Keeping Their Dark Rose by Jessica & Jane

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

With no other choice, I follow him through the broken fence, ignoring the sting of fear and the lingering sensation that we’re walking into a trap. It’s too easy. I wish Drake would listen to me. It doesn’t feel right and I know that we are in danger. That we’re risking being caught. I don’t want to think about what will happen if we


What they will do to me? The cops, my step-brothers. Neither option is something

that I want.

As we slip through the shadows, I can’t help but wonder how I ended up here. How did I go from being the privileged, pampered daughter of a wealthy all alpha family to a desperate woman clinging to a man who treats me like dirt? No, like I am nothing more than a helpless omega?

Well, technically I am, but that’s not the point.

Drake himself is hardly Ga mma material despite his genes. I shouldn’t cling to him the way that I do, and I know this. Maybe it’s a sense of loyalty, from him helping me when I first got out. I don’t know. I just wish that I could escape him.

My thoughts are interrupted as a dog’s snarl rips through the darkness, making my heart thump harder. A big black dog rounds the corner closest to me. His eyes gleaming in the yellowed light that doesn’t fully chase away the darkness of the yard.

I take a step back and stumble, falling against Drake. His arm wraps around my waist, and I think he’s going to twist us around. To protect me, he doesn’t, or maybe he’s not fast enough. Before I know it, sharp teeth are tearing into my leg. I scream, the pain unbearable, and Drake finally acts, chasing the dog away with a vicious kick to the dog’s side. The dog snaps at him, but one growl sends it running off. However, the damage is done, and blood pours from the wound, staining the concrete. I can’t even heal myself. My healing ability is gone. My beast is dormant with the drugs that pump through my system to hold off the change, even as they are wearing off.

“Dam n it, Rose!” Drake hisses, venom dripping from his words like a harsh sting that hurts worse than his slap. “You couldn’t keep quiet, could you? It’s like you



Chapter 4

want us to get caught. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

Tears blur my vision, and I shake my head. Lifting my hands up to fend back the blow. I hold my tears back, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I want to scream that this is his fault, that he forced me into this nightmare, but fear keeps me silent. That and knowing it will just make things worse later. All I can do is limp along, my leg throbbing with every step as blood fills my boot, and pray that this will be over soon. That we can get what we came for and get out of here as soon as possible and I can get my suppressants.

As we creep deeper onto the property, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re being watched.

My senses aren’t as strong as they should be, but as I look around, I can feel eyes on me. I don’t see them, but I know that they are out there. Watching us and waiting. It makes my heart race, my pulse pounding loudly in my ears, and I know that we’re not alone. Not just by the eerie tingling running up my spine, but also the overwhelming scents. I can smell descenter like they’ve tried to hide themselves. It’s like a blankness where the scents should be. I can’t explain it to him. I know my senses are weak, yet my sense of smell has always been better than Drake’s.

It’s probably the only good thing about being Omega. We are basically walking, talking pheromone scenters. It is inbuilt in our DNA so we can hunt down alphas once we are in heat. Unfortunately, it also makes our scents extra potent during that phase. Thankfully, I’ve never endured a heat. A benefit of the drugs, I suppose. If I had experienced it, I had no doubts that Drake would use my weakness for his benefit.

An omega in heat would fetch a hefty price.

I glance at Drake, but he seems oblivious, focused only on the prize that awaits us. But as we approach the warehouse door, I notice that it’s unlocked, and my unease grows. It shouldn’t be unlocked. This is a trap. He has to know that.

“Drake, this isn’t right.” I reach out as his hand grabs the handle to slide the door open further. It creaks loudly in the night’s quietness, making my sense of unease grow. My throat feels tight and I wish I could make him listen to me.

He ignores me, pulling the door open, and that’s when the alarms blare. Loud and overwhelming me, I freeze and Drake panics and runs, knocking me over in his




Chapter 4

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My injured leg screams in protest as I try to stay standing. I barely have time to react and follow after Drake before security officers come from out of nowhere, tasering him. He tenses, his body shaking violently until he collapses to the ground.

“Drake.” I yell out, reaching for him. Hands grab me, and I thrash, kicking. “Let me go. No, don’t.” I scream as they drag me deeper into the warehouse. I can feel their grip tightening on my bruised arms, but my desperate struggle is useless against their strength.

I’m pulled deeper into the warehouse, I can’t help but think that this nightmare is far from over. I don’t know what they will do to me. If I’m lucky, they’ll kill me and everything will be over.

I’ve never been lucky though and I doubt that will change anytime soon.

I glance back at Drake, lying motionless on the ground with the security officers standing above him. He should have listened to me.


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