Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 54: Shawn Raises Hell

I reached over to touch her arm when she turned her head and looked at me. I could not believe that she could look at me with such hate and hurt in her eyes. I sighed and stood up and walked over to the bed and lay on it staring at the ceiling.

I grabbed my phone and text for the guards to come back. I stood up and walked to the closet and grabbed jeans a shirt my cut and put them on the bed. Then I grabbed underwear and socks and threw them on the bed. I walked over and stripped not caring if she watched me.

After dressing and putting my boots and cut on I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked over to the door. I opened and walked out.

I handed one of the guards the key and walked down the hall to the front door. When I walked outside I lit a cigarette and smoked it before turning and looking at my window. I threw it on the ground and got on my bike driving out of the compound and back to my house.

When I arrived and shut my bike off. I got off and walked into the house grabbed a beer and sat on the couch. After drinking my beer I picked up my cell and called Rage.

"Where are you?"

" My house again. Look Rage I can't be around her. She won't talk to me and she looks at me with such hate."

"I will stay here until the shutdown is raised. If you need me call me."

" It could be awhile. I know that I said leaning my head back against the couch."

" Fine but be careful."

" Sure" I said hanging up. I picked up the phone and called Ace. I heard hello. I said "Ace this is Gunner."

" Gunner, what can I do for you?"

"I heard that someone threatened to kidnap Shawn would your club or Dreamer be involved in that?"

" No way would we threaten a woman. Best look elsewhere. We are not involved."

" Thanks." I then called The Viking MC and they also denied it that left Karan's brothers.

"I called Rage and let him know what I found out."

" He said he would call Karan's brother's in the morning."

When I hung up the phone I laid it on the end table and lay down closing my eyes. I woke up late in the afternoon with my phone ringing.

"Gunner I just got off the phone with Karan's brother. They said they are not involved either."

" So who the hell could it be?"

" I don't know. It could be almost anyone."

"We will find them don't worry about that."

" I have to worry. That is my woman and my child she is carrying."

"You know I will not let anything happen to my sister. If anyone takes her we will hunt them down and bring her back. No matter how long it takes I said and hung up."

I was walking to the kitchen when a prospect brought a note to me.

"This was put in our door with this knife" he said.

I took the knife and letter and walked to my office. How the fuck did someone get past the guards and cameras and put this in my door? I read the note. You have four days before I come for her.

"It would be in your club's best interest to just hand her over."

I threw a chair against the wall. Pissed as hell that someone wants my sister. Why is she so important to them? I keep thinking that Karan is someone involved in this.

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