Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 74: The Grave

I packed my things and put them in my saddlebags before climbing on my bike and driving away from my cabin. I was headed to the cemetery, to my baby's gravesite.

As I pulled into the cemetery I drove towards her grave. I parked my bike and carried the three roses with me. I kneeled down at her grave. My baby would have been five years old if she had lived. I laid the roses down and told her, it is finished.

You can rest in peace now little one. But, I don't think I ever can. I stood up and walked away never looking back. I need to move on now. I need to get rid of my anger.

I drove out onto the road and headed back to Ohio City. I walked into the clubhouse grabbed a beer and sat down at the Valkyrie table.

"So, how did it go Shawn" asked me?

" Good. I left never looking back."

"Good, then you can start moving forward with your life now."

" Like how Shawn?"

" By, dating again."

I lowered the beer in my hand and looked at Shawn with anger.


" What do you mean no?"

" Just that. No, I do not need to date again. I do not need a lying, cheating, mother fucker in my life."

" So, no."

" Jessie, not all men are the same."

" Is that right?"

" No, they are not."

" You might have gotten lucky Shawn but I don't need to try again. I learned my lesson the hard way."

"Jessie, you know that I understand your hate for those men and that bitch. But, I do not understand how you can think that you can be alone forever."

" Then don't understand it. Accept it" I said.

"Jessie, are you taking your medication?"

" Not right now because I am drinking. Can't drink while taking my medication."

" So, you are self-medicating?"

" No, I am just wanting to get drunk, smoke a few joints, and get wild. Are you alright with that Shawn?"


" If not I can just go to a club in town."

" I don't think you should Jessie."

" Well, now that is just too bad."

I stood up and walked out the door getting on my bike leaving the compound and headed to town. Fucking bitch ass sister who thinks she is so goddamn perfect. Since she found her man.

Olive and Rain looked at me like I lost my mind.

"Shawn, what the hell. Why did you talk to Jessie like that? She has every right to get drunk, smoke some joins, and have a good time. She just finished getting her revenge."

" Why do you always have to think you are better than the rest of us? It isn't like you never got drunk, smoked joints, and had fun. No wonder Jessie can't stand to be around you anymore."

"We are starting to feel the same way as Jessie does. You act like she is always getting in trouble. She isn't."

" You don't even know that she owns five tattoo shops, has her own business, and that is worth a lot of money. So what if she gets drunk sometimes. Big deal. She takes care of business."

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