
Chapter 14

Author’s Thought of the Day:

Do you like first person point of view or third person of view when reading a book? Why?


Kieran was sitting on a log when she made it to where he told her he will be. His back was towards her and he looked to be deep in thought. She walked over and saw how he wore a distant look on his face. It was as if he was far away somewhere. When he heard her, he blinked and gone was the distant look. He half smiled at her before standing up.

The months she had spent here with Kieran and everyone else, she has learned so much about men. Most of it she could do without knowing but at the same time she came to a realization they are not much different from women. They crave a family and love. They yearn to be accepted and understood.

He walked over to her with his hands shoved into his pockets. Her heart seems to always race when he was near. She knew that she has fallen for him. How could she not? He made damn sure she stuck by his side almost all day. Most of the time, she spent cleaning his bedroom and office but he always seemed to have found time to come watch her and tease her.

At first, she thought he just wanted to harass her but honestly he was a genuine man. He could be an ass but he has never hurt her before. She wondered if he had feelings for her the way she felt for him. Could he really love her if she was a boy and if he found she was a girl would he leave her?

It was all so confusing and puzzling. She has been avoiding this question for a while now but now standing in front of him and on the edge of going to war. She never felt such a strong urge to tell him until now. She wanted to come clean and spit it out but each time she opened her mouth, her father’s face flashed in her mind. She had someone to protect.

“Your mind is working over time.” He said softly. She blinked and realized she was staring at his face intently.

Looking away she apologized, “I’m sorry. I was just thinking.”

“About?” He asked, she can hear the hopeful tone in his voice.

“Nothing.” She responded and his face fell a little. The painful tug in her chest only tugged harder upon seeing him looking so sullen.

“What did you want to show me?” She asked, changing the subject for the both of them.

He half smiled again before taking one hand out of his pocket and taking hold of her hand. The warm tingles that her mate extruded from that one touch always seems to bring a comfort between the both of them. Slowly, he led them to the fallen log and directed her to sit while he knelt down in front of her. Her eyebrows arched in question and the corner of his lips lifted.

She was amazed at how lucky she was to have Kieran as her mate. He was strong, fierce, and extremely handsome. The strong structures of his cheekbones to his jaw line and even the defined full lips of his were fascinating to her. She wanted to run her fingers down his features-memorize everything to heart but it will be too forward of her. He was so close to her as he knelt before she could see the dark amber color in his eyes with slight shards of gold-distinctive and captivating.

“Katana.” He whispered her name and her heart tugged harder.

Her eyes sought for something in his but he wore his emotions well. He moved to take hold of both of her hands in his and looked at it. Her gaze dropped at the same time to look. Her hands were small in his big calloused hands. Months of training, her hands were not as soft as they use to be. They were almost as calloused as his. He squeezed her hands tightly to get her attention again.

“There is so much I want to say.” He spoke again and she can hear the sadness in his voice.

“Are you okay?” She asked. He chuckled a little at her response before meeting her eyes again. A gleam of amusement was apparent in his amber gold eyes.

“There is so much I want to say but I can’t say it. Katana, you are an amazing warrior. I want you to know that. We met under crazy circumstances but even under all this, there is a truth that you and I can’t deny.” He said and looked back down at my hands. He lifted it up and kissed the back of it. His soft lips caused electric currents to pass through my veins awakening a desire inside of me.

“I want to say that I accept you, Katana. I accept all of you. I don’t care what you are or what you did. I accept you as my mate.” He announced and Katana’s heart sped like lightening. Her wolf jumped around in her mind and she couldn’t stop the smile that spread on her face.

He chuckled again before letting go of her hand and reaching into his left pocket, pulling out a silver necklace with an amulet hanging off from it. He placed into his palm and she took the time to examine the amulet.

It was circular with intricate designs placed on top of it. Diamonds were carefully placed around the circular amulet and in the middle was a royal stone. Her eyebrows crinkled in confusion because her mate wasn’t a royal or at least as far as she knew. He let go of her hands completely and her hands fell to her lap as he moved in between her legs.

His eyes found hers and she seemed to be captured again by the dark hazy emotions that passed through those amber gold orbs. There was so many emotions swirling around it were so hard to understand or decipher any of them but even then she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

His hands came up and around her neck as he hooked the necklace. When he pulled back she looked down at the amulet that now was placed over her chest.

“It’s mine.” He said. “I can’t mark you now but I want you to know that you are mine and that I accept you. This amulet is a symbol of what we are.”

Her heart melted and she felt tears brim her eyes. It was all too much. Why was he being so caring? She wanted to fight him off. She wanted to complete this mission without feeling like this. Her heart was completely torn and at the same time she was falling in love with him so quickly she couldn’t stop to breathe.

“I don’t know what to say.” She whispered hoarsely and looked back up at him. Tears streamed down her face like a waterfall. She couldn’t stop it from running.

He moved to cup her cheeks in his hands and used his thumbs to brush away her tears. She closed her eyes tightly afraid that she will give away the truth. Biting her lips hard she refused to open her eyes to look at him. She needed to contain her emotions, control them. She couldn’t allow risking her father’s life and reputation and at the same time disappointing her mate for lying to him repeatedly. Her lies have gone so deep, she felt like it was a whole she could never crawl out of it.

“Say that you will be mine.” He said and a sob left her lips. How can she say she will be his? She was a liar. She lied to the one person she was destined to be with. She sobbed harder, so hard that her body shook.

“Katana, please.” He begged and she could hear the pain in his voice. He lifted her face but she refuse to open her eyes-too afraid to look at him.

His lips grazed hers and her breath hitched a little. He kissed the tears that were streaming down her cheeks before falling back to her lips where he sucked on her lower lips. She kissed him back.

She let him know through the kiss what her lips won’t say out loud--how much she loved him, how much he meant to her, and that she was all his. Her hands came up to cup his cheeks as she deepened the kiss. The kiss was desperate and unrestrained. He made a throaty sound in the back of his throat as his hands came to rest on her hips, squeezing it tightly in his grasp.

She slowly pulled back from the kiss and finally opened her eyes to meet his. They were dark with desire and held almost a knowing look as if he knew what she said in that kiss.

“I am a coward.” She breathed in silent defeat.

“No you aren’t.” He replied immediately.

“You will hate me.” She murmured quietly and looked down at the ground.

“I can never hate you, Katana.” He responded to her as he placed his fingers underneath her chin to lift her eyes to meet his.

“I can never hate you because you are mine. You will always be mine.” He confirmed with confidence.

Katana knew for a fact and in this moment that she was in love with Kieran. After all this was over, she was going to tell him the truth and if he hates her after then she deserved it. She won’t be able to live with herself if she didn’t tell him at all.

A silent promise to tell him the truth...

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