Kaden's Luna

Chapter 16 - Burgers and Bowling

“Do you have to go?” Kaden grumbles, getting into the driver’s seat with a frown.

“For the hundredth time, yes.” I giggle at his antics, placing my bag down beside my feet.

He sighs heavily before nodding, starting the engine and turning the car to face the dirt road we had come from yesterday. I had woken up to sunlight streaming in through the glass panes of the doors leading out to the balcony, the sound of birds chirping outside as if to say good morning.

After forcing myself to get out of Kaden’s comfy bed, we had enjoyed breakfast. He convinced me to stay until the afternoon and we played Scrabble, Jenga and lots of card games before having lunch. I enjoyed my time there and as we drove further away, I wished to be back in the small home. Everything is simpler here; peaceful. I feel like I have no worries when I am with Kaden.

Sighing, I watch the familiar houses pass by and eventually we reach the clearing in the road. Kaden turns onto the path that would take us back to the main road, miles of land surrounding us as we drive past.

We had been sitting in silence with me observing the scenery outside when my phone vibrated. Hastily, I take it out of my bag and unlock it, seeing I have received a text from Eva.

Eva: Hey, where are you? Did you come home last night?

Luna: Hi! I’m just on my way to Uni, you? No, I stayed over at Kaden’s place since it was quite late.

Eva: Girl, I expect details when I see you!

I blush, knowing I’m in for the longest interrogation of my life once she sees me at college. Maybe I can hide…wait…no, we have two classes together. Well, shit.

Luna: It’s not like that, we didn’t do anything.

Eva: But you wish you did though.

And now my cheeks feel like they’re on fire. Thanks, Eva.

Luna: Shut up. I’ll meet you in class!

Eva: We aren’t done here.

I groan softly, shoving my phone back into my coat pocket. The car slows down to a stop at a junction and I notice Kaden looking at me with concern, causing me to smile at him reassuringly. He nods before accelerating, we still have forty-five minutes to go before we enter the city.

“Do you have to work today?” He asks after a long period of silence, making me turn to look at him.

“Nope, I only have classes today until five.”

“What are you doing after?” He asks, glancing at me before turning his attention back on the road again.

“I didn’t make any plans really, maybe my friends will think of something.” I shrug, thinking about what to do after I finish. Maybe work on some assignments and reports.

Kaden opens his mouth to say something but thought otherwise and remains quiet. My gaze slid to his hand on the steering wheel, watching as his knuckles turn white with how hard he is gripping it. I want to ask if he is okay but keep quiet.

As I step out of the car, I grab my bag before closing the door. Glancing towards the entrance to the main building, I spot Eva by the stairs and nearly groan. My nervous expression immediately vanishes as our eyes connect and she sends me a cheeky grin, mischief and excitement in her eyes. I curse mentally, glaring at her in return.

I turn back to look at Kaden, who is now leaning against the hood of his Mustang. A few curious stares are thrown our way but I pay no mind, this isn’t high school that I should worry about anybody starting rumours or judging me.

Kaden is still silent and observing the campus with narrowed eyes, taking in the students milling about. I step up to stand in front of him, blocking him from others. His ocean blue eyes stare directly into my dark browns, igniting a small flame within me.

“What are you doing later?” I ask suddenly, his eyes lighting up in surprise.

“Nothing really, why?” He questions, crossing his arms as he stares at my nervous figure that refuses to meet his gaze.

“Um…I was wondering if you would like to hang out after I finish class? Only if you want to that is! I-It’s not like you have to or anything.” I bit my lip anxiously, tucking an annoying strand of hair behind my ear.

A few seconds pass in silence and I mentally wince at the blatant rejection waiting for me. Why did I even ask, much less hope that he would want to spend more time together? I mean, yes, we’ve been on a few dates but that doesn’t necessarily mean - Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I’m brought out of my mental rambling when I’m pulled forward suddenly to stand in between his legs, his hands intertwining to rest on my lower back. I blush furiously at the position, smacking his arm when he laughs loudly at my reaction, making everyone passing by turn to look at us. He grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles softly.

“I’d love to, Luna. In fact, I wanted to ask you the same thing but I didn’t think you would want to spend more time with me after staying last night and today.” He admits, shrugging when I frown at him.

“Why would you think that?”

He opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by Eva shouting my name as she walks closer. I turn to look at her signalling to her watch and waving at me to follow, it is only then that I notice we have five minutes to get to class and it is at the end of the building.

“Crap, I’ve got to go.” I mutter, taking the folder and notebook out of my bag before swinging it onto my shoulder.

“I’ll pick you up at five okay?” Kaden murmurs, pushing off the hood of the car to stand.

I nod, grinning widely before I bid goodbye and step away, ready to rush off to class before I became late. But before I can turn, Kaden pulls me back by my arm and presses his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. I close my eyes, savouring the moment before he pulls away.

“See you soon, little Luna.” He whispers with a soft grin, making me blush and nod at him before finally turning around and walking towards the entrance.

I walk up to Eva, silently dreading our inevitable conversation with each step I take. When I’m within reach, she grabs my arm with an excited squeal making me hush her with wide eyes. She drags me into the building chattering on about how Kaden is the perfect man for me, even though I profusely told her that we are taking it slow and she didn’t need to plan a whole wedding or anything. With Eva, you could never be too sure.

I turn slightly to see Kaden standing there with an amused smile as he watched us walk away. I wondered what he found so funny.

I make my way over to Kaden in the car park a little after five o’clock, feeling butterflies in my tummy with every step I take in his direction. I don’t know if I was ever going to stop feeling so strongly when it concerned him.

“Hi.” I came to a stop before him.

“Hey, you.” He greets in return as he stands, his eyes scanning my figure before our eyes meet again. “Ready to go?”

I nod, walking over to the door and getting in the passenger seat. Kaden and I strap on our seatbelts before he starts the engine making me grin at the growl of the exhaust. He drives out of the parking lot and turns left at the gates, which lead to the city centre. My curiosity peaks as I set my bag down beside my feet.

“Where are we going?” I ask, watching many buildings pass by from the window.

“I was thinking bowling first and then some food?”

“I can’t wait!” I grin, leaning back in my seat as he intertwined our hands.

As he drove down the busy streets of Berlin, I gaze out the window. People walked by in both directions, busy in their own lives. An ice-cream vendor is handing a chocolate cone to a little boy, a group of teenage girls are exiting a store with shopping bags while a couple sat on a bench nearby eating their lunch.

I glance back at Kaden again, taking in his relaxed features as he ran his free hand through his hair. He is dressed immaculately in a denim button down shirt and black jeans while I wore a simple t-shirt tucked into my boyfriend jeans with my god knows how old sneakers. Yeah, I didn’t believe this was real, sometimes I even had to pinch myself.

I’m brought out of my thoughts when Kaden brings the car to a halt and parks outside a bowling alley. Cheering in excitement, I grab my bag and hop out of the car. “I have been wanting to go bowling for ages!”

“Well, I’m glad I fulfilled your wish.” He grins, grabbing my hand as we make our way inside.

I stare around in awe at how utterly cool this place looks on the inside. There are two snooker tables off to the side, arcade games, basketball shooting games, a small cafe, a door to the side for laser tag and a massive bowling alley at the back. The walls are decorated with neon lights and pictures.

Kaden guided me to the counter and I took out my purse, opening it and seeing if I have enough change. A hand took my purse away making me cry out and look up at Kaden in confusion as he closes it and puts it back in my bag.

He only shakes his head in reply, paying the woman before turning to me. “Lane three.”

“You didn’t have to pay for the both of us, I have money.” I frown as he grabs my hand again.

“I don’t mind, Luna. And besides, I won’t let you pay when I’m around.” He smiles, entering our names into the tablet before walking over to me.

“But -”

“No more arguing, let’s play.” He states with finality, grabbing a green bowling ball.

Sighing heavily, I nod and watch as he bowls, my jaw dropping in amazement as he lands a strike on his very first go. He turns and grabs a red ball, bowling it and I watch it roll with speed and crash into the pins, all of them falling to the ground.

“I’m going to lose, aren’t I?” I sigh, rolling my eyes with a smile when I see his cheeky grin.

“Who said you were going to beat me in the first place?” Kaden teases, leaning against the table I have put my bag on as I pick up an orange ball.

Shaking my head, I turn and bowl, watching as it rolls down the lane and hits 8 pins. I grab a purple bowling ball next and see that the two pins I must knock down are nowhere near each other. Glaring playfully at Kaden who snickered at my dilemma, I huff and aim for the pin on the right before bowling.

I watch as it rolls before crying out in disappointment when it lands in the gutter. Kaden laughs with glee as he moves forward to take his turn, gaining full points again.

I smile softly when he cheers, the sight of him happy causing butterflies to run rampant in my tummy. We play on with Kaden winning the first and second round. But on the very last round, a group of men beside us start to whistle and catcall, talking in vulgar terms. I ignore them, knowing that they are drunk.

Kaden, however, notices and stops bowling when two men stumble over to me. One of them grabs my waist and I struggle to push him off me with how heavy he is. Before I can blink, Kaden has thrown him off me and I watch with wide eyes as he slams into the table behind us.

“What the f*ck man!” The drunk guy bellows, catching the attention of others.

“Kaden!” I shriek when he punches him so hard that the man falls right off the table.

I see him bleeding and immediately run over to stop him, placing my hands on his chest before he could cause more harm. Just as I have convinced him to leave, one of the men who walked over earlier pulls me back.

“Once you’re done f*cking him, think I could get a turn?” He slurs before him and his friends erupt into laughter.

I pull back my arm and punch him as hard as I can, satisfied when I hear the crunch of his nose and the blood coating his skin immediately. He roars in pain and takes a step towards me, but before he can touch me, Kaden has thrown him away so that he lands on the bowling strip.

The owner rushes up to us and I zone out as he and Kaden talk, clutching my hand to my chest. He wraps his arm around my waist and holds me close as we exit the building, getting into the car. I whimper as I put on the seatbelt, looking down at my hand because of the sharp pain I felt.

“Kaden…” I trail off softly, glancing up at him.

“What is it, angel?” He growls out as he drives onto the street, his body still shaking in anger.

“Um…my hand really hurts.” I whisper, watching as he stops at a red light before taking hold of it.

I cry out in pain when he presses down slightly on my thumb and knuckles, hearing him snarl inhumanely. His blue eyes are full of worry as he looks back up at me, cupping my face.

“Did you punch him with your thumb inside your fist?”

“Oh…yeah.” I sheepishly reply, biting my lip when he curses and steps down on the accelerator when the light turns green.

“You punch with your thumb outside, who doesn’t know that?!” He growls at me, honking at a slow car.

“I forgot! This isn’t my fault!” I protest, wincing when he cursed at every driver on the road.

“If you had let me handle them then you wouldn’t be hurt right now!” He glares at me in an accusatory manner but I could see that he is panicked and worried right now more than angry.

“I-I…just shut up and hurry.” I huff, frustrated that he is right.

“Almost there, baby. Hang on, okay.” He reassures me, distracted by the oncoming traffic as he takes a turn.

He drives as fast as he can and soon, we are pulling up to a hospital. Kaden refuses to let go of me while we are in the waiting room, making me sit on his lap whilst I blush at the stares we receive. The whole time I am being examined, Kaden growls angrily at the nurses and doctor every time I cry out in pain.

The doctor says that I am lucky that I don’t have any fractures but I would have to rest my hand for a two to three weeks. I walk out of the hospital, tucked into the side of Kaden’s body as he guides me towards the car whilst I ice my hand with the ice pack the doctor had given me, carrying pain medication I was prescribed.

He helps me put my seatbelt on and makes sure I’m comfortable before getting into the car and driving away from the hospital.

“Are you hungry?” He suddenly asks, glancing over at me.

“Kind of, you?”

“Starving. I know this great place for food, we’ll go there.” He replies as he drives away from the city and onto the narrow roads, a much quieter place from the hustle and bustle of town. It is seven p.m. now and night has started to fall with less people out and about and driving home from work.

Our destination isn’t too far. In fact, it was only 20 minutes away and soon we are pulling up to a large diner with many cars parked outside it. I smile at how cosy it seems and hop out, meeting Kaden at the front of his car. We walk up to the retro looking building called ‘Rosie’s.’ I can see that a lot of people love this place from how busy it is right now.

As Kaden opens the door and ushers me inside and away from the cold, I sigh in content over the smell of food. There is loud chatter flowing and waiters rushing around with plates of food, children standing up on their seats and a group of school kids having a good laugh with their friends as they munch on some burgers.

I feel Kaden’s hand at the small of my back as he pushes me along, leading me to a window side booth at the end. He helps me remove my coat since the place is quite warm and makes me sit next to him, leaving the other side of the booth empty. I smile at how caring he is when he tells me that he’ll help me eat. He grabs a menu, and I lean forward to look at all the options.

“Everything sounds so good.” I murmur, wondering what I should go for.

“The burgers are amazing here if you want to try that.” Kaden suggests, making me nod as I scan the options.

Before I can reply, an elderly lady comes up to our table and pulls out a notepad. “What’ll it be darlings?”

She looks up and her forest green eyes brighten. “Kaden! It’s been so long, you starting to forget about ol’ Rosie?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it!” He grins cheekily, chuckling when Rosie swats his arm.

“And who is this pretty lady?” She smiles warmly at me, making me return the gesture and wave with my good hand.

“Hi, I’m Luna. It’s very nice to meet you.” I greet, glancing from Kaden to Rosie.

“Aw, aren’t you just a sweetheart. You only went and got yourself a girlfriend and I’m finding out now, Kaden?” She turns to frown at him, a stern look in her eyes.

I choke on air and cough, looking at Kaden with wide eyes when he shakes his head in amusement, a devilish smirk on his lips.

“Oh, I know young love when I see it!” Rosie smiles fondly, waving my protests off with her hand. “Me and Edward, my husband, were high school sweethearts. Kaden knows this story don’t you dear? We’ve been together for forty something years now. He gets on my nerves sometimes I’ll tell you that but Ed’s still a – oh I’m rambling on! What will you both have?”

Kaden chuckles lowly before nodding at me to go ahead. The happy glint in his eyes tells me he doesn’t mind Rosie’s ramblings too much and is never one to interrupt her while she reminisced.

“I’ll just have a cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake please.” I smile, handing back the menu.

“I’ll have my usual with water please.” Kaden states, thanking Rosie as she takes the menu off him and walks away.

We watch Rosie leave, loudly greeting other customers and asking them if they are enjoying their meal or if they need anything else. I smile and look back to Kaden, who is holding my injured hand very gently.

“She’s really sweet.”

He nods, a fond look in his eyes as he stares out the window. “I’ve known her ever since I moved to Berlin. This was the first place I came for food when I got bored of ramen noodles.”

I laugh at the face he makes, swirling the salt shaker as something to do while we wait. “Where did you move from, if you don’t mind me asking?”

At the same time, a waiter places our drinks on the table. I take a sip of my chocolate milkshake and close my eyes in sweet bliss. It’s light and not overly sweet; just how I like it. They have also added toppings such as whipped cream, chocolate syrup and a cherry on top which I pop into my mouth.

“New York. I was born in Chicago but didn’t stay there for long. What about you?”

“Amsterdam, born and raised.” I smile as I am pulled closer to his side, shyly avoiding the intensity of his gaze.

“Really? That’s on my list of places I have yet to visit.” Kaden exclaims, glancing to his left to see Rosie approaching.

“You should, it’s a great place.”

“Maybe you could show me around?” He winks playfully, making me chuckle and nod in agreement.

“Of course.” I reply, just as Rosie set our plates down on the table.

I thank her and pop a chip into my mouth before glancing up to see her setting down Kaden’s plate. My jaw drops and I gape at the sight of Kaden’s meal; two double half pounder burgers that were larger than my hand itself!

He notices me staring and smirks boyishly. “What? I’m a growing man.”

“And I’m a growing girl but it only takes a cheeseburger to fill me up.” I roll my eyes when he laughs out loud, his eyes brightening in amusement.

He immediately frowns when I try to pick my burger up, scolding me as he holds it up to my mouth. Kaden pays more attention to me that evening than his own meal. As I bite into it I think about how much I love spending time with him. From bowling to a trip to the hospital and then burgers, there was never a dull moment.

I’m starting to fall for him and I only hope he is too.

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