Kaden's Luna

Chapter 15 - Safe Haven

December is now here and everything is moving much too fast for my liking. There are deadlines I need to meet, exam stress along with working at the hospital which doesn’t allow me to study as much as I would like.

On a late Tuesday evening, I walk out of the hospital with a sigh, stopping short when I notice Kaden leaning against the hood of his Mustang. He notices me and straightens up, waving me over. I make my way over to him with a confused frown, wondering what he is doing here.

“Hey…I told you I’m getting the bus.”

“I want to show you something so I came to pick you up. Shall we go?” He asks, making me look at him sceptically before nodding.

I get into the car before he starts the engine and reverses out of the parking space, heading down to the main road. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” He murmurs, glancing at me from the corner of his eye with a small smile.

I nod and let it be, leaning against the seat so I can rest my tired muscles. Today has been hectic at the hospital and I’m craving a relaxing bath to soothe my exhausted limbs.

“How was your day?” I ask, sighing in content when the car warms up.

“It was good. I finally got the project with that big company I was talking about the other day.” He replies, taking a left at a junction.

“Oh my god, that’s amazing Kaden! I’m so happy for you!”

“I should be thanking you Luna.” He laughs, turning into a narrow street. “I couldn’t have done it without your advice, they loved how much I talked about my job and what plans I had to collaborate with others. So, thank you.”

“Oh, I’m glad I was of some help then.” I smile, letting him curl his hand around my thigh as he relaxes in his seat.

I’m glad I decided to wear jeans today because his hand is emanating heat onto my leg, which would have had me overwhelmed if I was in tights or something. I ignore the giddy feeling and I realise with a start that I’m so used to it now.

I look out the window to see that we are now on the outskirts of Berlin, the green fields and countryside views greeting my line of vision. I spot some animals in the fields here and there but other than that it’s all vibrant green grass.

“How was work?” Kaden suddenly asks, catching my attention.

“Hmm, oh! It was okay, a bit tiring since I was in the A&E for the whole day instead of spending half my time there and the other half at reception.” I reply, resting my hand on top of his.

“It must be tough just on your feet all day tending to patients.” He muses, a slight frown on his lips.

I shrug half-heartedly and nod. “It is…but, it’s worth it.”

“You’re very passionate about nursing.” He smiles, the overhanging trees casting a shadow on his face as we pass under them.

“I just want to help people become healthier again because everyone needs to be taken care of, whether they are going through something as small as a fracture that can heal easily or a long-term illness that takes time.” I play with his fingers absentmindedly. “I want to help doctors save lives…even though sometimes it’s not possible, I still want to contribute in some way, whether that involves bringing patients their food or fluffing their pillows or just talking to them when they are lonely.”

“You’ll be a great nurse Luna, I’m sure of it.” He squeezes my hand, making me smile in gratitude.

I thank him, feeling happy that there is someone who believes I can do this other than my parents and friends. It feels nice that Kaden is so supportive and understanding. I hope I can be that kind of person for him too.

We have been driving for an hour now and just as I am about to ask another ‘are we there yet?’ for the umpteenth time, we veer off onto a dirt track surrounded by trees and shrubs. The path eventually smooths out and a thick canopy of trees shades us from the sun as we drive further. The scenery blurs into a mass of green as we speed down the road and I wonder where he is taking me.

I glance at him in curiosity to which his lips quirk in amusement. Letting out a low sigh, I turn to fix my gaze to the window, choosing to occupy my mind with the passing scenery of the countryside we have been driving through.

Eventually, we reach a clearing where there are two paths leading in opposite directions. Kaden swiftly turns left and drives on in silence. I sit up straighter from my slouched position and watch as we pass houses, each built a far distance away from the next.

It is around six p.m. when we finally stop outside a line of trees, approximately an hour’s drive from the town centre. I frown, wondering why we have stopped here as Kaden unbuckles his seatbelt and steps out. Following, I unbuckle mine and hop out of the car also, meeting him by the treeline.

“Why are we here?” I ask, looking around the area where not a house nor a person can be seen.

“You’ll see.” He smiles, gesturing for me to follow him as he walks through a reasonable space between two trees.

Sceptically, I walk past the trees after him only to look ahead in stunned silence. Before me stands a house, hidden from everyone’s view, it’s like a small world of its own. I suddenly became aware of Kaden’s presence and look at him to find his eyes already on me. Blushing, I turn my gaze towards the house again.

“I-Is this yours?” I ask, my eyes taking in every inch of the view before me.

“Yes…do you want to come inside?” He asks, walking ahead of me on a path of large stepping stones.

I nod before realising that he couldn’t see me. I follow Kaden as he makes his way to the quaint, wooden house. A garden surrounds the house, vibrant flowers blooming under the evening sun making me smile widely. I glance up to see Kaden waiting for me by the front door, a soft look in his eyes. Hurrying, I pass the stack of woods to my right and climb the stairs, halting right in front of him.

Unlocking the door, he opens it and lets me inside. I’m instantly greeted by an open space that is made into a living room and a kitchen at the back. The living room screams masculinity with its edgy décor but the kitchen is quite cute and remains neutral as opposed to the theme Kaden has set. There are beams on the rooftop that Kaden has smartly put to good use by draping and weaving thick ropes attached with lightbulbs.

As we move further down the room, I can see large, double doors leading out to a patio containing two chairs with a small coffee table between them. As Kaden smiles and opens the doors, I venture outside to discover there is also a metal table with matching chairs to the side. Plant pots are placed by the beams holding up the canopy over the patio. To my left is the entrance where we came from and to my right is a long, brick wall with a fireplace embedded into it. Small lights line the curve of the hardwood, separating it from the thick, green grass.

“It’s not much but it’s mine.” He states, awkward suddenly. He looks around the place rubbing the back of his neck.

“Wow.” Is all I can mutter, amazed by how quaint and homey it is.

The view is what has me completely sold. The patio looks out over a cliff, a river flowing beneath with the sound of water crashing into the rocks in its path. I love how nature surrounds us in a mass beautiful, vibrant colors.

Kaden must have taken it the wrong way, thinking I don’t approve of his home. “I know it’s small and -”

“Perfect.” I breathe at the same time he spoke up again, causing him to halt and stare at me with wide eyes swimming in disbelief.

“Y-You like it?” He murmurs, flabbergasted while I walk around the downstairs portion.

I turn slightly towards him to shoot him a quizzical look. “I cannot imagine anyone hating this Kaden. It’s the perfect haven, just the right size and peaceful. I could live here forever!”

He mumbles something under his breath, too quiet for me to hear. Ignoring his burning gaze that follows me around, I lean slightly to see the sun setting in the distance. The colors are magnificent and my breath hitches as I watch the orange hue darken before my very eyes.

“Come, I’ll show you upstairs.” Kaden murmurs, nodding for me to follow.

I grin and climb up the stairs after him. The stairs lead to a narrow hallway and I follow him as he turns left, entering a room which I assume is his bedroom as there are only three doors on this floor. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

His bedroom is nice and cozy, a double bed with pillows stacked against the dark wood headboard. A fur throw lay on his bed above the duvet and upon closer inspection I assume it is the actual fur of an animal. The thought makes me shiver slightly. I divert my attention to the antlers above the bed before gazing at the doors that lead to the balcony. Both have glass panes in them like downstairs, allowing me to see outside.

I’m quite jealous of Kaden waking up to a beautiful sunrise every morning and falling asleep to an equally breath-taking sunset every night. His home is simple and appreciative of little things, the focus being nature.

“I’m going to make some hot chocolate, join me downstairs when you are ready okay?” I hear him say, humming absentmindedly in reply as I stare at the setting sun.

I open the doors of the balcony and step outside, inhaling the fresh air as I grip the railing. The view from here is spectacular compared to downstairs. I can see the river flowing beneath us much more clearly now, too afraid to wander close to the edge of the cliff when I was downstairs. The trees sway slightly in the gentle breeze, birds returning to their nests as the sky turns darker.

I stay up on the balcony until the sun has become a semi-circle and I can only see half of it, even when I stood on my tiptoes. Feeling incredibly peaceful, I make my way downstairs and find Kaden topping the hot chocolate with tiny, white marshmallows.

He looks up to the sound of my footsteps as I reach the bottom, thanking him as I grab the mug. He guides me outside and sits down on the chair with me following suit. I sigh in content as the chair rocks gently, taking a hesitant sip of the hot coco only to find it burning hot. Hissing, I let out a giggle when Kaden chuckles at my actions.

“So…you like simple things – I’m assuming!” He hurriedly adds at the end once he notices my stare.

I smile at how panicked he seems at the thought of upsetting me. “You assumed right. I don’t care for materialistic things. I believe that if a person is happy then that’s all that matters.”

He hums lowly in reply, ocean blue eyes looking out into the distance as he sips on his hot chocolate, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. I blush at the thoughts running wild in my head, hastily looking away to calm myself. Glancing back when he remained quiet for a long while, I observe his slouched posture and the dark bags under his eyes.

“Have you not had a good night’s sleep lately?” I blurt out, worried about his health suddenly. I have no idea where this was coming from.

“Why? Are you going to take care of me if I say no, little Luna?” He turns to face me with a boyish smirk on his lips, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he set his mug down on the coffee table.

Yes.’ I think to myself before frowning in confusion at Kaden, who starts laughing loudly.

He stands up suddenly and holds out his hand, making me stare at it and back up at him in a perplexed manner. “Um…what?”

“Come on, you said you’d take care of me.”

“When did I…oh crap.” I trail off with wide eyes, I really did say that out loud didn’t I? “Kaden wait…I-I didn’t mean -”

He ignores my protests and pulls me up, making me set the mug of half-finished hot chocolate down on the kitchen counter. He locks the doors leading out to the patio before dragging me upstairs, stating that the front door self-locks when I raise my alarm at leaving it unlocked.

“Kaden…I need to go back home. It’s getting late.” I press on as he pulls me up the stairs, holding my hand with our fingers laced together.

“Hmm, do you have work or college tomorrow?” He wonders, leading me into his bedroom.

“I have classes but they’re in the evening, why?” I ask, watching him walk over to his chest of drawers and rummage in it.

He finally turns and walks over to me with a bundle of clothing. I frown, taking them from his outstretched hand and looking up at him in confusion. “Why are you -”

He crouches down, our eyes connecting. Cool blues with warm browns. “Stay.”

My breath hitches and I stare at him with wide eyes, wondering if I have misheard him. He inches closer and my heart races in anticipation. I feel warm when his index finger brushes my cheek as he tucks away a strand of my wavy brown hair. I can’t even breathe right now with how close he is to me. I feel like if I did it will ruin the moment.

“Will you stay with me tonight Luna?” He murmurs gently, his voice weakening my resolve.

I gulp and nod, refusing to meet his eyes for fear of giving everything away. He breathes out a sigh of relief and pulls back, making me yearn for his touch again. I look up once he stands tall, looking like the epitome of perfection in my eyes.

“The bathroom is down the hallway if you want to change, I hope my clothes aren’t too big on you.” He rubs the back of his neck in an awkward fashion, reminding me of earlier.

“Okay, thank you.” I stand and walk out of the room, easily finding the bathroom as it is the only other door on this floor apart from the bedroom and storage cupboard.

Locking the door, I rest my forehead against the hardwood, breathing in and out slowly. ’The things this man does to me.’ I shake my head and work on getting changed for the night. I can’t believe his touch and closeness was all it took for me to stay the night. At this rate, he can make me do anything he wanted!

I growl under my breath in frustration at my own weakness, tugging on the boxer shorts before pulling on the shirt. There is a tall mirror propped up against the wall and I walk over to it, sighing when I see how utterly ridiculous I look with his clothes on. They look so baggy on me, I’m practically drowning in them…and his scent.

Hesitating, I lift his shirt to my nose and inhale, the addicting scent of him filling my senses. Moaning quietly, I inhale his scent some more before realizing that what I’m doing is quite creepy and instantly drop the material. Sighing, I roll the waistband of the boxers so that they didn’t slip when I walk. I gave up completely with the shirt because tying the material into a knot would only prove to be painful for me as I sleep.

Unlocking the door, I step out and notice the soft light spilling into the hallway because of the open door of the bedroom. Making my way towards it, I push it open all the way to find Kaden already changed and sitting on the side of his bed. The fur throw is thankfully on a nearby chair.

His eyes snap to mine and he follows my movements as I walk towards the chair by his desk, placing my clothes on it before turning towards him. He waves me over and I follow, stopping by his bedside. I don’t know if it’s the dimly lit room or not but his eyes seem to darken as they take me in, clad in his clothes that are a few sizes too big for me.

“Well…aren’t you going to take care of me?”

“Oh…right…um,” I wonder what to do, I mean all he needed is a few nights of good sleep. “Lay down.”

He arches his brow while a smirk graces his lips before nodding and complying. I bite my lip as I grab the blanket and cover him with it, tucking him in with my shaky hands. His mischievous smirk throws me off completely and is doing all sorts of things to my body. Pulling back, I stand beside his bed and nod to myself absentmindedly.

“There, um…you should go to sleep now and come morning you will feel a lot better. I can get you some water or something?” I smile before turning around. Suddenly, my hand is grabbed and I’m turned around. Kaden shakes his head making me frown. “Do you need anything?”

He wordlessly pats the space next to him on the double bed making me sit down and look at him expectantly. ’Maybe he wants me to go get a drink or something?’ I wonder to myself. However, I was not prepared to be pulled forward and rolled over so that I now lay beside him.

“Kaden! What are you doing?!” I cry out, trying to pull away when he covered me with the blanket.

“I’ll sleep better if you’re with me.” He shrugs, ignoring my stare before laying back down.

“B-But I was going to take the couch downstairs.” I protest weakly, watching as he closes his eyes.

“Not happening.”

“Kaden…” I whine, sitting up and shaking him.

“Luna.” He drags my name out before turning his body to face me, not once opening his eyes.

I pout, crossing my arms with a huff. Staring at him for a good few minutes, I wonder if he had fallen asleep. But suddenly, his arm shoots out and wraps around my waist, pulling me back down to the bed as a shriek of surprise escapes me.

“Sleep.” He orders drowsily, a yawn escaping his lips.

Sighing loudly, I settle underneath the covers and shut my eyes, feeling him wrap me up with the blanket once more. His body radiates warmth and I find myself huddling closer to him, seeking it. Eventually, my eyelids begin to droop and I find sleep pulling at me, wanting to push me into the land of dreams that awaits me.

But before I’m out like a light, I feel Kaden drape his muscular arm across my waist and pull me further into his body. His chin comes down to rest atop my head and I subconsciously cuddle closer, craving to have his body heat warm up my cold skin.

“Sweet dreams, my little moon.” He murmurs ever so softly and I feel a gentle kiss press to my forehead just before I drift away into a sleep full of dreams.

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