Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Returning to Fairwood Kingdom

It wasn’t just a couple days that Timber was forced to live in Scotty’s Tower. Nearly a month had passed and Scotty was still testing his wand on her.

“Scotty...” Timber said one day.

“Yes, my sweetie...?” Scotty replied.

“When can we go home...? I feel as though I’ve been keeping Ronald waiting for years...” Timber said.

“Ah, no... Sweetie-cakes! Please don’t wish our time together to end so soon!” Scotty said.

“I must return home, with you, otherwise this whole trip would have been pointless... And if I can never get a cure for Ronald... He’ll be forced to sleep forever!” Timber cried.

“Aw, but look... I’m not so willing to part with you... I’ve been so lonely here... Stuck with a million clones of my son who can’t get anything right...” Scotty whined.

“Scotty, you better not have a crush on me... I’m a 10 year old!” Timber said.

“I prefer the young ones... They last longer...” Scotty said with a sigh.

Timber’s ears went down.

“I’ve killed pretty much every wife I’ve gotten, aside from the one that was taken back from me. I don’t kill them because I want to...usually...I kill them when I see they are dying... I just don’t want them to die from anything but me... That’s the best way for them to go...” Scotty said.

“Scotty, please!” Timber begged, “I must go home!”

Once again, Timber was starting to look ill. She never fully recovered from the long boat ride. Scotty stared at her a moment and sighed.

“You’re the only one who can heal my friend... I trust you! I let you practice magic on me!” Timber begged.

“Nobody trusts me,” Scotty said.

With that, he crafted a strong wind that wrapped around Timber. Timber screamed in fear.

“There are no other girls in the world as gorgeous as you...” Scotty muttered, “Nor any as brave and defiant as you...”

“Please! Let me go!” Timber cried out.

“No. I refuse to let you go,” Scotty said.

“Please!” Timber cried.

“I want more!” Scotty said with a snarled.

Timber suddenly got an idea.

“FRAIZER! FRAIZER! FRAIZER! FRAIZER!” Timber cried out as loud as she could.

Her voice echoed to the top floor of the Tower out to the cloud layer.

“Shhhhh! Shhhhh! Please don’t get Fraizer involved!” Scotty begged.

He used his wand to cast a silencing spell on her so she could not scream anymore. He carried her away in the wind and took her to the dungeon under his tower. There, he did the unthinkable.

A long time later, Timber woke up to see water everywhere. Someone or something was holding her up and she was flopped over. She strained to get up to see what was holding her. It was Scotty holding her and they both were on a boat.

“Let go of me...” Timber moaned.

“Shhh... Shhh... I’ve realized my mistake... We’re going to your home now...” Scotty said.

“Fairwood... I really miss it...” Timber mumbled.

“And I packed up your new pet too,” Scotty said.

“Why did you hurt me...?” Timber asked weakly.

“I couldn’t help it... Something inside of me just told me it needed to be done... I’m sorry...” Scotty said.

“Where did you get a boat...?” Timber asked.

“Well... I used the 50 bucks you gave me to buy a few boat tickets...” Scotty said.

“Ronald...” Timber mumbled.

“Yes, you’ll have to take me to him. I’ve never been to Fairwood before,” Scotty said.

“Thank you, Scotty...” Timber said.

“Shhhh... Save your energy...” Scotty said.

“Or you could use a healing spell on her!” Moon squeaked from a little cage.

“Right... Healing spells...” Scotty said.

He set Timber down and flipped through the pages of his book. When he finally reached the right page, he pulled his wand out from where ever he had it stored and preformed the right healing spell. Timber became healthy again as soon as the spell was cast. Scotty grinned.

“I did it!” he cried out, clapping his hands with joy.

“Why is Moon in a cage...?” Timber asked.

“He’s a pet, remember?” Scotty asked.

“No he’s not,” Timber said.

“Besides, he’d get lost, stepped on, thrown overboard, eaten... etc. if I did not put him in a cage!” Scotty said.

“Daddy...?” Moon asked.

“I’m not your daddy! I’ve stripped that privilege from you already!” Scotty said.

Moon cried.

“Moon, it’s alright... I’ll look after you... Even though we are probably the same age...” Timber said.

“Really...?” Moon asked.

“Yep!” Timber said.

“Thank you!” Moon said.

“Say, how close are we to Fairwood now...?” Timber asked.

“We should be arriving soon... You’ve been unconscious for awhile,” Scotty said.

“Really?” Timber asked.

“LAND HO!” Raven Hawk cried out.

“Really...?” Captain Raibert asked.

“Yes! It’s definitely Fairwood!” Raven Hawk called out.

“Alright, how much further to it?!” Raibert asked.

“Not too much more, captain! We should reach it within 30 minutes!” Raven Hawk reported.

“Thank you,” Raibert said and turned away.

Timber turned into a wolf and howled excitedly. The wolves in the Fairwood Woods howled back, welcoming Timber home. Scotty shuffled his feet nervously as he made his way to the edge of the ship. He squinted against the bright sun to see the land getting closer and closer.

Timber suddenly realized that it had been months since she last seen anybody from Fairwood! She excitedly leaped up into the air, almost fell into the water, and then chased her tail until she hit the edge of the boat and fell over. The 30 minutes it took to reach land seemed to stretch on and on for years! The darned boat seemed like it was the slowest moving thing on Earth! As soon as the boat docked and the gangplank was dropped down, Timber grabbed Scotty, tossed him onto her back, and ran away at top speed.

“WHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! STOP! THIS IS CRAZY!” Scotty cried out, clinging onto the cage with Moon in it and onto Timber’s golden fur.

“Walking you to Zephynna’s house would be too slow! I’ve already wasted enough time!” Timber cried out as she kept running.

“DON’T KILL ME THOUGH!” Scotty cried out.

“I won’t! At least Ronald liked it when I let him run with me!” Timber said.

“Keep in mind; I’m a very old man!” Scotty said.

“Yes, I realize that!” Timber said.

Scotty puked, but luckily, none of it got on Timber.

“Gross! Dude!” Timber said, skidding to a halt in front of the bridge.

“This is the place...? It’s just a bridge...” Scotty said.

“It is not! Don’t you see the door?!” Timber asked.

“Oh! I do see it!” Scotty said.

The door to the house opened and Zephynna stepped out. She looked at Timber and at Scotty.

“Scotty Hepburn! You’re pretty late! You must have been giving Timber a hard time!” Zephynna said and grabbed Scotty’s ear, tugging at it.

“Ouch! Let go! I’m sorry!” Scotty cried out.

“Timber, did he abuse you...?” Zephynna asked.

“...no...” Timber lied, turning back into a human.

Because Scotty had healed her, she had no marks to tell Zephynna otherwise. Zephynna studied her closely and sighed in relief. She let go of Scotty’s ear and he fell to the ground.

“Well, both of you, come on in... I’ve been looking after Ronald as he slept these past few months,” Zephynna said.

Timber and Scotty both entered the potion shop and found Ronald still chained to the floor as a wolf. He slept silently. Scotty looked at all the potions that Zephynna had bottled and smiled.

“Ah, I see you believe in magic too,” Scotty said, reading the labels of some of the potion vials.

“Yes, I enjoy brewing potions to benefit others. However, I lack the ability to perform magic,” Zephynna said.

“So that’s why I was brought here?” Scotty asked.

He snuck and put some potion vials into the pockets that seemed to have magically appeared on his clothes. Zephynna pretended not to notice.

“You’re the only one who has the ability to help this boy...” Zephynna said.

“Fine... What is it that needs to be done...?” Scotty asked.

“This boy took a potion to turn into a wolf boy, but he could not control himself afterwards. He was just like a wild beast,” Zephynna said, “And that’s why we chained him to the ground and I made him sleep.”

“Well, I’ll start by waking him up!” Scotty said.

He whipped out his wand and casted an awakening spell on Ronald. Ronald woke up right away and started growling and thrashing again.

“WHY’D YOU WAKE ME UP?! I WAS DREAMING!” Ronald barked, trying to bite Scotty.

His shackles were cutting his skin again which had finally healed from the last time he tried to escape from the shackles. Scotty backed up a bit, not wanting to get hurt.

“Well? Are you going to cast another spell or not?” Zephynna asked, watching Scotty’s every movement.


Scotty was pretty much frozen, wide-eyed with mouth open. He was clutching the wand. Ronald screamed out, almost breaking free of the shackles.

“Scotty! Snap out of it and cast the spell!” Zephynna yelled.

Timber was crying in the corner. Scotty gulped nervously before twirling his wand. He waved it in a very specific way that looked very complicated to Timber. After that, he twirled his wand again and got closer to Ronald, tapping him on the forehead. A wave of light shot from the wand and entered Ronald. Ronald transformed from a wolf into his normal form, but he kept the wolf tail and wolf ears from the potion. He was still shackles to the floor.

“You cured me!” Ronald said, staring at his now normal hands.

“Oh my gosh... You look just like Fraizer!” Scotty cried out, “Well... Aside from the ears and tail...”

“I got to keep the ears and tail...?” Ronald asked.

“Yep... But you look almost exactly like Fraizer!” Scotty said.

“Who’s Fraizer...?” Ronald asked.

“A boy who killed me at least twice...” Scotty said, putting his wand away.

“Can you unchain me...?” Ronald asked, blushing.

Scotty looked to Zephynna for permission and she nodded her head. He pulled his wand out again and unlocked the shackles. Ronald stood up and looked at his new tail.

“Congratulations, Ronald, you’ve proven yourself to be strong and you are now officially a Wolf Boy,” Zephynna said.

“That was awful! I felt like I was going to kill everyone...” Ronald said, “How long have I been unconscious...?”

“A few months...” Zephynna said, “I’ve been looking after you.”

“Oh, Ronald! I’m so glad you’re feeling better!” Timber cried out.

She ran forward and hugged Ronald.

“Awwwww...” Moon squeaked from his cage.

“What was that?” Ronald asked.

“Moon. I’m looking after him now because Scotty here refuses to take care of him anymore,” Timber said.

“Sounded like a mouse to me...” Ronald said.

“I’m not a mouse, I’m just tiny! I accidentally shrunk myself!” Moon squeaked.

Ronald noticed the cage and picked it up.

“Hi...” Moon said.

“Woah, that is tiny!” Ronald said.

“Scotty Hepburn... Keep those potions you have hidden in your pockets. They might come in handy back in Mycono Kingdom,” Zephynna said.

“Huh?! What potions?!” Scotty asked, sweating nervously.

Zephynna gave him a very serious look.

“Just don’t use too much at once...” Zephynna warned.

“I won’t!” Scotty said.

“Why is this tiny boy in a cage...?” Ronald asked.

“He’d get eaten or stepped on otherwise,” Scotty explained.

“I can see that happening... Someone would think he’s a bite sized morsel...” Ronald said.

“Ooh, gotta go home now! The clones will be wreaking havoc all over Mycono Kingdom if I don’t return soon! And they might release Mungo from his sleeping chamber!” Scotty said.

“Wouldn’t want that to happen...” Zephynna said.

“Exactly! Bye!” Scotty said and dashed away, leaving Moon with Timber.

“So long, Scotty Hepburn...” Zephynna said.

“So... Where were you the past few months...? You look a bit... Tanned...” Ronald said.

“Oh! Uh... I took a very slow boat to Mycono and searched for Scotty... Then I took a boat ride back,” Timber said.

“Heh, so no exciting stories to tell?” Ronald asked, “You didn’t do anything legendary?”

“Legendary? No, of course not! I’m merely a young girl who is part wolf,” Timber said.

“...but if you weren’t in Fairwood...then I’m assuming you also have no idea of what condition the Alpha is in...?” Ronald asked.

“Oh! The Alpha! Oh dear, we’ve got to go see him! I hope he’s alive!” Timber cried out.

Both kids turned into wolves and raced out of the little potion shop. Zephynna smiled, for once in her life, she finally felt at peace.

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