Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Alpha Stone

Timber stopped at the entrance to the Fairwood Woods and Ronald crashed into her.

“Oof! Why’d you stop?” Ronald asked, shaking his head.

“They won’t know who you are... I need to rub my scent onto you so that they won’t feel threatened. They trust me,” Timber said.

“Rub your scent onto me...? What...?” Ronald asked.

Timber brushed up against him, her golden hair mixing with his brown hair. He stayed completely still; unsure of what Timber was doing. She stopped after circling him a few times.

“There, now you smell like me,” Timber said.

“Okay then...” Ronald said.

“Follow me carefully!” Timber said as she entered the Fairwood Woods.

Ronald followed Timber carefully, setting his paws on the paw prints Timber was making in the wet soil. Timber stopped suddenly, her ears perking up to listen to her surroundings. Someone was coming, and Timber could hear their paws squishing into the soil. Within moments, a small light yellow wolf leaped from the bushes and landed in front of Timber and Ronald.

“Ah hah! Timber! There you are! We heard a rumor that you went on an important mission!” the little wolf, who was Ginger, cried out triumphantly.

“Yes, I did! And you’ve grown a bit!” Timber said.

“I did?” Ginger asked, walking in circles trying to see herself.

“Yep!” Timber said.

“Who’s that? I didn’t know anyone was with you! I only smelled you!” Ginger said, pointing a paw at Ronald.

“This is Ronald, the boy I went to get help for,” Timber said.

“Hello,” Ronald said, smiling at the little wolf.

“Ooh! Say, come to the main wolf camp!” Ginger said.

“That’s where we were headed!” Timber said.

“Awesome! Follow me! I’ve discovered a new faster way through the woods!” Ginger said.

Timber and Ronald hurried after the little wolf, ducking under low hanging branches and squeezing through little holes in the undergrowth. By the time they reached camp, they were out of breath. Ginger sat by a large pile of meat.

“Wow, still getting a lot of prey?” Timber asked.

“Yep! I caught most of this!” Ginger said.

“...Timber...? ...Is that you...?” Alpha Stone called from his den.

“Yes, Alpha Stone, I have returned,” Timber said.

“Come into my den... I must see you...” Alpha Stone said.

Timber glanced at Ginger and Ronald.

“Go ahead! I’ll look after spiky brown for you,” Ginger said.

Timber smiled and went into the Alpha’s Den. It was dark inside, but Timber could still see well. The Alpha was lying on the stone cold ground. His breathing was slow and steady. Although prey was plentiful, he was very skinny and his ribs stuck out.

“Timber... When I look at you, I remember that young human girl that was brought in so many years ago...” Alpha Stone said.

“You mean Grandma Tessie...?” Timber asked.

The Alpha nodded slowly.

“I’ve lived through a lot... I fought many battles... You know... Being born an Alpha, I think I missed out on the thrill of ranking up...” Alpha Stone said.

“You are amazing, you know that?” Timber asked.

“Ah... Thank you, my dear... I’ve been very unlucky my whole life... But I feel very lucky right now because I get to see you...” Alpha Stone said.

“What do you mean...? A few months ago you only allowed me to stay one night,” Timber said.

“Yes... That was a mistake... Timber... I’m getting very old... I’m older than most wolves get to be...” Alpha Stone said.

“Why are you telling me this...?” Timber asked. She looked very worried.

“To be honest... I think it is time for me to face death... But... There is one more thing I must ask...” Aloha Stone said.

“What is it...?” Timber asked, tears in her eyes.

“Do you think of me as... A hero...?” Alpha Stone asked, looking Timber in the eyes.

“Yes, Alpha Stone... Without you... I probably wouldn’t have been born... Nor would my mother have been... And if she hadn’t been born... The world would have ended. You helped save the world...” Timber said.

Alpha Stone smiled a little and said, “Thank you... Timber Gold Smith... One last request...”

“Yes...?” Timber asked.

“Be my leader... Lead this pack...” Alpha Stone said.

Before Timber could object, Alpha Stone closed his eyes, lowered his head, and stopped breathing. Timber stood there for a moment crying before she turned, tail between legs and ears down, and walked out of the Alpha’s den. Ginger and Ronald saw Timber looking sad and approached.

“Timber... What happened...? Did the Alpha yell at you for bringing in Spiky?” Ginger asked.

“No... He’s dead! He died in front of me!” Timber wailed.

The Betas emerged from their dens to see what the noise was about. When they heard the news, they all wailed as well. Some howled the news so the other wolves could hear what happened. Pierce sat down and stared at his paws. He looked very disappointed that his leader had died, but he didn’t wail or howl.

“What are we going to do?! The Alpha’s second wife has been dead for awhile and his son died too!” one Beta cried out.

“Hey, hey... Calm down... I know you’re upset, and so am I... But... Well... I can be the Alpha. I’m the strongest wolf we have and if we’re going to make it this upcoming fall and winter... We’ll need to be strong...” Pierce said.

“Wait... Pierce... I have some more information...” Timber said.

“Yeah?! What is it?!” Pierce asked, glaring threateningly at Timber.

Timber backed up like a little puppy.

“Hah! Timber is too timid to speak up!” Pierce said.

He leaped into the air and landed on top of the Alpha’s den.

“Alpha Stone, I say this with your body below me and your spirit above me... I am ready to accept the...” Pierce begun, but he got cut off.

“Wait! Stop! You don’t know what you are doing!” Timber cried out.

“Hey! Don’t interrupt me, pup!” Pierce snarled, “I may have been friends with your grandmother, but I will not allow you to stop me from becoming leader!”

“Alpha Stone told me to be the Alpha!” Timber blurted out.

A look of horror passed Pierce’s face.


The other wolves who had gathered backed away, not wanting to get involved in the fight. Timber stood where she was and Pierce leaped off the top of the Alpha’s den, landing right on her back. He was much larger than Timber so he crushed her to the ground easily. Timber whimpered in pain. He was not willing to let Timber go, he bit her ears very hard and pulled on them. Timber cried out in pain.

“I’ll teach you not to steal my job!” Pierce growled with his mouth full of Timber’s ears.

Timber went floppy as she used to do when attacked by her sister. Pierce did not care that she had given up, he kept on attacking her. Timber could feel her ears bleeding as they got ripped up by the big old white wolf. Pierce flattened Timber further, tearing at her back with his back claws. Pierce finally let go of Timber’s ears, but he went for her throat. He bit her really hard and she yelped. He let go and her head flopped over onto the ground. She looked dead, or at least completely mangled. Pierce assumed she was dead.

“Anyone else challenge me?! Anyone else want to be utterly destroyed?!” Pierce asked, snarling at everyone.

“How dare you kill my Timber?! She helped save my life!” Ronald growled.

“Stranger... You don’t belong here! This isn’t your pack!” Pierce snarled.

“But that was my Timber!” Ronald said with a growl.

While Pierce was distracted by Ronald. Timber weakly lifted herself from the ground. Her eyes turned red and her golden diamond turned black. Once again, her fur has darkened drastically.

“Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare lay a paw on Ronald! I spent the last few months enduring torture just to bring help for him! And I can’t believe you thought you’d kill me! Imagine how disappointed Grandma Tessie would be if she found out how you were treating her granddaughter!” Timber growled.

Pierce looked very frightened. He gulped nervously and backed away.

“Shame on you! Shame. On. You!” Timber yelled.

“T...T...Timber... Please! It’s all a big misunderstanding! I only want what’s best for my pack!” Pierce said.

“Alpha Stone was my great grandfather! I am Alpha by blood!” Timber growled.

“Please Timber... Don’t hurt me! I’m sorry!” Pierce yelped.

Timber lunged at him and pinned him to the ground. He whimpered. Timber bared her fangs at him; her blood was staining his fur red. He squirmed to get free. Timber pretended like she was going to eat him, but she didn’t actually do it. She got off of him and he ran away yelping like an Omega. All the other wolves howled in approval. Ronald approached and licked Timber’s wounded neck.

“Ronald... I actually don’t want to be Alpha... I want Alpha Stone back alive...” Timber whined.

“Alpha Stone was old, Timber... He was bound to die soon...” Nu said, approaching.

“Nu!” Timber said.

“You’re bleeding...” Nu said, also licking Timber’s bloody neck.

“Well... If I’m in charge... I say, Ginger can be the Alpha. She’s young so she’ll last a long time. Plus, she’s very talented and a good hunter!” Timber said.

“What?! Me?! I get to be the Alpha?!” Ginger asked.

“Of course! I want to be with Ronald!” Timber said.

Her hair was returning to normal and so was her eyes and diamond.

“Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!” Ginger said, squealing.

Timber started to lose her balance, so Ronald ran over to catch her before she hit the ground. She was exhausted, and still bleeding.

“Wolves, I’ve got to go take Timber to the hospital...” Ronald said.

He started walking away as soon as he made sure Timber wouldn’t drag too much.

“Aw... By Spiky... Good luck!” Ginger called.

“Call me Ronald,” Ronald said before he left their sight.

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