Justin Time and the Time Trappers

Chapter 7

“What the hell is that?” one of the scientists said who came to meet with me. I noticed one of them was that prick doctor I had just decked. Did I experience some sort of temporal hallucination?

“You tell me,” I said echoing what I had said earlier.

“Is that the subject?” The scientist asked.

“Again, you tell me,” I said.

“Understood,” the scientist said and started scanning the monkey girl.

I looked at this thing confused. I was wondering if everything I had experienced until now, had been some sort of hallucination that I had experienced from jumping back to this time.

“80% match,” the scientist said and then to the other scientist. “Take her to the lab.” Then the scientist looked over at me. It was that prick who didn’t believe me I wanted to punch him in the face now, see if he remembered me talking to him later “Please get me your report soon.”

“Sure doc,” I saluted giving him the finger, and he rolled his eyes and they moved the monkey girl out of the space.

I walked out of the space and looked around. It was the same exact time I had seen earlier. When I had come out earlier, or had I come out? Had it all been some sort of weird temporal glitch and only thought I came out when I didn’t. I scratched my head and walked over to the changing room I changed back to my regular clothes.

I passed Paula talking to Beth the HR director, they were clearly friends. I tried to ignore both though I did give them both a side glance. They were both pretty girls after all. I thought the craziness was behind me when I reached the door to enter the changing room, I suddenly saw Beth jump and cover herself.

“Justin what are you doing here you creep?” Beth said.

I looked at her confused. I looked back to where I had seen her talk to Paula, she wasn’t there. I looked back to Beth. She was down to her underwear and was trying to pull her skirt up and was covering herself.

“What the?” I said I looked at the door I had opened. It said Female Changing room. I felt my head spin, but I had seen Paula talking to Beth. Or was that earlier? I wondered when I first had gone through the portal?

“Shit I am so sorry Beth,” I said covering my eyes. I decided that I must have confused the earlier time with this one, and somehow, I got distracted and made my way to the female changing room for some reason. “Shit I am so stupid! Beth, I didn’t do that on purposed!” I called into the changing room.

“Get away!” Beth called back.

“You have to believe me!” I said.

“I don’t care, just go away,” Beth said.

“Shit!” I said angrily walking away. “Just my fucking luck walking in on the HR director changing! I can see the black mark on my records now, pervert walks in on the HR director.”

I sighed and this time I made sure I was in the male changing room and I walked in. The rest of the night was uneventful. I got up, this time purposely that hour earlier. I got dressed and made my way to the training drills.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Paula asked when I walked in. I turned around and she looked furious. “You have some nerve stalking me.”

“Chief, whoa, hold on what’s going on?” I asked.

“Beth told me you walked in on her changing.” Paula said clearly steaming.

“Oh fuck, of course she did,” I said slapping my forehead. “Chief you have to believe me I didn’t walk in on her on purpose, I had a lot on my mind with that damn monkey girl thing.”

“You expect me to believe that you just happen to come here today at the same time I did?” She said crossing her arms. “I bet you thought you can see me change too, you pervert,” she spat in my direction. “Don’t let me catch you looking in my direction, you’ll regret it.”

“Oh hell,” I said, and she stormed off angrily.

I felt so stupid, I still was pretty sure I was experiencing some sort of weird temporal glitch. I just didn’t know who to talk to…

“Sheamus,” I said.

I walked over to Sheamus’s office and knocked on the door.

“Oh it’s you,” Sheamus opened the door and was about to close it.

“Yeah, I know I’m a pervert and I deserve to die, and whatever,” I said and Sheamus looked at me.

“When I told ye to ask her out I didn’t expect you to go try to see her change,” Sheamus said.

“That was an accident,” I said.

“If it were anyone else, I would believe it,” Sheamus said.

“Come on, you need to believe me, I didn’t do that on purpose.” I said.

“Whatever,” Sheamus said.

“I think that I am stuck in a temporal distortion,” I said.

“And I am a purple penguin,” Sheamus snorted.

“I’m not joking, I pissed off the chief this time around…”

“Obviously,” Sheamus said.

“Right…but she was helping last time,” I said.

“Last time?” Sheamus cocked his eyebrow.

“I’m telling you I think I am stuck in a temporal distortion.” I said. “The first time I somehow was in the future, and the chief and I were…intimate…then I came back and went back to the future three years and Beth and I were intimate…”

Sheamus must have realized I wouldn’t joke about something like that. So, he pulled something out and started scanning me.

“You’ve jumped twice you say?” Sheamus said.

“To the future yes,” I said.

“Did you jump back?” Sheamus asked.

“Well like I said, the last time the Chief was helping me,” I said. “But that prick scientist didn’t believe I was jumping in time.”

I suddenly looked across from me and there was someone’s ass in front of me. I shook my head and I was confused. Did I just jump again? I looked down at the feminine form in front of me. I jumped back it was Beth!

But she was tied up and gagged. I could hear her sobbing through the gag. I stumbled back away from her. I had been raping her…just like earlier when I was raping Paula. But why? Why would I do that? I was shaking violently looking at my hands. What the hell was going on?

I looked up at the sobbing Beth. She looked beat up. Had I done that to her? I had no idea. There were bruises on her face, she was blindfolded and gagged. Her body was covered in bruises. There was a bruise on her side in the shape of a fist, I walked over to it, I had to make sure it was my fist. I pressed my fist against it, she squirmed but it was confirmed it was my fist that had made that.

Maybe it was my imagination, but Paula slowly and sensually pressed on these buttons on the console in front of her to show a picture of a girl.

She was cute, super nerdy looking. Complete with glasses and a dorky grin.

“She’s cute,” I said.

“She is also a criminal,” boss lady said.

“What is she planning on doing?” I asked still uneasy and saw boss lady lean forward on her desk exposing a bit more of her cleavage. I swear she loved to tease me!

“Time Napper 41042,” the boss lady said. “Adrien Maroon, a 25-year-old Golordian female from Golordia Gamma, she apparently has been experimenting with time travel in hopes of…recreating the missing link between the current Golordian race and the apparent missing link.”

I suddenly stopped and had this intense feeling of déjà vu. I looked around confused. Paula looked at me with a worried look. I ran my fingers through my hair and it all suddenly came back to me.

“Justin?” Paula asked putting her hand on my shoulder and I jumped.

“Chief?” I said as if trying to make sure it was her.

“What’s wrong?” Paula asked with concern in my voice.

“Chief I…I think that I’ve been displaced,” Justin said.

“Displaced?” Paula said, and I nodded. “You mean displaced in time?”

“I don’t know chief,” I said.

“Maybe I should take you to the lab,” Paula suggested.

“No, we did the last time, but they didn’t believe me.” I said running my hands through my hair some more. “Fuckers saying something about there was no way to prove that I had jumped to the future.”

“There is no…” the scientist started to say, and I punched him for the second time square in the face knocking the stupid glasses off his face.

“Justin what the hell?” Paula asked.

Paula had convinced me to come to the lab. I couldn’t say no to her big purple eyes she had. Something about punching this ass in the face twice in two different time periods made me smirk.

“I told you this quack doesn’t believe me,” I said.

“No offense but none of my scans are showing what you are saying is true,” the scientist said. What the hell was his name again? Norman some-long-name I couldn’t remember. His slimy green hair was slicked back, and he massaged his jaw where I had punched him.

“Fuck your scans!” I said pointing at him.

“Justin, please, maybe you should take some time off,” Paula said.

“Chief…” I said, and she pleaded at me with her purple eyes again. My anger like melting as I looked at her. “Ugh fine.”

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