Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 48: Kindred Spirits and Soul Mates

Kindred Spirits and Soul Mates

When Hanna and Andrew reached Selina, Elle, and Arabella, Elle and Arabella were supporting Selina in the water as she moved her arms in a backstroke fashion. “How’re you doing, sis?” Hanna asked, looking down at Selina as she went through the swimming motions with her arms.

“Good,” Selina chimed, “This little swim has been so relaxing. And I think the therapy is helping too. My legs are tingling slightly.”

“That’s great,” Hanna chimed. “In that case, don’t let me interrupt. The faster you regain the feeling in your legs, the quicker you’ll be walking again.”

“I know,” Selina answered, flailing her arms as if swimming. “I wish my legs would work so I can really swim some laps here.”

“Patience,” Arabella urged. “You’ll get that swim soon enough.”

“That’s right,” Elle agreed. “Just being in this water this long is having a beneficial effect on your body. The minerals are stimulating your nerves and muscles, getting them in shape.”

“I know,” Selina stated. “I think that’s why this water feels so good. By the way, did you and Andrew have a good time, Hanna?”

“Yeah,” Hanna replied. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve played swim tag. It helped me relax.”

“Good,” Selina murmured. “I’m glad. You look much more relaxed now. It’s important to let the little girl in you out every so often. Your mind is so powerful and complex. That increases the need for the simplicity of play. You must play to keep balanced.”

“I know that now,” Hanna admitted. “Just being to forget about my troubles and have some real true fun was great. It allowed me to be myself for a change.”

“We could see that,” Elle observed. “You should do it more often.”

“I will,” Hanna stated, pushing her wet hair back again. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I feel nature calling.”

“Go right ahead,” Selina stated. “We’ll be here when you’re done.”

Hanna nodded and quickly jumped out of the pool, trotting to the bathroom. Andrew, Elle, and Arabella watched her go. Andrew shook his head and chuckled, watching her deliberate gait.

“What’s so funny, nephew?” Selina asked.

“I was just wondering how something so beautiful could be so dangerous and mysterious,” Andrew admitted. “She’s as exotic as Josephine and as dangerous as the Emperor. The knowledge she has about the dark side of the world is both astounding and troubling. And her martial prowess is phenomenal. She broke that bear hug in less than ten seconds. No one has ever broken out of my bear hugs. And what makes this even more weird is the fact that I know she used to be a man. How am I supposed to feel about her? I’m deeply attracted to her and can’t explain why.” His tone betrayed great confusion.

Selina stopped her swimming exercise and started to sit up in the water. Elle and Arabella followed her prompt and helped her stand in the water, supporting her weight. Looking Andrew in the eye, Selina stated, “You must follow your heart, Andrew. I can sense your confused feelings. You’re not sure if you love Hanna as a sister or something more. You long for intimate contact with your true soul mate. It’s perfectly natural to feel that.”

“But how can I feel this way towards Hanna?” Andrew asked. “She’s your soul mate, not mine. I’ve seen how she treats you, Selina. Her love and respect for you are unbreakable. She’ll not give me the time of day.”

“Not so,” Selina countered. “Hanna would give her life for you. The problem you’re having is you don’t know what you really want. You look at Hanna and see everything good you’ve looked for in someone. You yearn for someone who would truly understand you, but you’re not sure that Hanna is that person. Right?”

“How do you do that?” Andrew asked in amazement. “That’s the very question vexing me.”

“You forget I’m telepathic just like your mother,” Selina declared. “I could sense it not just telepathically, but by your body language and the way you spoke of Hanna. You love her deeply, but you don’t know what kind of love it is. Love in this manner is something alien to you and you’re having trouble qualifying it. Let me simplify things for you, nephew. You’re correct in saying that Hanna and I are soul mates, so she can’t be your soul mate. Soul mates only come in pairs.” A troubled sigh escaped Andrew’s lips. “But it doesn’t mean she’s not a kindred spirit,” Selina continued. “I watched you two earlier and could see that spirit manifesting. You and Hanna are kindred spirits. That’s why you two were able to let down your guards and be yourselves in front of each other. You both removed the masks you wear for everyone else, revealing your true self to one another. I’ve never seen Hanna do that with anyone other than me. She has a deep, sisterly love for you, Andrew. That’s what you responded to: her love for you as your sister and kindred spirit. It’s okay to reciprocate. Unlike soul mates, it’s possible to have more than one kindred spirit. Hanna and Harry are kindred spirits through their friendship, love, and loyalty to one another. I’m Hanna’s kindred spirit too, though it goes much deeper for me because I’m also her soul mate. So, you see, it is possible to have more than one kindred spirit. Kindred spirits form unbreakable bonds of love, loyalty, and friendship that doesn’t get to that truly intimate level that soul mate does. But it does allow them to reveal their true essences to one another. Let me ask you something personal. When you and Hanna were playing earlier, you never thought to take your play to a more intimate level, did you?”

Andrew blushed deeply. “Absolutely not,” he declared, “The thought never entered my head.”

“But it did,” Selina insisted. “I saw it.”

“No way,” Andrew balked, his blush turning crimson.

“Yes, way,” Selina declared bluntly. “It happened, but not when you and Hanna were engaged in your games. It happened afterwards...when you watched Hanna get out of the pool and run off to the bathroom.”

Andrew’s face fell as he realized the truth of Selina’s words. “Oh, man,” he moaned in dismay. “This is nuts. How could I even entertain that thought? It just popped into my mind without warning. Hanna looked so beautiful and sensual trotting away like that. I wanted her. Damn it, I should know better than that. She’s family!” He slapped the water out of spite. “I’m such an idiot.”

“That’s why you need to guard your mind, nephew,” Selina said in a reconciliatory tone. “Evil thoughts will often slip in under your guard like that, testing your faith and will. There’s no real harm done though now you see it really happened. Just be on your guard. The Darkness will often play tricks on you like that, especially in the darkness of this cursed underworld. But I can see how it could happen. You’re right about Hanna in that regard. She can be very sensual when she wishes, sometimes too sensual. I don’t think she realized how sensual she was being when she walked away. I saw it too. She wanted to show off her assets as a tease and you bit on the bait.”

“You’re not kidding,” Andrew agreed. “I swallowed the bait hook, line, and sinker. I didn’t realize Hanna could or would flaunt her sexuality like that. It’s just so unlike her.”

“Not really,” Selina admitted. “She actually likes being able to flaunt her body and share her beauty with her friends. But she’ll only do that with those she trusts explicitly. You should feel honored that she let you see her as she really is. Not many people get that privilege.”

“I am deeply honored,” Andrew stated softly as the sting of his brief lapse of judgment faded. “Thank you for setting me straight about Hanna, Selina. She’s not just my little sister, but also a kindred spirit to me that I’ll die for if need be. However, I’m not going to lie to you or anyone here. Hanna’s beauty and sensuality are intoxicating, especially when she moves like she did earlier. I’m always going to be attracted to her and want to be near her like Josephine. I can’t help it. As I said earlier, I love beautiful things, and Fate be merciful, she’s as gorgeous as you, aunt Selina.”

Selina chuckled, along with Elle and Arabella as they helped her over to the edge of the pool, letting her lean on the pool’s edge. “Why thank you so much,” Selina chimed. “I appreciate that vote of confidence. I must admit Hanna’s a pretty hot tamale too, but she doesn’t think she’s as pretty as I am. Compared to me, she thinks she’s rather plain in the looks department.”

“Not so,” Andrew retorted. “Her beauty really is on your level, aunt Selina. It’s not the same as yours, but definitely comparable to you. She should realize that.”

“In a way, I think she does,” Selina stated. “But it’s just her way to stay humble. Hanna’s deathly afraid of letting her pride and hubris get out of control.”

“I agree,” Arabella blurted out. “Hanna goes out of her way to try to keep humble. In fact, I think her beauty actually humbles her because of how much praise she gets for her looks.”

“That’s a very astute observation, Arabella,” Selina purred. “Her beauty is indeed a burden for her, as it is with all of us. But I think it’s a particularly heavy burden for Hanna. She struggles with it.”

“Why do you say that?” Andrew asked.

“Because she knows her form now is not her true form,” Josephine declared, getting in on the conversation. “And that soon she’ll be returning to her male form. Hanna knows her present form will soon become a memory when I reverse the mutation. She both loves and hates her form now because of that. She wants to keep her beauty as a woman, but knows she must give it up to be Selina’s true soul mate.”

“But can’t you transfer that beauty when you reverse her mutation?” Andrew asked.

“Yes, I can reshape her body into a pleasing male form,” Josephine stated, “but I can’t transfer the spark that makes her beautiful. That comes from within and I can’t manipulate it at the genetic level as I can her flesh. She has to do that and want it. Only when Hanna truly makes peace with who she really is will that happen.”

“I hope she does,” Andrew murmured. “I truly do. It would be a tragedy to let her beauty vanish.”

“Hanna really got under your skin, didn’t she Andrew?” Elle declared with a chuckle.

“I guess she did, Elle,” Andrew admitted, jumping out of the water and sitting on the pool deck, his legs dangling in the water. “I’ve never had anyone get under my skin like that, much less a girl. I guess it shows what a hopeless romantic I am at heart. Like I said, I love beautiful things.”

Elle patted Andrew on the leg while standing next to him in the water. “I guess it does,” she admitted. “But you’re right about Hanna being one beautiful, sensual girl. You haven’t been around her like I have. I’ve seen her truly flaunt her sexuality before and believe me, what you just saw is mild in comparison. She’s a real firecracker when she wants to be. However, like Selina said, she only does it in front of those she truly trusts. She has to have an emotional bond with you before she’ll let go like that in front of you.”

“That’s true,” Selina agreed. “Hanna still battles trust issues. Only those who have earned that trust ever get to see her in such a manner. Your mom, grandmother, Elle, and Emma have earned such trust because of how they helped her cope with her mutated state. I suspect you’ve now been included in that number, Andrew. When you lured her into that game of tag earlier, you found your way into her heart and she let you in. That’s no small feat because of her trust issues. Getting her to let you in like that is about as difficult as trying to tame a tarok or getting the Emperor to play nice. Treasure your relationship with her as your kindred spirit and sister. It’s something Hanna rarely let’s anyone do.”

“I will,” Andrew stated. “I wonder what will happen to our relationship when she gets her mutation reversed.”

“Nothing,” Selina stated. “When Hanna becomes Hannibal again, you and he will still be kindred spirits just like now. But instead of being your little sister, he’ll be your little brother. I’m sure he’ll be just as eager to help you out in any way he can.”

“That I will,” Hanna called out as she approached. “Man, woman, or creature, we’ll always be close friends, Andrew, no matter what form I may be in. You’ve earned that right.”

Andrew blushed again as Hanna stopped beside him, leaning down and putting a friendly hand on his shoulder. “I’ll always be there for you,” she declared.

“And I you,” Andrew replied as his blush grew deeper, clearly seeing her breast cleavage as she leaned over. “No matter where you go or what you do. I’ll be there at your side.”

Hanna instantly noticed his embarrassment and blush. Without warning, she hugged Andrew from behind, pushing her chest to his back and shoulder. “I know you will,” she chimed in his ear. “It’s okay to be attracted to me, Andrew. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I know I’m hot as an active volcano. I can’t help it. You can thank the Emperor and Josephine for that.” Leaning forward, she kissed Andrew on the cheek in a friendly manner.

Andrew broke out laughing as his embarrassment broke. “Oh, little sister,” he cackled. “You can be so funny when you want to. But I think you should know....”

“Shhh,” Hanna murmured in his ear while putting her finger to his lips. “Don’t say another word. I know what happened, and you needn’t worry about it; no harm, no foul. Everyone get those crazy intimate urges at times. Heck, even I have to deal with them, so don’t worry about it. You saw the sin and repented. That’s all that matters. It shows you’re truly a good man; a rare thing in this time.” She let go of Andrew and sat down beside him, patting him on the leg. Looking up into his eyes, Hanna added, “And an even better friend. I’m sorry if I somehow caused you to stumble. I didn’t mean it.”

“I’m deeply honored you think so highly of me,” Andrew replied. “And I know you didn’t mean to cause me any problems. My lust caused it, not you. You can’t help being so beautiful and sensual. It’s who you are. Sometimes, your body language screams it without you realizing it.”

Hanna giggled sensually. “I guess it does,” she agreed. “I’m sorry about that. Sometimes, it just gets away from me. But it makes me feel so good, so alive.”

“And why is that?” Arabella asked.

“I guess because I’ve finally learned to embrace life and enjoy it, along with everything it brings,” Hanna declared.

“But life can be hard too,” Nemesis called out from his seat beside Josephine, having seen everything with her. “Bad things happen to good people more often than not.”

“That’s true,” Hanna replied. “But we can’t let it get us down. We must let the good in our lives counterbalance the bad. Many times, we can’t see past the bad because of how evil it is. But good always overcomes evil as the Light always dispels the Darkness. Sometimes, it just takes time.”

“So true,” Josephine stated as Nemesis suddenly pulled his fingers out of her main energy coupling. She flinched with a groan.

“All finished,” Nemesis reported. “How are you feeling now, Josephine?”

“Much better,” Josephine answered as she and Nemesis became the center of attention again. “I feel much stronger and I think I might be able to walk if someone would help me get started. I’m sure if I can just get moving, the nano-machines will finish establishing the command pathways for locomotion.”

“Then let’s get her up,” Hanna crowed, jumping up and rushing over.

“Yeah,” Andrew chimed happily, following right behind Hanna.

“What did you find out with the diagnostic?” Hanna asked, kneeling down beside Josephine. “Did you find out what’s causing the energy drain?”

“Yeah,” Nemesis replied. “There’s a damaged control circuit near her power regulator that’s leaking energy. It’s allowing miniscule amounts of energy to seep out of her main power supply. For now, it’s not dangerous, but it’ll need to be repaired. The longer we wait to repair it, the worse the leak will become. It’s like water leaking through a hole in a dam. If it isn’t fixed, the hole will grow and at some point, it’ll cause a catastrophic failure of her power supply. Because of this development, I strongly suggest that we postpone reversing your mutation until it’s repaired. Josephine needs to be at one hundred percent function to do that because of how long it’s going to take.”

A disappointed sigh escaped Hanna’s lips. She reached out and held Josephine’s organic hand, looking her in the eye. “As much as I want to be Hannibal again, I can wait. Josephine’s well-being must be our top priority,” she declared. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to her while she reversed my mutation. We’re kindred spirits forged in the Emperor’s infernal fires and darkness. I’ll not sacrifice that for anything.”

Shock crossed Josephine’s face. A tear dripped from her eye as she said softly, “Do you really mean that, Hanna?”

Hanna clasped Josephine’s organic hand within both of hers, looking her in the eye. “I do with all my heart, my ancient sister,” Hanna declared sincerely. “You and I are kindred spirits. Why else would the Lord tell me your name after being turned into that horrid trophy on the sex floor? When He allowed me to see your true spirit, identity, and form while in that terrible state, I knew instantly that not only did He want me to free you, but also to know we were kindred spirits. From that moment, I felt as if I’d known you forever, that we were to be the best of friends for all time despite the evil that had taken both of us. I just can’t explain how I know. I just do. You and I are kindred spirits, just as I know you and Andrew are kindred spirits too. I saw it from the moment I saw the two of you together. The Ancient of Days truly is wonderful in His power and mercy. He alone brings kindred spirits together. In a way, we’re all kindred spirits. Kindred spirits help each other without thought of recompense. That’s what I see here. We’re all kindred spirits. Some of us are just closer than others are, but it doesn’t mean we’re any less loving or loyal. It just means that each of us have our own little spots in each other’s hearts. Did you realize Selina and I are kindred spirits too?”

“I had suspected it,” Josephine murmured, feeling as if she’d finally found not just her place, but a new family. “Selina was speaking about you and Andrew being kindred spirits before you returned from the bathroom. Like you, she said it’s okay to have multiple kindred spirits, but soul mates only come in pairs. She said you and she are paired soul mates and only soul mates can be truly intimate.”

“She spoke the truth,” Hanna stated. “Selina and I are not just kindred spirits, but soul mates mated by the Almighty Himself long before you mutated me into this form. She and I share something few souls ever get to do.”

“What’s that?” Josephine whispered.

“Our very minds and souls get the privilege of merging,” Hanna declared. “We get to be intimate on every level, not just the physical level. We get to become one. For someone like me who has spent the lion’s share of my life alone and isolated from others, it’s a joy I can’t begin to describe. To finally be able to connect with the one soul the Almighty made as my mate and no longer be alone is a joy that transcends time, space, even the known universe. Every time I look at Selina, I thank the Almighty that He finally sent her to me to save me from myself. We’re so close that often we’re thinking the same thoughts at the same time. We healed each other’s hurts and filled the missing parts of our lives. Selina healed and completed me as I healed and completed her. Without her, life isn’t worth living. It’s the reason I risked everything to save her from the Emperor. She’s my one and only soul mate; my zing if you will. Soul mates, once brought together by the Almighty, will move heaven and earth to keep their mates safe. I’ve never loved anyone so deeply or completely and I’d walk into Hell itself to rescue her. Heh...I guess I did, didn’t I? That’s what it means to have a soul mate.”

“Whoa,” Andrew breathed in awe. “That’s majorly deep, Hanna. I never knew what it meant to have a soul mate. I hope I find mine.”

Hanna glanced at Andrew with a warm smile. “You will, big brother,” she chimed. “Believe me, when the time is right, the Almighty will drop her right in your lap, or maybe the other way around. In either case, you will know from moment you lay eyes on each other. That’s the way it happened for me and Selina.”

“That’s how it happened for me and Bolthor before the Dark Gods corrupted him,” Josephine stated. “I know the joy, love, and dedication you speak of, Hanna. Bolthor and I were indeed soul mates. He was such a kind, gentle man with such a magnificent body and mind. We loved each other deeply. Then the Dark Gods lured him away and corrupted him. That’s what makes his betrayal so bad. We were both soul mates and kindred spirits. When I lost him to the Darkness, his love turned to hate and his light to darkness that was as deep as his love was for me before that terrible day. I just don’t know how he could do that to me and turn so completely against me and our friends. I loved him.” Josephine started sobbing softly, still wounded by the betrayal.

Andrew knelt beside her and put his left arm around her, giving her a gentle squeeze. “We’re here for you, Jo,” he cooed in her ear. “I’m here for you. Let it out. I can’t fathom such a deep betrayal, but you have my word that I’ll never betray you like that.”

“None of us will,” Hanna agreed, “Your wound is exceptionally deep, Jo, so it’ll take time for it to heal. But just remember, you aren’t alone. Your soul mate is gone, consumed by the Darkness long ago, but you still have kindred spirits that surround you and are willing to help you bear this burden. That’s one of the things kindred spirits do: they help bear each other’s burdens. You have our love, sympathy, and most importantly, our loyalty. We will help you get through this betrayal of your trust. Do you believe me?”

Josephine looked into Hanna’s eyes, seeing tears streaming down her cheeks. Pulling Hanna into a sad embrace, she whimpered, “Yes, I do. I can feel your love and goodness, Hanna. It’s a warm fire melting my icy mechanized heart. Is this what it means to have kindred spirits?”

Hanna shifted back after returning Josephine’s embrace. “It is,” she answered. “Kindred spirits help and nurture each other when needed. Though it doesn’t get as deep or intimate as soul mates, kindred spirits will do everything they can to help, going to almost as great lengths as soul mates when one of their own is in trouble. We’re kindred spirits, Jo, and when you hurt, I hurt, and so does Andrew, Selina, Elle, Arabella, even Nemesis with his hardened exterior. Down deep, that big bear has a big heart that genuinely cares for you. Of all of us here, he may be your closest kindred spirit because he’s like you: a product of the Emperor and his Cadre of dark wizards. He really cares for you. I can feel it, though he seldom shows such emotion and feelings.”

“You are a marvel, Hanna,” Nemesis commended. “Not many beings can get inside this thick skull of mine, but you did it. I am impressed.”

“Did I lie about Jo?” Hanna asked.

“No,” Nemesis admitted. “You hit the nail on the head. I’ve always thought of Josephine as a kindred spirit, even before she broke from her programming with yours and my help. But when we pulled her out of that apparatus, I knew it. She and I are so much alike, though the level of cyberization on her makes mine look coarse. The organic nano-machines incorporated into her are 1st Age technology the Emperor has failed to duplicate. Even when they took samples from her, they still couldn’t reproduce the tech. That’s why they’ve never used the organic nano-machines and concentrated on the metal ones. That’s how my machine arm works. It’s made of a cruder form of the metal nano-machines developed by the Cadre long after the Kragonar. I do think that may have been partly why she never succumbed to the Darkness; something to do with the 1st Age tech they used to make her. How that happened I don’t know, but it did. Josephine, I will always stand with you as your friend and will destroy anyone who tries to hurt you. I swear it by the name of the Almighty Ancient of Days. You are not alone anymore.”

Josephine put her arm around Nemesis and pulled him into a warm embrace. “Thank you, my friend, my kindred spirit,” she said softly, choked with emotion. “I will never forget your kindness and loyalty. Maybe you can help me to tame these raging emotions. I was never allowed to express my feelings because of the Emperor’s programming. Now, there’s nothing to keep them bottled up.”

“I will try,” Nemesis stated as Josephine released him. “But I don’t think I’m the one to help you in that area. Hanna has become a master of that since her mutation. She’s much more adept at that than I am. I’m merely a soldier who cares a great deal for you.”

“That’s why you need to do it, Nemesis,” Hanna said bluntly. “You truly care for Josephine. Your feelings for her will help you teach her correctly. I’ve seen your emotional control. It’s remarkable. You know when to express those emotions and when not to. You don’t bottle them up until they’re ready to explode like I’ve done for most of my life. Fact is I’m still learning that balance myself. It took being mutated to get me to stop bottling up my emotions and to let them out in a healthy manner. Trust me, you’re perfect for that job. If you need any help, I’ll do what I can. All I can say is keeping your emotions bottled up until they explode is just as detrimental as letting your emotions run roughshod over your life. A balance must be struck between your emotions and logic. Only in that balance can anyone have peace. Trust me; I know what I’m talking about. Your combination of emotional release and logic are exactly what Josephine needs to learn now that she has her will back.”

“I didn’t think of it like that,” Nemesis admitted. “I’ll do what I can for her. Besides, it’ll allow me to keep an eye on her just in case there are any more unforeseen consequences of removing her from the apparatus in the Black Fortress.”

“That’s good,” Hanna chimed. “Whenever you need any help with that, just let me or Selina know. In fact, Selina may be a bit more suited for that work since she has excellent control of her emotions too.”

“That’s right,” Selina called out. “Just let me know if you need any help. I’m still teaching Hanna in that regard. Her emotions are many times the trigger for her berserker rages. I’m trying to help her tame them so that beast doesn’t get off the leash and hurt someone.”

“Amen to that,” Hanna agreed wholeheartedly. “That’s another reason for you to help Jo with her emotions, Nemesis. You’re not prone to the dangerous outbursts of anger and rage I am. That makes you a prime teacher for her, along with Selina.”

“I can find no flaw in your logic,” Nemesis stated. “I’ll do it, with your help if you don’t mind, Miss Selina. Together, I’m confident we can help Josephine tame her new emotional states.”

“Not to get off the subject, but something just occurred to me,” Andrew interrupted. “Can the Emperor track Josephine or you for that matter, Nemesis?”

“That’s an excellent question, Andrew,” Hanna declared. “I didn’t even think about that. What about it, Nemesis; can he use your cybernetics to track your position?”

“No,” Nemesis stated bluntly. “I physically removed the tracking circuits they built into me and I shielded my power supply long ago when I turned on the Emperor. As for Josephine, she has no such circuit built into her because they never intended for her to leave the Black Fortress. Why put in a tracking ability when she was to be tethered physically to the Fortress via the machinery? So we cut a break there. I scanned her the moment we left the Black Fortress to make sure of it and found no such devices. She cannot be tracked by anything the Emperor has. Even tracking her energy signature is not possible because her internal power supply is shielded as well. They’d literally have to be within about thirty cubits of her position to pick up her energy signature. At this distance and with the energy field surrounding Antilla, they cannot find her.”

“What about Magnus?” Arabella asked.

“I personally removed the tracking circuits from Magnus and shielded his power supply like mine when he turned against the Emperor,” Nemesis reported. “They can’t track either of us.”

“That’s a good thing,” Elle commented. “The last thing we need is for the Emperor to find us here.”

“Yes, it is,” Nemesis agreed. “If he found this place, he would become unstoppable.”

“That’s why he must never find this place,” Hanna stated. “It’s not where the Almighty wants us to defeat him. Srandi is where we must make our stand. This much I’m certain of.”

Josephine’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “How do know of that place?” she asked with great amazement. “Bolthor sacked it as the Calamity occurred. He never returned from that battle. Only the Rakshasar captain survived to become the second Emperor after this land was buried by the red Hammer of Nibiru.”

“I’ve dreamed of it repeatedly,” Hanna replied bluntly. “And then I found out it really existed when I searched the Archives for it using the Teacher. I even verified its location using the portal we used in the raid. You’re right in saying it’s a ruin, but the main structure is still intact. At some point in the very near future, I need to go there. My ancient past lies in that place. I must go there.”

“Of course you do,” Josephine stated. “Just as Bolthor never returned from the battle, Thoth didn’t either. I suspect his bones may still lie somewhere in that fortress. But when you go there, be very careful. Who knows what ghosts haunt those ruins. I don’t want to lose you.”

Hanna smiled. “Don’t worry,” she reassured. “I’ll be extra careful when we do that, but it’s not going to happen yet. I’m not ready to disturb those ghosts yet. There’s too much to do here at the moment, including getting your damaged power relay repaired. How quickly can we make the repair?”

“I’ll need to consult with Horace and Enoch first,” Nemesis reported. “We must determine if Enoch has anything we can use to make the repairs. And then we need to know if those repairs can be made without endangering Josephine’s power regulator and supply.”

“I see,” Hanna murmured. “Don’t worry, Jo. We’ll get that control circuit repaired and you’ll be right as rain.”

“I hope so,” Josephine answered with a hint of fear in her tone. “I don’t want to die now that I’m finally getting my first taste of freedom.”

“You’re not going to die,” Hanna declared forcefully. “You have my word on it, and I’ve yet to go back on my word.”

“I believe you,” Josephine breathed, awed by the force and sincerity in Hanna’s declaration. “You returned and saved everyone from the Emperor, including me. If you could do that, then this repair should be not trouble for you and your God.”

“Your faith is remarkable, Jo,” Hanna commended. “It warms my heart to see such childlike faith. So, are you ready to see if those beautiful legs will work like you want?”

“Yes,” Josephine chimed. “Let’s try. I think the best way to do it is for you guys to pick me up and help me walk.”

“Right,” Hanna replied. “Nemesis, let’s get her walking now.”

“Of course,” Nemesis rumbled.

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