Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 49: Josephine’s First Steps

“Let me help too,” Andrew insisted, moving to Josephine’s left side. He squatted down and put Josephine’s left machine arm across his neck and shoulders while putting his arm around her waist and back. Nemesis did likewise on her right side.

“On three, Andrew,” Nemesis ordered while Hanna stood up and backed off. “One, two, three, and lift.” He and Andrew slowly stood up bracketing Josephine, holding her up. Once on her feet, Nemesis said, “Okay now, we’re going to move you forward slowly, Josephine. Try to move your legs as we walk.”

“Got it,” Josephine stated tensely.

Hanna moved in front of them and looked Josephine in the eye. “Relax, Jo,” she cooed, taking hold of both of Josephine’s organic hands, interlocking fingers with her palm to palm. Stretching her organic arms to the front to stabilize her, Hanna instructed, “Look at me, sis. You can do this. All you have to do is remember. Just put one foot in front of the other. You can do it.”

Josephine awkwardly put one foot in front of the other as Nemesis and Andrew walked her. Hanna slowly backed up, holding onto Josephine’s organic arms as a reassurance. “That’s it,” Hanna chimed. “Remember your balance. Feel your legs stabilizing as you move your feet. Feel those nano-machine muscles working to move your legs. That’s it. You’re doing great, sis.”

“I don’t believe it,” Josephine breathed in awe. “I’m actually walking again on my own legs.”

“Yes, you are,” Selina called out. “That’s great! You can do it, Josephine. Believe in yourself. We do.”

“How are your legs responding?” Nemesis queried. “Are they strengthening and stabilizing yet?”

“Yes,” Josephine replied. “They feel pretty solid now. My balance is getting better too, as is my ability to move them. Let me feel more of my weight on them.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Nemesis rumbled pleasantly. He and Andrew let her feel more of her weight on her legs. Her legs began trembling as she felt the weight on them.

“My legs are shaking now,” Josephine reported. “Why are they shaking?”

“Probably because they’ve never felt your full weight on them,” Hanna stated. “Come on, sis. You can bull through this. Make your legs work for you and not against you. Put those little machines in their place. This is your body, not theirs. You’re the master, not the other way around.”

“Right,” Josephine agreed. “This is my body. Move faster, guys.” Everyone picked up the pace as Josephine concentrated on making her legs viable. In two minutes, her legs stopped shaking and became much sturdier. “Yes,” she crowed. “It’s working! I’m remembering! Andrew, Nemesis...let me go. Let me feel my full weight.”

Andrew and Nemesis released her completely, but hovered very close in case she collapsed. A groan escaped her lips as she leaned heavily on Hanna, staggering forward. “Don’t let me go, Hanna,” she urged.

“Never,” Hanna declared, shuffling back and leading Josephine forward. “I’ve got you, sis. You’re going wonderful. Look, you’re walking for the first time since your imprisonment. This is truly a miracle.”

“I am,” Josephine crowed with delight. “I’m walking! I’m walking!”

“That you are,” Nemesis chimed. “You’re moving under your own power.”

With each step Hanna helped Josephine take, the easier Josephine found each subsequent step. In ten minutes, Josephine no longer used Hanna as a physical crutch. She bore all her weight on her new legs as Hanna led her around. Seeing this, Hanna suggested, “Okay, sis; it’s time to see what you can really do. I’m going to let you go now.” Before Josephine could react, Hanna let her go and quickly moved away, putting fifteen feet between them.

Josephine wobbled for a few moments, leaning forward before straightening up. Standing tall, she gasped in amazement, finding her strength, balance, and coordination regarding her legs having become entrenched. “By the Elder Gods,” she breathed. “It worked. My balance and coordination have returned. I can walk by myself again!” To prove her boast, she moved slowly around the pool deck, treading heavily as if still getting used to walking.

“Splendid!” Hanna crowed. “You did it! But I see you’re treading very deliberately.”

“I am,” Josephine admitted, stopping next to Nemesis. “Even though I can walk now, it’s still very cumbersome. It’s going to take a lot of practice to get where I can walk and run like you guys.”

“That’s to be expected,” Nemesis stated. “You haven’t walked in over twelve thousand cycles. It’s going to take time to rebuild that skill base. Just be patient. You’ll be running before you know it. Now that you have enough control over your legs to move around, I suggest you exercise those legs with a little swimming. Swimming is a great way to build strength, stamina, and coordination in those legs.”

“That’s an excellent idea,” Arabella called out. “Swimming will really help you now that you can walk.”

“Indeed,” Elle agreed. “Since you’re still adapting to your new mobility, our swim therapy will work very well for you. Why not come over here and give it a shot?”

“I think I will,” Josephine said pleasantly. “I trust you guys will teach me how to swim too?”

“You got it, Jo,” Hanna crowed. “We all will.”

“While you’re doing that, I’ll go check with Horace and Enoch about the repairs,” Nemesis stated. “I’ll come back when I find out something.”

“Okay,” Josephine answered, kissing Nemesis on the cheek. “I’ll be here, my friend.”

“See you later,” Nemesis said pleasantly as he left.

“Come on, Jo,” Hanna urged. “Let’s get back in the pool.” Josephine nodded, following Hanna to the pool. Andrew followed, helping Hanna get Josephine into the pool before jumping in.

“I’m going to sit down and relax for a little bit,” Hanna declared. “If you need any help, just ask.”

“Go ahead,” Elle answered pleasantly. “We can handle this.”

“Elle, I need to use the bathroom,” Selina interrupted. “Could you help me out of the pool?”

“Sure,” Elle replied, picking Selina up about the waist and sitting her on the edge of the deck as if she were a little girl. Hanna instantly moved to assist as Elle jumped out of the pool. In seconds, they’d sat Selina in her wheelchair.

“I’ll take her to the bathroom,” Hanna offered. “You go on and teach Josephine how to swim.”

“Okay, little sister,” Elle said with a wink. “Just yell if you need anything.”

Hanna nodded and rolled Selina away to the bathroom while Elle returned to Josephine. Glancing back at Hanna and Selina after she jumped in the pool, Elle smiled wryly. “It’s really hard to conceive that Hanna was once a man,” she murmured. “She’s acting as if she’s always been a woman.”

“But she was a man,” Josephine insisted. “I should know because I made her what she is. It’s a marvel that she not only survived the mutation, but adapted so well to the transformation. I’ve seen other men mutated before by my hand and not one of them ever displayed Hanna’s tenacity, strength, or power of will. They just couldn’t adapt or accept what happened to them and it drove them mad. Many took their own lives because they could not deal with having their masculinity ripped from them in such a complete way.”

“You’ve been forced to mutate others?” Arabella asked with a concerned look.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Josephine stated grimly. “That was long before Hannibal came to my attention. I was still under the complete control of the Emperor and his Cadre. Those mutations were done in classic Cadre style: very sloppily on a surface level and while they were awake. Hanna’s mutation was not what Zaros or the Cadre ordered, but what I desired. I went extraordinarily deep when I mutated her; far deeper than even the Cadre could reach with their shoddy technology. I restructured her right down to her individual genes, activating certain dormant strands to enhance her strength, speed, and power so she could survive. When you look at Hanna, you literally see Hannibal’s female counterpart. She’s what Hannibal would have looked like if he’d been born a woman. I’m awestruck at how well she’s adapted to that form and how much she’s grown in power since the mutation.”

“Whoa,” Andrew murmured. “Can you really reverse what you did to her?”

“Yes,” Josephine replied firmly. “I can, but it won’t be easy and it will take time. Hanna’s unique genetic makeup will make it difficult to totally reverse it.”

“But you can change her back into a man, right?” Elle asked.

“Of course,” Josephine stated. “That’s not the problem.”

“Then what is?” Arabella asked bluntly.

“I’m not sure, but I think Hanna’s evolved in some way physically since I mutated her,” Josephine said intently. “I won’t know until I’m hooked up to the machinery and can scan her. If that’s the case, then returning her genetic structure back to the way it was before I mutated her may be impossible. I’ll definitely be able to return her to her male form, but she’ll not be the same person genetically who came into my domain as the Emperor’s prisoner. I’m positive that Hanna’s continuing to change on a genetic level, possibly becoming the first of a new species of human that will have the power to go head to head with the Dark Gods who turned Bolthor. I never dreamed that mutating her like I did would have such profound ramifications.”

“I’m sure you didn’t,” Elle agreed. “But it’s a good thing. Hanna has become much more confident and empowered by what you did. She’s starting to comprehend who she really is and what needs to be done.”

“I’ve noticed it too,” Andrew stated. “Hanna’s a lot more focused and capable now than when she first came to us. It’s like something has awakened in her: something very powerful and if I might be so bold, right down ancient.”

“Ancient?” Arabella asked with a raised eyebrow. “What makes you say that, Andrew?”

“I don’t rightly know myself,” Andrew admitted. “I don’t know how to describe it. When I look at her, I feel like I’m looking at someone that’s older than Argus or Aeolus, yet she doesn’t show it. I also get this eerie timeless feeling that says she belongs everywhere and nowhere at the same time; like she’s somehow lost in the flow of time itself. I just don’t know how to explain it. It’s right down creepy. I wish I knew why I’m sensing that from her. But it doesn’t change how I feel about her.”

“I know it doesn’t,” Josephine replied, patting Andrew on the shoulder. “Hanna’s become a mystery shrouded in an enigma. She’s so much more than we know, maybe more than she even realizes. I’m sure at some point this mystery surrounding her will be resolved.”

“I agree,” Arabella chimed. “But until that happens, we need to help her unravel that mystery. I’m no expert on any of this by any means, but I know what my spirit tells me. She needs us as friends more than she lets on. I plan to stay her friend to the very end, whatever it may be. She deserves that much.”

“We all do,” Elle declared, “She’s family. Now, how about we teach you how to swim, Jo?”

“I’m ready,” Josephine said enthusiastically.“Let’s get started.” With that, Elle, Andrew, and Arabella started teaching Josephine how to swim.

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