Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 44: Josephine’s Crisis

Hanna and Selina followed Elle into the pool area ten minutes after they left the dining area. “Welcome to the pool,” Elle chimed as she briefly stopped Hanna and Selina at the entrance.

Hanna and Selina stared in wonder at a cavernous chamber one hundred feet in height covering fifteen acres. Numerous swimming pools of varying sizes and depths lay spread across the fifteen acres. Some pools had high-dives and water slides. Others looked to be wading pools. A giant pool covering six of the fifteen acres drew their attention with what appeared to be five and six foot waves being generated by some mechanism. That pool came complete with a sandy beach. “Whoa,” Hanna breathed in awe, quickly counting at least ten pools twice the size of the largest Olympic size pools on the surface. “You guys have a complete water park in here. This is incredible.”

“Oh, it’s nothing special,” Elle chimed, leading Hanna and Selina to the left towards a series of Olympic size pools segregated from the rest with blinds. “I really like the slides. They’re such fun.”

“I bet they are,” Selina purred. “How many pools are in here?”

“Hmmm, let’s see,” Elle murmured. “We have six of these therapy pools over here that are waist deep on me. These pools are filled with a highly potent mineral water that’s great for healing. The rest don’t have as potent a mineral content in the water.” She stopped at the first therapy pool, saying, “These therapy pools are the smallest pools here. With the exception of the big one over there we call the Pond, there are another twenty pools three times the size of these. Some are set up with diving boards and are upwards of fifteen cubits deep on the diving ends. Some have water slides and don’t get more than four cubits deep. Still other pools are set up with strong currents for endurance swimming. Then, of course, there’s the Pond. It’s the deepest pool here at thirty cubits where the waves are generated. The bottom tapers up from the deepest point near the wall to the beach. The water in it is salty, much like seawater. If you pay attention, you can smell it.”

Hanna and Selina sniffed the air, smelling the salt water in the Pond. “Yeah, I can smell it,” Selina declared. “It smells just like the ocean back home.”

“It does,” Hanna agreed, feeling a breeze blowing through the cavernous chamber. “I can also feel the air moving in here. I can only assume there are some major ventilation fans moving the air in here.”

“True,” Elle stated. “The Tower has a special machine to generate the wind in here while removing excess moisture. It keeps the temperature and moisture level at a pleasant level so we don’t get mold and mildew growth. Apparently, whoever made this Tower must have wanted a secure place to swim. Fact is swimming outside in the big rivers or in the sea is exceptionally dangerous.”

“Is that because of the hostile nature of the animal life living in those waters?” Hanna asked.

“Yes,” Elle reported. “The big fish around the island and in the waters offshore are carnivorous and will not discriminate between eating us or another fish. They’ll eat anything they can get their teeth on. I remember one time when a mastodon accidentally fell into the river. The fish ate it to the bone in five minutes. At the time, it was the most gruesome thing I’d ever seen. It even topped what the Murians could do. I shudder every time I remember it.”

“I bet you do,” Hanna stated. “Just how big are those fish?”

“Most of the fish in the deep rivers range from two cubits to seven in length,” Elle stated. “The ones near the coast and offshore can get as big as Nemesis easily. All of them have a mouthful of razor sharp teeth.”

“Are there any fish around here that aren’t that way?” Selina asked.

“Yeah,” Elle answered. “In the smaller creeks and rivers, we have fish that aren’t nearly as aggressive that only eat smaller fish and insects. The big fish I was telling you about are more of a saltwater variety. The freshwater fish of this island are pretty benign, though some of them can get pretty big. But they never eat like the others. It’s one of the main reasons the land animals of the island stay to the interior of the island, well away from the shore and any brackish water.”

“Ah,” Hanna murmured. “That’s a good safety tip I didn’t know. Thanks for sharing.”

“You’re welcome,” Elle chimed. “Now that you know what we have in here, let’s go see Josephine. She’s over here at the therapy pool closest to the bathrooms and gym. Follow me.”

Hanna pushed Selina along in her wheelchair following Elle. “Why isn’t there anyone else in here?” Selina asked. “I figured I see someone swimming around here.”

“Well, that’s because we’re still getting the rest of the pools ready,” Elle stated. “When we discovered how many people came here needing help, Enoch told us to ready all the pools for use. Most of the time, we just use one of the therapy pools here, one of the slides, and the Pond. The rest remained empty. However, when you brought the people here, he decided to open our pools to them, particularly to those who needed help like Selina does. They’re technically ready now. We’re just waiting for those who need swim therapy. They get to use them first. Then we’ll let everyone else in. I suspect the girls from the Harem will want to come in here to help their sisters.”

“They’re going to love this,” Hanna declared. “They’ve never seen something like this before.”

“I’m sure they haven’t,” Elle stated as they approached the last pool sitting behind a privacy screen. “From what I understand, the Emperor never let them swim or have fun. It should be an education for them.”

“Believe me, it will,” Selina insisted as Hanna followed Elle through a gap in the privacy screen. “I should know, having been prisoner with them as long as I was.”

They stopped for a moment and surveyed the pool. At the far end, they saw Josephine sitting in the water leaning against the side of the pool with all four arms stretched out on the pool deck either side of her. She had a solemn expression on her face. Hanna’s eyebrow rose as she instantly noticed Josephine had on something that resembled a silver halter-top swimsuit that covered her modestly. However, unlike most swimsuits, Josephine’s suit looked more dress-like, coming down past where her hips covering the upper portion of her tentacles. Arabella Bishop sat next to her on the pool deck wearing an alluring tan swimsuit made like Hanna’s black swimsuit. Her legs dangled in the water as she worked Josephine’s organic right hand manually. She hadn’t noticed Elle’s approach with Hanna and Selina. Andrew sat bare-chested to Josephine’s left in the pool wearing a pair of thigh-length swim trunks, working Josephine’s left organic hand same as Arabella did. Back away from the pool’s edge, Hanna and Selina noticed several reclining beach chairs more than large enough for Andrew, Elle, or even Josephine.

“Hello there,” Elle called out pleasantly, leading Hanna and Selina to Josephine, Andrew, and Arabella. “I brought you some visitors, Jo. They wanted to see you, and go swimming too.”

“Oh, hi there, Elle,” Arabella answered, looking up from her therapy work. “Your timing is excellent. We were just about to move Josephine around the pool again.” Looking up at Hanna, she smiled and added, “Ready to get wet, Hanna? We definitely could use your help moving Josephine.”

“Absolutely,” Hanna crowed, pushing Selina up to within three feet of Arabella.

“Hi, little sister,” Andrew called out pleasantly. “Your timing is impeccable. Josephine is still relearning to move around. She’s completely helpless and needs our help, and yours.”

“Hanna,” Josephine breathed, stunned that Hanna showed up. “I’m so glad you came. I’d begun to think you’d forgotten me.” Josephine suddenly straightened up to a full sitting position using her machine arms.

Hanna walked over and knelt down, touching Josephine on the shoulder. “I’m truly sorry it took so long. It’s only been in the last day or so that I got over my wounds from the raid. And then, I had to help Selina. You remember Selina, don’t you?”

Josephine looked over at Selina as Hanna gestured to her. “Yes,” Josephine replied softly. “I do. I’m so sorry for what I did to you, Miss Selina. Can you ever forgive me?”

Selina stared in fascination at Josephine, speechless for a few moments. After hearing her plea for forgiveness, Selina smiled warmly. “Of course I forgive you,” she purred. “I know it was the Emperor’s programming that made you do those heinous things to us.” Selina paused for a moment, just taking in Josephine’s strange beauty. “I’d always wondered what you really looked like beyond that giant machine eye and tentacles,” she admitted.

“Now you know,” Josephine stated humbly, her head sagging in sadness. “I know I’m a mechanized monster. You don’t need to sugar-coat your words. I know I’m ugly.”

“Oh, no, no, no,” Selina blurted out, realizing Josephine misunderstood her. “That’s not what I meant, Josephine, not at all. I don’t see a monster cyborg before me here. I see the most bizarrely beautiful being I think I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m stunned by your very existence, Josephine. No, I’m humbled by it. Despite everything the Emperor did to turn you to the Darkness, you survived and kept your humanity and goodness. Even though your soul has been scarred by what you endured, something kept you from succumbing to the evil that took you bodily. It tried to erase who you were, erase your beauty, your kind tender heart, and noble mind, but it couldn’t do it. You couldn’t be turned, even when your programming made you do things I shudder to even contemplate. Somehow, you beat that Darkness. Your light and beauty of mind, body, and spirit won out. Now, your light and beauty shine for all to see. I am honored to bask in your presence, milady. Did I hear correctly that it was the 1st Emperor Bolthor that did this to you?”

A deep, sorrowful sigh escaped Josephine’s lips. “Unfortunately, yes,” she admitted. “He was my husband and I loved him deeply. But the Dark Gods snared him, turning his heart dark and cold, filled with malice, hate, and the desire to dominate all life everywhere. He tried to turn me with his dark elemental magic, but I resisted it, trying to bring him back into the Light with my love for him. But it was a futile endeavor that enraged him. When his dark elemental powers failed him with me, he condemned me to this form, forever to be his slave and do his will, no matter how evil or depraved it was. You have no idea of how deep his darkness was.” Soft sobs started rising in Josephine, spilling out her organic eye.

Hanna leaned in and put her arms around Josephine in a caring embrace. The hug caused Josephine’s emotions to open wider and her sobs became wails of agony and despair everyone could feel. “That’s right, Josephine,” Hanna cooed in her ear, tears starting to flow down her cheeks. “Let it out. Let the pain and Darkness out. It’s festered in you for over twelve thousand cycles. You need to release it or it’ll destroy you. I know the pain you feel and the desolation of your soul for I’ve been there myself. You’re not alone, Josephine. I’m here. Selina’s here. So is Andrew, Arabella, and Elle. We’re here for you. Release the pain and hate that’s poisoned your very soul. Share your burden with us so we can help you release it.”

Andrew became choked with emotion and slid in close, putting his giant arms around Josephine’s cybernetically enhanced torso. He laid his head on her shoulder and said softly, “It’s okay, Josephine. We’re here for you and love you just as you are. You’re loved, and wanted here. Let go of your pain, hate, and despair as Hanna said. We’ll not betray or abandon you.”

Arabella dropped down into the pool and hugged Josephine too. “They’re right, sweetie,” she cooed. “You must let it go. What this Bolthor did to you is barbaric beyond my ability to comprehend it. I can’t conceive of the evil that did this to you. But you have to let it go and let us in so we can help you bear this terrible burden. We do love you, Josephine, and as Selina said, you are so beautiful despite what they did to you. Let us help you. We want to help you. Let us help you deal with this calamity. Only together with us can you hope to get peace. We love you.”

Josephine cried deeply, overcome by her pain and the sympathy of those around her. She put her organic arms around Andrew and Arabella gently, holding them in a motherly embrace. Elle dropped down beside Hanna and put her arms around Josephine from the back. “Oh, sister,” she cooed in Josephine’s ear. “We hear you, your pain, sorrow, and despair. And we cry with you. We feel your pain, sorrow, and heartache and wish to help you release it. It’s what family does for one another: they help each other when one is wounded or hurting. You’re hurting, Jo. Let us help. It’s what family do for one another. We did it for Hanna. Now, we can do it for you, if you’ll let us. Let your pain go. It’s the only way. Let us in. Please, let us in.”

Selina rolled her chair over and touched Josephine’s machine arm without fear. “Oh, you poor dear,” Selina cooed. “You’re so wounded and vulnerable. But you don’t have to be. You’re not alone. Oh, you’re not alone. We love you without condition or restriction. Let us help you dissipate this horrendous emotional pain. You can’t do it alone. You must let us in, Josephine. Together, we can slay the demons that imprison your mind and soul. Love and light always dispel darkness. Let your light shine and free yourself of this calamity. We’re here for you always.”

“That’s it,” Hanna murmured in Josephine’s ear, sensing her finally releasing the mind-numbing pain and horror of her cyberization and imprisonment. “Let it go at your own pace. That’s it. We’re here and accept you. No one’s going to take us from you and the Almighty will see that your claim is avenged. That’s a promise.”

“Oh, Hanna,” Josephine wept as her sobs softened. She looked into Hanna’s eyes and cried, “You truly do care for me. Do you realize I have not had someone hug me like this since my cyberization? Do you know how grateful I am for being able to just hold someone with my own arms?”

“I can’t imagine,” Hanna cooed, looking into Josephine’s beautiful hazel eye. “I’ve endured much in my short existence and have done much evil in my life. I’ve done many things I haven’t been proud of and even now try to make amends for. But my pain pales in comparison to yours. I look at what you endured and realize just how merciful the Lord God Almighty was to me. I can’t comprehend how it would feel to have been in your place even for a few cycles, much less over twelve thousand. But I can tell you this. The Almighty will not let this atrocity stand. Even now, He is rising from the throne to right this heinous wrong. Before this is over, the Emperor and his minions will pay for their crimes with blood compounded by blood. You will see the end of the Emperor and the dark spirit that took him. That’s a promise.”

“You really think so?” Josephine murmured, having cried herself out.

“I know so,” Hanna declared. “Our God is preparing to rage in His fury against the Emperor. My presence in this cursed underworld is proof enough of that. The prophecies say as much. Everything that’s happened to me, including this mutation has been fulfilled to the letter so far.”

“Is that so?” Josephine asked as Elle let go of her and stepped back.

“It is,” Elle chimed, putting a friendly hand on Josephine’s shoulder. “Enoch’s family has had a copy of the prophecy since the Kragonar. It tells of everything that’s happened to Hanna in such detail it’s eerie. Shoot, even her raid to get Selina, you, and the others away from the Emperor is there. Hanna is the Caverias...the Last Caverias, without a doubt.”

“I wasn’t truly sure until now,” Josephine admitted. “I knew she was possibly the first of a new species of human through her rather unique genetic structure. When I first saw it, I thought to use it as a weapon against the Emperor, to make him pay for what he did to me and everyone else. But I had no idea that the mutation I performed on her would do this to her. All I hoped was that it would help her survive. But you not only survived, Hanna, you’re on your way to becoming the most powerful being on the planet. Your power now rivals that of the Emperor. It’s amazing.”

“So you didn’t expect this outcome,” Hanna asked.

“No way,” Josephine blurted out. “I just hoped to even up the playing field some, not create a super being. There’s something about you that’s feeding off what I did, making you grow in some amazing ways that I didn’t take into consideration. You had elemental power before you came to this cursed underworld, but you never truly realized it. Now, that power is growing so fast it scares me. I never intended for your powers to grow in such a manner, but they have, as has your ability to control them. I saw your battle with the Emperor in the throne room during the raid. You never once hesitated to use your elemental power in the defense of Nemesis and Enoch. What astounds me is how you did it out of pure instinct, as if you already knew how to use them. And the control you used on that ice attack to counter the Emperor’s infernal fire was flawless. To be blunt, I’ve only seen one species use the elemental power with your strength and finesse.”

“Which species was that?” Andrew asked, looking into Josephine’s eyes.

“The Drakenites of Drakonia,” Josephine declared. “I remember hearing and seeing holo-reports of Bolthor’s war on them. Of all the species who united against him, FATE, and the Dark Gods, the Drakenites and their draken brethren proved to be the most difficult to defeat. They exercised great elemental power with impunity against the Emperor and his forces. It’s one of the reasons he chose to attack Drakonia that fateful day with an Etherian battle cruiser as his flagship and a horde of mechanized Triaskus spiders provided by FATE.”

Hanna’s heart suddenly fell within her chest. A pale look crossed her face as she let go of Josephine and sat down beside her on the pool deck. “What’s wrong, sis?” Selina asked, seeing and feeling Hanna’s reaction. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

“I’m not sure,” Hanna replied hesitantly as Arabella moved from Josephine’s embrace to Hanna. “But I feel as if Josephine just walked over my grave. It’s disconcerting.”

Leaning against the side of the pool with her arms laying on the deck in front of Hanna, Arabella asked, “Walked over your grave; how could she do that? What she’s speaking of happened back in her time before God buried this place in the Deluge.”

“I don’t know,” Hanna murmured, obviously shaken by it. “When she mentioned the Etherian battle cruiser, the spiders, and Drakonia, something leaked out of that black hole in my memories.”

“What memories would those be?” Josephine asked intently. “I remember when I mutated you I saw something strange in the memory section of your brain. It seemed almost cauterized, as if something had tried to burn a hole in your brain. So, when I mutated you, I took the liberty of repairing the physical damage. But even after repairing it, the area had a strange structure that didn’t mesh with the rest of your brain. It’s as if something walled it off so nothing could go in or out.”

“Whoa,” Andrew breathed. “We didn’t see that with the Healer. Why didn’t we see it with the Healer?”

“Probably because the Healer didn’t recognize it as a problem,” Hanna stated, rubbing the side of her face. “It seems that Josephine’s repair of that area sufficed to keep it living. But it’s still sealed off. I was talking about this earlier upstairs. This missing part of my mind stems from an incident that happened to me on the surface many cycles ago after I turned from the Darkness to the Light. Would you like to hear about it, Josephine?”

“Yes,” Josephine replied. “I would. It may help answer some questions I have about you.”

“Fair enough,” Hanna stated. With that, she explained the event to Josephine same as she did upstairs after dinner. Andrew, Arabella, and Josephine listened raptly to Hanna’s tale. When she finished, Hanna declared, “That event haunts me to this day. Sometimes, I recover bits and feelings from it, usually when I least expect it, but never full memories of what actually happened.”

“Even though your memory of that event is shattered and sealed off, it’s still a curious event,” Josephine stated. “You need to recover more about what happened after you went into the jungle above the lake before you can truly make a determination about it.”

“I know,” Hanna answered with a sigh. “But as if now, it hasn’t happened. What I experienced a few minutes ago was an unexplainable feeling of intense dread mixed with a powerful Déjà vu hit. It was so strong I couldn’t resist it. Things like that happen to me on a regular basis. I’m also plagued by recurrent nightmares of alien places and ancient battles. Sometimes, the nightmare feels so real I think I’m actually there fighting for my life and soul. Then I wake up in bed, usually as the enemy is about to destroy me. It’s harrowing.”

“I’m sure it is,” Josephine replied sympathetically. “I know what it’s like to have nightmares like that.” She reached out with her machine arm, patting Hanna on the shoulder. “I constantly relive my imprisonment and cyberization in my sleep; that’s when my program matrix would allow it. But now, thanks to your kindness and sympathy, I’m starting to let go of that pain. Thank you.”

A smile crossed Hanna’s lips. “You’re most welcome,” she replied warmly. “I seem to have a gift when it comes to that. I can help others dispel their pain, but can’t seem to do it myself. Only Selina has been able to help me cope with the bad shit that’s happened to me. She’s my feline angel of mercy.” Hanna reached out and grabbed Selina’s hand as she held it out.

“I can see that,” Josephine said soberly. “She truly completes you.”

“That she does,” Hanna agreed. “But I can’t truly complete her as her sister. I need to be a man again to do that.”

“You will be that man again,” Josephine declared. “I promise you. But you’ll have to be patient. I’m still weak and relearning to use my physical body. I have good control over my machine parts, but my flesh is weak. Miss Bishop called it muscle atrophy. Even my cybernetic implants can’t fully remedy it. That’s why I’m here in this pool with Master Andrew, Miss Bishop, and Elle. They’re helping me to recharge my organic parts. The water itself is helping with that. I can feel it.”

“That’s true,” Arabella chimed. “But it seems your emotional trauma may have been impeding your recovery. Now that you’ve release at least some of that hurt, you seem so much more relaxed and focused. You even seem happier too.”

“That’s because I am,” Josephine admitted. “And I feel so much better too. It’s like a crushing weight has been lifted off me. To know that I have real friends who wish only to help me is a delight. The last real friend I had before Bolthor did this to me was Ariel Caverias. Oh, she was such a delight to be around. I was horrified when Bolthor cut her down in front of Thoth. He should have never done that. It galvanized Thoth, who swore revenge on Bolthor. It cuts me to the quick every time I remember it.”

“You actually knew Ariel?” Selina asked in amazement.

“Yes,” Josephine answered with a troubled sigh and a tear. “You favor her greatly, Miss Selina. I look at you and see her spirit. She was such a free spirit; so kind and gentle, but tough and tenacious at the same time. Ariel loved life and Thoth so deeply I was a bit jealous of her. I guess it might have been her telepathic fusion with Thoth. They could literally feel each other’s joy and pain. It ripped my heart out when I saw Bolthor run her through when Thoth confronted him in the Throne Room. She was my friend and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. By that time, I was Bolthor’s prisoner.” She sobbed softly, covering her eyes with her organic right hand.

Hanna put her arm around Josephine again in a gentle embrace. “It’s all right,” she cooed in Josephine’s ear. “Grieve for Ariel, as will we all. In all the accounts I’ve found in the Teachers concerning Thoth and Ariel, nowhere is there a detailed record of how she died. All that’s written is the first Emperor killed her in front of Thoth. Now, we know the truth of her life and death. Her blood cries out to the Almighty for justice and vengeance. He will make it right. Consider it one more nail in the Emperor’s coffin.”

“Thank you for your kind words,” Josephine wept. “She was my best friend. Do you know what it’s like to watch your best friend die in front of you and you can’t do anything about it?”

“Indeed I do,” Hanna replied softly, “...too many times, in fact. It’s hard to see your friends and family cut down in front of you. I lost my entire family that way when I was fourteen. I blamed myself for not saving them and swore revenge.”

“Did you get your revenge?” Josephine whimpered.

“Yes,” Hanna stated grimly, “but it cost me my soul for over twenty cycles. The same darkness that snared your husband took me and made me the most powerful wizard of the Black Arts since the Emperor. However, the Ancient of Days had mercy on my wounded soul and dragged me out of that darkness, putting my feet on the path of Light and Life. I’ve walked the straight and narrow path of Light and Life ever since, making amends for horrendous evil committed at my hand as a dark wizard. Even this mutation is a form of penance for me. I do not shirk it, as much as I’d like to. All I’ve ever wanted since I came into the Light was to know the Truth, particularly about what life was like in the 1st Age, and live in peace with it and myself. But alas, the peace I yearn for seems to be beyond my reach. War, bloodshed, and Death follow me like faithful dogs, even to this cursed underworld. I’m tired of it: the perpetual conflict, blood, and death. To live in peace and not be bothered by the petty selfish whims of others is all I ask. But it’s not to be. Our God made me what I am: a warrior born, a living breathing weapon in His mighty hand. This is my lot in this life: to be the Caverias and set the balances true once again. Still, I’d much rather fade into the background and live a simple life of peace.”

“Fate be merciful,” Josephine breathed. “You truly do know the pain of war and sorrow of the dead as I do.” The Ancient of Days reached down and pricked her icy heart, thawing it while showing her who Hanna really was. A gasp escaped her lips as she saw the Truth Hanna spoke about.

“What’s wrong,” Andrew asked softly.

“I didn’t believe it possible,” Josephine breathed, tears running down her cheek.

“Didn’t believe what?” Arabella queried.

“You see now, don’t you?” Hanna cooed in Josephine’s ear. “The Lord just revealed Himself to you.”

“Yes,” Josephine sobbed joyously. “My icy heart is thawing and I can truly see who you are, sister.”

“Praise the Lord,” Hanna chimed. “You believe.”

“I do,” Josephine answered, wiping the tears away. “I feel His love and light through you, sister. You are indeed the Last Caverias, the very hand of the Ancient of Days in this place. I didn’t want to believe it, but your words have broken the icy covering over my soul. I’m so happy I don’t know what to do.”

“I can see that,” Hanna replied happily. “You’re finally free, Josephine. The Emperor and his Darkness no longer has any sway over your mind, heart, and soul. Your will is yours once again. You decide now how to live your life...not me, not Selina, or Andrew, or even the Emperor. No one tells you what to do. Breathe the free air, my ancient sister. It’s been a long time coming.”

“But where do I start?” Josephine asked. “It’s been so long not being able to make my own decisions I’ve forgotten how.”

“You underestimate yourself, Josephine,” Hanna declared. “You have a much stronger will than you realize, and you already know how to make your own decisions. Your ability to make up your own mind really showed when you talked the Emperor into returning my mind to my body after you made me into that doll.” Hanna shuddered visibly at the memory.

“It still haunts you, doesn’t it?” Josephine asked softly. “Please forgive me for doing that to you.”

“It’s okay,” Hanna replied soberly. “I forgave you the moment I discovered your true name. I know you didn’t want to do it. Now, you must do the hardest thing anyone has to do. You must forgive yourself. It wasn’t your fault.”

“It’s hard,” Josephine admitted. “Even though I couldn’t resist the programming, I still feel responsible.”

“You must forgive yourself,” Selina ordered. “Only forgiveness can purge the guilt you feel. It’s okay to forgive yourself.”

“She’s right,” Hanna agreed, looking Josephine in the eye. “You have to forgive yourself. Just look at it as the first test of your new freedom. Forgiveness is an act of pure will the Almighty delights in. He forgives you, as do all of us. All that’s left is for you to forgive yourself. I know it’s hard. Believe me. In the past, I’ve committed atrocities as a dark wizard that could only be topped by the Emperor. I had to forgive myself for doing those heinous acts. Here, let me show you with a little telepathic peek to show you what I mean.” Hanna pressed her index and middle fingers to Josephine’s temple, opening her mind to the cyborg. Josephine gasped as she saw some of the horrors Hannibal committed as a dark wizard. Then she saw his miraculous conversion from the Darkness to the Light along with how he learned to forgive himself.

“By the Elder Gods,” Josephine gasped in horrified astonishment. “That’s nearly as bad as some of the things I was forced to do.”

Hanna broke the telepathic contact by removing her fingers from Josephine’s temple. “Indeed,” Hanna stated grimly. “But where you were forced by Bolthor’s programming to do those acts, I did them willingly at the time. It’s one of my greatest shames. That’s why I constantly strive to do right and make amends for those heinous evils. By doing good, and helping people instead of hurting them, it helps me to forgive myself. It’s something I do every day. I forgive myself and then prove myself by walking the path the Almighty put me on. It can be hard at times, but He’s a merciful God and gives me grace and strength to keep doing right. If I can do it with the help of our God, then so can you. He wants to see you restored in your mind, soul, and faith.”

“So do we all,” Selina agreed. “All of us have our faults and failings, but our God is merciful and forgives us when we do stumble. He knows we’re not perfect and is willing to help us live in the Light.”

“I’ve never seen such pure faith in the Almighty,” Josephine declared softly, “...not since Ariel and Thoth. They believed as you do. I’m not worthy of such a treasure.”

“Yes, you are,” Hanna reproved gently. “You’re much more worthy than you think. Your faith in the Ancient of Days kept you from succumbing to the Darkness. That’s obvious to me. He’s had His mighty hand on you from the beginning.”

“Then why did He let it happen?” Josephine blurted out, feeling torn in her soul. “Why did He let Bolthor do this to me? Why?”

A sigh escaped Hanna’s lips. “I can’t answer that,” Hanna stated soberly. “Only He can answer that. I’ve asked the same question about what’s happened to me.”

“Did you get an answer?” Josephine asked intently.

“No,” Hanna replied bluntly. “I haven’t. But it doesn’t change how I feel towards Him. I can only figure I’m not ready to know those answers yet. Sometimes, it can be irritating not knowing why something is happening. Regardless of what we think or believe, our God always has our best in mind. He wants us to succeed in what we do. I know one thing. If it weren’t for Him, my rescue mission would have never materialized. I’d be dead. So just consider that. We mortals can’t truly comprehend what He’s doing. We only get to see a small part of his plan, whereas, He sees all of it from beginning to end. He knows how everything is going to pan out in the end. Sometimes, He’ll tease us with prophecies to test our faith. Believe me; the prophecies about me we encountered in this cursed underworld have done just that. You have no idea how it feels to see an ancient prophecy from your time that practically dictates everything that’s happened to me thus far. It’s both irritating and humbling at the same time. It’s irritating because it makes me think I don’t have a say, but that’s not the case. I do have a say. All the prophecies show is the decision I make and their repercussions. In that way, it’s humbling to see it. All I really need to do is trust Him. He’s hasn’t let me down yet.”

“Your faith is amazing,” Josephine breathed in awe. “Even when you don’t get the answer you seek, you still believe in your god.”

“He’s your god too,” Hanna declared sincerely. “You felt His power earlier when you realized who I was. I know you still have some doubts. That’s all right. Doubts can be overcome. He does believe in you, and so do I. Just let go of your fear and you’ll see His wonders.”

“You really think so?” Josephine whispered.

“I know so,” Hanna insisted. She abruptly closed her eyes while clasping Josephine’s organic hand with both of hers. “O Father in Heaven,” she prayed. “You see Josephine here filled with fear and doubt. It holds her in captivity. Please, Father...in the name of your only son, Jesus, touch her heart and give her the peace she cries for. Show her she’s forgiven and how to forgive herself as you showed me. Release her from the emotional pain and spiritual bondage that’s upon her. Free her, Father, as you freed me. I plead for her in the name and power of Jesus, your only begotten son. Amen.”

Chills raced down Josephine’s spine as Hanna prayed. A strange feeling of euphoria slowly filled her, driving away the fears and doubt plaguing her. As Hanna ended the prayer, Josephine’s mind and spirit opened as the Holy Spirit fell upon her as a gentle shower. In an instant, she comprehended and believed in the Ancient of Days as He showed her a better way. She felt His forgiveness and more importantly, she saw how to forgive herself for the evil committed at her hand. Peace flooded her soul as she now understood Hanna’s true place. Sobs of joy and relief bubbled out. “Oh, merciful Ancient of Days,” she cried, now knowing without a doubt that He was real and cared about her. “I see and believe! I believe! I’m free!” She reached out and pulled Hanna into a warm embrace with all four of her arms. “Thank you, Hanna,” she sobbed joyously, kissing her on the cheek. “Your simple prayer has opened my frozen heart to the love of the Ancient of Days. I now understand what you were trying to tell me about forgiving myself. I’m free!”

“You’re most welcome, Josephine,” Hanna chimed with great delight. “I’m glad you finally broke through that last barrier. Now, you can truly heal and live again.”

Josephine let go of Hanna, leaning against the side of the pool. “Yes,” she said enthusiastically. “I can, but I think I’ll follow your example and do good to those around me as a penance. I won’t feel right about it if I don’t at least try to right those wrongs.”

“I know how you feel,” Hanna stated warmly. “But just remember that your forgiveness is an act of will and not something earned. You can’t get redemption by just doing good deeds. Your heart and soul must commune with the Almighty and let Him purge any darkness that haunts you. Only He can do that. Trust me. I know this from brutal experience. Sometimes, it may be hard, but He’ll pull you through it. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

“I’m not sure,” Josephine admitted. “But I believe. You will help me know our God, won’t you?”

“Of course,” Hanna answered happily. “There’s much more you need to know about our God that will help you with your relationship with Him. But that can wait for now. Just bask in the joy of your new freedom.”

“I will,” Josephine stated, “I feel so good now and at peace. And you know something? My core energy has risen and my organics feel much stronger now. It’s as if something recharged it. Isn’t that strange?”

A broad smile crept across Hanna’s face. “Not really,” she answered. “That’s the power of our God. I suspect He may have given your organic parts a little jumpstart. He’ll do that sometimes, just to show His power. How do your organic arms feel right now?”

“They actually feel strange,” Josephine reported. “They’re tingling and feel much stronger. It’s feels like I touched a power lead.” She moved her right and left organic arms deliberately, testing their full range of motion. “Fate be merciful,” she breathed. “I can move them without wearing myself out. Before you came in, it took me a great deal of effort to move them.”

“Squeeze my hand,” Arabella ordered, grasping Josephine’s organic right hand. Josephine squeezed her hand firmly before letting go. “That’s amazing,” Arabella crowed. “Before Hanna and Selina came in, you could barely move that hand. Now, it seems to be working normally. Was that as hard as you could squeeze?”

“For the moment,” Josephine answered. “I’m stunned that I could do that at all.”

“Me too,” Arabella agreed. “Andrew, check her other hand.”

“Yes, Miss Bishop,” Andrew replied, grasping Josephine’s other organic hand. “Now squeeze, Jo.”

Josephine squeezed Andrew’s hand firmly for a few moments, and then let him go. “How’s that,” she asked.

“Not bad at all,” Andrew chimed. “Your grip is still a little weak, but it’s definitely strong enough for you to use them normally. Try lifting your arm as I hold your hand down.” Andrew grabbed her organic wrist and forearm, holding it firmly as Josephine tried to lift the arm using her muscles. He noticed a determined look cross her face as she strained against his grip. “Very good,” he declared, slowly allowing her to flex her organic arm. “Your strength is up in your arm too. It looks like the muscle atrophy may have lifted. All we need to do now is work them rebuild their strength.”

“Really?” Josephine asked with a delighted expression.

“Absolutely,” Andrew reaffirmed. “But I think the real test will be you getting up and walking around. Though I can’t see how you’re going to do that with those tentacles instead of legs.”

“I think it’s time we help Josephine exercise those muscles,” Selina called out. “Don’t you, Hanna?”

“Absolutely,” Hanna agreed. “You guys wait a minute while we change. Then we can help you.”

Elle, who had been absent while Arabella and Andrew tested Josephine’s arms, walked out from behind a privacy screen next to the bathroom exit. Having heard Hanna’s proclamation, she called out, “You can change back here.”

Everyone looked, seeing Elle coming to the pool wearing a gold halter-top swimsuit with black tiger stripes. It had high-cut legs, low cut chest, and a low Brazilian-cut rear. The suit showed a fair amount of her cleavage too. “Just go through the doors back there,” she instructed. “There’s a changing room back there with some facilities and showers.”

Hanna’s eyebrow rose as Elle passed her and Selina on the way to the pool. “Nice, Elle,” Hanna complimented while rolling Selina along in her chair, “Very primal.”

“Thanks,” Elle replied. “Don’t take too long. We can use all the help we can to move Jo around.”

“We’ll be right out,” Hanna stated, picking up the pace.

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