Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Ronald Orchantraya

After spending the rest of the day and the night alone, Timber decided to go to school. Being that Timber was the only one with gold hair and wolf features, she stuck out like a sore thumb in the hallways and in the classrooms. Almost everyone else at school had either light brown hair or black hair. There were a few gingers though, but nobody had blonde hair.The one thing that caught Timber’s attention was when the reading teacher finally announced what novel they would be reading.

“Alright, class. I know you have waited a long time to hear what your next reading assignment would be... Well, I have decided! I found a great non-fiction book called Legend of the Wolf Girl,” the reading teacher announced.

Half the class groaned, not wanting to read that story. Timber, however, was very thrilled with the fact that her mother’s book was being recognized. The teacher’s eyes shifted across the room until they found Timber sitting at the back. Her tail was wagging excitedly and she was smiling a lot. The teacher smiled back gently.

“Alright, everyone take a copy of the book from the back-shelf and turn to the first page,” the teacher instructed.

Timber picked up her copy and ran her fingers across the maroon cover with the title etched in gold. No one else seemed quite excited as her when the teacher finally begun reading.

After class, Timber hurried to the door before anyone could ask questions about her mother. She didn’t want to hear it. She wasn’t there when her mother did what she did so how would she know why and exactly how it happened? Not looking where she was going, Timber accidentally crashed into another student.

“Ouch!” the other student cried out.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!” Timber asked while helping the boy to his feet.

“Ugh... I guess so...” he said and rubbed his head. He then stared at Timber a moment in a very weird way.

“Do you need to see the nurse...? I think his office is just down the hall...” Timber said.

“You’re... You’re...” he mumbled.

“Huh? Did I do something? Is my tail in the way?” Timber asked, looking behind herself at her tail.

“Timber! You are Timber! I just know it! My father wrote about your mother often!” the boy cried out triumphantly.

“Your father?” Timber asked, tilting her head to one side.

“He’s a blacksmith! He forged the two broken swords!” the boy said.

“Okay... You know my name... But who are you?” Timber asked.

“Ronald. Ronald Orchantraya. Please do not ever call me Ron,” the boy said.

“Okay,” Timber said.

“You have a creepy twin sister...don’t you...?” Ronald asked.

“Creepy? No, no... She’s not creepy at all... She’s just a bit... Different...” Timber said.

“She’s my classmate,” Ronald said, “I know for sure that she’s creepy...”

“Is she at school today?” Timber asked.

“Today? No...” Ronald said.

“She ran away from home yesterday and I’m a bit worried...” Timber said, “She wasn’t acting like herself either…”

“She’ll be fine... Nobody would want to attack someone like her...” Ronald said.

The hall bell rang loudly in their ears and Timber howled. Ronald covered his ears and winced.

“I guess it’s time for next class... I hope to see you again soon!” Ronald said and ran away.

“I wish I could run...” Timber mumbled.

Timber turned and walked quickly to her next class. The rest of the day ran by smoothly. Soon, it was recess-time and Timber was exhausted. Instead of playing like all the other kids did, Timber just sat down on the ground and howled. She tilted her head to listen. A few howls way in the distance answered Timber’s call. Before she could respond back, someone threw a water bottle at her and knocked her over.

“Ouch! Who did that?!” Timber cried out.

Her chin got scrapped up and was now bleeding. She turned her head and saw an ugly kid glaring at her.

“Stupid wolf... You don’t belong here! My parents told me so!” the kid said.

“Your parents are wrong, then. This is where I belong,” Timber replied.

“I heard those wolves, maybe you should just go to them and leave us humans alone!” the kid said.

“Go to them? Well, perhaps I’ll visit them soon, but I’m not going anywhere,” Timber said.

“And where is that pathetic sister of yours? Hmm? Did she stay home because she got a little splinter in her paw?!” the kid taunted.

“My sister is not pathetic. If anyone is pathetic, it’s people like you. People who feel the need to insult others to make themselves feel better,” Timber replied.

The kid smacked Timber and she fell over again.

“Ouch! You’re pretty strong... Aren’t you?” Timber asked, wincing.

“You never should have been born, freak!” the kid said.

“Please, leave me alone...” Timber said.

“Why? Are you going to eat me if I don’t stop bothering you?!” the kid taunted.

“Eat you? I’m not like that at all...” Timber said.

The kid smacked her again, and again, and again, and she kept on smacking Timber until someone came up behind her and yanked on the collar of her shirt really hard.

“Ack! Let me go!” the kid squeaked.

Timber looked up to see Ronald was the one who stopped the ugly kid from abusing her.

“Ronald! Thank you! Now put the girl down before you accidentally choke her to death,” Timber said.

Ronald snorted and placed the ugly kid down. He got at eye level with the brat.

“You... You better respect your fellow schoolmates...” Ronald said.

“I don’t have to if they don’t deserve to be at the same school as me,” the ugly kid said.

“Respect!” Ronald yelled, accidentally spitting in the kids face.

“Yuck! You spit on me!” the kid whined.

Ronald turned to face Timber. He frowned. Timber’s face was all red and starting to bruise in some places. Her chin was still bleeding.

“Timber...I’m sorry I didn’t arrive sooner...” Ronald said.

“It’s alright, Ronald... You didn’t know...” Timber said, smiling weakly.

The bratty girl stuck her tongue out at Timber. Timber shook her head. Ronald looked behind himself at the girl to see why Timber was shaking her head no. The girl quickly put her tongue back in and smiled innocently.

“Alright then...” Ronald said.

The school bell rang twice announcing that school was over.

“Aw man... I guess I have to go home...” Timber said.

“Why are you so upset? What’s the matter?” Ronald asked.

“I have no one to look forward to seeing when I come home... Nobody will be there... It’s just me now...” Timber said.

“Hmmm... Don’t you have any relatives you can stay with?” Ronald asked.

“Nu!” Timber cried out happily.

“New?” Ronald asked, getting the name wrong.

“She’s a very old wolf who lives in the Fairwood Woods near my home!” Timber said.

“Okay, go to her then,” Ronald said.

“Alright! Bye, Ronald!” Timber said. She turned into a wolf and ran off.

“Stay safe... Timber...” Ronald called after her.

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