love you, Tom-Tom.”

“Love you, too, June Bug.”

They disconnected and as soon as the screen went dark Julianna allowed herself the tears she’d held back. What an amazing opportunity for Tom. She was so happy for him and grateful, even if she hated lying to him about how she’d made it happen. Maybe someday she’d tell him but for now, it was better to keep it private. Plus, Julianna knew she’d need some distance between now and telling the whole story before she could tell it without dying from shame. She wiped at her tears and turned to find Boston standing in the doorway, watching her. Julianna gasped, hating that he saw her private moment. “You need a bell or something,” she grumbled. “What are you doing?”

Instead of answering, he pushed off the doorframe and took a seat in the loveseat near the giant bedroom window. “Come sit with me,” he said.

“Where?” she asked.

He patted his lap. “Right here.”

A subtle thrill danced up her spine at his instruction but she squelched it. “I’d prefer not.”

“It wasn’t a suggestion.”

“Are you always going to boss me around?”

“Are you always going to question me?” Well, that answered that question. Realizing she would not win, she sighed and reluctantly climbed into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and for a moment she had to admit, being held this way felt pretty nice. His solid strength was an unexpected balm to her ragged nerves and his scent soothed her even though she tried to deny the warm tingling feeling spreading in her groin. Satisfied, he pressed a soft kiss to her temple, almost tenderly and she didn’t know what to think of this different side of Boston Kincaid. She gazed at him warily, causing him to say with a sigh, “Relax, Julianna.”

“It’s hard to relax around you,” she admitted. “You make me feel things I don’t want to feel.”

“Such as?”

“Such as things that have no business happening between you and me.”

“And why is that?”

“Because of the reality of our relationship.”

“Why are you so ashamed? It’s not a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal to me.”

He exhaled a long breath as if annoyed but kept further comment to himself on that score. Instead, he asked about her brother and Julianna found herself answering even though she’d privately vowed to keep Boston out of her business as much as possible. “He’s good. More than good, he said the place is amazing. The therapy they have planned is…well, out of this world. Almost something out of a sci-fi movie. Why don’t they offer those kinds of therapies here in the States?”

Boston shrugged. “Probably has something to do with insurance companies and what they’re willing to pay for. For most people, this kind of treatment is just out of their reach.”

She tucked her lip under her teeth. Most people, which included her. If it weren’t for Boston…the truth was that Tom likely would’ve never walked again. There were no guarantees but at least now he had a fighting chance. “I feel as if I should thank you but then I get angry because it’s not as if you did what you did out of the kindness of your heart. But still…thank you.” She’d expected the words to cut like glass coming out of her mouth but they came out more easily than she would’ve imagined. Her gratitude softened the moment between them and Boston snagged her chin to pull her gently to him. He brushed a featherlight kiss against her mouth and her heartrate sped up a notch in anticipation. “I like seeing you smile,” he murmured against her mouth. Before she had a chance to respond, he deepened the kiss, teasing her mouth with his tongue, coaxing her own response. Fire spread through her veins, igniting the banked passion lurking in her body, and within moments she was helping Boston peel her clothes from her body. Fully nude, she straddled him in the chair, marveling with silent awe the way their bodies fit together. His gaze darkened with lust as his hands closed around her breasts, drawing her closer to suck a tightened nipple into his mouth. A purr escaped from her lips as she fell forward, feeding more of her breast into his mouth. He groaned against her skin and her core heated and slicked, ready for his cock. She didn’t care at the moment how they came together. All that mattered was Boston’s touch and how it made her squirm. She shimmied from his lap and knelt beside him, helping him unbuckle his pants. As soon as his cock sprang free from his silk boxers, she sucked that ready length down her throat. There was something so primal and raw about accepting a cock into her mouth. A thrill of sexual awareness tripled her heartrate as her efforts popped a moan from Boston’s mouth. There was a heady sense of power to have him so vulnerable and in her control. His hips lifted in subtle thrusts in time with her actions and his skin became clammy as she worked him.

“Oh God, Julianna…” he cried, tensing as the orgasm clenched him in a breathless grip. This time she was prepared and when he came, filling her mouth in great, warm, salty spurts, she was ready and greedily swallowed every drop, milking his cock until he shuddered and collapsed in a boneless heap against the chair. Julianna surreptitiously wiped her mouth and allowed a smile. Good gravy, he was hot. Even more so to her eyes than ever before, which was probably dangerous. Boston’s chest heaved with the force of his harsh breathing as he recovered, but he motioned for her to join him. She straddled him again, settling her hot core against his dribbling but spent cock, and wiggled her hips a little to tease the sensitive head. Boston cocked his head as if to say, Oh yeah? and he pulled her to him to kiss her deeply. She met his tongue with her own, tangling and dancing, loving how dirty it felt to be kissing after what she’d just done. She supposed it was similar to when he kissed her after going down on her. She liked the smell of herself on him and wondered if he liked knowing his seed had just been in her mouth. Boston angled his hips and slowly impaled her on his length. She sucked a wild breath as it seemed his cock filled her entire body, but instead of pain, nothing but pleasure followed. She shuddered as she rocked against him, rubbing herself against his hard length, moaning with frustration as her aching clitoris pulsed with need. But Boston’s wet fingers were soon touching, pinching and teasing that hungry nub as she worked her hips against the root of his cock and within moments a keening wail burst from her lips as an orgasm ripped through her pelvis, clenching muscles in a beautiful rhythm of pleasure and wild sweetness. “B-Boston…oh God…Boston…” his name trailed on her lips as she struggled to catch her breath, falling forward as she lost the strength to remain upright.

“Swivel around, my Julianna,” he whispered and she lifted herself clumsily, swiveling on his cock so that she faced the wall and he had a perfect view of her backside. She blushed and glanced back at him, a bit embarrassed, but the hunger and desire in his stare was sexier than anything she’d ever seen. That she’d brought him to this level of lust was shockingly erotic and something she’d never imagined would turn her crank in such a visceral way. She braced herself with the arms of the chair and Boston began to drill her pussy with hard, deep thrusts. At this angle, the head of his cock hit her G spot with unerring accuracy and she shuddered, gasping as another orgasm, one that was deeper and more all-encompassing than the explosive spark of a clitoral orgasm began to build and it was all she could do to hold on for dear life.

“Tell me you love my cock,” he demanded, his voice tight and strained. “Tell me how much you love being fucked by me and only me.”

God, yes. At that moment she would’ve agreed to anything he asked and her mouth began to move in senseless babble. “Yes! Yes Boston, I love being fucked by you!” She squeezed her eyes shut, nearly delirious from the pleasure as it cascaded through her body in huge waves, drowning her in sensual sensation until she was only partially aware of Boston’s thrusts and the guttural cry that erupted from his mouth as he came. She collapsed against him and his spent cock fell from her dripping channel and for a long moment all they did was breathe. Sweat drying on their bodies, Julianna realized that in that moment, she felt content. She knew all the reasons why she shouldn’t but maybe it was all those endorphins rushing her cerebral cortex and when she came down from her orgasmic high she’d remember all the reasons why she hated Boston Kincair but at the moment…she kinda wanted to sleep.

“You are unlike any woman I’ve ever known,” came Boston’s voice from behind her, tickling her ear and causing her to shiver. His hand lightly caressed her bare skin and she wondered at how easily he made her quake. “Tell me why you waited to have sex? Was it religious?”

“No,” she answered, hesitating for a brief moment as she considered whether or not she wanted to bare her private reasons for remaining a virgin. She supposed it was a moot point now. “I wanted it to be special. I watched my girlfriends flit from boy to boy, having casual and not-so-casual sex and it meant nothing. And then, by proxy, the girls ended meaning nothing. I didn’t want to be devalued that way. I figured that if I waited until I was married to have sex, then at least I knew without a doubt, the man loved me enough to wait, which meant he valued me for more than just sex.”


Hmmm? That’s it? She twisted in his lap to stare at him. “I just bared my soul to you and shared something incredibly private and all you can say is hmmm?”

He frowned. “What else should I say? I could point out the irony of your situation but that seems unnecessarily mean given the nice romp we just had.”

Nice romp? Ugh. She scowled. “You really know how to ruin a moment,” she muttered and popped from his lap. “For a brief nanosecond, I wondered if it were possible for you to be a decent human being but then you went and destroyed that tiny little spark of wonder and I guess I should thank you. At least now I know that I should never allow myself the misfortune of falling in love with you because I’d end up screwed in more ways than one.”

“Falling in love with me would definitely be unwise. I am not interested in your heart, only your body. But rest assured that I am quite pleased with your body and I definitely look forward to more sessions like this.”

Julianna stomped her foot and glared. “I hate you.”

“Hateful sex can be very dirty — in a very good way. Come, let me show you how wonderful sex can be between two people who can’t stand one another.”

Julianna would rather chew nails than allow him into her body again tonight. Tomorrow, admittedly, might be a different story. She rather liked those toe-curling orgasms. She grabbed her bathrobe and pulled it on, saying, “I’d rather not. I’m going to shower. Feel free to be gone by the time I’m finished.”

He chuckled and popped to his feet, catching her just as she reached the bathroom door. Boston’s strong grip enclosed her waist and he buried his nose against the tender skin of her neck to whisper, “You’re so cute when you’re pissed off.” Oh, is that right? Well, let’s see how cute this is. She buried an elbow into his chiseled midsection and he grunted as he let go.

Julianna lifted her chin and hit him with a hard glare. “I know self-defense and I’m not afraid to use it. Try that again and I’ll send your spleen into your lower intestines.”

She expected anger, even rage but he simply waved her off and sank back into the chair with a subtle quirk of his lips that suggested a wry smile. “Enjoy your shower, Madame,” he said and she spun on her heel, slamming the door behind her. And once the door was safely locked, she yelled out, “And this is the ugliest bathroom I’ve ever seen! Gold? Ugh. Apparently, you and Liberace share the same interior designer. Tacky!”

“This coming from the woman who was using coffee filters for toilet paper?” he answered from the other room and she gasped. How’d he know that? In spite of everything, a tiny giggle escaped and she turned the water on full blast. Well, at least the water pressure was decent.

She supposed there was a silver lining to every bad situation.

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