Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 56: Saving Shawn

We were standing around talking when the shot rang out and we hit the ground. The next thing Rage heard "was Shawn has been hit."

We all turned and saw her lying with her eyes closed and blood running down into the dirt. Her chest was covered in blood. We saw Shadow crawling over to her and lifting her into his arms screaming.

"No, no, no. Someone call Gunner."

We had to knock Shadow out to get Shawn out of his arms and take her into the clubhouse. As we lay her on the gurney the doc said get out all of you now.

I ran over and cut her shirt from her body. I was terrified of what I would find. After cleaning the blood off trying to stop the flow I noticed the bullet had not existed.

I had to operate to find the bullet. I sighed in relief as I found the bullet but it was touch and go as it was an inch away from her heart and vital organs.

I finished the surgery and bandaged her and covered her with a sheet. I walked out to the bar and sat down.

"Please get me a whiskey."

One of the prospects brought me one.

I was dozing off when my phone rang.

"What’s up Rage?"

" You need to get to the club now."

" Why?"

" Just get here."

" Can’t it wait?"

" Gunner get your fucking ass here now. There was a shooting."

" I’m on my way. Who was shot?"

" Shawn. What the hell."

" She is in surgery right now so get your ass here now."

I ran outside and jumped on my bike I sped into the compound and jumped off my bike running to the door. I slammed the door open and demanded to know where she was.

I saw the doc and asked.

"Where is she?"

" She is sleeping right now."

" The baby?"

" The baby is fine."

" Who the fuck shot her?"

" I looked at Rage and he said tell him Shadow and show him."

" Shadow who shot her?"

" Karan," I showed him the picture I received.

"Shawn’s ex didn’t do it. He was there when it happened. He was watching the club when he heard the shot ring out and saw Shawn fall. He snapped this picture."

Then he heard her laugh and then say “Now that she and that bastard child is dead I will be Gunner’s woman."

"I want that bitch found and I want this sent to her brothers and warn them she is a dead bitch."

Rage said "I think that if we wait she will show up here on her own if she thinks that Shawn is dead."

" We will play it your way. No one mentions that Shawn is not dead."

" We want Karan to think we are preparing for a funeral. Got it, everyone?"

" Got it Rage."

I stood up and walked to the room that Shawn was in. When I opened the door and saw her lying there with her chest bandaged and on oxygen, I noticed how white she is.

I pulled a chair over and sat down next to the bed. I put her hand in mine.

"I looked at her and begged her to wake up."

" The doctor told me how close the bullet came to her heart. He said what stopped it was the necklace I had given her."

" The bullet hit the edge of the necklace and entered with two inches of her heart."

" Shawn, please don't leave me. I don't know what to do without you. I need you more than you know. I love you so much."

I lay my head down on the bed next to her side and fell asleep. I woke up and moaned. It hurt so bad. I then looked down and saw the bandage. I saw Gunner asleep with his head beside my side. I slowly ran my hand through his head. I remembered that I had been shot then darkness.

"I don't want to be away from Gunner anymore."

He looked so stressed out even in sleep.

I woke up feeling my hair being played with. I slowly lifted my head to see that Shawn was awake.

"You're awake, thank god. I thought I was going to lose you and the baby."

" Do you remember what happened?"

"I heard a noise then I fell to the ground and heard screams that I had been shot."

" Then I remember Shadow crawling toward me and holding me in his arms screaming no, no, no, and call Gunner. Then nothing."

"Shawn the necklace I gave you actually saved your life. The bullet hit the necklace bouncing off the edge and entered within two inches beside your heart."

" I thank god you were wearing it. I love you Shawn and I can't live without you. Please don't make me leave again?"

" I need you and the baby. I love you so much."

" I love you to I whispered falling back to sleep."

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