Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 30: Gunner

As Gunner rode down the road he thought back to what happened at Ace’s clubhouse. He was grinning more and more. He thought about how he won that $1,000 from Ace and how he hated giving up that money.

Then he thought about how Dreamer was hit with a double whammy. First finding out that he was not the biological father of that baby, and when he found out his true love, the woman who should have been his Valkyrie was leaving the clubhouse and he now would not have the chance of winning her back.

These men seemed to want their Valkyrie’s but they wanted the whores too. That didn’t go so well today. All the women walked out on their men. Most didn’t realize that the woman had gone home to pack up their things and if they had kids took them and left.

Right about now if someone wanted to it would be so easy to hit that club. Problem is. It would also be easy to kidnap several of the Valkyrie as well. Oh well, he didn’t care he got what he was sent to get. Donna’s twins.

He pulled over at a hotel and saw the U-hall parked in the lot. He then saw Shawn walk out of the office and to a door four doors down. He really felt angry about what Dreamer had done to her. He can’t wait until he finds his woman. When he does he will never treat her the way Ace’s club members treated their women.

Most club members have not yet figured out that women do not make them weak they make them strong. Make them want to fight more to protect them and their club.

To build a more stable and strong family. Maybe one day they will figure that out. They would fight to keep what they have been given. He parked his bike turned it off and walked to the office to get a room.

Gunner ended up in the room next to Shawn’s. As he entered the room and shut and locked the door. He put his backpack on the bed. He sat down and took off his boots and socks and then his cut which he folded and lay across a chair.

He turned on the tv to the news channel and walked into the bathroom stripped and took a shower. When he was finished he walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and put them on. Just as he pulled them up his phone rang.

"Gunner," Rage said.

"A job well done however, I heard that your secret helper was Shawn, Dreamer's woman he walked out on for a club whore."

" That's true" Gunner said.

"The other news was that a DNA test was done and I won the bet."

"Dreamer is not the father of the club whores kid like she said he was."

" He not only lost the child he thought was his but Shawn is in a motel room next to mine. She left the clubhouse and Dreamer."

" The sad part is that since he left her she had started cutting on herself. I don't want our club to end up like Ace's."

"And Shawn was the one who sent the video's out to all the Valkyrie's but your club as well."

" The club was a mess and no one, not one person noticed me and these kids leave the compound."

" They should be halfway to the clubhouse."

" How is Donna taking what she saw and heard Gunner asked?"

Rage said "pissed."

" She is really angry. I thought she would be crying but she is drinking right now. I think she wants revenge on Guardian."

"If her revenge is as good as Shawn's was on the club we will have to watch not making our own Valkyrie's pissed."

" That is those who have them. I am still looking for mine."

Rage said "don't worry."

" You will find your Valkyrie when the time is right."

" Well, I'm going to let you go. Get a good night's sleep and I will see you at the clubhouse in a day or two."

" Night Gunner" said as he hung up the phone.

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