Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 43: Introductions


Hanna pointed to Enoch as Muriel moved back to her seat, saying, “This is Enoch Caverias, Selina: Kida’s husband and the man in charge of this place. He is also my kin in a strange way that I’ll show you later.” Enoch nodded, waving to her silently with a pleasant smile. “Over here sitting next to us is Elias, his brother,” Hanna continued. “He was in charge of the portal during the raid.”

Elias nodded politely, saying, “It’s a pleasure to finally see you face to face, Selina. Hanna has told us so much about you.”

Selina looked at Hanna with a questioning look as she replied, “So I’m told.”

Hanna shrugged and smiled sheepishly as she continued, “Now over there are Hunter and Andrew: the Sons of Thunder. They’re the sons of Enoch and Kida, which would make them your nephews.”

Selina gazed in awe at the two men. They were ruggedly handsome to the extreme and built to match, being over nine feet in height. She also noticed the distinctive Lynxian features in them that tended to make them look like giant elves with their ears tapered and more Lynxian that human. Hunter and Andrew were speechless. They had wanted to see and speak to her about so many things. But now that they had their opportunity, they completely forgot what they wanted to say to her. Finally, Hunter managed to say, “Hi.”

Selina looked at the pair with some amusement. With a smile, she replied, “Do I surprise you?”

“Yes,” Andrew admitted. “You look so much like momma, just smaller and more intense with a different color hair and eyes.”

Selina smiled and said, “I know, nephew. Kida and I are twins, but not identical. That is why we look so much alike but our heights and hair and eye color are different.”

Hanna smiled and said, “Now to the strange one over there.” She pointed to Morpheus, saying, “That there is Morpheus, leader of the prisoners of Acheron.” Selina gazed at him in fascination as Kida and Electra, along with Ben and George came in, preparing the table for dinner.

“It’s an honor to finally meet you in person, milady. Does my appearance startle you?” Morpheus asked in a smooth elegant tone.

Selina shook her head, saying, “No, but you’re different from the others. You’re a hybrid, aren’t you?”

Morpheus smiled; impressed at her powers of observation because at casual glance no one could tell that he was a hybrid. “Your powers of observation are commendable, milady,” he replied. “Not too many people realize that I’m a hybrid, a product of the Cadre’s genetic manipulations and a failure of their experiment in their eyes. Just like Muriel and the rest of my people, we all used to be one hundred percent pure human. But unlike Muriel, who actually endured the experiments, we’re the descendants of the original people imprisoned there. Most of our history is told orally, kept alive so we never forget where we came from. I am a mix of human, Lynxian, and some other unknown alien species.”

Selina’s interest suddenly rose as she asked, “Really? Tell me more.”

“It’s a long sad story, milady,” Morpheus stated as the smell of dinner was beginning to fill the room. “Maybe we could speak of it after dinner?”

Selina was gracious, but a little disappointed. “All right,” she answered as she glanced over to the table and saw Kida and Electra sitting food on the table. “I think that would be all right. I am a bit hungry.” The smell of the food on the table amplified her hunger, making her belly growl softly.

Hanna then spoke up, saying, “I think you know everyone else.”

Selina looked around, seeing Amelia and Xavier sitting together along with Harry and Joshua. “Yes, I know them,” Selina replied as she heard the sound of steps approaching them from large exit. “I am honored to call them friend.”

Emma entered the room, pausing just long enough to see Hanna and Selina sitting in the living area with everyone else. “Ah, just the woman I want to see,” Emma called out, heading to Hanna. Selina looked at Hanna with a questioning look as Emma stopped in front of them. Hanna and Selina looked up at Emma as she looked down at Selina with a sweet smile, saying, “I’m glad you’re up and around, Selina. You look much better now.”

Emma turned her attention to Hanna as she asked, “What is it, Emma? What can I do for you?”

“Myra is awake and asking for you to come see her,” Emma replied plainly.

The mention of Myra’s name hit Selina full force like a dagger in the heart. “She lives?” Selina called out, voice suddenly trembling. “What about Izanami, Tasha, Jennifer, Sakura, Trinity, and the others?”

Emma looked down at Selina and told her plainly, “They’re all alive and here. But Myra asked to see Hanna and you as soon as possible.”

Hanna looked up at Emma, saying, “Of course we shall come to see them. We’ll do it after dinner.”

Emma smiled, replying, “They’ll be happy to hear that. I’ll go tell them.”

She turned to leave when Selina called out, “Wait.”

Emma turned back to Selina and squatted down in front of her, asking, “Yes, Selina? What is it?”

Selina reached out to touch Emma, asking, “Who are you?”

Emma responded first with her hand, letting Selina touch it, and then answered softly, “I’m Emma Caverias. Enoch and Elias are my brothers.”

Selina looked at her intensely, saying, “Somehow, I get this feeling that we know each other.”

Emma patted her on the hand, saying, “Maybe you do from a dream, or from your mother or sister. I know that you’re telepathic like they are. Maybe you picked up on it from them. Maybe you picked up on it from Hanna. You know, she’s like a sister to me.”

Selina nodded with a strange look on her face. “I know. You care for her a great deal, don’t you?” she asked.

Emma smiled with a twinkle in her eye, replying, “Nothing gets by you, does it?”

Selina gazed deep into her eyes, saying, “Not much, sister. I’m honored to have you as family.”

“The honor is all mine, Selina,” Emma replied softly. “I have to go now. I have errands to run. But I’ll see you at the dinner table.”

Selina smiled and leaned back next to Hanna as Emma rose and left the room. She looked around at the group, saying after a few moments, “It’s good to be among friends.”

“That it is,” Xavier agreed. “Friends are very precious and valuable in this day in age.”

Enoch agreed, saying, “That is so true. True friendship is more precious that all the gold and jewels of the Emperor’s horde.”

“Selina, how do you feel right now,” Amelia asked.

“Welcome,” Selina replied.

Finally finding his tongue, Hunter declared, “You are welcome here.”

Selina looked at Enoch and asked, “These are your boys, Enoch?”

Enoch nodded, saying softly, “Yes, they are. And they have been such a blessing.”

“I’m sure they have been,” Selina replied sincerely. “And such handsome pair too, just like their parents.”

Hunter and Andrew blushed slightly as Enoch said humbly, “Thank you. They’re good boys, though sometimes a bit hard to reign in. The moment they found out who you were and where you were being held, they wanted to storm the Black Fortress to get you.”

Selina looked at them, saying, “Really? I’m touched by such a gesture.”

They continued to talk among themselves, making small talk while waiting for dinner to be ready. Dinner was in the final stages of being set on the table when Nathanael and Arabella entered the room with Elle and Emma. Nathanael pushed a strange-looking wheelchair. He left it behind the sofa Enoch sat on and walked up to Selina.

“Hi, Dad,” Selina said pleasantly when he showed up.

Arabella came and squatted down in front of Selina, asking, “You’re look much better now. How are you feeling?”

Selina grasped Arabella’s hand as she put her hand on Selina’s knee. “I’m actually feeling pretty good, Arabella,” she declared, “But I’m still weak. I still can’t walk or use my left arm and hand properly.”

Arabella looked Selina in the eye, saying, “That’s strange. As long as you were in the healing machine, it should have taken care of it. But it didn’t. Can I take a look at your hand?” Selina offered her left hand to Arabella and she pressed and prodded it gently. “Seems like the damage has healed,” Arabella said as a doctor. “Do you know how injured you were when Hannibal brought you back here?” she asked.

Selina shook her head, saying, “No. I have very little memory of what happened after I was cut down from the wall. The first thing I clearly remember is waking up in bed.”

Arabella looked at Hanna, and then at Selina as Elle and Emma gathered around. “Nemesis helped me check you out after Hanna took you to the healing chamber,” Arabella stated. “Both your wrists were broken, the left more severely than the right. You had six broken ribs and both your ankles were broken. Nemesis also said that you had hairline fractures in both your femurs and your pelvis. Your left shoulder had almost been dislocated and your internal organs had been bruised badly, including your heart. And of course, your wrists, ankles and neck were rubbed raw and bloody by the shackles. Why you didn’t succumb to the injuries is a miracle.” Everyone listened in shock as Arabella told her the extent of her injuries as she continued to examine Selina’s left hand. “Do you have any feeling in your wrist or hand?” Arabella asked.

“No,” Selina replied. “It is almost numb. I have no feeling in it or my hand. I can barely move it. Using it in a useful manner is out of the question. There just isn’t any strength in it. My right hand is much more useful.”

“Show me,” Arabella ordered. “Grip my hand.”

Selina tried to grasp Arabella’s hand with her left hand. She barely moved it; gripping Arabella’s hand just enough to let her know that pressure was being applied. It was obvious that Selina was making an effort by the look on her face. “That’s it. I can’t do any more,” she said with dismay that she couldn’t do better.

Arabella smiled, saying, “That’s quite all right. Don’t try to do more than you can. Your wrist feels all right, but I want Nemesis to take another look at it after dinner some time just to be sure. You seem to be having a normal consequence to the injuries. It will take some physical therapy to get you back to normal. How are your legs feeling?”

“My legs are practically numb,” Selina reported. “My legs are tingling just a little near my hips but below that, I can’t feel a thing on either of them except for an occasional throbbing that tends to be a bit painful.”

Arabella let go of Selina’s hand and gently picked up her right leg. She applied pressure to the ankle gently, saying, “Do you feel anything?”

Arabella gently twisted her leg and ankle a bit as Selina said, “No. Nothing.” Suddenly as Arabella moved the leg, a flash of pain ran up her leg into her spine, making it feel like the leg was on fire. Selina cried out in pain.

Arabella promptly released the leg, asking, “You felt something?”

Hanna put an arm around Selina as she said with obvious relief in her tone, “Yes, I did. I don’t know what you did, but I definitely felt it. It felt like my leg was on fire. Once you let go, the pain let up and now it’s going numb again.”

Arabella rubbed her chin saying, “Interesting. You may have some pinched nerves or something. I’ll tell you what. We’ll get you on a regiment of physical therapy.” She stood and smiled, saying, “We’ll have you on your feet in no time. You’ll see.”

“I hope so,” Selina replied with some discouragement. “I’ve never been crippled like this. I’ve always been active. Not being able to go and do anything without any help is depressing and aggravating.”

Hanna gave her a gentle squeeze, saying, “Don’t be like that, Selina. I’m here for you. We will get through this. Like Arabella said, you’ll be walking in no time.”

“Yes. We’re all here for you, aunt Selina,” Andrew agreed. “We’ll help in any way we can. Maybe we can help out with some exercise routines.”

Enoch smiled, saying, “That is a good idea, son. A regiment of exercises would indeed be helpful.”

Emma put a friendly hand on Selina’s shoulder as she stood next to Selina. “We are all with you, sister,” Emma agreed. “And I’m sure your friends from the Harem will be more than willing to help. In fact, Izanami, Myra, Tasha, Jennifer, Trinity, Sakura, Jasmine, and Hitomi are going to need similar help.”

“A program is already being developed,” Elle added. “I’m seeing to it myself. We’ll have everyone up and running before you know it, you included.”

Elle’s very presence attracted Selina’s attention. Selina stared at the seven and a half foot Valkyrie with piercing bluish-gray eyes, waist length snow-white hair, wearing a light gray dress that reached to her feet. The giantess fascinated her because Selina sensed this one woman was different from all the others: unique in both body structure and mental capacity. A strange sense of both power and gentleness emanated from her. Selina was speechless and Hanna saw it, so she took the liberty to introduce her. “Selina, this is Elle the Ilmarinen, the last of her race that we know of,” Hanna stated. “Her people were responsible for much of the machinery we have encountered here. She’s a trusted and valuable friend. She helped me rescue Muriel from her prison.”

“Hello, Selina,” Elle chimed pleasantly. “Hanna’s description of you doesn’t do you justice. You’re everything she said and more.”

Selina snapped out of her astonishment and replied humbly, “Thank you. Forgive me if I gawked. You just surprised me. That’s all.”

Elle squatted in front of Selina, asking, “How’s that?”

“You’re different from everyone else, even Morpheus and Muriel,” Selina answered. “You’re unique among the people I have met today and over my lifetime. You have a kind heart and pure mind. It’s something that caught me off guard. How old are you?”

“I’m two hundred and fifty cycles,” Elle replied. “I was rescued by Argus from a Murian raid when they overran what was left of my clan near Midgard when I was sixteen. I was about to be eaten when he came to the rescue. Unfortunately, the rest of my clan didn’t fare so well. The Murians devoured them as soon as they overran us. For some reason they decided to keep me in reserve and when my time was up, Argus saw me tied to the spit and saved me. He brought me here to keep me safe.”

Elle’s testimony moved Selina to compassion. “I’m sorry to hear that,” Selina replied softly. “That’s a long time to be without kin.”

Elle put her hand on Selina’s knee saying, “Don’t grieve for them or me, sister. I was given a new family when Argus brought me here. Enoch and his family adopted me the moment I came here and gave me all the love a family could render to an orphan. They made me feel wanted and never gave up on me, even when I was difficult. Now, since you and Hanna have entered our lives, our world has changed so much. I have even found someone special among the people she brought here.” This unexpected news intrigued everyone, especially Hanna and Enoch. It actually pleased Enoch for he had known how isolated and lonely Elle had been in the days just before Hanna’s coming to Antilla.

“Who is it?” Selina asked, sensing Elle was madly in love with someone. A smile crept across Selina’s lips as she knew the feeling well.

Elle looked a little embarrassed as she replied, “It’s Kahn. He’s perfect.”

Hanna smiled as she looked at Enoch, who was also smiling. The news hit Xavier like the proverbial ton of bricks. Amelia latched on to him as he asked, “You’re talking about my brother, right?”

Elle looked around at Xavier, seeing a combination of shock and pleasant surprise on his face. “Yes, sir,” she declared, “I love him. He seems to anticipate me at every turn and gives without question or expectation of recompense.”

“How does he feel about you, Elle?” Hanna queried.

Elle turned to Hanna, saying happily, “He loves me. I know it. He told me so. Can you understand what it is like to finally find your perfect mate after such a long time without anyone?”

Hanna looked at Selina with a knowing smile, and then back to Elle, saying, “Oh, I think we do. Both of us know what that it like. But you must be careful. If it is of the Lord, it’ll work, otherwise there will be love for a season, and then ages of heartbreak and loneliness. Do you really love him?”

Elle nodded, saying, “With all my heart.”

“In that case, sister,” Selina said, jumping in. “Bring him before us and let’s see. If it is of the Lord, Hanna will know for sure. She’s His hand in this place.”

Enoch happened to look over to the table and saw Electra and Kida standing there with George and Ben, watching. Everything was ready for them. “We can let it wait till after dinner,” Enoch said with authority. “For it is ready.”

Selina looked over to the table and saw it ready with Kida, Electra, George and Ben waiting over there. Her hunger was beginning to make her belly growl. “Great! I didn’t think it would ever get ready,” she said eagerly. Everyone rose, heading for the table.

Hanna started to pick up Selina when Enoch stepped up saying, “Please, allow me, if you will permit it, Miss Selina.”

“Of course,” Selina replied. “Hanna’s carried me enough for right now. I want to give her a break.”

“Thanks a lot,” Hanna chided in mock hurt as Enoch promptly picked up Selina and carried her to the table.

Sitting Selina in the chair to the left at the head of the table and pushing her up to it, he asked, “How’s this, Selina?”

“It’s great,” Selina replied graciously. “Thanks.”

Enoch stood at the end of the table, saying, “You’re welcome. It’s only proper that you and Hanna sit in the place of honor at my table. You both are family.”

Hanna sat in the chair to Selina’s right, saying, “We’re humbled by you letting us sit at the head of your table, brother. Thank you.”

Enoch flashed a warm smile at both Hanna and Selina. “You’re welcome, little sister,” he chimed. “Come; let’s eat before this sumptuous meal gets cold.”

“I agree,” Selina purred. “Let’s eat. That roast looks scrumptious, as does everything else.”

“That it does,” Enoch agreed, walking to the far end of the table. “Our cooks did a very good job to prepare such a banquet; excellent job, honey.” He patted Kida on the shoulder, standing next to her as she waited to sit.

“It was a group effort,” Kida admitted. “I couldn’t have done it without all our help. They deserve a thank you as well.”

Hanna abruptly stood and called out, “I shout out a heart-felt thank you to all who made this meal possible.” She bowed, adding, “Your work is not unappreciated. I’m sure Enoch meant to thank everyone.”

“You honor us,” Electra declared as she and Nathanael took position to Selina’s left. “It’s always good to know our hard work is appreciated. Thank you.”

“It’s the least we can do after everything everyone has done for us,” Hanna said humbly. “Now, let’s eat. Just looking at this delicious food is making my stomach growl.”

“Well said, little sister,” Enoch chimed. “Let’s eat.” He and Kida sat on the opposite end of the table from Hanna and Selina.

Hanna returned to her seat at Selina’s right hand as Nathanael and Electra sat to Selina’s left. Harry and Joshua took up the chairs beside Hanna. Everyone else took up seats in-between along the long sides of the table. As everyone sat down, Corso, Liu, and Joel entered and joined them. It pleased Hanna to see them. After blessing the food, they ate. Hanna and Nathanael helped Selina get what she wanted. She consumed generous quantities of food and drink, as did everyone. They made small talk as they ate. It tickled Muriel to be part of such a meal, being a new experience for her.

After roughly forty-five minutes, everyone had finished. As they sat around the table, Hanna got everyone’s attention. “I’d like to propose a toast,” she called out, rising from her seat with her glass of ale. Raising her glass, she said while looking at Selina, “To love, life, and good friends, without which, none of this would be possible.”

“Here, here!” everyone replied, raising their glasses.

After drinking, Hunter called out, “I’d like to propose a toast as well. To Hanna and Selina: for all they have done for us.”

Another resounding ‘Here, here’ went out as they toasted Hanna and Selina.

Moments later, Selina called out, “Since we are toasting things, I would like to propose a toast to the one who deserves it more than anyone else.” She raised her glass of ale and said, “This is to the Almighty Ancient of Days and His infinite mercies: for all that He has done for us.” The jovial air of the meal suddenly became very sober as everyone reflected on what she had said.

“Yes; to our God,” Nathanael called out raising his glass.

“Yes; to the Lord our God, the Almighty Ancient of Days whose might, will, and mercy preserves us in this black hour,” Hanna agreed wholeheartedly, raising her glass. In seconds, everyone raised their glasses, toasting the Ancient of Days for His grace and mercies in humble adoration.

After the toast, Hanna complimented Kida and Electra for the delicious meal. Once Hanna did so, everyone else rendered their compliments to the cooks as well as they began to disperse from the table. As Corso, Joel and Liu rose to go, Hanna asked Corso if he’d been to see Jennifer.

“No, Hanna. I haven’t. I was just going that way with Joel,” Corso replied.

“Could you wait a second? Selina and I will accompany you,” Hanna declared so Corso, Joel, and Liu waited as Hanna walked to Elle and Emma.

Taking Elle aside for a moment, Hanna said softly, “Why don’t you and Kahn come by my quarters this evening so we can talk in private.”

“Okay,” Elle replied, nodding. “Oh, I almost forgot. Josephine needs to see you and Selina immediately. It was the last thing she said when I left her to come eat. I think she wants to be sure you and Selina are still breathing.”

“I see,” Hanna murmured. “Then I guess I should see her first. How’s she doing?”

“Physically, she’s a bit weak and is still learning to move again,” Elle stated. “She’s been immobilized for so long that she’s having trouble moving her limbs. It’s aggravating her and it’s also depressing her.”

“I can sympathize,” Selina declared.

“So can I,” Hanna agreed. “What you’re telling me doesn’t surprise me. She’s been locked in that machine so long she’s forgotten how to use her real body. Where is she now?”

“She’s down in the pool area next to the gym,” Elle stated. “Andrew and I are using the pool in her therapy. She seems to like being in the water. It seems to stimulate her physical senses. I think that’s where Andrew went after we finished eating. He wanted to check on her. He’s fascinated by Josephine.”

A smile crept across Hanna’s lips. “I can see you are too,” she told Elle. “Josephine is something so new and alien to your existence you can’t help it.”

“You’re right,” Elle admitted with a knowing smirk. “I can’t help it. She’s a life form unlike anything I’ve ever encountered. And she has such a gentle disposition too. How could someone whose been literally controlled by the Emperor like a puppet for so long not be as evil and sadistic as the Emperor? It’s a quandary my mind just can’t answer.”

Hanna patted Elle on the arm. “The Ancient of Days is how,” Hanna declared. “It’s the only answer. I’m just as puzzled at how she kept from turning myself. I know the Darkness that she was immersed in intimately. The Lord must have a major role for her to play in what’s coming up. That’s all I can say.”

“He must,” Elle admitted. “She’s so bizarre in appearance, but has such a gentle spirit. It makes me want not to just be her friend, but also to study what the Emperor did to her in the hopes of reversing it. But I’m not sure it can be reversed.”

“Me neither,” Emma intruded. “I helped examine Josephine when Andrew brought her in. Her cybernetics are so extensive I had trouble seeing what was machine and what was organic. It seems to be wired into every part of her body, including her heart and brain. I’m not sure it can be reversed. The only thing we can do is help her accept what’s happened.”

Corso, Joel, Liu, Morpheus, Muriel, and Nathanael gathered around, listening intently to the conversation about Josephine without intruding. “That’s not the problem,” Hanna declared. “Josephine has already accepted that she’s a cyborg and will never be a pure human again. I sensed it the moment we pulled her from that damnable apparatus. What she is going to have trouble with is adjusting to a life free of the Emperor. For over twelve thousand cycles, her programming shut down her free will. We need to help her regain the ability to make decisions for herself.”

“That’s true,” Morpheus stated. “Regaining the ability to make decisions was one of the first things my ancestors had to do when they were condemned to the caves below Acheron’s Citadel. The will and ability to make decisions are the first things the Emperor tries to destroy when he captures a soul. He breaks them in the most ruthless way imaginable so that they become incapable of making decisions on their own. A soul that can’t make decisions for him or herself is a soul controlled. We must help her discover the will and strength to make decisions again.”

“Morpheus is correct,” Muriel agreed. “I know that pain intimately. Those whose will can’t be broken end up like me with their identity, yes their very souls sealed up so they can’t remember who they are or what it’s like to make decisions. It’s a horrendous fate to not know who you are or be able to make decisions on your own.”

“It is,” Hanna said softly. “Amelia knows that pain and so do I. Even though I managed to escape that terrible penalty of resisting the Emperor, I do know the awful burden of not knowing. Several decades ago on the surface, something happened to me in a place called Bolivia where I lost my memories. There’s a gap of nearly a day that’s missing. I remember going into that jungle to confirm a sighting of an ancient temple. I never made it to the temple. After passing several markers, my memories go blank. My next memory is lying on the shore of the lake we passed heading into the jungle. I didn’t know where I was at the time and my body felt like it was on fire on the outside and freezing on the inside. My clothes were burned and torn to shreds as if I had been caught in some kind of explosion. Some unknown agent had burned my flesh. It’s one of the very few times I paid the penalty for going into areas everyone said was cursed. I had several companions with me when I went in there. I never saw them again. Their faces still haunt me on occasion.”

“Whoa,” Emma breathed, putting an arm around Hanna. “That event shakes you even now, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” Hanna admitted. “I’m haunted by a nightmare I can’t remember. It’s as if I stepped off the face of the earth that day. As the Almighty is my witness, I know something truly unexplained happened that day; something that robbed me of not just my friends, but also my very memory. That day is a black hole in my mind I’m incapable of penetrating. It’s both maddening and frightening at the same time. I want to know what happened, but fear knowing what happened. I’m not sure I really want to know what happened to my friends that terrible day. So when I say I know the burden of not remembering, I lie not. I know the pain of missing time.”

Muriel stepped up to Hanna, taking her by both hands and looking her in the eye. “You are a marvel, Miss Hanna,” she told Hanna. “You just exposed one of your greatest secrets to us without hesitation. To not know what happened is indeed a great torment that I know intimately. I know your pain and will help you deal with it when you’re ready. But now is not that time. You’re not ready to look into that pit, are you?”

“No,” Hanna murmured. “Every time I remember the events around that time, I feel as if I’m falling into an abyss. There’s a saying on the surface that goes like this. If you look long enough into the abyss, it will look back and consume you. I can’t look into that pit. I’m not ready to face that demon of the unknown. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready to discover what lurks in the darkness there. Something far more powerful than I am ripped those memories from my mind to hide something vitally important to me personally. This much I’m sure of.”

Morpheus patted Hanna on the shoulder with a knowing smile. “It’s good you shared this with us,” he said soberly. “It shows just how complex you really are and also shows us that there is something that can still shake you. You needn’t bear this burden alone. By sharing it with us, your friends, we can now help you bear that burden. But be sure of this. Only you can break the chains around those memories: not me, not Muriel, or even your mate Selina there. Only you can choose to open that box and confront the ghosts haunting you there. I marvel that you chose to share those memories with us now when we were speaking of the evil done to Josephine. Maybe you should share it with her too. If what you say is true, then she’s as old as Aeolus. Her wisdom may help you come to terms with that missing piece of your mind.”

“So true,” Muriel agreed. “This hole in your memories has defined who you are. Holes are dark and meant to confine and restrict. They yearn for the light, as you do. You don’t have to do it now, but there will come a point in your life where you will be compelled to shine a light into that dark place to expose it for all to see. Oh, if you could only see what I do Hanna. You are the marvel in the darkness. When you’re ready to shine the light into that darkness, we, your friends, will be there to help you.”

“She’s right,” Selina agreed. “But only you can decide when to do that. It’s no different from what we did for Amelia. She made the choice. You must do the same.”

“Thank you all,” Hanna said humbly as Muriel stepped back. “It seems I chose my friends well. I may take you up on that at some point, but now isn’t the time. There’s too much going on right now. Too many people need my help for me to worry about those missing memories, one of whom is Josephine. Elle, can you lead us to her?”

“Yeah, little sister,” Elle stated, “...whenever you’re ready.”

Turning to Corso, Joel, and Liu, Hanna sighed. “I’m sorry, fellas,” she apologized. “It seems Selina and I won’t be joining you after all. I need to go see Josephine first.”

“It’s quite all right,” Corso replied. “I’ll give Jennifer your regards. You need to deal with Josephine first since from what I hear, she’s the only one who can reverse your mutation.”

“Thanks,” Hanna murmured, “I will come to see her and the rest of our sisters afterwards. I promised Selina to take her to see them.”

“We’ll tell the girls you haven’t forgotten them,” Liu called out.

“Were you going to the infirmary, Emma?” Hanna asked.

“Yeah,” Emma stated. “I’ll take them. What do I tell Myra? She was about insistent on seeing you as Josephine.”

“Tell her the truth,” Hanna stated. “I truly want to see her and the rest of my Harem sisters, but Josephine needs me right now. I think she’ll understand. As soon as we’re done, Selina and I will come to the infirmary. Will that work?”

“It’ll have to,” Emma answered bluntly. “But we’ll see. You say Josephine is at the pool, Elle?”

“Yeah,” Elle stated. “I’m sure Andrew is already down there helping Josephine.”

“I may bring some of the girls down there to start them on the swim therapy if they’re ready,” Emma stated.

“That’s good,” Elle chimed. “Both Arabella and Dr. Drew suggested the swim therapy for our wounded friends. They may be down there now.”

“That’s good,” Emma stated. “I’ll see you later. Come on, Corso, Joel, Liu. Let’s go to the infirmary.” Corso, Joel, and Liu followed Emma as she left, waving to those who remained.

Hanna happened to see a puzzled expression on Muriel’s face. “What’s wrong, Muriel?” she asked, concerned.

“Oh, nothing,” Muriel answered as Nathanael slipped away to retrieve the wheelchair for Selina. “This has been such a strange afternoon for me. I’ve never been at a meal like this where there was such friendship, camaraderie, and love. It’s just such a new experience for me after so long in isolation.”

Hanna touched her on the shoulder, saying, “You did all right, Muriel. You may not have noticed, but I was watching you. I noticed your hesitations at times. You’re still learning how to interact. But it is okay. You did all right. Give it time. You’ll adjust. And just to say it again, thank you for your wisdom and kind words about my missing time. To be honest, I’ve never exposed that nerve like this before to so many people. I just felt compelled to do it. Thank you for understanding how I feel.”

Muriel tucked her head humbly, saying, “Thank you, milady; and your welcome. I hope I can be of more help to you at some point.”

Hanna looked her in the eye and said softly, “You already have, Muriel. Now go on, mingle with the people. They have accepted you as I have.” Muriel hugged Hanna briefly, and stepped back beside Morpheus.

“You showed great courage revealing your weakness like that, Miss Hanna,” Morpheus declared. “If you need any help with anything, do not hesitate to call on me, Muriel, or our people.”

“You’ve already been such a true friend, Morpheus,” Hanna said with great sincerity. “And your wisdom is truly remarkable. Between what you and Muriel told me about that black hole in my mind, I find myself not nearly as terrified of it. Your words truly helped. Thank you both.”

“You’re welcome,” Morpheus answered, smiling. “Now if I may so bold, you need to go help Josephine now. She needs you more than you realize. Muriel and I may stop by later to visit with her.”

“That would be nice,” Hanna chimed. “I’m sure she’d love to see you both.”

“Come on, Muriel,” Morpheus urged. “Let’s go see more of this amazing place together.”

Muriel latched onto Morpheus’ arm with a smile. “Then escort me hither, my old friend,” she chimed, walking away with Morpheus.

“She loves him,” Selina stated categorically.

“That she does,” Hanna agreed, turning to Selina, seeing her sitting in the wheelchair. “Oh, look like you got some wheels, sis.”

“Yeah,” Selina said softly as Nathanael pushed her to Hanna. “You don’t need to give me anymore piggyback rides now. I should be able to get around with this until I can walk again.” Everyone heard the discouragement and depression in her tone.

“Are you sure you want to use it?” Hanna asked her gently, knowing her depressed state.

Selina mustered her courage and said, “Yes. You can’t be carrying me everywhere I need to go. Besides, it will give me some mobility and freedom.”

Hanna sighed with a smile saying, “Spoken like a true queen. How does it feel? Is it comfortable?”

“Actually, it’s surprisingly comfortable,” Selina admitted. “Where did you find such a comfortable wheelchair, dad?”

“Enoch had several in the warehouse,” Nathanael reported. “They ranged in size from this one up to something big enough for him to use. Apparently, they’ve needed them on occasion. I tested this one myself to make sure it worked properly. You should have no trouble controlling it, even with your left hand being out of commission like it is.” He saw the troubled sigh escape from Selina’s lips. Squatting down beside her and putting his hand on her knee, he added, “Don’t worry, princess. You’re still beautiful and will be walking and pouncing on things before you realize it. If Hanna could recover from what the Emperor did to her, you can too. I have faith in you.”

“So do I,” Hanna reinforced. “We all believe in you. Trust us. You’ll be running and dancing much sooner than I did.”

“Thanks,” Selina purred gratefully. “I need to hear that. I’m sorry I’m being such a wet blanket right now.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” Elle stated, squatting down beside Nathanael in front of Selina. She put her hand on Selina’s knee, adding, “It’s completely natural for you to feel such things. Hanna went through the same thing when she was crippled. Trust me; you won’t be crippled for long. In the meantime, we’ve developed some therapy exercises for conditions just like yours. One of them involves swimming. I heard you wanted to go swimming. Is that right?”

“Yeah,” Selina said with a growing smile on her lips. “It’s been practically forever since I’ve been swimming. Hanna said the same thing.”

“Well then, you’re in luck,” Elle chimed as Nathanael stood up. “As you heard, Josephine is down in the pool area, so you can get your swim. You’re going to need a swimsuit first.”

“Already done,” Selina chimed, showing Elle the halter strap of her suit. “I borrowed it from Hanna this morning.”

Elle looked at Hanna, who smirked, pulling up her tank-top shirt at the belly revealing her black swimsuit. Nathanael’s eyebrow rose when he saw Hanna’s black swimsuit belly. “We suddenly decided this morning a swim would do us a world of good,” Hanna chimed. “So we’re set to get wet at a moment’s notice.” She dropped her shirt back down into its natural position.

Elle chuckled as she stood up. “I see,” she replied pleasantly. “That’s actually a good idea since Josephine is in one of the pools. We have to get in with her to do what we need to.”

“Is that a fact?” Hanna asked with a raised eyebrow. “Interesting; so what are we waiting for?”

“Nothing,” Elle declared.

Nathanael cupped Selina’s cheek with his hand. “I’m going to help with the cleanup here, okay?” he purred. “Have a nice swim too. I’m sure you and Josephine will become the best of friends.”

Selina reached out and stopped him with her right hand as he began to walk away, saying softly and with great sincerity, “Thanks, Dad.”

“You’re welcome, princess,” Nathanael answered warmly. “Now go and have a little fun. You deserve it.”

“That you do,” Hanna chimed as Nathanael joined Kida, Electra, Enoch, George, and Ben in cleaning off the table.

Hanna grabbed onto the chair’s handles behind Selina and said, “Lead the way, Elle.”

“Come on,” Elle ordered pleasantly, leading them to the pool area and Josephine.

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