Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Ronald's Decision

It took Timber awhile to locate her sister, and when she did, she was greeted by an awful sight. Her sister had just finished eating another human. Lillian licked her lips and then snarled at Timber.

“Lillian, I didn’t want to have to kill you... But you leave me no choice...” Timber said, pulling her sword out.

Once again, the sword shone brightly and so did Timber’s hair. Lillian winced in pain and tried to escape from the light. Because of the sword lessons she had been taking at the Orchantraya house, Timber knew what she had to do... First, she hit Lillian over the head with the flat of the sword. Lillian fell over and whimpered.

“Timber... You don’t know what you’re doing... Please don’t kill me...” Lillian whined.

“I’m sorry...” Timber said.

With that, she jabbed her magical sword into Lillian’s chest. Lillian cried out in pain and died. That wasn’t the end though...

Lillian’s spirit emerged from her body and she growled at Timber saying, “I will have my revenge, Timber Gold Smith! I will! You will regret killing me!” The spirit ran off, tail tucked between legs.

Timber stared in surprise and then cried. Ronald found Timber with the dead body and he hugged Timber tightly.

“You’re not alone, Timber... I am here for you...” Ronald said.

“You only love me for who my mother and father were though...” Timber said.

“At first, yes, to be honest... But I’ve gotten to know who you are. You are brave and have a kind heart. We’re only ten; we have plenty of time to get to know each other...” Ronald said.

Timber cried all over Ronald and he let her.

“It’s okay, Timber... How about we go visit the wolves...?” Ronald asked.

“No, Ronald... We can’t...” Timber said.

“Why? Is something wrong?” Ronald asked.

“You’re human... Last time humans interfered with the wolves, lives were lost...” Timber said.

“Then make me like you!” Ronald said, “I want to be allowed to join you!”

“Ronald... Are you completely sure...? It’s not easy being part wolf... You heard what Lillian said... People think we are worthless...” Timber said.

“Well, if becoming worthless is the cost, I think it is worth it,” Ronald said.

“If you insist... Follow me... Or better yet...” Timber said and turned into a wolf, “Climb on!”

Ronald smiled and climbed on.

“Hang on tight, here we go!” Timber said and raced away carrying Ronald.

“WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!” Ronald cried out.

Timber ran and ran at full speed until she came skidding to a halt at the bridge in the middle of Fairwood Field.

“Huh? Why are we here?” Ronald asked, rolling off of Timber’s back.

“Zephynna...” Timber said.

“Oh! Is she still here?!” Ronald asked.

“We shall see!” Timber said and scratched at the door.

“Come in...” a voice called out from within.

Ronald opened the door and Timber walked in first.

“Oh? Timber Smith?” an old lady asked.

Behind the counter was a very old looking lady. She had silver hair and brown eyes. Around her neck she wore a necklace with a wolf charm on it.

“Hello, Zephynna,” Timber said and transformed back into a human, “I’m glad you’re still here.”

“I was thinking of leaving... After all the tragedy I’ve faced in my life, I’ve been feeling like it is time for me to just move on... I received a ticket to Tellis Kingdom recently and I’ve been thinking on it...” Zephynna said.

“I’m sorry... But we need you... You are the only one in the whole kingdom who can mix perfect potions...” Timber said.

“I know... I know... Also... It’s hard for me to leave this place... You see... My husband died during The War for Fairwood... I was so very attached to him... So I had his brother bury him here and build me a bridge to honor him... Since then, I’ve changed... I found out that my true talent is to craft potions...” Zephynna said.

“I’m really sorry... I’ve been learning about that war... It was awful, wasn’t it?” Timber asked.

Ronald kept silent, standing in the corner.

“Only men were allowed to fight... That didn’t stop me... I was right on out there with my husband and his brother... My son had to be left behind in the woods... We had a pony look out for him...” Zephynna said.

“And where is your son now...?” Timber asked.

“My son... My husband’s brother used to keep me informed about him... All his triumphs and failures... I let him keep my son... He was a kind man... My son grew up, he did great things, and now he’s gone...” Zephynna said.

“What about your husband’s brother?” Timber asked.

“He’s still alive! I’d like to take him with me to Tellis so that the two of us could mourn his brother together!” Zephynna said.

“And what is Tellis?” Timber asked.

“Another kingdom... Fairwood isn’t the only one in existence...” Zephynna said with a smile.

There was the smell of something burning and Zephynna quickly got up. She visited a cauldron at the back of her shop and stirred the mixture.

“Who is your husband’s brother...?” Timber asked.

Zephynna whirled around and faced Timber. She had a serious look on her face.

“I cannot tell you... It’s too much for you... Ten year olds can’t know everything... I told him not to tell anyone who I was in the past and not to tell my son about me... My son grew up without knowing me or his father... Just his uncle, whom he wasn’t even allowed to know was his uncle!” Zephynna said.

“...Why couldn’t they know...?” Timber asked.

“They just can’t... Nobody can...” Zephynna said, “Now... Enough of my old lady ramblings... What have you come here for?”

“I want to be like Timber... I’d like to be part wolf... If you have a potion for that, that is...” Ronald said.

“Young man! You do not understand what you’re getting yourself into!” Zephynna said, looking shocked.

“I do understand... I understand that if I become like Timber, I can learn more about her... Please... Please help me...” Ronald said.

“I do have a potion that could give you what you want... But I believe it will hurt you very much...” Zephynna said.

“I’ll take the pain...” Ronald said.

“If you insist...” Zephynna said.

She grabbed a vial of golden potion and placed it carefully in Ronald’s hands.

“Ronald Orchantraya, once you take this potion, you may never change back... Your offspring will also suffer from it. If you have children, they will be part wolf as well... By taking this potion that I have brewed, you are making a commitment to the race of Wolf Boys and Wolf Girls... The species that once was on the brink of extinction... May all the Wolf Boys and Wolf Girls who have died honor your decision,” Zephynna said.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Ronald said.

“You may drink the potion,” Zephynna said.

This time it was Timber’s turn to stand in the corner and wait silently. She prayed while she waited. Ronald uncorked the vial and begun to drink the potion. He made a face as though the potion was lighting his throat on fire. Once he had finished the potion, he nearly toppled over in pain and agony. He held his stomach wincing. Timber looked up from her praying and watched her friend suffer.


He fell to his hands and knees, sweating intensely.

“Boy, you certainly are a brave one... And very strong too...” Zephynna commented.

In a flash, Ronald changed from human to wolf. He was a brown wolf like his hair. He snarled a bit, still in pain. Timber approached him.

“Careful, Timber... He might lash out...” Zephynna warned.

Timber leaped backwards just in time before Ronald could bite her.

“You can speak, can’t you?” Timber asked.

“...It...It hurts!” Ronald growled.

“Yes, I told you it would...” Zephynna said.

“I... I cannot... I cannot control it!” Ronald cried out, he lashed out again, growling.

“That’s a problem... I didn’t fore-see this...” Zephynna said.

“Help! Help me! I cannot control myself!” Ronald cried out, shaking his head and growling.

“Ronald... Please don’t end up like my sister... I need you...” Timber said.


Timber whimpered. Zephynna got some chains out of nowhere and chained Ronald’s front paws to the ground. He then tried to break free from the chains, or at least his body wanted to break free. He kept tugging on the chains until the shackles dug into his skin and caused him to bleed.

“Timber... Knock him out... He’s hurting himself on accident, he needs to rest...” Zephynna said.

Timber cried and hit Ronald over the head with her shield until he fell to the ground unconscious.

“Timber... There is only one person who could remove these negative side effects...” Zephynna said.

“If only you could have told me before I killed my sister...” Timber said.

“You killed your sister...?” Zephynna asked.

“Yeah... She kept hunting humans and so I was asked to end her life...” Timber said.

“Oh dear... Well, that won’t have to happen to this boy... You see... There is a man in Mycono Kingdom who posses more power than I! He can cast spells and stuff... I can give a potion to Ronald to keep him asleep until your return... I imagine it might take you awhile...” Zephynna said.

“Mycono...? So there are three kingdoms...?” Timber asked.

“Possibly four... I only know of the three though...” Zephynna said.

“How can I get there? I must get there as soon as I can!” Timber said.

“Here, I have a boat ticket for Mycono Kingdom... I’ve got to warn you though... The boat is slow...” Zephynna said.

“Aw man...” Timber said.

“You must leave right away if you wish to get there sooner...” Zephynna said.

“Hey... But what if that man refuses to help...?” Timber asked.

“His name is Scotty Hepburn... And knowing you, you’ll find a way...” Zephynna said.

“Alright, take care of Ronald for me... Send a letter to his parents if you can!” Timber said.

She turned into a wolf and ran away.

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