Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Timber's Children

The years had slipped by and Timber grew up without parents and without her sister. She visited the woods often to give Ginger some advice on how to run her pack accurately.

In late 1978, Timber was twenty years old and she got married to Ronald Orchantraya who was nineteen at the time. It wasn’t long later that Timber revealed that she was pregnant.

Ronald came into the blacksmith house that afternoon carrying a bag of metal to forge. Timber approached him.

“Hey, Timber, did you miss me?” Ronald asked.

“Yes, yes I did! I’ve got some news for you!” Timber said, hugging her us and gently.

“Oh? And what would that be?” Ronald asked, setting down his bag.

“I went to the hospital while you were away, and, turns out, I’m pregnant!” Timber said.

“Woah! Really?!” Ronald asked.

“Mhm!” Timber said.

“I’m a father, then!” Ronald said. A huge smile was on his face.

“And that’s not all...” Timber said.

“Huh? More news?” Ronald asked.

“It’s not a single baby...” Timber said.

“How many?!” Ronald asked.

“Three!” Timber said, squealing, “I’m having triplets!”

“Three babies! That’s a lot!” Ronald said.

“Can you guess when they’re due?” Timber asked.

“Ah... August?” Ronald guessed, putting in a random month.

“Nope, they are due January,” Timber said, smiling.

“That’s soon! What made you take so long to find out if you were pregnant or not?” Ronald asked.

“I was afraid they wouldn’t make it so I didn’t bother checking at first...” Timber admitted.

Ronald kissed Timber.

“I love you, Timber...” he said.

“I love you too...” Timber said.

The weeks until January turned into days, and the days turned into hours. Timber’s babies were doing well and growing inside of her. She could feel them move and even fight each other sometimes. Not everything was peaceful though; Timber felt very ill constantly during her pregnancy and had to stay inside the shop. When sit finally became time for her to give birth, January 2nd, Ronald carefully lifted her and carried her all the way to the hospital. There she had her triplets, two girls and a boy. The girls looked like her and Lillian including the wolf-like features and diamonds on their foreheads, but the boy looked like Ronald without any wolf-like features aside from his eyes.

Timber was asleep in her hospital bed, her three babies in cradles next to her. She was extremely exhausted from giving birth and had lost a lot of blood. Not only that, but the pain was excruciating and Timber almost felt like she’d die from the pain. A nurse came into the room and noticed Timber was asleep.

“Timber... Can you please wake up for a few moments...? You have a visitor. He says he has something important to tell you...” the nurse said.

Timber opened her tired blue eyes and yawned, wincing in pain.

“Yeah...? What is it...? Who is it...?” Timber mumbled.

“He says his name is Luka,” the nurse said.

“...let him come in...” Timber said.

The nurse went out and returned with a young boy with black hair. He wasn’t just a boy, though; he had a strange golden lightning bolt made from the hair on the middle of his head. He had black wolf ears and a black wolf tail along with a black diamond on his forehead. His eyes were a deep shade of pink.

“Who are you...? You’re a Wolf Boy...” Timber whispered.

“I am Luka, as the nurse said. I cannot tell you where and when I came from, just know that what I’ve come here for is important,” the boy spoke.

“Why are you here...? If you need my help, you’ll have to wait... I’m in pain...” Timber whispered.

“I understand, but please listen... Something terribly wrong happened and there is only one way to fix the problem before the whole future is changed...” Luka said.

“You’re a time traveler...?” Timber asked.

“Yes, yes I am,” Luka said.

“You’re awfully young...” Timber said.

“I’ve probably seen much more than you in the whole ten years of my existence,” Luka said, “Now, back to the task at hand...”

“What do you need...? A fuzzy tube...?” Timber asked, smiling slightly.

“Timber Gold Orchantraya, this is important,” Luka said.

“Tell me already then... I’m sleepy...” Timber said.

“I need your son... His name is Fraizer, isn’t it...?” Luka asked, glancing at the little baby.

“Why do you need him...? And how do you know our names...?” Timber asked, suddenly more alert.

“I know everything about you... And about your children...” Luka said.

“But why are you going to steal my newborn baby...?” Timber asked.

“He has a great destiny ahead of him, but it can only happen if he grows up in a specific time period in a specific location... No other baby will do. It must be Fraizer,” Luka said.

“My baby... He’d have to grow up never knowing me...” Timber said.

“He will meet you one day... Or at least a relative of his... But when it happens, you won’t recognize him...” Luka said.

Timber then recalled the person she named her baby after. She gasped when she realized what Luka meant.

“I... I understand, now... But what shall I tell my husband...?” Timber asked.

“Your husband... That would be Ronald Orchantraya, wouldn’t it be...?” Luka asked.

“Yes, him...” Timber said.

“He will not know... Only you will. Only you have seen for yourself what will become of your son,” Luka said.

“So that’s why he looked like Ronald...” Timber said to herself.

“Do I have permission to take your son...?” Luka asked.

“Please... But be careful with him...” Timber said.

“I will! I know exactly how delicate babies are. I was one myself not too long ago,” Luka said.

He picked up the baby boy from his cradle.

“How are you going to carry him...?” Timber asked, crying.

“I have a special...pouch...I use it to carry important things... He’ll be safe there...” Luka said.

“Where?” Timber asked.

“You see... Not many people know this... But, I have a second stomach that is only used to carry things, not to eat,” Luka said.

Timber stared at him in disbelief. He shrugged his shoulders and put baby Fraizer into his carrying stomach by swallowing him. The baby cried at first, but then grew comfortable.

“Timber, say goodbye to your son... And remember, you will see him again...” Luka said.

Timber put her hand out to touch the baby.

“Goodbye... My sweet Fraizer... Be brave... Be intelligent... Be strong... And...Remember to use defiance for good, not evil...” Timber said.

Luka smiled gently.

“Goodbye...Timber...” Luka said.

He vanished in a flash, taking the baby with him. Timber wailed loudly, accidentally waking up her other two babies. Ronald showed up later and entered the room. He saw his wife in tears and the three cradles, only two being used.

“Timber... What happened...?” Ronald asked.

“F...F...Fraizer’s dead!” Timber lied.

“Who...?” Ronald asked.

“Our son... I named him Fraizer... But he died!” Timber wailed.

“Where’s his body...? I never got to see him...” Ronald said.

“They... They buried him already!” Timber wailed.

“Oh, Timber... I’m so sorry!” Ronald said, climbing into the hospital bed next to her.

“He’s dead! I can’t believe it! After we’d gone and got stuff for both boys and girls!” Timber wailed some more.

“Shh... Shhh... Death happens sometimes... It’s only natural... Here, hold your other babies...” Ronald said.

He carefully lifted the sleeping girls and put them in his wife’s arms.

“What did you name them...?” Ronald asked.

Timber wiped her eyes and nose before answering, “Lillian Rose Orchantraya is the black haired one and Timber Gold Orchantraya is the gold haired one...”

“They’re so cute...” Ronald murmured.

He kissed their foreheads on the diamonds.

“You would have liked our son, too... If only he hadn’t died!” Timber cried.

“Please stop crying... I understand that you’re depressed, I am too... But it isn’t anyone’s fault that he’s gone,” Ronald said, unknowingly.

After Timber had recovered, her husband and her brought the baby girls home with them.

The End

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