Keeping Their Dark Rose by Jessica & Jane

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The security guards take me into an empty room with two chairs and sit me in a hard steel chair. Cuffing my hands behind my back. It’s cold and fear sends shivers down my spine, amplifying my sense of helplessness.

I want to run, to hide from them, but there is no escape for me in this windowless room. I tug on the cuffs and they grow tighter. Biting into my skin and making me


“Please let me go.” I say, softly. I’m ready to beg them, but I can tell from the harsh way that they’re looking at me that my begging won’t work.

Two security officers stand before me, their scents overwhelming my senses. The scent of them is wild and heavy. Pushing into my nose after being overwhelmed with the scent of nothing from the descenter. It’s difficult to focus on anything apart from the fear that I feel and the cool steel of the handcuffs on my wrists. There’s no doubt about it-they’re pack wolves. I can’t help but wonder which pack they belong to, which pack Drake and I have now crossed and undoubtedly added to the list already hunting us.

Drake, my boyfriend, is not a pack wolf. He’s a rogue, but he carries the powerful blood of a Ga mma, which has made him both a cruel and dangerous force when you can’t shift to fight him off. He has always kept me at a distance from the pack life, perhaps out of fear of what I might become. Of what a pack would do to me,

or rather for me.

Several men bring Drake into the room. His dark hair falls limply over the side of his face, his eyes are closed and his face is slack. He doesn’t struggle against them, and that scares me. They cuff him to a chair beside me. He slumps in the chair, unconscious from the tasing. I can see the faint traces of the taser burn on his neck, and the sight of it twists my stomach into knots. He may hurt me, but that doesn’t mean that I want to see him hurt.

I care for him even if it’s not love.

One officer pulls out his phone, letting out a rough growl. “I’m calling the Alpha to let him know we finally caught them.”

“Please don’t.” I beg, but he doesn’t say anything. He just looks at me with a lifted



Chapter 5

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eyebrow. His lips pressed together as he lifts the phone to his ear. I listen as he

makes the call.

“Alpha, I’ve got them.”

The tinny voice on the other side ends the call quickly, and he tucks his phone away. I watch as he makes his way to the other side of the room to lean against the wall. His eyes boring down into me and I look away from him.

My heart sinks, and a cold dread washes over me as I realize my assumption was right-it was a setup. They were waiting for us to return, anticipating our every move, waiting to trap us.

After twenty agonizing minutes of the security officers not talking to me, Drake wakes up, his eyes wild with fury. He starts thrashing in his seat, trying to break free from the cuffs. I can see the veins in his neck bulging as he strains against the restraints, the Ga mma blood within him surging.

I sigh, defeated. “There’s no point, Drake. I already tried,” and I had tried escaping before realizing these are no normal cuffs, these are made to tighten the more you struggle, ensuring shifting is out of the question.

He glares at me, venom dripping from his words. “You worthless piece of sh it. You got us into this mess, and now you’re just giving up? I swear, when I get out of here, I’ll kill you!”

One of the officers has had enough of Drake’s outburst. Growling, he steps forward and slashes Drake’s face with his claws, leaving deep, bleeding gas hes across his cheek.

“Shut your mouth,” he snarls before turning to me and offering a bottle of water.

It’s the first bit of kindness they have shown and something wells up in my chest. An emotion that I don’t know how to explain. He opens the water and holds it to my lips. I’m parched and I drink greedily, my throat dry from fear and pain. My leg is still throbbing and bleeding and I feel almost light-headed, but I know that I can’t pass out. There is no telling what will happen if I do.

Or what Drake will try to offer them, and I won’t be able to fight back if I’m out cold.

“You’re hurt.” He says, pulling my pant leg up and looking down at the bite from the dog. He looks back at the other officer. “Go get the first-aid kit and let’s get her



cleaned up.”

The other officer nods, leaving the room before he returns with a first aid kit to tend to my leg. He hands it to the man still kneeling in front of me, opening the red and white box. He sits it on the floor by my feet. The security officer picks up a pair of scissors and I flinch away. He might say that he wants to help. But help can come at a cost, it always has.

“Don’t worry, I’m just going to clean it up.” He says, his voice soft as if he’s talking to a frightened animal. He lifts his hand, grabbing hold of the fabric of my thread- bare jeans and starts to cut the fabric away. Carefully folding it away from my wound. He sits the scissor down and picks up the cotton gaze and antiseptic. Taking special care to clean my wounds, his fingers carefully dab the cotton against my skin.

I try to hold back a hiss at the sting of it, but I’m unable to. His eyes shoot up to mine as he keeps tending to the bite, but he doesn’t say anything.



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