Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter The Dark Beast

As the days continued to pass; more and more people went missing. The names were constantly announced at the beginning of the school day including the first few that went missing. The teachers were beginning to come up with plans such as locking all the kids up in a classroom to protect them rather than let them travel between their home and school. Not only were the humans vanishing, but there were rumors in the wolf villages that some wolves were being attacked as they slept and their piles of kill were being eaten by someone other than themselves.

Both the humans and the wolves felt that they were in danger.

One morning, Timber was on her way to school when suddenly, something pounced on her again. It was much heavier than the last time she got pounced on so she collapsed right away with a yelp.

“Such a weakling!” the person called out.

Timber recognized the voice as her sister’s. She relaxed a bit in relief.

“Lillian! Good thing you’re still alive! The list of missing students is getting crazy long!” Timber cried out.

“Hmph... Of course I’m still alive!” Lillian said.

“You must still be eating well,” Timber commented, wincing from the pain of being stood on top of.

“Timber... You know you could join me... You’re the only one else like me...” Lillian said.

“Join you...? What do you mean...?” Timber asked.

Lillian smirked and said, “Imagine what it would be like if you and I were never teased again... Never hated again... Imagine if we could run freely with no one to stop us!”

“I’m listening,” Timber said.

“Good... Now listen closely... What I have to say must never be repeated to anyone... Not even that Ronald boy you’ve been chasing after...” Lillian said.

Timber looked confused and asked, “Why is it such a secret...?”

Lillian turned back into a human, still holding her sister down. Timber gasped in horror. Lillian slapped her sister across the face before tightly wrapping a thick long cloth around her muzzle to prevent her from being able to speak or make noise. She secured it so it would not slip.

“As you can see... I have been hunting very well...” Lillian said and then she leaned forward and whispered into her sister’s ear.

A look of terror crossed Timber’s face as soon as she heard what her sister was saying. Lillian laughed evilly and raced away, turning back into a black wolf. Timber weakly got up and continued on her way to school. For some reason, she was unable to turn back into a human so she couldn’t snap the thing that bound her mouth. Timber entered the school building just in time to hear the news... Three more students were found to be missing... Timber walked into her classroom and they shut the door behind her.

“Timber! What happened to you?!” Ronald asked.

For some reason, he and many others from other classes were squeezed into the room. Timber was unable to respond as her mouth was still bound shut. Ronald went to her and begun trying to untie the cloth so that she could speak. It was on so tightly that it took almost 15 minutes to untie.

“Thank you, Ronald!” Timber cried out.

“Who did this to you?!” Ronald asked.

Timber avoided the question and instead asked, “Why is everyone in here?”

“We’re hiding... We’re going to go into lockdown if anyone else tries to get into the school building... We only kept the door open because we were waiting for you,” Ronald said.

“I wish we could have left Timber out there! It would be nice to rid our world of those nasty half-humans!” McKenna said.

“Shh... Stay quiet...” Mr. Wallis instructed.

“Guys... I have some terrible news...” Timber said.

“What is it...?” some people asked.

“I know who has been causing kids to disappear and...” Timber begun, but she was cut off.

There were footsteps in the hallway and so everyone fell silent, squeezing into their hiding places. The footsteps became louder and louder as they got closer to the door.

The voice of a ten year old girl cried out from the hall, “Someone please help me! Help me now! I can’t...”

The door to the room opened and then closed even though it was locked up! The room remained mostly the same, the only thing different was a pair of blood red eyes glowing in the darkness. Timber had to cover the diamond on her forehead because it was glowing and the glow could give away the locations of everyone. The eyes moved to where the light switch was located.

All of a sudden, the lights switched on. Standing there at the light switch was a young girl. Her black hair was ripped out in a few places and a bleeding cut was down her left eye. Her outfit was indecent. She wore a short black shirt that showed her belly, which was very round and had cuts on it. Her shorts didn’t fit well either and were too short. She had the ears and tail of a wolf and on her forehead was a black diamond.

“I know you’re in here... I can smell your fear scent...” the girl, who was Lillian, said.

She approached. Timber leaped out of her hiding place and hit Lillian over the head with her shield. Lillian cried out in pain. Before she could get up, Timber tied her rope around her to restrain her.

“AH! SOMEONE HELP ME!” Lillian cried out, trying to break free.

“Lillian... How dare you?!” Timber asked.

Lillian growled.

“Ronald, please help me carry her out of her... She and I need to talk,” Timber said.

“Yes, Timber,” Ronald said, appearing from his hiding spot.

He grabbed her legs and Timber got her head and upper body. They carried her out to Fairwood Field.

“Why have you done this, Lillian?! How could you hunt humans! That’s cannibalizing!” Timber yelled.

Lillian looked very offended and she replied, “How dare you accuse me of being a cannibal?!”

“It’s the truth! You are! No sane person would devour others!” Timber yelled.

“No, Timber. You’ve got that all wrong... I am not a cannibal. I would only be one if I had eaten you. Us two are the only ones of our kind in existence now!” Lillian said.

“You’re part human!” Timber argued.

“So? Would that make me part cannibal? I think it should only count if it was one of my own kind!” Lillian said.

“Whatever! What you did was wrong!” Timber yelled.

“So?! What do I care?! I pretty much have nothing left to lose!” Lillian said, “Besides... Think about it, Timber... The only ones who could ever love us are dead now... All that’s left are those who pick on us! They beat us up! They think of us as lower than them!”

“That’s not true, Lillian! Not all humans are bad!” Timber said.

“They call us worthless! They call us stupid! They tell us we shouldn’t have been born! They tell us that we are merely foul beasts that deserve to be killed! They call us pathetic! I have had enough of them!” Lillian cried out.

“Lillian... Just because McKenna is a jerk doesn’t mean you kill everyone who wanders too close to you...” Timber said.

“LET ME GO! LET ME KILL!” Lillian cried out suddenly, struggling to break free.

“No! Bad, Lillian! Stop it!” Timber cried out.

“I MUST! I MUST DESTROY THEM! I WILL RULE THE WORLD AND THEN NOBODY WILL LAUGH AT ME!” Lillian cried out. She broke free from the ropes and transformed into a wolf.

“No! Lillian! You’re insane!” Timber cried out.


The diamond on her forehead emanated darkness and all the light seemed to be sucked in by it.


“Timber... I’m afraid to tell you this... But... There is no way to save your sister...” Ronald said, “She’s too far gone...”

Timber stared at Ronald in horror and then started crying.


“Timber... Quit crying and be a hero! Save the world from this maniac!” Ronald said.

“HELP ME!” Lillian cried out, turning back into a human and holding her head.

“She’s in pain...” Timber said, whimpering.

“MUST KILL! MUST DEVOUR!” Lillian cried out, turning back into a wolf and racing away.

“She won’t be in pain anymore if you kill her...” Ronald said.

“But... She’s my sister... I cannot kill my sister... She may have made me angry by killing lots of people... But she’s still my sister... She’s the only immediate family I have left...” Timber said.

“She’s going to destroy everyone else’s families too if you don’t stop her!” Ronald said.

“My sister... If I kill her... I’ll be a murderer...” Timber said.

"SHE’S A MURDERER!” Ronald yelled.

“You’re right... I have this sword for a reason... I was only hoping the dark beast was someone other than my sister...” Timber said.

“Go on, Timber!” Ronald said.

Timber ran off to find Lillian and stop her from killing anyone else.

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