Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 29; Shawn's Revenge

Donna saw her video of the whore and the Guardian.

"The Guardian yelled what the hell is this."

Next, everyone heard the Valkyrie’s phones and girlfriend’s phones dinging. At the same time, the video’s played on the big screen tv.

All the men turned along with the women and watched the screen. The men watched as their woman stood up and walked out of the clubhouse not saying a word."

Gunner took that moment and ran to the twin’s bedroom and grabbed them out of the crib and walked out the back door with them.

He handed them to the two women waiting in the back of the van and watched it drive off. He walked back to the club and out the front door.

He got on his bike and sat watching the women screaming at the men. He started his bike and rode out of the compound laughing the whole time.

This club was going to hell in a matter of minutes. Dreamer looked over at Shawn sitting at the back table watching everything.

She slowly stood up and walked past Dreamer not looking at him. He watched as she walked out of the door and over to a U-haul parked in front of the clubhouse.

He watched as she got in and drove away from the compound. He knew she hated him but he did not know she hated him so much that she would do this to his brothers.

Ace laughed. Dreamer looked over at him.

"What the hell are you laughing at" he asked?

"All you dumb mother fuckers" he said.

Ace said. "I told you all to keep it in your pants when you took these women as your Valkyries but none of you would listen to me."

" I guess I was the only smart one in the bunch" he said sitting down at the bar ordering a beer.

"You guys will never learn. You thought I could make your life hell. You are all about to find out just what hell is."

" Good luck with getting your woman to trust you or even let you in their beds and your homes."

" The next thing they saw was rings being thrown at the married men and the women walking away."

Ace laughed and said. "Shawn did this, didn’t she?"

Dreamer said, "yes I think she did."

" Well, she got her revenge but she is not done yet."

Ace looked over at Dreamer and said.

"What would kill you the most about Shawn Dreamer?"

Dreamer said. "Never seeing her again."

Well, Ace said. "You don’t know it but she cuts."

" What," Dreamer screamed.

"Yes, she cuts. I think she means to kill herself."

"Why would you say that Dreamer yelled?"

Ace sighed and said. "Because she said when she serves her revenge she plans on ending it."

She said, "she can’t take it anymore."

" She can’t live with knowing that you walked away from her when any other biker would have taken the baby and raised it with his Valkyrie."

" Not walked out on her and live with a whore. I hate you for that. Do you know that? Mom did not raise us that way."

"And now you know for sure that you’re not the father. It really hits home for you now doesn’t it Dreamer?"

" You walked out on your woman, the one meant for you without stopping to think how often Cheri tried to get you to make her your Valkyrie, and then your gone for awhile come back home and bam you're going to be a daddy."

"Not once did you stop to ask yourself if you were the dad?"

" You just accepted it from a whore. A whore who thought if she gave you a child you would marry her. But you didn’t. Why was that?"

" Did something inside you tell you that you weren’t sure you were the father?"

Mom said. "Keep your whores away from the clubhouse and your Valkyrie close to your heart. Never get a whore pregnant and if you do. take your child and raise it with your woman. You messed up Dreamer. Messed up bad."

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