Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter The Fairwood Wolves

The late afternoon sun glimmered off of Timber’s fur as she ran into the Fairwood Woods, causing it to look like a rush of golden fire. Timber stopped as soon as she reached a lake in the middle of the woods. Exhausted from all the running she did, she bent down and lapped up the water from the small lake. Another wolf approached, but Timber took no notice. This wolf had pure white fur and many scars from battles he had. Out of nowhere, he suddenly decided to pounce on Timber while she was drinking the water.

Timber barked in surprise, flattening against the ground in surrender. The white wolf growled at her and picked her up by her scruff, carrying her away. Timber didn’t fight; she remained limp so she wouldn’t get hurt. The white wolf carried her into the middle of a wolf village and stood at a den, still carrying her. A very old and frail looking wolf emerged from the den and looked at the white wolf and the bundle he carried.

“Pierce? What is that you have there?” the old wolf asked.

Pierce lowered Timber to the ground and shoved her closer to the old wolf.

“I found her wandering in our woods; drinking from the Lake of Pondering Roses...” Pierce replied.

Timber lowered her head respectfully and out of fear.

“You bring a pup into our village...?” the old wolf asked, snarling a bit.

“I apologize, sir... But I think you may want to hear what I have to tell you,” Pierce said.

“Hmm?!” the old wolf asked, sitting up straighter.

“This is Timber Smith, your great granddaughter, sir...” Pierce said.

“My great granddaughter? I have a great granddaughter?” the old wolf asked in surprise.

“Yes, sir... Her mother is Timber Wolf, her father is PineCone Smith,” Pierce said.

“Wolf... Yes... Her grandmother is Tessie Wolf then? Her grandfather was my son, Pebble Wolf?” the old wolf asked.

“Indeed, sir... The girl that Nu raised... The girl that I nearly killed... This is the result of our work. This pup,” Pierce said.

“Timber, speak,” the old wolf said.

Timber looked up slowly at the old wolf. He smiled gently.

“I... I... I apologize... Sir... Umm...” Timber said.

“What were you doing in the woods?” the old wolf asked.

“Mother and father are away and may never return... My twin sister ran away... I came to find Nu so I wouldn’t be lonely... I heard that she’s very nice...” Timber said.

“Yes... Yes... I suppose... You may stay one night, but you better find somewhere safer to stay next time... My pack doesn’t know you...” the old wolf said, turning and going back into his den.

“Nu! There is a young girl here waiting to speak with you!” Pierce howled.

About twenty minutes later, an old fluffy brown wolf arrived in the wolf village. As soon as she saw Timber, she seemed to gain a bit of energy. Her eyes sparkled happily.

“Come here, dear...” Nu called out to Timber.

Timber ran over to her.

“I was wondering when you’d come to find me!” Nu said, rubbing her face against Timber’s.

“I’ve heard so much about you, Nu!” Timber said.

“And I heard a lot about you as well!” Nu said.

“Can I stay with you tonight?” Timber asked.

“Sure, dear... Come along... I live in a different village than them... They are all Betas and Stone is the Alpha... I’m just worried because he’s gotten so old and he has no one to replace him...” Nu said.

“And he’s really my great grandfather?” Timber asked.

“Indeed he is! That means you have the blood of an Alpha within you,” Nu said, leading Timber along through the woods.

“Wow!” Timber said.

“You’re bleeding... Are you alright, my dear?” Nu asked.

“I just fell... I’m alright...” Timber said.

“You sure?” Nu asked.

Timber nodded her head. When Nu and Timber arrived in the appropriate wolf village, Nu cleaned the blood off of Timber’s chin for her.

A few Mus Nus and Xis entered the wolf village. They were obviously younger and more muscular than old Nu, but they were still older than Timber. Each one that came in carried one or two pieces of fresh caught meat depending on how big the meat was in comparison to them. The most impressive catch was a large buck that a rather small wolf was dragging along.

“Looks like dinner is here! The young ones get to eat first. You’re a young one, go get yourself something,” Nu said to Timber.

“I’ll choose something for us to share,” Timber said.

She approached the stack of meat that was being built in the middle of the wolf village. The other wolves looked at her questioningly, but allowed her to get some meat anyways since there was plenty. Timber grabbed a large woodland hare from the stack and brought it to Nu to share.

“Very nice choice, Timber,” Nu said, nodding encouragingly.

The two ate the hare together as the other wolves in the village begun to eat. The smaller wolf continued dragging the massive buck onwards out of the village. It was likely that the little wolf decided it was a good present for the Alpha and his Betas.

“That little one is known as Ginger... She’s a real tough little pup. I’d say she isn’t much older than you. Everyone is impressed by her skills, some say she may even work her way up to being a Beta within no time,” Nu said.

“Then she’s exactly what your pack needs, isn’t she?” Timber asked.

“Yeah... She’s very humble too... She doesn’t like to take credit for anything,” Nu said.

Timber licked the blood off of her mouth and nose and then started trying to clean her fur.

“Here, Timber... Let me help you,” Nu said.

Nu helped Timber clean her fur. Awhile later, Ginger returned to the village after delivering her present. The sky was becoming dark as night was approaching. The stars glimmered in the sky as though they were thousands and thousands of eyes, watching the wolves in their villages.

“The stars are bright tonight... I wonder what they are trying to tell us...” Nu murmured.

Some wolves from other villages began howling at the stars as the moon wasn’t visible. Nu smiled. Ginger approached the two.

“Hello, Nu. Hello, stranger...” Ginger said.

“My name is Timber, it’s nice to meet you,” Timber said shyly.

“Timber? Oh! Like the great Timber Wolf?!” Ginger asked.

“She was my mother...” Timber whispered.

“Then you’re probably very epic!” Ginger said excitedly.

“Epic? Me? Not really...” Timber said.

“Ah, don’t be so shy...” Ginger said, “You even have that gold diamond thing on your forehead!”

“I do?” Timber asked and went cross-eyed.

“Tee-hee... You’ll have to look into the water to see it...” Ginger said.

“I haven’t even done anything to deserve this marking...” Timber said.

“You probably will soon! The stars approve!” Ginger said, jumping up and down.

Timber glanced at the stars. They didn’t look any different than before. They continued shimmering though.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you... I’m only here for the night... Tomorrow I’ll depart and return to school,” Timber said.

“School?” Ginger asked.

“Yeah... Where all the humans go to learn... And I go to learn...” Timber said.

“They are really lucky to have you there...” Ginger said.

“Some people don’t think so...” Timber said.

“Oh?” Ginger asked.

“I got bullied today just because I howled...” Timber said.

“Oh! That was you?! Oh my gosh!” Ginger squeaked, bouncing around some more.

Timber yawned sleepily.

“Tired?” Ginger asked.

Timber nodded her head.

“Nu, is it alright if I stay in your den with Timber?” Ginger asked.

“You’re more than welcome to,” Nu said, scotching over to make room for the extra guest.

Ginger snuggled up next to Timber and Nu.

“Good night, guys!” Ginger said.

“Good night,” Timber said.

“Good night,” Nu said.

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