Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Moon Saves the Day

Lillian was now at Luccardo’s house with Ronald. Ronald had to keep scotching away because Lillian was being way too loving towards him. If he had known it was Lillian, he’d be very frightened.

“Timber, quit licking my face...” Ronald said.

“Aw, but Ronald! You’re sweet!” Lillian whined.

“You’ve never acted this way towards me before... Have you hit your head on anything on accident...?” Ronald asked.

“Oh! Oh no, no, no! I haven’t hit my head on anything! Wouldn’t there be a bruise if I had?” Lillian asked.

“Please, Timber... I love you too, but you need to give me some space. It feels awkward when you lick me...” Ronald said.

“Ronald, could yah please come into the kitchen? I need some assistance cookin’,” Luccardo called out.

“Alright!” Ronald called out.

Lillian tilted Timber’s head.

“Timber, stay right there, I’ll be back,” Ronald commanded.

“Sure, sweetie!” Lillian said.

As soon as Ronald walked out of sight, Lillian turned and ran out the door. She ran as fast as she could, this time watching where she was going so she wouldn’t fall over the cliff again. She ran back to Mountain Foot Village.

“Hmmm... McKenna should be home by now... I think I’ll pay her a little visit!” Lillian said, smirking.

Lillian sniffed the dusty sandy ground until she picked up McKenna’s scent. She followed the scent all the way to where McKenna was sitting and doing her homework.

“Hello, McKenna! What are you up to...?” Lillian asked.

“Timber?! Why are you here?!” McKenna asked, looking surprised.

“I thought I’d stop by to see you!” Lillian said.

“Hmm... Well, I do have some anger I need to release; I guess I’ll just beat you up!” McKenna said.

Lillian stepped back in surprise. McKenna dropped her homework and tackled Lillian to the ground, hurting Timber’s neck.

“You big, stupid, wolf!” McKenna yelled, slapping Lillian across Timber’s face.

“Grrrrr! How dare you hurt me?!” Lillian growled.

“...you don’t usually get angry when I hurt you... You usually curl up and cry...” McKenna said.

“Well, guess what?! I’m tired of being timid Timber!” Lillian growled.

She flipped over, pinning McKenna to the ground.

“AHHHH! MOMMY! DADDY!” McKenna cried out.

“Don’t you dare hurt Timber!” Lillian growled.

McKenna tried to escape from Lillian, but she couldn’t. Lillian was just about to gulp the ugly little girl down when suddenly, a blur of black fur rammed into her, causing her to let go of McKenna.

“I’ve caught you, Lillian!” Timber growled, “Don’t hurt McKenna! She didn’t hurt me!”

McKenna was confused as she watched the two wolves tussle and use the wrong names.

“Wait! Lillian...? I thought you were dead! Why are you sticking up for me?!” McKenna asked.

Timber turned for a few moments to look at McKenna, and then turned back to face Lillian.

“You stole my body, leaving me with your empty shell! And then you go and try to eat a human!” Timber growled.

“Shut up, Timber. I was only trying to protect you,” Lillian said.

“They almost killed me because they thought I was you!” Timber growled.

“They did?!” Lillian asked, “See! I told you humans are stupid!”

“They aren’t stupid!” Timber growled, “They are very intelligent and are only trying to protect their citizens!”

“By killing one?” Lillian asked.

“To prevent others from being killed, yes!” Timber growled.

“Break it up, you two!” McKenna cried out.

Timber and Lillian got up and sat side by side in front of McKenna.

“What is going on?!” McKenna asked.

“Lillian is just being Lillian,” Lillian said, winking.

“You are, not me!” Timber said.

“She’s seen too much!” Lillian cried out, pouncing on McKenna, “And I’m starving!”

“Ack! No! Stop!” McKenna cried out.

Timber stood and was about to smack her sister, but then she remembered that if she tries to hurt Lillian, she’ll just hurt her own body.

“Lillian, please don’t eat McKenna!” Timber pleaded.

“Lillian, don’t be stupid! It’s obviously Timber trying to eat me!” McKenna cried out.

It appeared that nobody else in the whole village heard the commotion going on outside or were too afraid to do anything because nobody was there to stop Lillian aside from Timber.

Lillian smacked Timber over with her tail, causing Timber to whimper. Timber tried to get up, but Lillian smacked her over again. Lillian gulped down the screaming girl before Timber could stop her.

“Spit her up, Lillian!” Timber growled.

“No,” Lillian said.

“You’re going to kill her!” Timber cried.

“I don’t care. She hurt you, she must be punished,” Lillian said.

Ronald arrived, out of breath and saw Timber in Lillian’s body trying to rescue the person that Lillian in Timber’s body ate.


Lillian looked around nervously and said, “Uh... I got hungry and Lillian told me I could eat McKenna because she had been bullying me!”

“Liar! You’re Lillian! I’m Timber!” Timber growled.

“Just help me out of here already! It hurts!” McKenna cried out.

Ronald jumped on Lillian and forced her to spit McKenna up.

“Bad Timber! I can’t believe I trusted you! I even loved you and then you go and do this!” Ronald snarled.

“Please, Ronald... That’s not Timber... That’s Lillian... I’m Timber...” Timber said.

Ronald looked at what he thought was Lillian.

“Ronald... She tricked me... I want my body back...” Timber whined.

“Lillian, you’re just trying to steal Timber’s body because your own isn’t good enough!” Ronald said.

Lillian in Timber’s body looked away.

“I don’t know if I can trust either of you guys...” Ronald said.

“Please... Ronald... Trust me! I’ll tell you the whole story! While you were at your parents’ house, I went out to get some sun in the field... Lillian tackled me and promised me that if I give her some of my light, she’d be good forever... But it turns out, she switched bodies with me!” Timber said.

“She’s lying! I’m obviously Timber!” Lillian said.

McKenna stared at the two, dripping wet with acid.

“McKenna, go home and wash up. That acid is going to eat up your skin,” Ronald said, “I’ll deal with these girls.”

“Okay...” McKenna said.

She went home.

“Now... I know that one of you always lies and the other usually tells the truth... You each know about different things...” Ronald said.

“True...” Lillian said, “But I’m still telling the truth, I am Timber.”

“Question number one: why was I chained up for a few months?” Ronald asked.

“Because you like being chained up,” Lillian answered.

“No, it’s because he took a potion and couldn’t control himself,” Timber said.

“The black wolf got that one right,” Ronald said.

Lillian became nervous.

“Question number two: where did Timber go while I was chained up?” Ronald asked.

“To the bathroom,” Lillian said.

“To Mycono Kingdom!” Timber answered.

“Black wolf got that right again!” Ronald said.

“What?! But how?! Everyone goes to the bathroom!” Lillian cried out.

Timber rolled Lillian’s eyes.

“Question number three: Who did Timber bring to Fairwood with her when...” Ronald begun, but a little voice in his ear cut him off.

“Hey! Tan wolf! The black wolf is telling the truth! I’ve been following the gold wolf since she brought me back from Mycono!” the little voice whispered.

“Huh...? Who’s there?” Ronald asked.

“It’s me, Moon! Timber’s friend!” the little voice squeaked.

“Well, what do you know? There really was a body switch then!” Ronald said.

“Yes, the black wolf is actually Timber, the gold one is Lillian!” Moon squeaked.

Timber noticed Moon and smiled.

“So how do I get them to change back...?” Ronald asked.

“They need their diamonds to touch!” Moon squeaked.

“Nope! I’m not changing back! I don’t want to die again!” Lillian said.

She took off running again, but she crashed right into an Alighog. She gulped nervously.

“Heh heh... Hello...?” Lillian said.

“Trying to escape, are you...?” the Alighog asked.

He picked up the wolf and carried her back to where Timber was standing.

“Let go of me!” Lillian cried out, “I want to live! This isn’t fair!”

“It’s not fair that you’re killing people and blaming it on your sister,” the Alighog said.

Lillian squirmed to get free, but the Alighog forced her to touch foreheads with Timber. In a flash, they had switched back to the right bodies. The Alighog put Timber down.

“Ugh, Lillian! My stomach hurts!” Timber whined.

“Party pooper,” Lillian said.

“Lillian, you’re supposed to be dead,” Ronald said.

“No, I’m supposed to be alive!” Lillian said.

“Timber already killed you,” Ronald said.

“Humph, you liked me when I was in Timber’s body... You protected me and thought of me as your girlfriend... But now that you know who I am, you suddenly hate me again! How is that fair?!” Lillian asked.

“How is it fair for you to switch bodies with Timber?” Ronald asked.

“Ronald, you don’t understand! Everything that I’ve done was to protect my sister! The humans were hurting her!” Lillian whined.

“What you don’t know is that it was a wolf that almost killed Timber, not a human,” Ronald said.

Lillian opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it.

“You were wrong, Lillian! Most of the people you killed had never even met Timber!” Ronald said.

“But...” Lillian said.

“You don’t care about your sister; you lie to yourself and tell yourself that you do just so you can reason that your murderous ways are alright. But guess what? It isn’t! You’re completely evil!” Ronald said.

Lillian’s ears went down and she tucked her tail between her legs.

“Before Timber killed me, I had no control over what I was doing... It hurt me... I was in pain... I was all alone... She killed me, and the pain went away. I returned, but the pain didn’t. I was grateful that she removed my pain,” Lillian said.

“Stop lying!” Ronald growled.

“And what are you going to do to me now...? Send me to the dungeon to be tortured to death...?” Lillian asked.

“They almost did that to me,” Timber said.

“I’m so hungry...” Lillian whined.

Ronald smacked her and she whimpered.

“Stop!” Lillian cried.

“I was a human before, so when you say all humans are stupid, you offend me. And isn’t your grandmother human?!” Ronald asked.

“Yes, I am,” Tessie said, showing up behind them.

Lillian nearly had a heart attack. She jumped up in the air and looked behind herself to see her grandmother standing there.

“It seems that whenever one evil is destroyed, a new evil arises,” Tessie said.

“Hi... Grandmother...” Lillian said nervously.

“My adopted daughter, your aunt, she died because she was connected to evil. As for you, you are evil on your own will,” Tessie said.

“True. I may not have a giant tiger with me though,” Lillian said.

“I had to lose a daughter to evil... The other is away and probably dead because she was certain she could defeat evil elsewhere. My family really is unlucky,” Tessie said.

“Who told you we were here?” Lillian asked.

“Luka,” Tessie said.

“Why am I defiant if I’m not blood related to my aunt?” Lillian asked.

“I was defiant,” Tessie said.

“You?!” Timber and Lillian asked at the same time.

“Yes... I was assured by the old Alpha that my defiance and my bravery would be passed down for many generations. And now I see, everyone who gains the mark of defiance can never use it for good...” Tessie said.

“And so there will always be one with defiance and great looks?” Lillian asked, winking.

Tessie closed her eyes for a moment, smiling peacefully.

“Always, Lillian... Always...” Tessie said.

“But... Will they always have to die...?” Lillian asked.

“I hope not...” Tessie said.

“Grandma... I don’t want to die...again...” Lillian cried.

“Doesn’t give you the right to steal someone else’s life, though,” Tessie said.

“Can I be buried this time...? It’s disrespectful to leave my body to the animals,” Lillian said.

“Sure, Lillian... We can bury you...” Tessie said.

“Timber... It’s time then... Kill me again...” Lillian said.

Timber turned into a human. Through eyes full of tears, she jabbed her magical sword through her sister again.

“So long, Timber Gold Smith,” Lillian said, leaving her body behind again.

“You too, Lillian Defiant Smith,” Timber said, waving to her sister’s spirit.

Lillian was gone again, but this time, Timber and Tessie buried her body.

“So much death in a single year...” Tessie murmured.

“Yeah...” Timber said, staring at the grave.

“I bet a lot of people have moved to Tellis by now...” Tessie said.

“What’s Tellis like...?” Timber asked.

“Imagine a place where anyone can go to mourn without being made fun of, and then when they are done, they can live in peace until they themselves die...” Tessie said.

Timber fell silent, standing next to her mother in the twilight.

“Dusk will be here soon... Now is the time of shadows...” Moon whispered into Timber’s ear.

“Yes...” Timber said.

“The shadows are alive...” Moon said.

“Yes...” Timber said.

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