
Chapter 19

It was working, slowly but surely. Rumors have started spreading around, many women have begun to rebel. Women were refusing to mate with their mates, many are refusing to breed, others are dropping their mate duties. The werewolf nation was starting to crumble. Men were beginning to realize just the importance of their mate. Others have sided with the women and calls were coming in from Alpha packs demanding Thaddeus to repair the issue.

However, Thaddeus has his own personal issues to deal with now as his own mate was also rebelling against him. His issue with Katana was temporarily forgotten.

Troy and Isaac have become fast friends with the royal guards and learned quickly the shifts. Armed with the information that Kieran required from them, they headed back. Xavier with his smoothness was able to woo some maid servants to swipe the dungeon keys off some guards and handing it over to Xavier. It didn’t take long before Kieran put the plan into action.

They had to do it at night, when Thaddeus was asleep. The last guard shift change until the next morning. The dungeon will be empty for five minutes and five minutes was all they had to free Katana.

Isaac and Troy acted as lookouts while Kieran and Xavier entered the dungeon. Kieran’s heart galloped at a crazy speed as each step he took brought him closer to his mate. Anticipation and the thrill of freeing his mate was the only adrenaline rush he needed.

When the door opened, Katana looked up. She appeared to look weaker than the last time Kieran has seen her. Her once healthy body now lost its weight. His heart felt like someone stabbed it with a knife. Xavier moved to unlock the chains from Katana’s wrists, freeing her completely.

Kieran was by her side in a matter of seconds, scooping her frail body into his arms. She rested her head against his chest and her eyes fluttered weakly. He swallowed the lump in his throat. It was so hard to see Katana like this. Kieran was used to seeing her so strong with a playfulness in her eyes. Now, she was an entirely different woman. Her eyes held so much pain and it ripped his heart into shred. His body ached with an emotional pain that seem to roll in fast waves.

“You will be okay.” He murmured and kissed her forehead.

“Are we leaving?” She asked in a hopeful voice.

He smiled softly down at her. “I promise to come for you, didn’t I? You and I are getting out of this hell hole.”

She smiled weakly and he brought her body tighter to his. Xavier threw a warm blanket over Katana’s body as they quickly made their way out. According to a night shift maid servant, there is a secret door that leads out of the palace. Luckily enough, it was located in the dungeon.

Troy and Isaac met them at the entrance before Xavier led them down another dark corridor. Their five minutes were slowly ticking down as Xavier opened up another dungeon room that seemed to be empty for years. In there, he walked to the opposite wall and began feeling the cool concrete wall.

“It should be right here.” He mumbled as he felt around.

After a few seconds, Troy spoke up. “Dude, hate to break it to you but we are running out of time.”

“I know!” Xavier growled.

“Here let me help you.” Isaac offered as he walked over quickly and started feeling the wall along with Xavier. Troy kept a lookout for the night guards to come.

A few moments later, Xavier whispered shouted in excitement. He has found the exit. Unfortunately, the guards were beginning to come in. Troy closed the door quickly, locking them inside the dungeon and earning them more time to escape.

Katana remained silent in her mate’s arms. She was content in the warmth of his body. For days, she has only the comfort of the cold dungeon room she was in. Now, she felt like she was in heaven as she breathed in his scent. He tightened his arms around her and placed another kissed to her temple as they made their way toward the exit.

“Where would we go? We can’t live with our kind any longer.” Katana whispered sadly. “Will I ever get to see my father again?”

Kieran knew the answer and he knew that if he answered her she will be even more heart broken. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t be the one to give her the bad news not yet. Their plan was to escape and head to human territory where supernaturals tend to stay away from.

It will be a long run but he had to make it-for her sake. He needed to save her.

“One step a time, Katana.” He replied.

She seemed to have let it go and he breathed a sigh of relief. They walked down the dark passage, barely seeing anything but enough to make out the outline of the passage. It seemed like forever until they finally reached the end of the passage. Xavier felt around for a lever to open the door that will lead them out of the royal palace.

When he opened the door though and they filed out into the night sky, Kieran was surprised to see that his uncle stood there with several guards.

“What do you think you are doing, Kieran?” Thaddeus growled. “When I heard of this, I didn’t believe it at first but I couldn’t risk it. How can you betray me like this? I raised you like my own son!”

Kieran handed Katana over to Xavier. Isaac and Troy moved to block Katana from their view. Their intention was clear. They were going to protect her and anyone trying to get to her will have to get through them first.

Kieran walked a few steps ahead also blocking Katana from his uncle. “I will not allow you to hurt her.”

“I told you not to not disobey my decision! She is a criminal!” Thaddeus snarled.

“She is my mate!” Kieran roared, the veins on his neck now visible as his anger matched his uncle’s.

Surprised flashed through Thaddeus’s eyes before he quickly masked it and an emotionless façade replaced it. His postured straightened to exert his position.

“I am the Alpha King. Regardless if she is your mate or not, she has committed a crime and she will have to face the penalty. You can be mated to Belen’s daughter as we proposed earlier. You will not be escaping with the criminal behind you.” Thaddeus refused to listen.

“How cruel can you be?” Kieran hissed. “You are my uncle. The only family I have left and I have respected you for so many years! I never question your rule. I did as you ordered. I joined the army and fought for you!”

Thaddeus’s jaw ticked. “You are not being reasonable! This right here has to stop! I am protecting you, Kieran! This is the law and it will be enforced! I will be damned if I let it go! It has always been this way! Women are inferior. They should-”

“This is not the old days! We are creatures that have threats at every corner. Joining together regardless of the sex is the only thing that will keep our nation alive!” Kieran angrily spat back. Thaddeus took a step forward and Kieran followed suit.

The tension in the air grew. The power they both exert brought everyone nearby to their knees. No one dared to look up as the two royals face off. Kieran and Thaddeus circled each other. Their eyes mirrored their rage-black as the night around them.

“I see that you will not be following my commands.” Thaddeus announced.

Kieran lips thinned. “I will not be following your command, uncle. If this is your decision and you refuse to heed anyone’s advices, I will be leaving.”

“If you step one foot of this ground, you will be hunted.” Thaddeus threatened. “Your mate will die before she could even move.”

Kieran growled dangerously at his uncle’s threat. “Then you leave me no choice.”

In all of werewolf history, there was never a time an Alpha King has been issued a challenge to rule. This was a moment of history that was unheard of. Thaddeus snarled in anger at his nephew’s issued challenge.

“You dare challenge me?” He sneered.

“I am of royal bloodline. I have n right to challenge your position. You ruled this nation with a blind eye. You refused to listen to reasoning. You viewed other as your enemies when they should be your allies. You look at your sisters and mothers as weakling when they deserve to be looked at as your equal.” Kieran growled, power rolling off his body as he circled his uncle--the man who raised him. “If I beat you, uncle, it is not because I am power hungry. It is because I am fighting for what I believe in.”

And with that, the two royals shifted into their wolves-launching their majestic bodies at each other.

It was a moment in history...that will change the life of every werewolf in the world.

Author’s Note:

Last update for today. I will imagine 3-4 chapters left but who knows. I am not even sure myself. :) Enjoy!

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