Leverage (Billionaire Romance)

: Chapter 6

Julianna stared at her nude body in the mirror, shocked at how easily Boston had turned her inside out with his touch. The things he’d done to her…and the way she’d responded…she squeezed her eyes shut to avoid seeing the stain of embarrassment spread across her cheeks. She’d been as wild as a harlot and just as shameless. Her breasts appeared bigger and the nipples were reddened from the corset and moisture dribbled from between her thighs. She knew what dripped from her core — his seed — and she quickly grabbed a towel and began wiping it away. They hadn’t actually discussed protection and she’d assumed that he would use a condom. Julianna scrubbed at her skin but the damage was done. His seed was deep inside her and if one of those industrious swimmers found its mark, she’d end up pregnant. What had he been thinking? Maybe he hadn’t been. Maybe he didn’t care. Maybe he had scores of bastards running around in the world and he didn’t give a lick because all he had to do was write a check to make them go away. Well, she didn’t want to be tied to him any longer than required and that certainly included getting pregnant by him.

They’d have to have a talk immediately because she refused to have sex with him again without protection. End of story.

She winced as her insides twinged, an instant reminder of how thoroughly she’d been fucked and she hated that she’d loved it. Sex was pleasurable — her body didn’t know the difference between Boston’s cock and another man’s. But there was no denying that Boston knew his way around a woman’s body. He was damn near masterful. Well, practice made perfect, so they say, and Boston had likely had plenty of it.

Julianna rinsed and dried her face and then grabbing the robe hanging on the door and quickly putting it on, she returned to the bedroom.

Boston initially frowned when he saw the robe but he allowed her to remain robed, for which she was grateful. She climbed onto the bed, keeping as much distance as possible between them but accepted the water bottle he handed her. He regarded her with smoldering heat that made him appear sexy and dangerous — a combination that did terrible things to her resolve — but he surprised her when instead of reaching for her, he began talking instead. “I’ve arranged for a Skype session for you and your brother once he gets settled in New Zealand. I would imagine he has many questions for you. Of course, you will tell him nothing of our arrangement. I don’t care how you frame our relationship as long as you keep the details of it private. I’m sure you can imagine how if word got out, it could look bad for me.”

A wry smile found her lips. “You mean, extorting sexual favors from a woman would be a blight on your reputation? Shocking.”

“Yes, well, let’s just say, it would be very inconvenient to have to explain and I have no wish to do that. Besides, what inconveniences me will spell ruin for you. For both our sakes…keep it clean.” Ironic that he was instructing her on keeping things clean when he’d just done incredibly filthy things to her. He must’ve recognized the irony as well for he smiled before adding, “I know you’ll do what’s best because you’ve already demonstrated you’re a pragmatic woman.”

She supposed he was right. “I will keep the story vague and PG. How’s that?”

“Excellent.” He paused a moment as if considering how to phrase his next question, then asked, “How are you feeling? Any residual pain?”

“Please don’t pretend that my welfare is of your concern,” she said coolly. “I’m fine.”

Perhaps she should’ve been less cold. Suddenly, any hint of warmth fled and he said, “Do not confuse my query with concern for your welfare. I only inquired to determine how quickly we could fuck again. But if you’re ready to go, then so am I.” To prove his point, he palmed his quickly plumping erection and smiled. “Off with the robe.”

“Wait,” she said, tucking the robe around her more tightly as she prepared to stand her ground. “We have a problem that has to be addressed immediately before we do anything else.”

“And what would that be?” he asked, irritated.

“You didn’t use a condom,” she answered. “And I have no interest in getting pregnant with any child of yours.”

He narrowed his gaze but a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as he said, “If this were truly a concern, perhaps you should’ve mentioned it before I came inside you.”

“I wasn’t thinking,” she admitted, mortified to acknowledge her own stupidity. “But I’m thinking now and we have to take precautions. I mean, I’m sure you’re not interested in fatherhood any more than I’m looking to be your baby mama.”

His expression inexplicably shuttered and he climbed from the bed as he said, “You’re correct. Fatherhood doesn’t appeal to me but you needn’t worry. I can’t father children.”

“Why not?”

“Because I suffered a debilitating injury in my youth and now I’m sterile. Are you sufficiently relieved that I won’t ruin your life with any child of mine?”

It was the way he said it that made her pause. It was as if he’d been truly hurt that she would say such a thing, which was baffling. What did he care what she thought? And, yes, she was relieved. However, as she slowly allowed the robe to fall from her shoulders, and as he loomed above her, hungry and ready, his dark eyes piercing her soul before his head dipped down and his mouth greedily sucked at her hardened nipples, she thought — ever so briefly —what a terrible tragedy for someone like Boston.

Her last thought before succumbing to his touch…his babies would be beautiful.


Boston forced himself to leave so that Julianna and her brother Tom could have a private moment to chat but he was disconcerted by his desire to stay. He told himself it was only because he wanted to be sure that Julianna kept her end of the bargain and left out any mention of their private arrangement but in truth, he simply wanted to be with Julianna. Thankfully, he was glad for the work that pulled him away because without it, he might’ve found a reason to hang around.

But too soon the work was done and he was left to his own thoughts again. And those thoughts went unerringly straight to Julianna. He called Richard in and seconds later Richard appeared, closing the door softly behind him as usual. “Yes, Sir?” he asked.

“Is the background check finished on Julianna?” Boston asked.

“Of course. The finished report will be on your desk tonight.”

He grunted his approval but he wanted to know what was in that report now. “Give me the highlights. I need to know more about her.”

“Shall I start with her birth or should I skip to the college years?” Richard asked with a disapproving tone that Boston found annoying, only because he knew Richard was probably right that he was going overboard.

“College years will suffice.”

“Good student, dropped out of college to care for her brother Tom after a skiing accident in Vale. Apparently, Julianna was there with Tom when it occurred. They were there on winter break and Tom took a tumble but help wasn’t immediately available because they went off trail and it took a while to find them. The delay in treatment might account for his inability to walk now.”

Boston nodded with interest. That may account for the guilt she obviously felt. “Perhaps it was her idea to go off the trail?” he surmised mostly to himself. He motioned for Richard to continue. “What about her parents?”

“Dead. It is only Julianna and her brother Tom. They are very close.”

“What was she studying?”

“Undeclared. She was still satisfying her general education requirements when the accident occurred but the arts seemed to be of interest to her, according to her guidance counselor.”

Boston raised an eyebrow at Richard, impressed that he’d managed to ferret out information from a confidential source. “Anything else?”

“And leave nothing for your reading pleasure tonight? Those are the highlights.”

“Very well. No boyfriend lurking in the wings?”

“None that I could find. Nothing serious.”

That pleased him. “Excellent. I wouldn’t want to have any unfortunate altercations with other guys. That means she’s all mine,” he murmured, wanting to go home immediately. Richard’s expression made him realize he was acting out of character again and he straightened. “Good work. That will be all,” he said, dismissing him.

Richard paused at the door, turning to say, “I need to say something…”

“Are you going to say something that will piss me off?”

“More than likely.”

Boston exhaled sharply and motioned for Richard to continue. “Go on, get it over with.”

“I’ve been with this family for a very long time. Long enough to see you change over the years.” Boston didn’t like the direction of Richard’s point but out of respect for the older man, he allowed him to keep talking. “Ever since GiGi did what she done to you—“

“I don’t want to talk about GiGi. That’s part of the past that I don’t even think about anymore.”

“That’s horseshit and you know it.”

Startled, Boston stared at his long-time, right-hand-man. Recovering, he narrowed his gaze in warning. “Careful…you’re treading on dangerous ground.”

“I know that. But I’ve been watching you self-destruct for a long time and it’s finally gotten to the point where you’re out of control. What are you planning to do that poor girl? She’s not the one you’re angry with — you’re angry with GiGi. Take it up with her. Not Julianna. She’s a sweet kid.”

“She’s no kid,” Boston growled. “And since when are you her champion? You hardly know her.”

“True. But I see how you are with her and I think she’s different. I think she makes you feel different and that scares you. Anything that scares you, you beat into the ground. I don’t want that to happen to her. What can I say, I have a soft spot for the girl.”

“Keep your soft spot to yourself. She’s mine.”

“Calm down. I’m old enough to be her father. I’m saying this for your benefit. You used to be a good man, Boston. But it’s been a while since I can say that.”

“Where’s this coming from?”

“You know…I think it’s when I heard myself giving the poor girl some crappy advice.”

“Which was?”

“I told her to do whatever you asked her to do, no matter her feelings about it. That was plain wrong. Her feelings matter and a long time ago, I wouldn’t have had to tell you that.”

Yeah, that was true but that man was long gone. The fact that Richard was trying to resurrect him was a sign that maybe Richard needed to retire.

“Julianna will be pleased to know she has such an ardent champion,” Boston said, leaning back in his chair. “Is that all?”

Displeased with Boston’s lack of acknowledgment, Richard’s mouth firmed into a tight line and he shook his head. “Stubborn as your old man but at least he had the sense to admit when he was wrong.”

“Yes, well, we all have our faults.” Boston flicked at a piece of lint on the felt on his desk and fixed his employee with a hard stare. “Here’s the deal…Julianna isn’t your concern. But to ease your conscience, she’s a consenting adult who is being fairly compensated for any inconvenience our relationship may cause. And contrary to what you may think…I’m not a monster.”

“No, you’re not a monster, but you can be a real asshole. I’ve seen you in action when you’re determined to grind someone into the ground. I’m afraid that you’re going to break her spirit because she’s the type who will never bow down to someone like you. Ever.”

Richard’s frank opinion rang with truth and Boston couldn’t deny it. There was strength to Julianna but he could break her if he wasn’t careful and he had no wish to break her. At least not yet.

“You’ve been a loyal employee for many years,” he stated. “So I’ll forgive your momentary lapse in reason. But don’t make a habit of it or else you’ll find yourself working for someone else.”

Richard laughed at him, saying, “You forget yourself, son. I work for you because I choose to. Keep it up and I’ll walk on my own. I’ve said my piece. It’s up to you what you do with it. One final thing,” he said, going to the door. “What do you think your father would’ve thought of your little arrangement with Julianna? I’ll leave you with that thought. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Boston opened his mouth but Richard had already closed the door behind him. The thing was, Boston knew in his heart of hearts that he’d never truly fire Richard. He’d been his father’s best friend and Boston had known Richard his entire life. If anyone knew Boston, it was Richard and there was no denying that truth.

But he was still pissed because no one liked to hear when they were screwing up. Not even if they deserved it.

Richard was right, he’d been punishing other people for what GiGi had done for a long time. Didn’t feel good to have that truth pushed in his face.

But he wasn’t about to let Julianna go. And he didn’t care what he had to do to hold onto her.

Good God…he realized with a laugh. He was officially an asshole and a jealous-obsessive type.

Well, he’d never been one for labels anyway.

He wanted her. That’s it. He’d deal with the why later.

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